Showing Posts For Cliques.3947:

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Every thief I fight on both sides have perplexity runes!

I fought several thieves in the dueling area last night that were not running perplexity. As much crying is going on in the forums right now it should be noted that I met several nice folks from OPP, so apparently their loud forum minority isn’t representative of the guild as a whole.

I haven’t have a thief take more fights off me than I took off him in a really long time, so that was refreshing.

If you don’ t like the condi meta, run the -condi food, and even the runes if you want to really stick it to them. Don’t run your 10% crit and 100 precision food and cry that perplexity engineers are owning your face. Everyone know the runes are out of line and will get nerfed, but you have to live with it until they do.

Also, this goes for Mag folks… why on earth would you expect fair fights against servers that massively outnumber you? Who cares if you can 1v1 them…. they have enough people to 2v1 our entire server…. so why wouldn’t they?

I personally will go enjoy the 1v1 duels at the windmill if I want a fair fight, and continue to roam and hope that my smaller group/solo can take the outnumbered fight I am guarateed to face. What fun is roaming if it is always fair? Then you never have that spectacular fight you won against all odds.

Excellent post good sir. /Respect

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Good duels at the WM in SoR BL tonight. Thanks for the practice Attunement! Much appreciated!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Sorry, what gear set makes superior ballista, superior arrow cart, and cannon fire count as 0dps/0people?

The gearset that makes you not run to your buddies every time you start losing a fight. Also nice job taking a screenshot that will fit your argument, the time our zerg and the SoR zerg rolls past that tower.

That’s funny. As this was taking place, I was fighting an oPP s/d thief. There was an add, but he backed off pretty quickly after I kited a bit and I downed the thief. He got rezzed and then proceeded to do his best to run me down with multiples repeatedly. Luckily for me, this was one of those rare times where there were other Mags around me, and I got the stomp I was cheated out of before.

That add was me good sir. I didn’t add so you guys could one on one, Poli had mentioned you were a pretty chill dude. Yes you did drop him but just couldn’t let you stomp a guildy so I rezzed him up. As to him chasing after, well, sometimes it takes a few times getting stomped to learn lol.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Great fight we had with you earlier AoN near NW tower on SoR BL. You guys rock! Sorry if there were any adds but that’s how it goes in this T1 craziness as Im sure you know. SoR came flying in there not long after lol.


Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Ya ever been immobilized so long that ya just threw your lil bear hands up in the air and ran away after it was over?


Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


thanks for the good fun guys

Oh, that’s what Shifty looks like. Interesting.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Ya’ll need a better TS provider.

That’s where oPP can hook you up. We’ve got a plan for every budget. We’ve got the Totallynotwiretapping tier, where you’re guaranteed safe and secure voice communication 24/7. We’ve got the Nospiesinhere tier, where we have a oPP oper- member personally monitor the safety of your server. At the lowest we’ve got Reallygoodfora2v1 tier, where you share your teamspeak with another server which may or may not start with B. With this tier you may have reduced functionality within the client.

The Orange Fox will soon be free, I repeat The Orange Fox will soon be free.

Wiretaps err comms management in place have yielded valuable intel. Operatives have Indo cornered, we are close to finding TW’s super secret Fort. Iron’s trying to rebuild theirs but DIE burnt it back down earlier in a fit of rage.

Operative Prophet is in place of the next target guild and already yielding valuable information.

This message will self destruct in 13.75 seconds.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Like everyone, I’m here for the fighting. I don’t care about winning or losing, its just that — I stop playing if I’m not, well, actually winning. Because I love the fights. It’s a ploy, a tactical time-out used to instill confusion in the enemy’s ranks.

Rope a dope good sir, rope a dope!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


It is true oPP mostly never runs alone, usually in a group of 4-8. The only respectable roaming guild in BG is RIOT tbh, I usually seem them run solo or in groups of 2.

Prophet, how can you say such things. You run the oPP tag yourself. Would you like to see my screeny? It still amazes me that a Necro from Fear would run the oPP tag!

