(edited by Cynn.1490)
Showing Posts For Cynn.1490:
Why are people still uptight about adventures? With the new maps you do not need the points for these. I have gold in 3 adventures, the easiest ones and frankly have not even entered 2 or 3 and I have every mastery capped. Leave them, let it go and get some enjoyment back instead of fixating on them.
I think we can all agree that not everyone enjoys every kind of content. I think the problem that’s created by the mastery system is that it feels like the Adventures are mandatory to many players, even if that’s not strictly the case. When the mastery system requires you to fill out every point (including the raid ones) to re-access progression it’s easy to get fixated on any method of gaining points that’s available to you.
I don’t think that the adventures are bad content, or that attaining gold on every adventure is necessary. I do, however, feel as though the adventures would be more enjoyable if mastery progression wasn’t on the line.
I’m simply saying that giving people those three masteries early on would take something away, as well as giving something, and I’m not sure it’s worth the trade off. It wouldn’t have been worth the trade off for me, since I’m mostly progression driven.
I agree with this sentiment, in that I think that some amount of progression can feel very good.
The problem I’m personally having is that when masteries take a very long time to complete I end up with the feeling that I’m spinning my wheels. Getting XP feels good on its own, but when you have filled up every XP bar and don’t have enough mastery points to advance any tracks everything just stops. I no longer have the bar at the bottom of my screen progressing. I no longer hear the little “tinkle” noise when completing events or during exploration. Everything just feels a bit more boring and tedious.
One thing that I like is that the new zones have fast and focused mastery progression. It feels like I’m unlocking a new ability that I can use. That feels good. It only took me a few hours to unlock each of the new abilities in the new zones, and now I enjoy logging in and playing with those abilities. I think that masteries are a good way to provide players with progression, but I also think that not having any feeling of reward during long-term progression can cause many people to simply get bored and give up. I’ve fallen victim of the unrewarding “boredom” feeling before, and that has caused me to stop playing when I probably would have continued otherwise. I like playing Guild Wars 2, and I want to see the community grow. That’s not going to happen if players get bored midway through playing and leave to play something else.
I think that Solution 2 of the OP is probably the best way to solve the problem of mid-term progression feeling unrewarding. It allows players to have some sense of accomplishment and reward without removing the long-term progression goals.
2. Implement measures that counteract low-end outlier behavior inside of game design. This would be a system that is something like: If player hasn’t received a rare drop in X time send them Y tickets for random drops.
WoW has something similar to this for questing that increases the chances of quest loot dropping each time the player receives no quest related loot, then resets when they do, and the implementation of that system helped to stem quite a lot of player frustration.
Tickets for random drops seems like a good idea in theory, but the problem with that system is that you’ll still eventually get at least a few very unlucky people who never get anything good, even from the tickets. While this would be an improvement over the current state of RNG, I have an idea for a slightly better system.
This system could say that if a player hasn’t received, lets say an exotic drop, in the past 100 loot attempts that their likelihood to receive an exotic drop is increased by a set amount until one is obtained. This could stack up to a certain amount, even 100% if the player goes an extremely long time without seeing rare drops. This way players will almost never become completely loot starved, and will keep players on the low end of the RNG odds from losing hope completely.
This sort of thing would also be pretty fair and difficult to game, because the loot table would only get better when no decent loot was acquired for a significant amount of time.
I would personally love to see guild halls that are obtainable by guilds of ANY size, even if it’s just a couple of friends. Right now the merit system makes some rewards nearly unobtainable for guilds that are very small, and not being able to obtain something without joining a large guild seems very prohibitive.
Guild halls should probably also contain vendors and features similar to those found in GW1, (hire NPCs to be placed within that each offer services, setting your hall location, etc) and if locations can be chosen then I’d love to see that represented within the world itself, such as having a guild hall instance entrance in most (if not all) zones. That way people can choose their favorite zone to hang out in.
I would also like to see alternative methods of earning things for guild halls, such as gold / merits / gems / karma. That way people could help their guild obtain/improve their hall with whatever resource they tend to obtain during play, this way we’re not discriminating against certain types of play styles.
The devs have been reviewing your feedback on the New Player Experience. While some bug fixes have already been made, the team will be making other updates in the future to address:
- Plot holes and story inconsistencies that may have been introduced with story realignment
- Replacing the missing profession mechanics UI for the Ranger and Mesmer professions
- Investigating issues that prevent players from retaining some skills (heal, utility, and elite) that they had previously unlocked
- Addressing an issue with bundles that prematurely unlocked utility and elite skills
Other aspects of the NPE are being examined, and your constructive feedback is welcome and appreciated.
