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Q's about Eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Skills that used to throw Sunrise/Twilight revert to their default animations when Eternity is equipped. On the bright side once you have Eternity equipped you also unlock the skins for Twilight/Sunrise (assuming you bought it and didn’t have them equipped before hand). So if you really wanted you could swap between the blade skins.

I use Eternity only because I like the aura and footfalls. After a while I got used to the missing burst effect and throw animations.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I am not a fan of this megaserver concept. It has been terribly executed and not very well thought out. It’s extremely difficult for some of the larger even medium sized guilds to do their guild events now that everyone is getting lumped into the same zones.

If you’re going to do this Anet at least name the different megaservers so we know where we are or give larger guilds the ability to force our own servers so we can do events together. This new system is terrible.

Gold Seller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

This gold selling spam has gotten out of hand lately. In the past 15 minutes I’ve received 5 messages. Just last week it was averaging maybe one message per and day before that rarely at all.

Can we get some better controls who can actually whisper us in game? Maybe some better controls over someone’s log in name. As it stands some random person can attempt to add me and they’ll know my username forever and this is what the gold farmers must be doing.

Cathedral of Zephyrs Light Show

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

For your additional viewing pleasure. :P


Cathedral of Zephyrs Light Show

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Additional screenshot of the light show.


Cathedral of Zephyrs Light Show

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I’ve noticed this for a few months now, but occasionally the Priestess at Dwayna’s temple decides to throw a rave and it is probably one of the most nauseating events I’ve experienced so far in GW2.

I’ve asked a few others in my guild and they’ve seen it as well.


Is the minstrel qualified to be a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I only dislike the color of The Minstrel. The puke green is rather ugly :P But I like its effects and am pleased that it stacks with my Bolt’s footfalls.

Though it seems since the update Bolt’s footfalls have actually gotten smaller and seem to not last quite as long…

Thaumanova Reactor: No WP to respawn?

in Fractured

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

There’s an in-house QA team? Because it just seems like they’re pushing all this content out on a rapid pace and just having the player base test it for them instead.

Coming back, what to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

If you’re going with light armor don’t bother with a human anymore. You can obtain the T3 at half the price and without the need for pesky transmutation stones.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Well congratulations. It is now available at half price and without the pesky need for an additional six transmutation gems.

T3 light on sale!

in Human

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

So much for the exclusive CULTURAL armor that was available only to humans.

I'm disappointed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Exactly. I specifically picked light armor for my human characters on the basis of their CULTURAL armors.

What is the next trend, legendary skins on the BLTC for $10?

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I would like my 120g and 6 transmutation stones back. I picked human specifically for their light armor T3 and now anyone can get it.

Question about Sunrise's effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Sunrise has a lot of color to it actually, I feel moreso than Twilight. The lighter bluish hues are only visible if your camera is panned below your character. Most of the time I only see yellow-orange with my camera looking over my character’s shoulders.


Which legendary?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I spent a lot of money on my mesmer’s weapons. I originally started out with Visions of the Mists, Whisperblade, and Spirit links because I thought they looked very…well “Mesmery.” But I’ve since replaced them all with Sunrise, Bolt, and The Minstrel.

If you’re going for weapon effects, the GS is kind of a disappointment on mesmers. You only see the weapon effect on Mirror Blade. The blade trail is there for when the weapon is unsheathed, but that applies to any profession. If you’re looking for the most useful and still “cool” (I guess) legendary, then Bolt is probably the one to go with. It’s also cheaper.

I’m quite disappointed with Minstrel, I made it pre-legendary updates in the hopes that it would have better effects, but all they really did was make the musical notes bigger. On the bright side the musical notes + Bolt’s footfalls both work at the same time.

Fractals of the mists build for mesmer help?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

My personal preference:

Traits: 0/20/0/20/30 generic shatter cat build
Dueling: IV (Blade Training), X (Deceptive Evasion)
Inspiration: II (Glamour Mastery), VIII (Warden’s Feedback)
Illusions: III (Compounding Power), VII (Illusionary Elasticity), XI (Illusionary Persona)

Depending on the encounter I sometimes swap one of my Inspiration traits for III (Vigorous Revelation).

Sword (Sigil of Fire) + Focus (Sigil of Accuracy)
Greatsword (Sigil of Fire)

I sometimes swap my focus for a pistol so I can cast Duelists.

Armor: Full berserker with ruby orbs, my usual roam set is full berserker with runes of the traveler because I like having that +25% movement speed for moving around.

