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Legendary weapons, Mystic Clover and 2 million karma

in Crafting

Posted by: Cloud.2059


Justifying a massive grind with the word “legendary” is just a bit ridiculous. It could have been called or named anything and look like crud and require 2 years to grind out and these people would say the same thing.

Heres the thing. I bought the game. I like the game. I like the general direction of the game ~ to allow even casual gamers or alt kittens or completionists like me the ability to experience every aspect of the game. I didnt buy the game to have something that is tiring, repetitive, and grindy ~ I make good money doing that for my job. I play a game to get away from that.

To quote todays post by GW2

In the past, we’ve talked about how in Guild Wars 2 we designed the game to avoid a common problem in many MMOs: grinding through chunks of boring, repetitive content to get to the occasional pockets of fun. With Guild Wars 2, we wanted the entire gameplay experience to be something that players enjoyed, regardless of how much time they could dedicate.

They did a good job avoiding the repetitive boring grind except where these legendaries are concerned. Bit ironic the timing this came out.

Anywho, I wasnt saying it should be a common item. I was saying that the difficulty to get is too high and that based on what we know this far, its a disgusting grindfest.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.2059


Bookshelf on character select screen? Would be nice to have a place where your characters store the lore they come across, as well as some thats there by default. This would auto-organize itself chronologically or something.

View all current dynamic events on map. The current system only shows nearby events on map/mini-map, even though theyre called “world events”. I should be able to see all active events on the map Im on when I press “M”. This allows more players to join in and assist with events as well as eliminating lots of the map spam “Any events?” “Where??” “Link nearest location plz??”.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.2059


Wow this thread is massive, and awesome. Read some but not all. A few suggestions from me:

Number-pad should be useable. I hate using the top 1-9/0 keys, for me numberpad is much more easy to use/natural.

Camera zoom there should be a limit to what the minimum is. As is sometimes it zooms in way too far. Possible solution: render blocking terrain/items as semi-transparent

Shrink character size toggle. I player a Norn with maxed out height ~ this has made many things an obstacle that shouldnt be. Little jumping games go from challenging to frusturating. Camera zoom issues. Even walking issues ~ in some jumping puzzles walking & on planks Im literally walking on air as each foot is to the left/right of the plank; getting one foot on sends me tumbling down lol. This game was obviously designed around smaller/normal characters/races; so allow me to toggle down to that height.

Rewards for Map Completion. I dont like the random rewards, they should be done more like the personal story rewards: Make them of a type usable to my character and allow me a small choice in the matter.

First person camera view. This has been mentioned ad-nauseum, I wont go into it anymore really.

Vendor event/heart items as trash. I dont do it much anymore, but while I was “newer” to the game, I had tons of these piling up. And I thought to myself, “gee, a soulbound trophy? sounds important! keep this one for later”. Yeah, no. lol

Map notes. I should be able to notate my map.

Change waypoint costs. Apparently they scale with both level and distance. Thats a bit saddening. I remember as I newb I thought that the increased cost based on distance was awesome ~ and it is! But the level portion isnt so great. Instead of being based on character level, it should be based on the level of the map. Additionally, there should be a decreased fee for maps that youve completed. Theres no reason why it should cost >1s to teleport to a waypoint Im standing on in a level 1-10 area. Even in a level 80 area, if Im that close to it, we should be speaking in terms of copper.

Mobs resetting in underwater combat. Ive had this issue quite commonly underwater: I will get a mob fairly low in health, only to have it reset (ie: go invulnerable and fill up health). It didnt like the current? Idk but it needs fixing. Nothing like having to kill a veteran twice for a SP then lots of trash mobs finally re-spawning while you’ve almost got it.

Secondary trait/build setup that you can switch to. How I like to play my character in WvWvW & in PVE/Dungeons is very different. What works effectively on players isnt effecient on mobs, and vice versa. I shouldnt have to pay to change between these modes and I shouldnt have to write down my build and reselect my traits anytime I want to switch from PVP or PVE (Ive gotta deal with 2 equipment sets, leave the hassle at that :P).

Crafting from Collections. Considering you can put items directly into your collections tab and its all arranged nice n pretty there, let me make directly from there.

Collections tab should support a larger stack size. Not much else to say on this ~ it is sposed to be a collection afterall, so should allow more than my inventory does.

Some collection spots are missing. Some items are crafting base items and cant be put into the collections tab. Glob of Ecto & related lower tier (filthy essence,etc) comes to mind.

Crafting list needs a revamp. Im not sure how, but the crafting list needs a serious revamp. By the time you get to 400, its massive, ugly to look at, and hard to sort.

XP for crafting after level 400. Ive heard that you dont get XP for crafting items once your 400 in crafting. This doesnt seem to make much sense. XP is a side bonus to crafting, but a nice one that should stay. Capping crafting shouldnt punish you in such a way. The XP you make in crafting still comes at a much higher price (either time or money, if not both) than going out and killing stuff/doing events.

Mobs shouldnt be able to knock you off ledges. By this I mean off high ledges, cliffs, etc. If I use a knockback skill on a mob near a cliff, they get pushed to the edge and no more. If I cant push them off they shouldnt be able to push me off.

(edited by Cloud.2059)

Discovering new recipes after reaching 400 crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Cloud.2059


Kinda odd that you no longer get xp for crafting at 400. This is one thing that I disagree with. Crafting is a time sink and in the current state of the game, typically a money sink as well. XP is a small but nice side bonus to counteract some of that.

Legendary weapons, Mystic Clover and 2 million karma

in Crafting

Posted by: Cloud.2059


Assuming that the recipe is as the OP says it is and there’s no easier way to get these clovers, Im all for a change to them.

GW2 is supposedly to be all about breaking out of the traditional MMO mold. Boring long winded repetitive mindless grinds to get a little shiny item that does little to nothing for you isnt the impression I had of GW2 when I heard of it or watched videos about it.

A month and a half for a hardcore gamer, or 6-12 months for a casual gamer for a single shiny item is a bit ridiculous.

Making items insane to get makes the game far less appealing for a casual game player. I’m not saying it should be spoon-fed easy, but that it should be reasonably obtainable. Lets remember we are talking about a single item here. There are several types of weapons and some/many people like/enjoy playing multiple toons (all the way into the meta game). Legendary weapons as they seem to stand arent an option for most people ~ regardless of how long they play or how `loyal` they are, and that detracts from the game only to fuel the ego’s of the overly hardcore elitist players.

Rewards from 100% completion

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cloud.2059


Im a bit turned off by the random selection of items your given as well. Completing maps is not exactly easy, I do it cause I like filling progress bars (yeah, Im silly like that). I think the reward items from map completion should be more like personal story rewards ~ theyre of the type you can use (light/med/heavy/appropriate weps) and you get a small choice to make it more appropriate to your playstyle.

This wont really affect me, but would be great for others. At the time of this posting, my main has 60% of the world finished and I expect I’ll finish the rest very shortly as all thats left is lowbie areas.

In my opinion, warriors need a nerf.

in Warrior

Posted by: Cloud.2059


This thread is funny. Cant believe I read all of it. I agree that the GS build may need a change. But then again ~ leave it, its great cause when you see a warrior trying to roll like this, its an easy kill if you have any skill at all.

GS dps build is nice, for weak PVE stuff. Anything more than that and it sucks. It can push damage out sure, but it also takes mass damage (its melee & you may or may not be using frenzy) and is laughably easy to counter. On my warrior I use it for mat farming with my magic find set ~ thats what its good for, lol.

This thread is also pretty ironic if you think about it. Those thatre crying for a nerf are sucky players getting owned by fellow sucky players kitten