P.S. Just a heads up, quite a few Riot are in oPP as well as quite a few oPP are in Riot. Shhhhhh, I didn’t tell you that though.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

(edited by Cliques.3947)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Have you ever had a whole map zerg turn and chase just you half way across the map?


Pretty much everyone wearing a [TW] tag has :-)

Then you know exactly where I’m coming from, some tags create a lot of anger. :P

We weren’t arguing with you, but I feel the need like Tyaen t agree so aggressively that it looks like a fight.


Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Have you ever had a whole map zerg turn and chase just you half way across the map?


Pretty much everyone wearing a [TW] tag has :-)

Then you know exactly where I’m coming from, some tags create a lot of anger. :P

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Guess this is their definition of roaming the 2nd pic has more but they disappeared when taking it. I’m tired of Guilds claiming to roam when in fact I’ve never seen them by themselves to “Stand on Their two legs”.

Post Means
Don’t preach roaming if in fact you don’t solo roam or you roam with 5 or more.

Trying to preach how to roam but sitting on a wall behind the legendary guards yourself. How typical….

Blackgate has a lot of solo roamers, if our enemies get pushed back then there really isn’t anything to go out hunting for which results in our roamers gathering up in 1 spot. They’re hoping that numbers gather and that you’ll push out… Looking at the screenshot, you had numbers but yah…

I’m sorry this is the only pic or knowledge of one of your guild members being alone until in the end I got 1v3.

You should probably check the tag again. If you’re looking for one on one’s, the windmill is a great place. Open world pvp is well, open world pvp. Might I suggest to you a more mobile class? You seem to end up on the ground quite a bit.

I guess I stand corrected so I’ve never seen an OPP guy by himself. I’m just stating the facts the roaming is 1vW or at most 5vW after that your just looking for easy kills among the roamers. Even if its just 3 of yall plus pugs you always have to count them.

All I can say is keep trying bud. Some day you’ll figure it out.

I’ve actually never seen someone from opp on their own either now that I think about it…. According to the kings of roaming (mag lol) that means you have no roamers. (also, who was it that walked with us in the parade yesterday? Also the thief who tried interrupting and took an earth shaker to the face, and then immediately ran away)

Im not sure Nick, I wasn’t there. I’ve ran in the parade a few times and it’s always been fun. Im sure I’ll hear about who kitten ed out and hit the parade. In all honesty it was probably on accident. But who knows. :P

Always good to see Nope around, weve had a few good group fights with you guys. Keep on keeping on.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Guess this is their definition of roaming the 2nd pic has more but they disappeared when taking it. I’m tired of Guilds claiming to roam when in fact I’ve never seen them by themselves to “Stand on Their two legs”.

Post Means
Don’t preach roaming if in fact you don’t solo roam or you roam with 5 or more.

Trying to preach how to roam but sitting on a wall behind the legendary guards yourself. How typical….

Blackgate has a lot of solo roamers, if our enemies get pushed back then there really isn’t anything to go out hunting for which results in our roamers gathering up in 1 spot. They’re hoping that numbers gather and that you’ll push out… Looking at the screenshot, you had numbers but yah…

I’m sorry this is the only pic or knowledge of one of your guild members being alone until in the end I got 1v3.

You should probably check the tag again. If you’re looking for one on one’s, the windmill is a great place. Open world pvp is well, open world pvp. Might I suggest to you a more mobile class? You seem to end up on the ground quite a bit.

I guess I stand corrected so I’ve never seen an OPP guy by himself. I’m just stating the facts the roaming is 1vW or at most 5vW after that your just looking for easy kills among the roamers. Even if its just 3 of yall plus pugs you always have to count them.

All I can say is keep trying bud. Some day you’ll figure it out.

My whole point is that you guys Gank people not roam your not looking for fights your looking to Gank people similar to how people in WOW did. I’m not claiming I don’t do it but to call your selves a roaming Guild is in fact a lie. My Guild doesn’t claim they don’t zerg, roam, defend, blah blah the guild claimes that they are roaming Guild I’m suggesting other wise. Not once did I say I’m looking for 1v1s. I guess I will keep trying and looking for “players that stand out” among the crowed.