Utility Skills: Null Field, Blink, Feedback

The Minstrel

in Crafting

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

suggestion: PLZ give minstrel an aura that changes/flashes the color according to the note-trail ! you have the aura already coded so it cannot be hard to add it where it would really be needed.


Yes, this would be nice. Something sort of like Moot’s changing foot print colors.

double click to assign stat wont stop popping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Try un-equiping and re-equiping it? I’ve read that elsewhere on the boards before that sometimes selecting the stats doesn’t always give you the stats so you need to re-equip. I haven’t experienced the problem personally, so I’m not sure.

Dual Legendaries... the footfall question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Probably. The MH overwrites the OH. If Minstrel has better footfall effects than Bolt I will be slightly sad If only there was an option to pick which legendary gave you the footfall effect or even better, you could combine them somehow :P

Graphic boost to Legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

The poor “The Minstrel” legendary needs the biggest improvements. I feel awful for anyone who made that legendary. You barely notice it and the notes it produces are so tiny. This one needs the largest overhaul. I do wish it is prettier with a nice golden glow/aura with footsteps to make it desirable. The name of the legendary is amazing but in actuality its one of the worst focuses to be seen.

The Anomaly and Spirit Links makes The Minstrel look awful in comparison. Please change The Minstrel to be desirable.

It is a very lackluster focus. I used Spirit Links for the longest time (relatively cheap to make) since it was a noticeable focus with a particle effect. The color of The Anomaly was a bit off to me (I also had Visions of the Mist at the time) so I kept with the chains. I did make The Minstrel a few weeks ago in the hopes that ANet would give it a graphical update like a few other legendaries received so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for next Tuesday. :S

The Minstrel Effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

So…is this going to get updated next week? :S

New Cutscene during Grawl Fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Well tonight was the first time I’ve gotten the Grawl Fractal for sometime. I’ve noticed ANet has added a new mandatory cut-scene after the initial grawl clearing event where you can see the boulders going down the tunnel.

I can’t say I’m a fan of cut scenes in general. They’re annoying, I find them intrusive whenever they interrupt me in the middle of an action. I did like the new direction ANet was going with the Living Story cut scenes. But it seems that for the past few months we’ve been doing the Grawl Fractal just fine without this new added cut scene.

I normally wouldn’t be so bothered by this single cut scene except for the fact that it repeated itself 4 times in the same Fractal even though we didn’t fail anything during the course of it. It’s not very fun being interrupted 4 times to watch the exact same cut scene of an area you’ve already progressed past.

Is there anyway we can at least make the cutscene skippable or does that only apply to the dialogue cut scenes? I would personally favor its removal all together, I’m not entirely sure why it was added in now months after the fact. I certainly appreciate ANet attempting to make improvements, but I don’t feel this is an improvement at all – it’s more an inconvenience.

Greatsword; Mesmer vs Guardian

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

It really should go to the character you play more. I contemplated forging Sunrise for my guardian since I played her the most for a time. But I ended up enjoying my mesmer more, so all of legendaries were crafted for her (Bolt, Sunrise, Minstrel).

If it came down strictly to how a character used the weapon skin then the guardian would be a better choice for using Sunrise. It’s somewhat lackluster on my mesmer since it only changes the animation on GS 2. But I do like seeing it on my mesmer as she is my main character now

LF Guild SoR (PST if possible)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

:| Bump. Still looking for a new place to call home.

LF Guild SoR (PST if possible)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Hi both of you,

Sorry I did not respond sooner, I will take a look at at your messages to get some more information.

In the mean time, bump

Did not recieve weapon skin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

You’ve opened 2 chests, so the next one will have skins.

Mmm, I guess my confusion is how come I am only at 2 opened chests while some others have been able to open 3?

Oh well, more time to enjoy my newly acquire Sunrise at least.

Did not recieve weapon skin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I did not receive a weapon skin either. I did log on yesterday at 7pm PST and opened that chest. Just opened the PvP chest now apparently. I’m curious as to why some of my guildies were able to get the chest with the weapon skin but I did not?

They made reference to the patch going live before the daily reset, so am I now a day behind?

Female VS Male Appearance/Height

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Shes taller than almost all of the guys she meets, and we have met even taller women than her before. Does that mean her and the tall women are not real?

We’re saying that the tallest woman is still shorter than the tallest man (see links I’ve provided), so while she might be taller than everyone in the region, she is still shorter than the tallest men.

She just asks the simple question of “Why can’t my character be as tall as guys?”
And honestly the answer “Because women are just shorter in general” didn’t sound right to her. And heck it didn’t sound right to us either.

