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Although I don’t have an definite answer right now, you can check by right clicking on the item and click preview. This will pop up a new box showing you the skin of the weapon.
Unfortunately not this simple. AC weapons have a special effect and skin at night, which you cannot see with preview.
I’ve done this on an almost daily basis with pugs not on any voip. Its amazing what a little bit of typing will do, but it seems too many people want to be able to zone into a dungeon and shut off their brain like in WoW. Hell, you only need 7 letters or less to do it.
Somebody calls kill, as soon as your stuff is dead type r, as soon as you have everybody typed r somebody says go and everybody hits F. Proceed to next room. Its amuses me the simple things people say are “impossible” because they can’t be bothered to type.
This bug just happened to us. We proceeded to the room for the second scepter, and when we reached the quest marker Hodgins does nothing. He just continues to follow a player and never starts the next portion of the chain.
His pathing during the lava run is just incredibly terrible now. We lost him one crossing, and so we go back to the beginning, he resets, and immediately sprints into the lava and dies…. which triggers what can only be described as a loop where he spawns, runs in, dies, spawns, runs in, dies… repeatedly with no way to stop him. He doesn’t follow people, he doesn’t wait, he just runs straight for the fire and incinerates himself.
This is actually pretty common for destroyable objects in all locations, not just these burrows. A lot of them are impossible to hit with melee attacks, except from a very specific angle or location. Even some of the larger enemies, such as periods during the dragon fights and other world bosses, have locations where you simply cannot hit them with melee attacks, despite clearly wailing on a target location.
I think what we really should have here is that certain dungeons are harder than others. Arah, for example, should basically be a 5 man raid. As it is, most of it is rather easy, just rather long. Meanwhile other events (Magg’s door buster event) are just broken (assuming you do it the “proper” way). There really should be a difficulty scale for the explorables. Arah should be balls hard. AC should be relatively easy. The others should fall somewhere in between with appropriate bumps in difficulty between them. As it is now… they’re just kinda random. Even from encounter to encounter in the same dungeon.
Really the same could be said for the story modes. Why are parts of AC ridiculous while CM is generally a cakewalk? The difficulty scales just don’t make a lot of sense.
I like hard. Some stuff should be hard, but it should also be balanced. Giganticus Lupicus is an absolutely perfect example of a difficult but well balanced fight. It requires coordination and communication and people are going to go down. However, its possible to learn and do consistently.
Other fights are simply clusterkittens where the difficulty comes from unavoidable and random events. Don’t misunderstand, a feeling of chaos and randomness is okay as long as its done in such a way that you can utilize skill and coordination to negate the randomness. Throwing a cluster of mobs with more HP and damage than is physically possible to deal with and then saying “you’re supposed to kill those” is not balanced, and honestly I can’t blame people for finding alternative methods to such encounters.
Basically, the dungeons don’t need buffing. They also don’t need nerfing. What they need is some individual tuning. Saying all the dungeons need to be harder or all of them need nerfed does no good for anybody. Criticism needs to be on a per dungeon and per encounter basis.
Ya know, my gut reaction was to agree that they should. However, after thinking about it for a minute I think that it’s a good thing that they don’t. Making them award karma would mean that you could get everything just by running dungeons. It makes sense to limit what can be acquired by running dungeons because it encourages players to continue participating in the world.
Just did a CM story mode where the Call Target function did not work. Players could all call their own targets, but nobody else in the party could see the called target. Neither the mark or the chat message that a target was called would show up, for any other player in the group besides the individual that set it. All players could set their own, individual targets simultaneously, which would be shown for no other players.
I completely disagree. You’re not supposed to be getting hit with any of those. From what I’ve seen the fight is very controlled and balanced, with a few notable exceptions.
Now I did see one problem (besides the resetting and healing to full of course), and that’s that his aoe hits people that are standing in areas that are indicated as safe. Those areas need to either be properly indicated as deadly, or they need to actually be safe. Being killed by an aoe that you’re not standing within 10 yards of is not cool.
