Showing Posts For Creature.9476:
Autoattack is not something you can enable for ground targetted AoE attacks. So unfortunately; no, you can’t add that.
It’s also not something you should expect to see implemented, since it is not available to any profession that has a groun target skill.
nadge kit still not fixed.
You mean the grenade kit?
It is working as intended. It is a ground targeted AoE and those cannot be put on autoattack. No profession and no ground targeted AoE can be set to autoattack. This is not broken.
Engineer kits in general are not that amazing but 3 of them are completely unusable.
in Engineer
Posted by: Creature.9476
kits are mostly pointless. in pistol condition builds you need to constantly autoattack otherwise you lose dps.
Sorry, but you need to learn how to argue a point. What you are saying is that with a pistol condition build, kits become useless. Because with that build, you rely on applying conditions using your pistol skills. So yeah, switching away from the pistol is bad.
There are many builds that support proper usage of kits, or multiple kits. Just because a guardian focuses on shield related traits does not mean all two hander skills are useless.
Engineer kits in general are not that amazing but 3 of them are completely unusable.
in Engineer
Posted by: Creature.9476
The long and short of it is, even if you use only one kit you cannot stay in that kit. A mesmer that never weapon swaps, or a guardian, or a thief, is just a bad player. We may not have a weapon swap, but we can switch kits.
While each kit we “equip” comes at the cost of a different spell, we have 6 kits we can use. We can equip a maximum of 4 at the same time, effectively changing buttons 1 through 5 to completely unique spells.
That means we can have 20 spells on that bar PLUS our 5 weapon skills, which is a whopping 25 skills. Add to that our 4 toolbelt skills and our elite skill and we can have up to 30 spells! No other profession can have that diversity. And maybe that’s the problem; you have the largest arsenal of tools to choose from, and that may lead you to think that they all need to be useful in all occassions, or maybe you just can’t choose because there’s too many choices.
(Sortof how a nearly empty fridge makes it easy to decide what to eat, but a fully stocked fridge makes it hard to choose anything at all!)
Engineer kits in general are not that amazing but 3 of them are completely unusable.
in Engineer
Posted by: Creature.9476
Sounds to me someone wants to switch to a kit and then not switch out.
I use, generally, my flamethrower to build might stacks, lob a pot shot of Flame Blast at someone or drop a Napalm (#4). Then, I switch to my rifle to dominate with CC abilities.
Pulled an add or two? Well, back to the thrower I go. Pop my Elixir U and burn everything to a crisp. Whatever is alive gets knocked back with Air Blast (#3) and while I use that skill I backpedal then immediately a Flame Blast (#2) again because it tends to explode right at the range they are at (if I backpedaled). Switch back to my rifle and Net someone, focusing on the other adds. Incendiary Ammo popped and switched to my Grenade Kit. Start tossing grenades like a madman, usualy cackling at my computer and generally worrying my girlfriend.
Pop heals on cooldown and drop a Supply Crate if things get really crowded. To be honest, I rarely run with one kit, I usually use two kits on my bar and then a few self buffs and I switch non stop between all three: my two kits and my weapons.
All auto attacks stop if you are out of range. So the bombs are not exactly broken, but to use them properly you are kiting and you get out of range.
Almost true.
What I noticed is that I still had to set an autoattack, but it remembered the auto attack set once I swapped out of and back into my kits. So that’s good
And as far as sigils are concerned: I’d just like it if either a) I could keep my main weapon sigil active OR b) I would get credit for swapping to and from a kit.
Sigils that trigger on switch to weapon are useless for us since we do not get that effect to proc, even though we lose the current sigil if we swap to a weapon kit. IMHO that’s wrong. Give us one, or the other.
But yeah, playing my engineer is now a ton more fun because it works the way it should! Now I just need to get OUT of the habit of CTRL-Clicking my #1 skill on my flamethrower and DISABLING autoattack :p
As Lordseffy.8371 said, the issue has already been asnwered.
