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I have a friend who is wondering whether or not he should do any leveling at all or just play pvp solely because he thinks there won’t be much point playing PvE very hard if all everything gets wiped after free trial is over.
Does anyone have an answer?
Yep i have the problem as well, 4 out of 5 despite having done all the achievements before act IV.
Now what ?
I think we are screwed
I didnt even know there was a tier update.
I think master carver was the first achievement i got. The rest with the exception of ‘attend the party’ i pretty much got all at the same time around 4 days ago.
Anyway, heres my screen too
I just hope we will eventually have the title because id rage if its stuck on 4/5 forever with everything completed
I posted this same problem around 8 hours ago but no one replied, i’ll post it again here;
I have done all the achievements except ‘Attend the Party’;
Halloween Huntin’ (150/150)
Halloween Events Completed (10/10)
It’s a Mad King’s World (4/4)
Attend the Party (0/1)
Trick or Treat bags opened (100/100)
Pumpkin Carving (150/150)
Mad King’s Clock Tower (1/1)
But the “Emissary of the Mad King” achievement says 3/5.
I hope this gets fixed because i’ve already put too many hours into this getting all the pumpkins, getting trick or treat bags and hunting doors for halloween mobs to kill.
Screenshot of my hero>achievement screen:
I have done all the achievements except ‘Attend the Party’;
Halloween Huntin’ (150/150)
Halloween Events Completed (10/10)
It’s a Mad King’s World (4/4)
Attend the Party (0/1)
Trick or Treat bags opened (100/100)
Pumpkin Carving (150/150)
Mad King’s Clock Tower (1/1)
But the “Emissary of the Mad King” achievement says 3/5.
I hope this gets fixed because i’ve already put too many hours into this getting all the pumpkins, getting trick or treat bags and hunting doors for halloween mobs to kill.
Screenshot of my hero>achievement screen:
Its all because we have stupid pets
there should be an option to stow pet permanently and have an increase of 15-20% dmg or something.
are they aware that we want the preview option in the trading post?
Well if your a casual gamer and dont want to spend time grinding this tier 3 set, then feel free to spend 500 dollars on gems and sell for gold.
Anet you are a genius.
Full Tier 3 set needs to be 50 gold max. Even then, it means i’d have to grind around 30 hours for it.
Can someone tell me whats going on with the DR now?
If I do a dungeon, first path, first time of the day, I will get 60 and I do get 60. But people in game tell me that doing the same path again in the same day will get me 30, and then 20, then 10, then 5 etc. But when I did path 1 for the 2nd time, I got 20, did it again for 3rd time and got 10. What happened to 30 tokens?
Lol “go out and adventure, after a while, u get enougb gold”. I played the game how it is meant to be played from level 1-80. 125 hours, 18 gold.
Great, 833 hours, i will get Tier 3 cultural armour.
what is the hurry? Its an MMO you have to work for it, if you can earn it after a couple days..then what would you work for?
The I want it now crowd is the death of progression.
They said there won’t be grinding in this game. So i bought it.
I’ve 100% exploration, 100% vistas, 100% hearts, 100% POIs. The medium armour is ugly, i feel embrassed running around in it. I just want something that looks nice and decent. Anet said they didnt want us to grind yet, they make the decent looking armours all impossible to get without grinding and now the implement anti-grind into the system.
What am i supposed to do? Buy gems? Wait…..i’ve just answered my own questions.
Lol “go out and adventure, after a while, u get enougb gold”. I played the game how it is meant to be played from level 1-80. 125 hours, 18 gold.
Great, 833 hours, i will get Tier 3 cultural armour.
Its 120 gold for the full set. I tried to play DEs for one hour, netted about 20-40 silvers. I tried farming which netted me around 1 gold per hour.
Now with DR, do you expect me to farm 1 hour, wait 1 hour and then grind another hour. Spending a total 240 hours to get cultural?
You want me to enjoy the game but i want dungeon and cultural armour. But i dont enjoy doing dungeons or doing DEs or kill monsters for drops for gold. And now you put the DR into the game. Do you think this is fun for me? Its fun for you, im sure.
Well, i already got 1 friend to buy this game before release. Now i have two more friends who dont know whether to buy this or not. I’m afriad i’ll just have to tell them about this stupid DR system in the game.
I rembered their fashion designer at Anet is a woman. Very very bad choice.
Hi, im on the Desolation server and from the UK. I will be starting to do a lot of dungeons starting from monday. I’d like to join a guild thats large and active and does alot of dungeon runs.
Please reply here or pm me ingame. Thanks.
The medium armour sets are pretty much all trechcoat with long pants. The only set that actually looks decent imo are the inquest dungeon set but dungeon armour takes forever to grind.
Actually the only armour with decent stats and reasonably achieveable is the human cultural tier 2 and tier 3. They both look quite nice but not brilliant. And Tier 3 costs 120g which is just stupid.
I thought Anet said in a video "[sarcasm] i swung a sword, i swung a sword again, thats great [/sarcasm]. Then off we go to do dungeons that only gives 60 tokens per first run then 35 and then 6 or something. It costs like 1400 tokens for a full set.
Anyway, back to the point. The medium armours are ugly imo. No variety, all long coat and pants. I hope they’re not trying to release good looking armour in the gem store so we have to pay real money or grind more gold for gems to buy.