Other than that, phase one is very controllable and steady, his shadowstep is ridiculously easy to dodge, and you should never be getting meleed. The whole fight is not a dps race at all. Its going to take a long time to down (15 minutes or better probably).
The token costs for a two-handed weapon is 390. For a one-handed weapon it’s 300. I’m a guy that likes to use two axes, but I’m being penalized for dual-wielding over using a two-hander. Colin, Jon, Robert, come on guys. Make one-handed weapons half the cost of a two-handed weapon.
while i sypathize even though i dont use dual wielding, what you are forgetting is you get an entire extra sigil slot over 2h weapons.
You do? I certainly don’t on my ranger. it’s a 3/2 split for dual carry, and 5 for two-handed. Same with my mesmer. What class or weapon combo gives you an extra sigil?
Also, to the OP, yeah, that does seem a little out of order. I can see making it a little more than 50% of the value, but the amount chosen seems a little excessive.
A sigil is not the same thing as a skill. Sigils are the things you put in a weapon to customize it.
I think the intention was for higher hit point totals to increase the length of the encounter and give you more time to make a mistake.
This is exactly it. Its a matter of statistics. Being able to avoid something once has a statistically significant probability that its just a completely lucky fluke. Twice, still possible. If you avoid something a significant number of times then you have proven that its your skill and not just a lucky roll of the dice. If you make a mistake every other time and have to be picked up off the floor, well you obviously haven’t mastered the encounter yet.
I wish Anet would post that exploiters would be banned before they fix it, even if they won’t actually ban anybody. I just want people to be scared enough to actually do the instance because as it is its impossible to find or form a group to actually do the dungeon legit.
Uh. It’s a level 75 explorable mode dungeon. The difference in difficulty between 75 and 80 is not going to be that large.
Explorable modes can be completed before 80. Some of the best players I’ve run with were doing them around the dungeon’s downlevel (often on alts). Really some of the best runs I’ve been in so far.
I don’t think you’ve done CoF recently. I defy you to find a group of 75 players that can complete the door buster event using a kill strat (the “proper” way according to the developers).
I was thinking about this earlier today and was really stumped. Mostly the thought came up in response to the Magg event change. It is quite clear that the event in its current incarnation is not supposed to be completed except by very well geared 80s. There is just absolutely no hope for a group of lower level players to do that, especially the “proper” way. If this is the intended balance, why on Earth does the dungeon make people lvl 76? It makes no logical sense. A group of 76 players even with the best gear available to them would get slaughtered.
Even one 76 player now is detrimental to the group. It’s very confusing and I’d love to know the reasoning behind the decision.
increasing the time and amounts of spawns no more makes the mob less of a kite fest, than say increasing their health to even further silly padded levels.
that makes NO logical sense. it proves the opposite in fact
Here’s the key to this entire thing, the dev reply showed a complete lack of understanding of why people were kiting the event. It was not because the timer was short. Doubling the timer did not stop the kiting. In fact, kiting is still the easiest way to complete the encounter, and the only way I’ve seen it done. I’ve been in with well geared, well coordinated, and properly spec’d groups that tried a kill strat. The mobs will spawn faster than a single one can be downed because you cannot put out the dps required to down them. They have too much hp for the damage they do. If they had high hp, you could race dps. However, their damage is so high that you must spend too much time dodging and evading attacks to put out the proper level of dps to do the event. People were kiting the event because it was not physically possible to kill the mobs with their HP, damage, and the rate they were spawning. This has not changed. The changes still do not encourage a kill strategy, if anything adding more mobs to the encounter actually discourages it even more.
Hey folks, I’ve been reading this thread for a bit and figured I’d come weigh in on things. I built this dungeon, and fixed the problem, so I’m going to come at you from the designer perspective on things to try and illuminate why I did what I did, and what exactly I did. It wasn’t made clear, and I apologize for that.
The main thing I am seeing, is that people are upset that I took away their super profitable low risk, fast, token grind. I did not go into this thinking everyone would be happy with my changes – I knew I would be upsetting people because I was taking away a super easy speed-run money printer.
Good, the dungeon was far too easy, however you’re focusing on the whining (which is going to be present regardless) and not on the constructive feedback. Ignore whiners, but don’t dismiss legitimate complaints.
I took it away for a few reasons – chief among them being what I feel is taking advantage of a couple bugs found in the same chain, and our leashing/aggro system. I played with groups who did this, and watched you-tube clips of what was going on.
You made the right choice, but you also completely neglected to actually balance certain portions for the proper method of completing them.
The problems I identified with the speed run aspect of this are as follows:
1. You just need 1 person to get to the magmacyte across the magma field. This will cause an invulnerable Magg to run across the entire field through mobs and progress the dungeon. Then this person teleports back.1. I made it so that Magg has to get to the other side of the Magma field and close to the magmacyte – not just a player. Magg not taking aggro from nearby enemies was a big reason for this issue to be resolved. By giving him aggro, and forcing you to escort him to the ending, I fixed what I considered to be a bug/exploit that I introduced through poor planning.
I am super happy with this change. That part felt cheesy and was obviously not intended. Glad that its fixed.
2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event.
2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.
Now here’s my concern. Fixing the encounter is a good thing. If we need to DPS the targets, good. That’s what it always felt like we should be doing. However, while the timer is now doubled, mobs still spawn at an obscenely fast rate. The first 3 mobs spawn and not even one can be killed by the time the 4th spawns. To add to that, the mobs hit ludicrously hard. The spawn rate needs to be significantly slowed and the damage toned down.
Its not a problem with the concept of the event, but the tuning is not tight… its disgustingly overtuned. You looked at what people were doing, but not why. People were not kiting because the timer was short (thought that was a contribution), they were kiting because that was the only option. It was not possible to kill the mobs because they simply destroy and overwhelm you. Doubling the timer and spawning more mobs does not change this.
Honestly, the change reeks of a knee-jerk reaction to people “exploiting” content that you designed. There was quite clearly no testing done here as it is blindingly obvious that the encounter is far too overtuned, and if you believe differently then I would love to see a video or some other evidence of the fight being completed “the correct way” by the developers or whatever testing team decided the fight was acceptable to go live.
3. Final Boss encounter isn’t threatening.
3. I made the fireballs hurt more. Not greatly more – they’ll do about 3-4k damage to a DPS focused player, but you should have anywhere between 15k-25k HP, so there’s a bit of wiggle room for error.
To tell the truth this fight still feels like a joke. At no point before or after the change did I feel at all threatened. You can basically run around casually and the encounter can last indefinitely because nothing will actually attack you.
Not impossible, completed the dungeon earlier. However, while not impossible, its completely unbalanced.
CoF needed beefed up, and besides the fuse event its very nice now. Having to actually do the lava room is good. A bit harder instance is good. But that room is absolutely ridiculous.
The only way to complete it is a death/run back chain. You cannot kill the mobs fast enough. Its simply not possible. You can kite them, but it was balanced before where you’d become almost overwhelmed just as it reached 100%. Now, mobs spawn at the same rate but the timer is only 50% as fast. This means you become overwhelmed at around 50% and still have to deal with the other 50%.
It was a completely blind and wreckless way to buff the instance. I seriously doubt it will stick. I’d hope Anet isn’t that foolish.
The floor in Ginva the butcher’s room is no longer solid. Players simply fall through into the room beneath it and the event never activates, making completion of this path impossible.
This has been happening more and more frequently. Skills will randomly fail to activate upon pressing the key. The icon will flash, indicating that the key press is detected, but the skill will not activate. Sometimes it will take several attempts to get a skill to actually activate.
A good thread is here: showing several videos of this bug in action.
Currently having issues with all dungeons.
Attempting to enter an instance will sometimes work, but all members are in separate instances. Some members can enter, some members cannot. Leaving makes the character unable to zone back into the dungeon. Both the popup and walking into the entrance have the same results for all 5 members of the group. Reforming the group doesn’t help. Re-logging also has no effect.