But her character can be taller than MOST males in the game. Just like in reality. It’s realistic.

I don’t know why we’re comparing a fantasy video game with reality and what is realistic. My elementalist can shoot fireballs underwater: that doesn’t seem very realistic to me for several reasons.

I just don’t think it’s too much to ask that the height slider be exactly the same regardless of a character’s sex, that’s all.

LF Guild SoR (PST if possible)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573


I am a fairly avid GW2 player (I have 7 level 80s, just missing an engineer) and I am looking for a new guild to call home. I am mostly a PVE-er, I am experienced in all dungeons (yay Dungeon Master!) as well as up to level 48 fractals. I do WvW from time-to-time, but my main focus is on PvE.

I am looking for a PvE-oriented guild. My preference is to remain on my home server of Sanctum of Rall if possible, but I am open up to the possibility of transferring. I generally play in the Pacific time zone.

(edited by Chrissy Chan.4573)

Cliffside: No enemies to charge hammer on

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

So just today my group hit Cliffside on Fractal level 48. Everything went fine, it was the third fractal and we breezed through it up until the section with the two hands. Well we managed to wipe at the very end after destroying one seal and the other one had a sliver left. We respawned and attempted it again but we ran out of enemies to charge the hammer with. We tried suiciding to reset the instance but nothing. Both seals were fully recharged and there were no enemies to charge the hammer with.

Is this a recurring issue with Cliffside, has anyone else gotten this bug? I mean I already I absolutely hate that fractal as it is because of how frequently buggy it can get (hammer did not accumulate charges on two consecutive kills) and it seems once again my fractal night ends because of an inability to progress on that terrible fractal.

WTB New Premium Hair Colors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I’m hoping they’ll release “summer” colors… Granted there are already a lot of colors that probably fit the mold of yellows and reds. More couldn’t hurt.

Anyone else feel guilty killing Dulfy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Nope, never feel guilty about it. In fact, I make it a point to tell her in guild chat that my fractal group is about to kill the Siegemaster.

Soulbound Starter Town Clothing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I imagine this has been asked before, but is there a reason the starter town clothing is soulbound? I deleted them off of my mesmer when I bought the pirate costume, but when I decided to move that set to another character, much to my dismay, I noticed the starter clothing was soulbound.

I’m sad now

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I tried changing audio settings and it just forced a client crash. This is the second time it’s happened to me in the past week during Claw of Jormag and of course that mean logging back into an overflow T_T.

FoTM: Cancelling the Continue Prompt

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Two players cancelled and for whatever reason it cancelled the prompt for all of us. We waited around a few minutes to see if anything else would happen but nothing did so they clicked “Exit back to Dessa’s Lab.” We saw nothing so we restarted and it kept us at the same level we were supposed to complete.

FoTM: Cancelling the Continue Prompt

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

My group had just completed the third fractal on an odd number level (7) when two of our group members decided to click “cancel” on the continue prompt and it completely disappeared.

I couldn’t find anyway to get it to reappear and they ended up porting back to Dessa’s lab forcing us to redo all of it. Is there a way to get the prompt to reappear so we don’t have to waste our time again because some people don’t know how or where to click on the screen?

Blocking and Mail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

Why is it that a person I have blocked can still send me mail messages? Is there a way to address this?

Which greatsword looks good with purple beam

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I run a Breath of Flame (of Fire!) on my mesmer, but she has a red theme. I haven’t seen too many other players use this greatsword, so it’s been my preference for a while now.

I even ran CoE a bunch of times to get a matching sword and pistol. :P


Perm bans for snowflake exploit kinda harsh?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I think every needs to calm down. The community’s response here is out of line.

I don’t think the community’s response has been out of line at all. There was no warning for a ban on a recipe that ANet itself released and subsequently patched. And in so far as an official response goes, all we have is a post on a Reddit page that keeps getting downvoted-nothing here on the ANet’s own forums itself.

I was not affected by this ban but it upsets me to see ANet’s response and the it troubles me with the precedent it sets. I’d like to see a resolution to this as soon as possible as I’m now without some of my friends who play this game and the whatever incentive left to play (which has already waned after the release FoTM) continues to dwindle.

How rude?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

What’s the value in this type of behavior? The loot isn’t shared so it was no loss to them to revive Grevan so he could loot the chest.

I don’t understand some people at all.

Transmute Legendary

in Crafting

Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I don’t understand why it would become exotic….

When you transmute an item the rarity of the finished item depends upon the rarity of the stats you choose. This is how it has always been, but it does seem ridiculous that a legendary would lose its rarity when it should not.