You seem to be basing your opinion off a few oPP members that were spawn camping yesterday. From what I was told the map was dead so they were where the only action on the map was.

You do realize that there are maybe 12 to 15 active oPP members spread across all the time zones? Do we have members that mostly roam solo? Sure we do, does that mean they are running the oPP tag at the time? Not always, a tremendous amount of heat comes with running this tag so it isn’t always an option when solo. Have you ever had a whole map zerg turn and chase just you half way across the map?

As to our group size, yeah, we usually run in groups of 2 or 3, sometimes up to 5 and on the rare wild night we might have close to 8 people running on one map! We actually enjoy each others company, like running with each other and have had many great small scale roaming fights with other groups that are like minded. As to your comment about pugs or the green dot adds, it’s open world, we have no control over them.

TSF, ahh, I remember this tag now. Saw a few of you when me and 3 other oPP were messing around TC BL north camp two days ago. Had a good time by the way.

I’m assuming you are the necro in Jado’s first video at the top. lol.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

(edited by Cliques.3947)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Guess this is their definition of roaming the 2nd pic has more but they disappeared when taking it. I’m tired of Guilds claiming to roam when in fact I’ve never seen them by themselves to “Stand on Their two legs”.

Post Means
Don’t preach roaming if in fact you don’t solo roam or you roam with 5 or more.

Trying to preach how to roam but sitting on a wall behind the legendary guards yourself. How typical….

Blackgate has a lot of solo roamers, if our enemies get pushed back then there really isn’t anything to go out hunting for which results in our roamers gathering up in 1 spot. They’re hoping that numbers gather and that you’ll push out… Looking at the screenshot, you had numbers but yah…

I’m sorry this is the only pic or knowledge of one of your guild members being alone until in the end I got 1v3.

You should probably check the tag again. If you’re looking for one on one’s, the windmill is a great place. Open world pvp is well, open world pvp. Might I suggest to you a more mobile class? You seem to end up on the ground quite a bit.

I guess I stand corrected so I’ve never seen an OPP guy by himself. I’m just stating the facts the roaming is 1vW or at most 5vW after that your just looking for easy kills among the roamers. Even if its just 3 of yall plus pugs you always have to count them.

All I can say is keep trying bud. Some day you’ll figure it out.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Guess this is their definition of roaming the 2nd pic has more but they disappeared when taking it. I’m tired of Guilds claiming to roam when in fact I’ve never seen them by themselves to “Stand on Their two legs”.

Post Means
Don’t preach roaming if in fact you don’t solo roam or you roam with 5 or more.

Trying to preach how to roam but sitting on a wall behind the legendary guards yourself. How typical….

Blackgate has a lot of solo roamers, if our enemies get pushed back then there really isn’t anything to go out hunting for which results in our roamers gathering up in 1 spot. They’re hoping that numbers gather and that you’ll push out… Looking at the screenshot, you had numbers but yah…

I’m sorry this is the only pic or knowledge of one of your guild members being alone until in the end I got 1v3.

You should probably check the tag again. If you’re looking for one on one’s, the windmill is a great place. Open world pvp is well, open world pvp. Might I suggest to you a more mobile class? You seem to end up on the ground quite a bit.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

(edited by Cliques.3947)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Shifty, take a deep breath bro.

All kidding aside. It is getting a bit painful to watch this kid post.

I couldnt care less, sound a bit mad if you ask me

Don’t confuse anger with pity. Keep trying there though tiger. It might be painful to watch but certainly entertaining.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Shifty, take a deep breath bro.

All kidding aside. It is getting a bit painful to watch this kid post.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


I play on SOR, and I am ashamed that we aren’t showing up to fight. I continue to fight to the last, including in Hills in BG BL last night. Held you guys off several times, including contesting the circle successfully 3 times.

Come now, SoR, life isn’t fair. Get over it and fight.