Here’s the thing though: if you need to ask if it can get you banned, it can get you banned. Use common sense.
And before you want to throw ridiculous hypotheticals around: pretty much any case of using a third party tool to modify how the game runs, is rendered or that will affect core game files can get you banned.
Using those types of tools comes at a risk. This risk also means you lose your right to complain if you do get banned after using them.
Persoanlly, I think these should work. Not sure if it is a bug or intentional that they do not, but here is my 2 cents:
We do not get our bonuses from our weapons when switching to a kit. I.e.: when I equip my Grenade Kit I lose the stats from my Pistol/Shield. I regain those benefits when I remove the Grenade Kit. Thus, it stands to reason that if I can lose and regain those stats (as if I actually swapped weapons) I should also lose and regain any sigil effect (which we actually do in case of say a Sigil of Frailty).
@Jyuno Terkar.7318
If what you post is indeed all true and consistent (i.e.: not just a moment of low FPS and a moment of high FPS) that just even more confirms the CPU vs GPU coding a lot of people have been speculating about.
Start download, gets to 10,146kb then stops and closes. Need help please!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
Don’t believe us if you will, but the installer does actually kick out if you do not meet the minimum requirements.
I changed my videocard and it worked. Other people have had the same experience. But be cynical if you will.
That being said, if you are having problems on a different computer as well, can you post the GameAdvisor report from that computer?
No, not working as intended. Anet has said they are working on making a kit have an autoattack.
I am, by no means, an expert. Yet :p
Power affects criticals yes, but only because a critical is a multiplier of damage done. So to increase the damage of a critical power is not your best option.
There’s math involved and there is some levels where power is better, but if you can do that math I do not need to explain it to you
The problem is, I do not know all the values (I.e.: How much damage does 1 power add and how much crit chance is added by adding 1 precision)
With those values missing I can’t say if crit chance or power is more DPS increase.
The same thing goes for how much power and condition damage/duration you want, and how they are weighed against each other.
Personally, I am building towards this build:
I’m only a level 40 so far, so take my advice for what you want. But I take on monsters of level 45 and level 40 veterans solo and I win. I’m not the fastest killer out there, that’s for sure. But I also do not usually die, and to me that is what matters: did they die and I survive?
I didn't think there could be this much fail.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
Ronin.8095:1.) I could not access the forums, I tried to accept the T&C’s but I got a “rare” error accusing me of being a bot. Great.
I had those same issues on my first attempt to get in the game. That’s a PITA and the forums can definitely use some work. The only thing I can say is that I am happy they are addressing some of those issues by making live changes to the forums. But I work in IT, we frequently adopt new technology in our environment and it gets tested a lot. It seems that these forums could have done with more testing IMHO.
Ronin.8095:2.) Maintenance today and the extreme problems that are following it.
It would make sense to me to take MORE time than you anticipate to fix a problem. Take 2-3 hours, make it right, check that it’s right and then make the game live again.
You clearly broke something, didn’t check and re-opened the game anyway.
Now we suffer as a result.
The most annoying aspect of this is that you give NO warning prior to the servers going down for emergency maintenance. You just switch them off. The connection error messages tell us that it’s our router’s or firewall’s fault. I know it’s not, but there’ll be loads of people out there that have tried to mess with the router. Almost definitely in a detrimental manner.
Having that connection error is irresponsible and not factually correct in any way. That needs to be changed.
Say the servers are down. If they are. Do not blame us or our equipment.
Really, there was no warning? I mean, I’ve been online a few times when maintenance is needed and get some form of heads up. I am going to have to ‘fanboi’ here and say they must have had a good reason to not give a heads up and just shut it down.
I do agree with the error message though. They should code some better messages to appear since they are often misleading or non-existant. Try to install the game with a computer that does not have a proper videocard; the installer quits without a prompt, error or logfile.