I’m happy to see a red post showing interest in fixing the plot holes. I really liked the personal story before all of the changes, and I feel like after the removal of the “Worst Fear” plot step in particular (mentioned here – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/My-Greatest-Fear-Plotline/first) opens a lot of holes in the later parts of the story (particularly in Orr). A lot of NPCs discuss things related to the events of those story missions (that are now non-existent), and this is likely to confuse players that didn’t get to experience those missions before they were removed.
I also thought that the overall tone of your player overcoming something personally limiting was very important to connecting the player to the story through the character. Mechanically, a story feels much more compelling if it touches on something that you as a player feels, and by giving the player the choice of what they “fear the most” you get to make that story a bit more personal.
Again, I want to voice that I’m glad that the Devs are looking into the holes opened up by the changes, and I want to help make sure this very important one doesn’t go without notice.
I didn’t even realize that they had removed this part of the story until I went through the story on an alt. I thought that this particular story step helped to develop your character and give context for some of the dialogue in the later parts of the story.
I personally thought that this bit of content was better than no content, and by removing it Anet is basically saying that they don’t feel the same way. I really hope that this wasn’t the intended message, and that we’ll see this sort of choice and character building reintroduced into the personal story at some point.
The removal of any kind of functional content is very unfortunate for the users of any game, and makes me wary of what will get cut next.
I had actually been thinking about this as well. I recently noticed getting more exotics after becoming a little more casual with the game. Originally I had thought that it was because I was playing less, but when I was playing more heavily on one character and swapping armor sets a lot between WvW, dungeons, and world boss train I didn’t notice this at all, I only noticed after I started just swapping characters instead of gear. After the mention of the character calling out gear quality while swapping this actually makes sense. I don’t know if a system that affects drop tables exists in the game, but if it does I could see this accidentally affecting the tables.
I would personally enjoy this as an audiobook read by Samuel L Jackson.
1. Necromancer
2. Engineer
3. Ranger
Same sort of crashing issues here, although I’ve been having the dreaded “MainCli.cpp” error.
All of this after: testing all of my hardware (each part independently), deleting and redownloading my gw2 install, deleting the local.dat file, updating all of my drivers, and formatting my hard drive completely and reinstalling windows 7 completely.
I love Guild Wars and have been playing since the launch of the original game. I absolutely hate how silent everyone at Anet as been about the recent rash of crashes.
- Crash <—*
Assertion: A file was corrupted in the archive. Please run once with ‘-repair’!
File: ..\..\..\Game\Main\MainCli.cpp(589)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3152
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 19175
When: 2013-06-09T12:39:56Z 2013-06-09T08:39:56-04:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:01:43
Flags: 0
This is apparently pretty widespread since the last patch, although not affecting everyone, so far no fixes work universally. While some people are reporting that the game crashes from running out of memory, others are having their installs corrupted. Try not to run the game too often if you’re getting BSOD errors, as you don’t want to damage your hardware. At this point the only thing we can do is be patient and wait for word from Anet.
I’m getting the same error, I just tested all of my hardware, everything checked out fine, then I wiped my drive and reinstalled windows 7 completely. Re-downloaded the latest drivers for everything and re-downloaded the client and BAM still the exact same issue.
I really hope there’s a fix soon. I miss playing this game.
Currently it looks like a lot of people have been having this issue since the most recent patch, probably the accidental introduction of a memory leak.
As for Anet’s silence on the matter, they’re probably still combing over the 70 billion crash reports that have all flooded in since the patch that broke everything. The best course of action right now is to limit your playing of the game if you’re getting BSOD errors or if the game is crashing often, because repeated crashes could corrupt your game installation or damage your computer hardware.
Hopefully Anet will put out a fix for this soon, otherwise they run the risk of some of their players getting fed up and simply leaving the game for an extended period of time.
Seems like there are quite a few people having this issue, main thread on it is here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/Crashing-14/first#post2170467
I’m guessing a memory leak introduced in the most recent patch, but Anet is being pretty quiet about it so who knows.
Apparently there are rather widespread graphics card issues surrounding the most recent patch, which most likely involves the accidental introduction of a GPU memory leak. I imagine that Anet are not actually ignoring us, but are busy combing through the 70 billion crash reports they’ve likely been sent.
The best option currently is to be patient, have faith that they’ll release a patch soon, and if you’re having BSOD errors or client crashing errors, try to not run the game too often. Repeated crashes can cause permanent damage to your system’s hardware.
