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Some blink skills CANNOT CAST in Action Cam

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


I’d like to update this with a bit more info regarding Other Classes.
I also tested Thief’s Sword #2, which, interestingly, DOES cast, but will sometimes suffer in Action Cam in a different way: It does not always move the character forward when tested with the same parameters as the above 2 cases.

I made sure to test from the exact same spot and same target. In Action Cam, it would blink in place, going nowhere. With action cam off, it would blink toward the target as it should.

Some blink skills CANNOT CAST in Action Cam

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


This bug is really hindering for those who want to play in Action Camera mode. – It revolves around Weaver’s Air Sword #2, and Revenant’s Shiro Phase Traversal.

- When in action camera they will not function AT ALL when out of range. The skill will not be performed, and it will tell you that it needs a target, despite having a target. This is with a target manually selected, and has nothing to do with auto-targeting.

- When not in action camera mode, these skills will still perform on targets outside of range, moving towards, but not all the way to them.

- This bug has 100% reproduction rate

I originally reported this in the beginning of HoT but it seems to have gone ignored.
Hopefully now that it is affecting more than 1 class it will be looked into. It is severely crippling to have to exit and reenter action camera when using this skill as mobility toward a target.

This affects both PvP and PvE – For PvP is pretty major, forcing 2+ extra keypresses to perform a single skill properly. In PvE it primarily affects map traversal, as using these skills outside of range so you do not engage in combat is a very effective method of terrain traversal.

Easy reproduction steps:

– Equip a sword on Weaver
– Attune to Air
– Enter Action Camera mode
– Target a far away enemy
– Press 2.

– Equip and Activate the Shiro Legend
– Enter action camera mode
– Select a far-away target
– Try to activate Phase Traversal

Opinion of the new raid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


Not really, for instance, full zerker revenant hits 3k with sword 1 to ‘thoughness mobs,’ 3500 to mediums, and 4500 to squishy’s. Only quickness (impossible odds) improves it. (This is with 16-25 might stacks and sigil of force). The boss is very likely thoughness. Wich means oh right: you only do 3k dps. If the boss punches you 3x it breaks your rotation. I tried druid, and even with celestial (30% heal boost about), i couldnt solo heal up the tank. Full zerker he dook 5k every 3 sec. Except for Avatar form, that cannot be kept up.

I’m not saying make the raids easier.

But atm i feel like trying to kill mai trinn, without anyone knowing the purple aoe makes her vulnerable. You can try, 1000x, trial and error so hard, but you won’t kill her if you don’t strip the invulnerability. I know the green spot mechanic, i know the agro mechanic. I know you need healers/dps’. Etc. I know all of that. But this info is not enough to even go further then 10% hp loss of the boss. Something doesn’t add up, and I hate it. Give me the mathematical proof why what happend to me is wrong and i’ll be way more happy, even if it means i still didn’t beat the raid.

First of all, the vale guardian is light/medium armour.
My revenant hit him for 8k with sword autos recently. But could do more.
Consider the following:
-Sword auto hits MORE than once per second.
-I was not running shiro. I was running Mallyx since i was the boonstripper
-Boss was NOT under 50% health so i didnt get the +20% damage
-I was NOT running the best food/sharpening stones (only 2nd best)
-I did NOT have banner buffs, alacrity, quickness, or necro aura.
-I did NOT have frost spirit buffs.

If you are only hitting for 3k with rev sword auto on vale guardian, either your build is really screwed up, or your group has absolutely terrible buff uptime and you are running with no/wrong sigils/runes/food/utility.

If i dont use any buffs and have no team assisstance, around 4.5k crits is normal for me.

You didn't have to remove the Defiance bar

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


It was somewhat different from stability, and had more interesting counterplay. It couldn’t be boonstripped, but could instead be seen more easily and coordinated. The problem was that it was getting popped nearly every time it was used. The one reason for this was that soft CC worked on it.