Ronin.8095:3.) I constantly have to authenticate my IP address via e-mail, the first 6 digits in my IP never change. I have a dynamic IP. The latter digits in my IP are going to change every day. I should not be prompted for an authentication every time this happens. My ISP sometimes change my IP 7-8 times a day.
Well, I will be blamed for being a fanboi here, but an ISP that changes your IP 7 to 8 times a day? That is ridiculous and frankly, unacceptable unless you are on a 3G wireless internet stick.
Ronin.8095:4.) The Trading Post and Mail function broke down on me several times.
Yeah, the trading company has seen a lot of downtime. One could argue that it is the real money part that has them very concerned but still; I would again have expected better testing and stability.
Ronin.8095:I’ve had such an incredibly lack-lustre start to this game.
It’s incredibly disappointing and to be frank, D3’s well-documented nightmare of a release was much much smoother than this.
Your ardent fanboy will say it’s teething problems and it’s to be expected. Give it some time. Give them some leeway.
I bought the CE, with the PDF guide for a pretty penny.
I’m the customer paying ANet money, not the other way around.
You have Alpha, Closed Beta, Open Beta for a reason. They’re not play time.
There’s so many fails in my first 1 and half days, it’s really really taken me aback. I never thought any game could be this incompetent.
There’s so many things that need fixing.
I understand you have been a part of previous launches of MMO’s and ARPG’s. Not to pick a side here, but why do you then insist on playing day 1? I have also been part of various launches. And I bought the game and chose not to play for the first week.
Is that my decision? Yes.
Am I forced by Anet because of technical difficulties? No.
And I understand that is your problem, that you cannot play on the day you were promised to play. And while that is not good, and not something any of us really want, those are issues one can expect. I like the new iPhone 5, but I am not upgrading until the second wave of hardware hits. Give it a month or two before I get one, because those first iterations will likely have hardware failures and software issues aplenty! Again, maybe as a consumer I should not be content with that. But I do know that it is the cold hard reality and that my idealistic “I want this product to perform as advertised since day 1” attitude won’t actually make it so.
I hear your frustration. Trust me, I had to troubleshoot my own computer before I could play as well (And I am still not happy about that). We’re here for you, and we will listen to you. But don’t shoot me down for voicing my own opinion as well!
"Hardware issue detected..." recommends beta driver
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
@Yannick of Avo.8759
The reason why those drivers are recommended is because they include some specific updates/tweaks for GW2. I see your concern regarding beta drivers, but I do not think those drivers are as unstable as the word ‘beta’ may imply.
I was referring tho this:
Yeah, there’s your problem though. You want to maximize the DPS of your class but you don’t keep in mind that your class isn’t pure DPS. No class is. But ask yourself this:
Do you like to drop the turrets and manage them?
Do you like running around with the flamethrower?
Do you like bombing things?
Do you prefer Rifle or Pistol?
Because increasing your damage isn’t always done through just getting more power.
Start download, gets to 10,146kb then stops and closes. Need help please!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
To anyone that is reading this: in the main page is a topic listed that tells you this as well, but if you post on the forums and expect help, post a GameAdvisor report. Your fellow players cannot access the reports you email in. And the forum mods may be able to access them, but even so; posting it here makes it easier and faster to access for them as well.
Post that report or nobody can help you.
Start download, gets to 10,146kb then stops and closes. Need help please!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
rjones.7694 is as bitter as he is correct: your system does not meet the minimum system requirements and therefor cannot run the game.
To my knowledge, your system should be capable of running the game. However, you do not have the right drivers installed since Windows does not even recognize your video card. Use the Apple updater tool within Windows for your MacBook Pro and see if it finds a newer set of drivers. You can also download the newer drivers straight from Nvidia’s website. You may also want to make sure all your Windows updates are installed.
You are having a similar problem, your video card drivers are not properly recognized by Windows. But even if you did get the right drivers, I do not believe your videocard meets the minimum requirements.