It’s an unfortunate state of affairs, but it’s hardly unexpected for the occasional break-everything-in-the-game patch to come around.
Having the exact same problem, I can play anywhere from 1 min to 30 mins with no issues, and then BAM the client crashes. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing, from WvW to previewing gear. First time I’ve had client crashes since the 2nd beta release.
I’m running an Nvidia 650 Ti boost with an i5 cpu at 3.2 GHz on 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, was working perfectly up until this afternoon, and now the game is barely playable. Tried running some other games to make sure it wasn’t my computer and everything else runs fine. After a bit of testing I found out that GW2 was causing my GPU to run at 79°C (174°F), which is WAY hotter than when running any other program. My guess is that something between the latest nvidia drivers and the latest gw2 patch is causing either a memory leak or just generally too much of a load on the GPU. Hopefully Anet are able to isolate the problem and fix it quickly, I just started to really get into WvW on my server
(edited by Cynn.1490)
Hopefully someone posts up a NA server some time tonight, been telling everyone I know about this thread to try to keep it updated for everyone.
I’ve been waiting for my server to be green for nearly 2 months now, and it’s only been green 5 times since the launch of the game. All but 1 of those times was before the reset in feb. With the way that the ranking system works, it’s extremely hard to change ranks once the servers have settled into brackets, and this means that there’s no way for most people who have limited time to play to ever get WvW map completion. I’ve finished everything except for 3 poi and 1 vista, all in green areas that are never open. I’m actually almost finished with everything else I need for my legendary, even clovers and badges of honor.
There’s little reason to keep the colors tied to rank. And if Anet are really tied down to that idea, then maybe we should have WvW “seasons” that reset every 6 months. At least then we’d have a chance for people to get their exploration at the beginning of each season.
If I can’t complete my legendary because of WvW ranking tiers I might just take an extended break from the game to keep from getting more frustrated. I have a kid and a full time job, and as much as I love the content in GW2, I’m getting sick of being blockaded from progress by the game itself.
No one is complaining about the weapon skins being for sale. But many people are complaining about the way Anet is selling the skins.
These are the first really good weapon skins since Halloween. And those Halloween skins were in the kittening chests too. Does Anet like kitten off their customers? This is just pure greed on Anet’s part.
I’m am willing to buy some of the weapon skins outright.
This is what everyone who has half a brain is thinking/saying. Anet, please let us buy your content! We want to, it’s really good! Just don’t jerk us around about it. That’s what EA does. Don’t be EA.
A little more info, I opened 47 boxes and got no ticket. I got 1 total makeover kit and 1 hair styling kit, though everything else was complete junk. Totally wasted money and effort, and now I’m just annoyed at the game. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from playing MMOs it’s that RNGs are horrible and do nothing but make players hate the parts of the game associated with them. Please provide a method for outright buying something if you’re going to make it money-exclusive, or at least let us trade them so the market can decide their value. I’d easily have dropped 100g on one of these skins, or maybe 1600 gems. As it is I’m just discouraged to support the game with my funds now that I know that I’m not going to get anything worthwhile or enjoyable out of it.
Why not simply change all order-associated armor and weapons to being “account bound” instead of “soulbound”? That way you could buy order-associated armor and weapons for all of your characters, but still have to have joined that order as a player. That way you keep the “specialness” of having to join that order to obtain the items, but without locking away content from a player’s characters.
For example, I chose the Order of the Whispers on my Norn warrior because they fit my ideals the best, but the armor and weapons don’t match my style at all, while I love the appearance of the Priory items. Having the ability to transfer those items between characters on a single account would swiftly fix all of the issues caused by locking the player into a choice, without the negative effects of giving them the ability to alter their choice, and also without simply making the order items available to everyone.
I personally agree that the WvW participation should either be removed from the monthly achievements and put in it’s own monthly tab, or should be added to the PvP monthly achievements.
I personally HATE any form of PvP, I get worked up by it and end up having a lousy time. I even end up hating the game for it if I’m forced into it enough. I love GW2’s pve environment and play, but I lose out on over 50,000 karma a month if I don’t do the monthly achievements. I hate feeling like I’m forced into doing something I don’t like to do, just because the dev’s put in an incentive for varied play.
If nothing else, they seem like they’re a bit out of place when put in a grouping with the more solo or dungeon oriented content of the monthlies. By no means remove them, but please, separate them so that they’re not the only thing PvP oriented in our monthlies.