In my opinion, and from the experiences of others i spoke to during the beta, all it needed was a slight boost in strength (amount CC to break) and complete immunity to soft CC. This would both retain its flavour, not invalidate the previous work of the devs, while still being as useful as stability, if not moreso some times.

TL;DR: I believe it would have been better to just make the player-only defiance bar IMMUNE to soft CC.

(edited by Cyrix.3740)

[Bug?] Shield 5 Broken by a single cripple

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


I don’t see this on the front page of topics at the moment, but we already knew that the defiance bar was rather fragile. However, to be broken by a single hammer #3 or GS #4 from warrior is just silly.

I noticed that i could completely destroy enemy defiance bar while playing warrior with just these 2 skills. I also found out that ALL soft CC affects the defiance bar for players. This means blinds, immobs, and chills will too. I have yet to see a single shield #5 go off in PvP without being broken.

Proposed changes:

- In my opinion, soft CC should NOT affect the shield at all, but if anet believes it must, then at least make it more than ONE single cripple.

- It should take at least 3-5 times more soft CCs than hard CCs to break the defiance bar in my opinion.

Friend bought HoT, cant use beta/TP?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


He has not yet received a response in over 24 hours of sending the ticket. I’m told that this is beyond the target time, and I would assume that something as significant as a payment issue would be looked at urgently. I’m bumping this thread up again for this reason. Again the ticket number is #1764380

‘Target time’, as you put it, is 72 hours, as evidenced by the Sticky, ‘Tickets for Review 3 Days and Older’, above.

Once your friend’s ticket is over 72 hours old, the number can be posted there.

Good luck.

I’ve heard it said as 24 hours, and assumed the 72 hour one is for the ones they messed up/forgot

Friend bought HoT, cant use beta/TP?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


He has not yet received a response in over 24 hours of sending the ticket. I’m told that this is beyond the target time, and I would assume that something as significant as a payment issue would be looked at urgently. I’m bumping this thread up again for this reason. Again the ticket number is #1764380

Friend bought HoT, cant use beta/TP?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


Trading Post access on a new paid account has various restrictions placed on it while the account is vetted by our security team. This is to prevent fraud, among other things.

As for not having beta access, it’s difficult to say. He should probably contact Customer Support to get assistance.

Thanks for the reply. I was not aware that trading post restrictions were still in place for a while after purchase. I don’t see this information on the official account types listing page, so i would suggest updating it to prevent further tickets regarding this.

Regarding beta access however, he has a ticket open, and the number is #1764380
I hope it gets resolved before the beta ends so he can actually experience it.

Again, I’m glad I could get some clarification from a dev.

Friend bought HoT, cant use beta/TP?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


You don’t have access to the TP on your beta characters, nor do you have access to your guild or the ability to mail out items or gold since everything accumulated in beta is temporary and will be wiped before release. As soon as you create a beta character (on one of the beta create a character slots provided) you should be dropped into the beta.

If you create a character on one of the normal account slots you’ll start with a level 1 character and play through Guild Wars 2…. if the only thing he’s having issues with is his Beta experience, it’s to be expected on the sole fact that it’s a BETA. It’s not a preview, it’s not head start, it’s beta to test bugs and balance and a myriad of other things, but it is not 100% polished yet.

I would suggest sending in a ticket to support if he’s continuing to have trouble accessing the beta. I bought HoT yesterday and as soon as the beta went live, created a character on the beta slot and haven’t had an issue.

You completely misread the post. He CANT MAKE beta characters even though it is now a full account, with all bag slots and heart of thorns. He also still cant access the trading post fully even though it SHOULD now be a full account

Friend bought HoT, cant use beta/TP?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


Anyone have any idea whats going on? he’s probably going to do a chargeback on the credit card at this rate.

Friend bought HoT, cant use beta/TP?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


My friend bought HoT yesterday, and he got the new bag slots for a full account etc, but he doesnt have access to beta or the trading post. Can someone explain what the hell is going on here? This seems to be a serious error on Anets part and gives an incredibly bad impression to a new player of the company. I hope this can be fixed asap.