You remind me of the BG poster who admitted they were outplayed on the weekend. This is admirable from SoR (as well as the original BG poster).

Had nothing else to do with the excuses afterwards whether ZD, nor I can’t get in queues. I was in the overflow and watched mayo go in Blue BL with PLX.

In any event it’s hallowee’en tonight, get drunk – get yer candy and come back for some fun tonight. Enjoy the spooky thursday events folks.

\grats to BG this week

~X [STUN] – will catch ya after the whole fireworks thing (pssst i hear the fireworks are celebration of BG efforts being paid in full by warchest) First round on oPP

Sounds good. Just send the tab to Magicfox. He still owes Veretta 5 gold!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Anyone seen Star “Scream” lately? Just wondered why he has not followed the example of some of his brethren……

According to oPP reports he took a small vacation as well as testing out his new found love of roaming.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


oPP status report on the green army:
They seem to have bunkered themselves up in Lion’s Arch. A particular group, IRON, has taken to picketing in front of the portals instead of going into WvW. Countermeasures do not seem to be needed.

Well done Operative Jay. Report noted and filed.

I’ve sent Tweet Tweet, Capn Teabag and Suburban Gangster on a mission to ambush Indo and capture him alive. Once we have him will get the location of TW head quarters and infiltrate it. No need to find Iron’s, they burned theirs to the ground in a fit of anger.

Eth, The chicken has crossed the road, I repeat the chicken has crossed the road.

Operation ransom is in progress.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


ok, ive lost all respect now for oPP you litteraly have to group up in packs of 5 to then kill 1 person, then to top it off you /laugh.. -_-
Pathetic people in a pathetic guild

Which oPP? I’ll have a talk with our guild leader and have this taken care of immediately. This just cannot be tolerated. I will not have our good name ruined!

Somehow I think the Orange Cat is behind this!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Spies everywhere! BWERP BWERP! Code red I repeat code red!


Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Naw we’re pretty vigilant over there too, but wherever some kitten nozzle uses ridiculously formatted posts in a thread, I’ll be there. Wherever some kitten canoe exaggerates his importance with elaborate self aggrandizing, I’ll be there. And wherever children cry out in terror at the sudden appearance of hand models….

I’ll be there.



Oh dear, The Grapes of Wrath. kittens about to get real up in hur!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


“I demand that from my players though, to at least give it a try and make sure they can stand on their own 2 feet. If they go down, try and see why and if there is a way to handle it better.”

Veretta beats us and says mean things to us if we die! :P

I died once and was kicked from the guild and had to pay Veretta 20g for shaming him before I could get back in.

WHAT!?!?! He charged me 30!!!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


“I demand that from my players though, to at least give it a try and make sure they can stand on their own 2 feet. If they go down, try and see why and if there is a way to handle it better.”

Veretta beats us and says mean things to us if we die! :P

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Just spoke with The Doc. He’s done further testing and actually even tried to speak with the enemy Healy Guard using a series of clicks and de|rp sounds. Initially he thought he was making progress but in the end most of it went right over the test subjects head. In addition I upgraded todays report from victory to FATALITY!

Uploading this addendum to the Eye in the Sky in 3….2…..1……

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

(edited by Cliques.3947)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Lord Eth. I will need your pro sniper skillz soon. You’ll be escorting some agents to a far ocean to contact The lost Pirate Commander of the Tarnished Coast. We’ll need his ships for a crushing double team on the flanks of the Rallians later in the week!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Final reports in. Gonna log this as a complete victory. Called in all agents for the day. Sir Eth I will meet you at the guild bar in a bit for Cigars and 30 year old scotch.


Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


The smiling man has sliced the cake… I repeat, the smiling man has sliced the cake.

Reports are rolling in. They have given up and Captain Teabag is in the middle of his usual victory celebrations. Tweet Tweet saved Tree HQ and captured the wall hugging healy guard. So far test by The Doc have yielded little results. He says the brain is quite small. We may need another prisoner.

