Showing Posts For Cynikal.2637:

Trading Post - Bug/Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


Honestly, I think its more of an oversight.

I haven’t done a trade order, but i might here in the future just to see if i can put it at a lower than vendor price.

Storyline Cutscenes - my friend is where?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


This would be an awesome feature.

Me and a friend play all of our story quests together, and even though we’re on the same quest, its the person who “started” the quest is the character here.

It would be nice for us to take turns during them, or as you said, have them lurking in the background.

Trading Post - Bug/Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


Since players can have the ability to put in purchase orders, that’s great. I love it actually.


With A LOT of items, they put it in for BELOW the vendor pricing, which means we couldn’t sell it to them even if we wanted too.

So, make it so people putting in orders, need to set it to AT LEAST the vendor price.

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


As I said, this is completely debatable.

You guys are ok with the way it works in WvW but not in PvP? I don’t understand the logic here at all by that. Only difference is, WvW is a zerg, PvP is not. I prefer to not run around and turn a corner into 50 enemies.

Please buff Warrior Greatsword F1 ability

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


As a warrior, I tend to keep my adrenaline full and use the +damage trait from adrenaline(15%?) and to be honest, i could count the number of times on my hands i’ve used the F1 skill.

With this big ferocious animation of yelling and jumping and swinging the blade down, it should do more damage. Instead, people just kinda giggle.

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


Disclaimer: I played GW1 back when it was in E3 for Everyone and then released. I never played any of the expansions. (Max lvl was 1-20, unsure if its changed now).

I know back when GW1 first launched, it gave you two options during character creation. a PvE character or a PvP one.

The PvP one made you insta level 20, and mediocre gear. The PvE one made you level 1, and you had to earn everything. However, upon leveling to 20, you were enabled to use player crafted gear and items which gave you a slight edge over someone who ‘instant leveled’.

I know that ANet is wanting to prevent REQUIRING people to level to enjoy the end game, and i’m good with that. HOWEVER, It seems leveling in this game provides little to no benefit for doing so. Sure, you get money, to adventure through the lands.

But lets be honest, shouldn’t my character be slightly better than someone who did not take the time to level up to 80?

I know in WvW you get the benefits of the various gear + skill traights and i’m good with that. But, not all of us like WvW as it’s a constant zerg.

Could we possibly have something SIMILAR to that in PvP?

My suggestions are as follows:

‘Cap’ the skill points to that of 40 for anyone lvl 1-49. That will be the equivalent of lvl 50. This will allow people who are 80 to have more skill points to spend than someone whos level 1.

In PvP you get predetermined weapons/armor, and the only change is of the appearance of such. I do not approve of this, as I would be willing to sacrifice some Precision with some Power and/or Vitality. Let me play the stats I want.

In PvP you can not use rings/necklaces and whatnot. If i’m of level, let me.

Let the lvl 1-49 guys keep the premade stuff with the limitations… Let the 50-80 guys bask in a slight boost of stats/abilities.

I know some of you will complain and say “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! HORRIBLE IDEA!” and hey, that’s your right. But lets be honest with each other for a minute… Shouldn’t someone whos lvl 80 be stronger/smarter/quicker than someone whos level 20? (Minus the Insta level 80 buff). I mean, they earned it by spending their time playing the other side of the game.

Just a suggestion, love it or hate it, that’s your right.

Why is there no DIRECT way to report gold selling in chat and/or mail?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


There is no way to report offensive guild names, and although there is an option to mark guild sellers as spammers via chat, there is no way to do so via the ingame mail.

Lion's Arch loading screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


I have not had this issue.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


I too am on the same issue.

Made a Norn Warrior, deleted it later on to Make a Human Warrior. Lost all of my items.

I realize there is that message to delete, but at the same time, it’s just a generic ’it’ll delete all items’ message.

I too didn’t use any of the items I paid an extra $20 for, which sucks for me.

One response I got was that due to the mail issue, i was to wait until it came back up and then i’d get my items within 24 hours due to a ‘back log’ of them. Understandable. The guy also then says I should contact them if I don’t get my items in that 24 hour window.

So, I wait, mails up. I wait 24 hours. I post up and say I didn’t get them. This was 4-5 days ago.

The support seems to lack.

My Ticket Ref is: 120829-015430 (If you wish to look at it).

I look forward to getting these items back. Thank you!