To anet. A summary of Shiro list.

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


Skill 3 needs an evade more then damage. Omnislash like skills are suppose to be beneficial against solo targets and weaker against multiple it gives them counter play. But a little damage boost would be welcome.

While I agree with the idea, It is currently better to just autoattack, and that should NOT be the case with a damage skill

To anet. A summary of Shiro list.

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


I think Sword #3 is meant to be like Guardian/Warrior spinning attacks. Multihit with no invulnerability.
The difference with those however is that you can’t cancel it. So yeah, a semi-invuln or at least a way to cancel would be nice.

Of course, it’s auto canceled if enemy is near a wall, so… >.<

Lets compare it to Hundred blades then:

– It does significantly less damage
– It has a precast
– It cant be cancelled
– It doesn’t cleave
– It has longer cooldown
– It has a cost
– You cant control your position, and can get hit by AoEs on both sides of the target.

– It has a slightly shorter channel time (about 0.5s?)
– It gives you up to 7 might

In case you are wondering, here are the damage numbers from the wiki:
Hundred Blades: (8x) 1,571 base dmg +4.21x power scaling
Unrelenting Assault: (7x) 1,414 base dmg +3.85x power scaling

To anet. A summary of Shiro list.

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


Skill 3 Unrelenting Assault
*needs to dodge
*damage is only useful on single target
*once animation is completed often facing away from enemy, making auto attack not auto after.

About the damage, there’s a major design flaw or design dissonance with the revenants numbers. It’s currently a bad idea to use any skills for dps, and is more effective to just use ALL energy on higher hammer/quickness uptime. So even if #3 was buffed in damage, we’d most likely still see the optimal rotation on a revenant be the following:

Activate Quickness → Auto until out of energy
Swap to dwarf
Activate hammers → Auto until out of energy

Which is really sad when it has so many cool skills. If Anet follows through with the “numbers aren’t final” thing, they really must make the optimal rotations include skill #3, and hopefully #2 as well.

While i love skill #3 and the revenant in general so far, there is also one more thing i would like to be addressed:
– When using #3, the camera stays where you were, and then jumps to you when finished. I think it would be WAY better if it followed your target while you channel instead, and would fix how clunky the camera is when it snaps back to you when you finish channeling.

Can we disable the "Fall Scream" in HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


I noticed that in every video Anet has given us which includes gliders, you have to fall a certain distance to trigger the glider. However, this seems to be the same distance that triggers the “fall scream”. This is incredibly silly and after the first 2 times, also rather annoying. It doesn’t make any sense that your character would scream when they have a glider, let alone KEEP screaming AFTER they start gliding.

I’m hoping Anet will either increase the distance traveled to trigger the scream, or let us turn it off (or even just disable entirely it in glider maps) as it is terribly immersion breaking, and also completely nonsensical.

While it may seem a bit nit-picky, sound is an incredibly important aspect for me, and if left unchanged, may completely ruin the gliding experience for me personally.

Duplicated NPC in Southsun Cove

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


  • Server: Aurora Glade
  • Time: 13:40 CET
  • Location: Southsun Cove, SE, Pearl Islet
  • Description:
    I was walking around in Southsun Cove, when i found out that an NPC had been duplicated. There was 2 of him on top of each other. In the very Southeastern corner, on Pearl Islet, there is an NPC, or rather, 2 NPCs called Advisor Okk. They both function identically, and remained after a relog.

spvp thief and warriors are a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Cyrix.3740


As an elementalist and thief, here my take on it.

Frenzy/hundred blades is pretty easy to dodge really. If you get hit by it, you can just mistform or shadowstep out. Both break stun, and have similar cooldown.

Using my thief I prefer a pistolwhip build, but i have d/d as secondary a lot.
It is pretty easy to play, but once you face people who know what they’re doing you actually need to think

For ele i use valkyrie amulet with berserker jewel, and it works wonders (scepter/dagger)