Start download, gets to 10,146kb then stops and closes. Need help please!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
Can you add a GameAdvisor report to your post Unloveableone.6082?
Get it here:
Nice video link there Spitwyld.1963!
Hoenstly, I got my bum handed to me too often by monsters so yesterday I didn’t play. I just read. And then I played. And stuff that whooped me before now had troubles touching me!
But also; get out of that mindset of wanting to be #1 on imaginary damage meters. Applying a 10% damage boost to your party and 10% more damage taken on a monster is a MASSIVE buff to your party of Allies. Even if you do the least damage, you still did the most.
So let me get this straight, off the bat: engineers are not a flawless class.
However, I’m always of the mindset of how I can make things better personally.
So here’s what I think, my 2 copper if you will. While reading this, keep in mind that I know engi’s aren’t perfect. But neither am I!
1) Stop comparing to whatever other MMO you played.
This game does not have the balance, and may not ever get the balance, of whatever other MMO you played. It’s barely a month old. All MMO’s see balancing across the board over years of polish. It doesn’t have the professions other MMO’s has, and it does not have the debuffs they had. It does not have the stats.
I focused on a burst DPS engineer and found that did not really work. Maybe a healy type engineer was better, but all classes can heal and now I lost so much damage I became unusable. The long and short of it is that you have to play in a way that fits in this game, and not ot make the game fit the model of a different video game.
2) Combo’s: learn them!
Check out this article!
Combo’s are amazing. It’s like you get free spells! Regenerating Mists is an AoE regen. Magnetic Shield is a defensive move that can reflect projectiles or knock enemies back. But used in rapid succession it is an AoE regen, knocks back enemies and an AoE heal!
If you have a kit equipped, use it! Switch to the flamethrower to drop a wall of fire and switch back to your rifle. Now, your spells and your ally spells will react with that and set stuff on fire. You don’t even have to do anything, they fire spells through your wall of fire and it lights enemies on fire. You just increased the damage of everyone by dropping one spell.
Switch to grenades and throw a poison grenade. Switch back to whatever you wanted to do before and now all spells that interact with tha combo field will apply weakness or poison. BOOM! More free debuffs and damage.
3) And yeah, like I said: use those kits!
Switching to a kit to use 1 or 2 spells and then removing it is not a waste. It’s how we are meant to play. A bad Elementalist will stay in one attunement for a whole dungeon. A good one switches from fire to earth spells, to air and then back to fire. A good engineer does the same.
Grenades kit and press 4 and 5, then switch back to your pistol/shield and double tap 4 to get AoE Frost Armor and Weakness. Switch to flamethrower and hit 4 to drop a wall of fire. Switch back to your pistols or rifle and press the incendiary ammo button and start lighting stuff up twice as fast!
4) Experiment!
You cannot compete with a flamethrower if you have 0 points in explosives and firearms. Don’t equip it and traipse around because that other engineer did it. What stats did you focus on? What traits did you focus on? Not the same as he did? Well, than you can’t play the same way!
5) Synergize your stats!
Do not try to be a jack of all trades. Going for traits that compliment power and toughness and going for vitality and boon duration in traits is not a good plan. 30% chance to cause bleeding on critical hits is good to have though ifg you are stacking precision. Again, don’t be a jack of all trades, because then you are a master of none. Even a full turrret build can be useful, if you pick all the synergetic skills and if you use the gear to support it.
In closing, I need to say again that the profession is not perfect. Neither am I. And neither are you. So while Anet is working on bug fixes and smoothign things out (Which will take them forever. An MMO is never done tweaking.) I plan on making myself a better player.
Use Regenerating Mists and then your Magnetic Shield. Regenerating Mists applies a 1 second long water combo field. This also applies an AOE heal.
I think combo fields is such a new ‘phenomenon’ that a lot of people are not using them properly.
Thanks man, definitely a few good reads in there!
To anyone complaining about the lack of weapon switching and weapon combinations:
We have something the other classes do not have: we can equip kits that can change 1 through 5 on our bar. So that’s not a fair comparison.
That being said; I too feel rather limited. This class feels forced to use certain kits in order to do anything in groups. Turrets get 1 shotted in PvE and in PvP people just move out of their range. With their health and CD they just do not add up to the oomph they should give.
My pistols make my rifle obsolete once I have piercing bullets upgrade and various of my skills just double up so badly it becomes ridiculous.
I can, with the right skill load out, immobilize an enemy with three different skills, knock them back with at least two more skills.
And yes, that is a complaint. I can solo veterans of 3 levels higher (if I am patient) which makes me overpowered in that one single situation, but underpowered in everything else. We need some more balance!
I would recommend obtaining MemTest and running it for multiple passes. You can get it here
It’s a memory testing program and unfortunately, if your memory is indeed at fault, a singular pass may not reveal the issue. You would need to perform continuous testing.
Please see this article:
Long story short, the error message you have (Kernel Power id 41) indicates that the computer was incapable of properly shutting down. Check the article for more potential error messages and scenarios to pinpoint what may be ailing you.
I don´t understand a thing of what I just read, something about the calculator…
Sorry, I didn’t mean to flabbergast anyone
Your computer runs into a shutdown issue that may be hardware related. I know, I know; no other game makes this happen. Humor me?
When your computer hangs again like that, can you press Caps Lock and does the light come on?
The temperature you mention, is that the CPU or the GPU?
Have you run a long memtest? (It can be gotten here And by long I mean a consecutive test with multiple passes.)
They are not ignoring you. But making more and more threads creates more and more work for them to keep people pacified and that detracts from the actual work you want them to do.
All I can advise, in a broad sense, is a repost of what I put in another thread:
1) Make sure you run your Windows update and install all available updates. Once that is done, reboot and check again for updates. Keep rebooting and checking until there are no updates to be applied.
2) Make sure your antivirus is up to date. If you still are unsure if the antivirus is blocking the installer/launcher from running you can disable your antivirus temporarily as well.
3) Make sure you only have 1 antivitus program installed. I have read many reports over the past week that told me people have 2 antivirus programs running at once. They do not like to play nice with each other and will mess your computer up.
4) Check to see you have the latest drivers for your videocard.
For NVidia go here:
Do not be afraid to download and install the drivers labeled as beta. 306.2 actually has some specific Guild Wars 2 improvements built into it.
For ATI go here:
Make sure you get the Catalyst 12.8 download and also the one under it, the Catalyst Application Profile (CAP) 12.8 CAP 2. This has some specific improvements for Guild Wars 2 added to it.
5) And I know that you will all hate hearing this, but check that your videocard is capable of running the game. Simply google your videocard with the word wiki (I.e. “radeon 6700 wiki” or “GT 620 wiki”) and the wikipedai page usually tells you the specs. What you want is more than 128 MB of RAM and very important: Shader Model 3.0 or higher supported!
6) And let’s not forget to right click the game and select “Run as administrator” if you are on Vista or Windows 7. I know, you are the only account on your computer and you are the administrator. Trust me, it makes a difference.
I know this won’t get the game running for everyone, but trust me when I say that half the issues (if not more) of not being able to launch or install are caused by the actual computer you are on, not the game.
Good luck, and hope to see you in game!
If you are having problems with the game you should detail what your issues are. Also, you can run the Game Advisor and post the text file it produces.
You can get the NCSoft Game Advisor here:
Please see this article:
Long story short, the error message you have (Kernel Power id 41) indicates that the computer was incapable of properly shutting down. Check the article for more potential error messages and scenarios to pinpoint what may be ailing you.
That’s not entirely fair. This game is 8 years newer than WoW, and if you can run that on medium and not this game you think that’s wrong?
Sorry man, 8 years on computer terms is an age.
Those are some amzing letters, so defined! :p
I would have loved to play on my Mac as well, but unfortuantely there has been no word on a release for Mac. There was a statement from someone from Anet that said they’d love to play on their Mac but that a release candidate for the Mac was not yet something we should be looking forward to. I’ll see if I can find it.
Until then, I will see you in Wine or Windows GW2!
Of course man, I’ll do my best here!
First, I need to ask if you have any Windows updates you can still do. It seems to me that you still have a few critical updates to do (after reading your text file).
There could be a ton of reasons, if the installer runs though it is likely that there is a problem with the files themselves (the ones it wants to download or update) and the Widnows updates may very well resolve your problems.
The other thing to keep in mind is that this is a new game. Newer than what you ran, and most important: different.
It uses your RAM different. It may use it more. It may use more of it. But your system can have a problem that you are not aware of. Why are 100’s of people experiencing hardware issues when they run GW2? They aren’t, they already had them but just didn’t run a program that showed them they had a problem.
If you can, when you have these errors, run MemTest on a good long stretch (like codeblink.4306, thanks for that bud!) and see what happens. I’ll tell you this, I manage a departement in an IT related position myself and not a single computer, regardless of the defect, leaves my shelves without a full PC Check.
Now you pose an interesting problem. It worked before and not anymore? Have you verified you downloaded and installed any new updates for your videocard drivers and Windows?
In my professions, the question is always: what has changed? So what is different between when it worked and not now?
I’m having some problems pinning down if your videocard does or does not support Shader Model 3.0 Some sites claim your chipset does, and others claim it does not. So I will not make that claim, I’ll elave that up to someone else.
I will however not that you have an amazing amount of running processes on your computer. Try running the following steps to clear that up a little and it might help (while I keep looking for the spec on your card):
1) Open your Start Menu and type in the box “msconfig” (no quotation marks) and press Enter.
2) In the program that opens, go to the tab called Services and check the box in the bottom called Hide all Microsoft services
3) Now disable all services and keep track of what you disable so you can later enable it again. If you don’t care, just hit Disable all
4) Restart your computer and all those background programs will no longer start
— Edit —
Hah! Found it! You should have support for Shader Model 3.0 You may have probles where video RAM is concerned though. You need 256 MB of RAm and technically your card has no dedicated RAM, only shared. So unfortunately it’s beyond my wisdom to tell you if you meet the minimum requirements ro not.
I would still suggest a videocard upgrade though. You are meeting the minimum requirements just barely, so if you get it to run it won’t run nice. It will run just barely. (Not trying to sound like a jerk, but I want to set realistic expectations.)
(edited by Creature.9476)
I am sorry to report that the chipset of your videocard, the R300 schipset of ATI’s Radeon line, only supports up to Shader Model 2.0 and that means your computer does not meet the minimum requirements to run Guild Wars 2.
Your videocard drivers are not properly recognized by your Windows. I’m willing to bet that is your problem. Make sure Windows is completely up to date and then reinstall your drivers. See below:
Display Devices
Card name:
Chip type:
DAC type:
Device Key: Enum\
Display Memory: n/a
Dedicated Memory: n/a
Shared Memory: n/a
Current Mode: 1024 × 768 (32 bit) (1Hz)
Driver Name:
Driver File Version: ()
Driver Version:
DDI Version: unknown
Driver Model: unknown
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: , 0 bytes
Your system should be capable of running the game, I checked out the model number on the vendor website. That being said, you are runnign a plethora of software in the background that may be the cause of your issue.
Before you try again, try these three steps:
1) Run Windows updates and install all updates and reboot. Rinse and repeat until you have no more updates to install.
2) Get the latest videocard driver for your computer here:
3) Disable all startup services and reboot. You can re-enable them if you keep track of what you disable. You can disable them using this method:
1) Open your Start Menu and type in the box “msconfig” (no quotation marks) and press Enter.
2) In the program that opens, go to the tab called Services and check the box in the bottom called Hide all Microsoft services
3) Now disable all services and keep track of what you disable so you can later enable it again. If you don’t care, just hit Disable all
4) Restart your computer and all those background programs will no longer start
You do not need to use compatibility mode my friend, even under Win 7 that doesn’t actually make it run better. It makes it worse
Your problem is unfortunately your videocard. Since it is on board, you cannot upgrade that card. The Intel GMA 3000 that you have only supports up to Shader Model 2.0b and you need at least support for 3.0. I am sorry to say your system does not meet the minimum requirements for running the game.
I am sorry to say that your cideocard is below the minimum requirements. To play the game you will have to upgrade at least the videocard of your system.
There’s various posts about this already and they primarily revolve around the same resolutions:
Does your system meet minimum requirements?
Do you have a firewall or AV blocking the program?
Do you run it as administrator?
Do you have all your Windows Updates and driver updates?
See this thread:
Installer giving me the boot at 10,145KB HEEEELP!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
Please refer to this forum topic:
A lot of people have the same problem you have, and most of it is relatively easy to solve!
I know you ahve all heard plenty of crap advice so far and maybe you are going to dismiss this as crap as well, but here goes none the less:
1) Make sure you run your Windows update and install all available updates. Once that is done, reboot and check again for updates. Keep rebooting and checking until there are no updates to be applied.
2) Make sure your antivirus is up to date. If you still are unsure if the antivirus is blocking the installer/launcher from running you can disable your antivirus temporarily as well.
3) Make sure you only have 1 antivitus program installed. I have read many reports over the past week that told me people have 2 antivirus programs running at once. They do not like to play nice with each other and will mess your computer up.
4) Check to see you have the latest drivers for your videocard.
For NVidia go here:
Do not be afraid to download and install the drivers labeled as beta. 306.2 actually has some specific Guild Wars 2 improvements built into it.
For ATI go here:
Make sure you get the Catalyst 12.8 download and also the one under it, the Catalyst Application Profile (CAP) 12.8 CAP 2. This has some specific improvements for Guild Wars 2 added to it.
5) And I know that you will all hate hearing this, but check that your videocard is capable of running the game. Simply google your videocard with the word wiki (I.e. “radeon 6700 wiki” or “GT 620 wiki”) and the wikipedai page usually tells you the specs. What you want is more than 128 MB of RAM and very important: Shader Model 3.0 or higher supported!
6) And let’s not forget to right click the game and select “Run as administrator” if you are on Vista or Windows 7. I know, you are the only account on your computer and you are the administrator. Trust me, it makes a difference.
I know this won’t get the game running for everyone, but trust me when I say that half the issues (if not more) of not being able to launch or install are caused by the actual computer you are on, not the game.
Good luck, and hope to see you in game!
(edited by Creature.9476)
I hate to say it, but I upgraded my videocard and it all of a sudden worked. I had the exact issue:
You cannot install, you simply get teh loader that runs to 10135 KB and then closes and reopens. It sits there for a second at 0KB(0KB/s) and then closes. No error report or log of any kind.
If you see a 0KB download rate, check on your installation folder for a file called GW2.tmp or in your C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp for that file. See if the file size is changing (press F5 while looking at that folder). If it is changing, it is actually downloading instead of doing 0KB/s
Launcher splash screen downloads 1613 kb, slows to 0kb/s, then does nothing
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Creature.9476
Can you run and post a GameAdvisor report?
You can find the game advisor here:
I have to agree with Tradewind.6913. I have an entry level internet connection and I download from 500 KB/s to 700 KB/s. I do not think it is capped in DL but you have to keep a lot of factors in mind, such as hard disk I/O and possibly sharing internet connections (based on living conditions and the layout of wires in the city).