Keep this one for your records.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Message received Jay. Re-routing dispatch runner Moon Unit. We can’t let the super secret Glibbus spec documents fall into Zergling hands!

Burn this note when done reading.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Jay. Tree HQ has been compromised. Moving to the Bat-Cave and re-linking with the Eye in the Sky. Tweet Tweet and Captain Teabag are preparing the explosives. Be careful, A healy guard stationed on the keep wall for the last 48 hours just tried to kill me with a catapult.

This message will self destruct in 4.75 seconds.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Bah, thread is going down hill again…

Operation Greener Pastures is a go.

You guys better be ready. I’m fueling up the Mystery Machine as we speak! Just make sure Poli uses the restroom before we go, I’m not stopping!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


According to info gathered by my super secret agents over the last few days most Rallians elect TW as their #1 large guild.

This is a friendly service message brought to you by the oPP spy network.

P.S. This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Orange Cat. Tweet Tweet and Little Spyy have just returned with the rest of the payment. We will collectively push the button in one weeks time.

This message will self destruct in 15 seconds.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Gully. Operative Orange Cat has gone rogue. There is nothing I can do. We may need to pull the plug!

Copy. Over.

The situation has become critical. I’m raising this to Defcon 5!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Blackgate roamers love to chase, that’s one thing for sure.

It’s like, they see someone trying to get from spawn to their main force, they’d chase all the way to north camp.

Is it persistence or desperation?

Knew a Kanderous in WoW. Huge red fro.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Gully. Operative Orange Cat has gone rogue. There is nothing I can do. We may need to pull the plug!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


1 [Iron] dude on an arrowcart as shown on the super secret document, order little spyy to take ’m out.

Affirmative. Orders will be sent shortly. Sending in Operative Orange Cat as back up as soon as he’s finished with his fractul!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Spymiester general sir. Operative little spyyy is in position and ready to begin the next phase of our master plan. He’ll be awaiting the appropriate code words in /m .

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


He’s spying, didn’t we establish this already?

He’s not spying. oPP is xferring to SoR. Already bought them.

Where’s the rest of my gold Fox? Not hitting the xfer button til I get it!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


I heard oPP are xferring to JQ soon anyway :/

But if we do that, JQ wont have to zerg the bloodlust caps anymore D :

<— Sir Robbin The Brave

yooo!!! we steal from the rich and give to the poor!

I wannna be little john : D

We’re men, we’re men in tights.
We roam around the forest looking for fights.
We’re men, we’re men in tights.
We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that’s right!
We may look like sissies, but watch what you say or else we’ll put out your lights!
We’re men, we’re men in tights,
Always on guard defending the people’s rights.

Wrong movie….

Yah, Greek isn’t into that genre of movies…

The other day it was zombies. Hullo, hullo? I’m so confused.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

(edited by Moderator)

Best BG Roaming Guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Engels, is your sister hot?

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

Best BG Roaming Guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947



Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

Best BG Roaming Guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Hullo? Hullo?

I’m so confused…………..

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Miss bunny hopping JQ Mesmer with no tag. Will you marry me? I think Im in love! /swoon

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

9/13 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


TW, it just ain’t your week is it?

you must be one of the guys from OPP we been fighting with our 5. why riot adding? you guys looked like you had 5 for a bit but seems more riot kept adding into equal fights. i know a few fights we had some adds, was hopeing we could have gotten 1 fight from each side no adds.

That was earlier good sir. 4 oPP and 3 Riot were running togeather covering each other. Veretta was referring to our nice little fight with Tempest at south bridge which was roughly ten on ten. Nice to see you guys coming out in small groups, makes it fun for us lil roaming guilds. Good gaming.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Tribbles > both Klingons and Romulans!

This thread could definately use some more Samson.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Stack! Stack! Might might might!!!

Am I doing it right?

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

9/6 BG/JQ/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Oooooooo shinies!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

4th Jan: BG/SoR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


“We encourage all forms of violence against clowns . lets face it .. they are not that funny in gw2.”


Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate