Showing Posts For Cliques.3947:

4th Jan: BG/SoR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


People bickering about who should be attacking who? Check!

The usual suspects from SoR complaining about PvDoor? Check!

covenn and Jared arguing about silly things? Check!

Yes folks, we officially have a BG v SoR v anyotherserver thread.

Just wait until next week, with BG going to T1, I really wonder what is going to happen to these threads lol

Oh it’ll be all fun and games the first few weeks TK. Then it will degenerate into the same ole pile of horsekitten as usual. Both tiers one and two! On the bright side instead of the usual monitor hero’s fighting we might get some new ones!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

4th Jan: BG/SoR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


I think all you regular forum hawks just need to sPvP it up….. buy each other some e-drinks, have a big e-hug and be done with it!
Honestly…. if your posting here while “playing WvW” …. don’t care your server… seems like your short changing your team mates. You could either be taking something, running something, defending something, recruiting someone, or helping that new guy that just seems to be lost.

Nice post good sir.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Blackgate might have won, but I think the title of “winner” should go to TC. BG clearly outnumbered TC when they were attacking the worm but TC came in, wiped BG, then took the worm for themselves. Ahhhh, that victory tasted so good.

SoR clearly lacks the coverage during this time to even make a play at the worm. PvWorm more TC and BG. Quit thumping your chests due to a clear coverage issue.

Great post, I got a good laugh from this one!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


All I can say is if or when BG ever moves up to tier one and SBI moves down to tier two. SBI might just get that fire lit under them again and that is scary indeed, for TC and SoR that is.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


I wish I knew how the rating system worked. If there was only someone who could explain it to me!

Its a broken system which reward the loser if he get slightly better and punish the winner if he doesn’t get even better than he was…

That’s all you need to know…

Actually, I was hoping Jahn would explain it again for the 15th time. Then, of course edit said post 4 or 5 times after. Then call everyone ignorant whilst making a jab at one or both servers. Word is he dont even play GW2, he just likes to troll the boards.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


I wish I knew how the rating system worked. If there was only someone who could explain it to me!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Obviously the only way we can settle our differences is a break dance fight! SoR you bring the boombox, TC you bring the cardboard!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Just out of curiosity, I’m wondering for just how many is GW2 their first MMO?

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


My opinion of T2 is there are some winners, some losers, and some people that don’t win or lose but fall in second place. The only thing seperating first and second place in this matchup are that the people in first place are more likely to have more points at the end, but the people in last place usually have the least. Second place always falls in between those two and I guarantee you that if the first place server was gone, second place would probably come in first place. As for third place, the only chance they ever have to be in first or second is to somehow get more points that first and second, which might happen, or might not, at least thats my opinion, mostly.

13 pages of the usual forum warriors bashing each other and this gentleman comes in and sums it up perfectly!

Also, @ Pirate Man, <3

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Tight community, skilled player base, mature atmosphere, friendly and helpful people.

I mean ask yourself this, if SoR had the coverage that BG has, who would be #1? I think the answer is obvious to everyone.

You can build coverage, you can’t build the things listed above.

And what brought you to the conclusion that BG does not have the above things?

Players from BG have said it themselves.

Cite please.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Props to T.C.

It’s refreshing to see a server come into tier two that not only post in a mature manner but in a light hearted fashion knowing that this is what it is, a game. The pirate talking guy had me cracking up. Good show T.C. , glad you are up here.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Enemy zergs are always 30 more than what they really are while your own zergs are always half as many as you actually have. It’s how things work

Possibly the most intelligent thing I’ve ever seen written on a Tier two score thread. Well done good sir.

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

11/30 - BG vs SoR vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Usually dont see whats going on at the main fronts to much. Adrost, Hendrix and Myself are usually roaming behind enemy lines. Two things of note though yesterday in EB. The succesful eve defense of SM against IoJ and SoR was fantastic. The danelon dolyak defense to SM! Ridculy gained some major cool points with that move in my book. Good fun sir!

Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate