Showing Posts For Cuddle Time.4027:

PVP now pay to win

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027
Having a paid expansion that unlocks all content is not pay-to-win. Ask for more allowance next month. Seriously though, when will these young gamers get it? Expansions are almost always paid content that people work overtime to push out. “Pay-to-win” means you can buy definite advantages over other people by spending more and more money. Games like Archeage are a perfect example of this. Seriously, go try AA and tell me how p2w this game is, please.

Cuddle Time, out!

Upcoming Balance Changes: Week of December 14, 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

I just hope this change doesn’t affect raids. Please make “only PvP” changes before it’s too late. It will be frustrating if you make raids even harder because of something that’s not even related to PvE.

Distortion vs blur has no effect on pve

Well, that’s not completely true. The distortion changes are a potentially game breaking buff in raids, but I believe the other person was also talking about the original changes to the block duration. I don’t foresee any of these changes making mesmer less viable at all. Their main raid utility right now is in being a boon bot. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are currently in the lowest DPS class in the game if you exclude raid utility that they give other people.

Cuddle Time, out!

Upcoming Balance Changes: Week of December 14, 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

As a mesmer, I will say that block is literally the least broken of all mesmer damage mitigation. Just a simple switch of “blurred targets do not contribute to point capture” would fix almost every issue people currently have with them in pvp. As far as pve, I didn’t see it making any gamebreaking changes. I guess I’m no authority on the subject, but I just really want to understand why this is the change being made.

Cuddle Time, out!

Please fix the invisible traps/wards

in Guardian

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

I really wish they’d make this a priority. It’s honestly the most broken and frustrating thing in the game right now, PvP-wise. I don’t enjoy being counterplayed by RNG rendering problems at all.

Cuddle Time, out!

Some common sense regarding ranked complaints

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

It seems the more time I spend in HotM and ranked games over the past couple days, the more I see the same complaints. “mm is broken,” “oh I have xxxxx games played I shouldn’t even see you in my games,” etc. Here’s my understanding of the pvp system using good old fashioned common sense:
It is made to start everyone out on an even playing field. There will always be people that can pick up a game after 100 matches and play better than somebody that has played thousands; some people are just better at certain things. This system is designed to start everyone off at the same place, and progress each individual based on their performance. The more you win, the higher you get; losing simply keeps you at the bottom. One of the first things I did among looking at the tiers was to look over the division rules for each division. There is a soft wall at Sapphire and a hard wall at Ruby as far as progression. If you are anywhere below that, you should expect to be matched with any and everybody. There is literally no difference between a person playing in Amber and a person playing in Sapphire other than the fact that the Sapphire player has won at least 40 ranked games; losses don’t even matter before this point.

What’s the point of this post? A plea; here it is: Please for the love of all that is kitten, wait until you are Ruby rank apart the pvp system. If you are anywhere below that, you literally have no consequence for losing aside from time lost.

Cuddle Time, out!

[Suggestion] Free Camera/About Face

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027


I’d like to start out by saying that I’ve recently returned from a long hiatus and absolutely love the changes to camera options! One thing I’ve noticed that hasn’t changed is the way “About Face” functions with “Free Camera.” For clarity, let’s break everything down:


There is a keybind option for “About Face.” When used, this will cause the character to flip 180 degrees and continue movement in the opposite direction.

There is a keybind option for “Free Camera.” Holding this button down will remove all correlation between the camera and character movement – - turning the camera will not turn your character, and vice-versa.

The camera options have a toggle for “Free Camera.” When active, the camera will not reset behind your character when you run, but will reset when using “About Face.”

The Issue

When playing a few characters, there are really awesome mobility skills meant to be a combat retreat of sorts (staff Mesmer, staff fire Elementalist, shortbow Ranger, and Thief “Withdraw” skill). This works great while still fighting, but not when trying to retreat. The solution people have come up with for this is a complex workaround for a dynamic that should feel more intuitive.

The Current Solution

The current work around goes something like this:

  1. Set a keybind for “About face”
  2. Set a keybind for “Free Camera”
  1. Run in desired direction
  2. Hold down the “Free Camera” keybind
  3. Press the “About Face” keybind
  4. Activate the mobility skill
  5. Right Click to lock camera OR Release movement key
  6. Release “Free Camera” keybind
  7. Continue in desired movement direction.

Potential Solution

Ideally, I’d like to be able to jump in the air and manually turn the camera to cast a skill that launches me backwards. I do, however, understand that there may be balance, exploit, or engine limitations that prevent players from using abilities in the air. I’ve thought of a few different ways this could be alleviated, but ultimately found one solution to rule them all:

  • Create a secondary keybind for “About Face” that doesn’t affect camera orientation, or an option for “Use Free Camera” to keep the camera free when “About Face” is used.

With either option, the process for executing the desired maneuver would be something like this:

  1. Set a keybind for “About face”
  2. Enable “Use Free Camera”
  1. Run in desired direction
  2. Right Click to lock camera
  3. Press the “About Face” keybind
  4. Activate the mobility skill
  5. Release movement key
  6. Continue in desired movement direction.

Obviously, I can’t speak for everybody, but I don’t think players that toggle “Use Free Camera” ever expect their camera to be moved unless they are directly controlling it with the mouse. Changing “Use Free Camera” to always persist could work, but I put in the previous solution to allow people the option to toggle between the two.

Why Should This Be Implemented?

On the surface, it looks like this merely moves an action from a 7 to 6 step process. I’ve come up with a list of benefits to better showcase why this would be a great thing to have:

  • Changes the number of keybinds a player needs to spin around and perform an action (2 steps) to 2 keybinds instead of 3. This makes for a much more intuitive feel.
  • Removes performance issues and disorientation if a person doesn’t perform the currently delicate sequence correctly. If you mess up the sequence with these changes, you will simply flip and retreat in the wrong order or run in the wrong direction.
  • Gives people one less reason to use macros. Because of this one maneuver, I considered binding macros with my keyboard. I wasn’t sure if that was against the rules, so I looked into it and found that it was. Now just because it is against the rules, doesn’t mean players won’t do it. Instead of having to find and punish people doing this, why not just make it easier to perform without macros?

Finale (Finally)

Thank you to anyone that read thorugh this whole thing and Anet folks for considering these changes. Sorry that it was so long, but I wanted to make sure that my points had as much clarity as possible. I hope I did an alright job of that! :p

Cuddle Time, out!

sPvP "gear" - Soulbound?

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

Related bug:
Turns out, sPvP gear is character-bound when placed into your PvE bank. So don’t do it. Due to said limitations, I was trying to remake my character and since there already was an exact item in my PvP locker, I decided to place it into my PvE bank. Here’s the problem though – when I deleted that character and went to pick up the stuff from the PvE bank on my new character, I could NOT withdraw the items because they are bound to my deleted character. The items are now stuck in my bank.

Even if you’ve already deleted the character, you can still withdraw the items from your locker to open up the deposit slot, then deposit the soulbound item in your pve bank(unbinding it). Hope that helps

Cuddle Time, out!

Why is this showing when I'm in pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

Minimize option please.

Cuddle Time, out!

Separate premades and randoms in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

I love the overall tone of this post because there are so many kittens and kittens are adorable. It took me a while to figure out why the OP was talking about kittens so often, but after I figured it out, I lol’d. =^.^=

Cuddle Time, out!

Infinite Dodge?

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

The best way to figure out how to beat other professions in this game is to take a few days and play those classes. Thief is a unique class in that it uses initiative instead of cooldowns for its weapon attacks. Each move costs a set amount of initiative and the initiative regenerates over time. Thieves also have traits they can obtain to increase the amount of endurance they can use for dodging. Aside from dodge, they have a weapon skill that flanks behind their target and evades while they’re in the animation. I can’t recall what guardian underwater combat abilities are, but the balance in this game is definitely not focused on underwater fighting. It’s quite possible that you shouldn’t be able to beat a thief in that situation. Again, keep an open character slot and play around with the different professions, It really helps a TON with learning how to counter people in certain fights.

Cuddle Time, out!

Competetive Thieves...destroyed.

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

I feel like this thread is a casual player that thinks he’s a pro player complaining about balance being made for casuals. The reason thieves were nerfed were BECAUSE the devs talk to the top teams. The best overall profession (imo) is guardian, and the top NA team had their guardian running a thief. What does that tell you? Thieves were just fixed so that they can’t effortlessly roll their face on a keyboard and kill everything from ranged with a melee build. Cloak and dagger is the only thing nerfed for the actual backstab spec, and something that makes you invisible on demand really shouldn’t be critting for 5-8k regularly. Top tier players were being instantly killed without being able to respond from time to time. That simply should not happen. They want to make this game a competitive battle between teams, not rock paper scissors on who gets the first hit.
(most of the statements presented factually are just my opinion from my experience)

Cuddle Time, out!

sPvP "gear" - Soulbound?

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

This is awesome to hear. I would love for armor in the pvp locker to work the same way sigils andrunes do. Once you deposit one, you can withdraw them indefinitely. For that to work there would have to be some sort of restriction on salvaging things that come from the pvp locker.

Cuddle Time, out!

Eles considered Weak | Thieves considered OP

in PvP

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

My first character was a mesmer and I remember when people of all professions were complaining about mesmers being “overpowered.” They are at the point now where they are barely used for tournament play and only for the utilities of time warp and portal. The reason mesmers used to be so difficult for people and why the fight with the ele is so tough for you is rooted in a deep lack of understanding of the class you are fighting. GW2’s pvp system is interesting in that you are more viable in pvp when you understand the way your enemy plays and how their profession works more than knowing your own character. In that specific duel setting, you would benefit greatly from playing a staff ele for a week or two to understand exactly how their skills work. I’m not going to sit and rewatch/analyze the whole fight, but some things that really stuck out to me is that you shot into magnetic aura several times, didn’t seem to acknowledge his cantrips when they were up (or unavailable) and you didn’t really capitalize on your burst opportunities very often. A lot of times I would see you immobilize him and wonder why. I really feel that people need to take time and play all of the professions thoroughly before they can comment on how broken or well off they are. It makes a world of difference.

Cuddle Time, out!

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

Well, the thing is that it works when you teleport, but not when you use it on yourself. Either way it’s inconsistent.

Cuddle Time, out!

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

Monk’s Focus will not heal the guardian upon use of Merciful Intervention when there is no nearby ally to blink to.

Cuddle Time, out!

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Cuddle Time.4027

Cuddle Time.4027

Guardians seem to be enjoying an exploit involving protector’s strike with a mace and swapping weapons before the duration is up. They end up with a block similar to the warrior 5. Much more survivability for an already beefy profession.

Cuddle Time, out!