Showing Highly Rated Posts By Daevinity Inspirata.2508:
Most of the armor on Asura leans toward the male model – even on the females. I truly wish for some frilly, girly, cute armors for female Asura.
I am sick to death of nearly all the skirt-sets being pants on the Asura females with the exception of one or two sets like the winged set.
You know… when you buy a video game console and a new one comes out – you are not entitled to the new one for free.
I own a PS3… but I am not expecting a PS4 for free.
It works the same with everything. When a new model of anything comes out – you are not entitled to the goodies just because you bought the older version. Times change, companies come out with new offerings, you buy the new or stick with your old.
I actually bought the CE of GW2 for $150… and this heroic edition doesn’t make me feel cheated in the least. My collector’s edition had all of the items the Digital Deluxe version had and I think it’s ludicrous to expect that I would suddenly get new free stuff because they changed what packages they offer. I can buy the legacy armor skins on the gem store if I want them.
This thread is a lot of whining and entitlement. Let the new players have something nice would you? Simply purchase the legacy armor you like and move on.
Please fix the NAMES.The player names are off within what used to be normal culling radius… beyond that radius ALL THE NAMES ARE ON! >.<
This is really bad and needs to be fixed.
I also feel that the birthday presents should have been handled the same way as GW1 – a small series in which you got one random mini from your present. That gave an element of surprise and fun. I never minded if I got the blue or green rarity vs. the yellow rarity – it was free, it was fun, and I had the option to buy/trade my mini with other players or friends to try and complete my collection. Yes, some got to being grossly expensive and I could not afford them… but I still prefer that over everyone getting multiples of the exact same account bound mini that cannot even be thrown into the mystic forge.
The scroll and booster were a nice addition, but the scroll needs to be a straight +20 levels rather than the 1st 20 levels. This is a gift for veteran players! Hoping for a new race or profession so that I get a chance to use it… but otherwise it’s rotting in my bank. It would have been so much more useful the other way as I could either level a character OR use it for skill points toward making my legendary weapon.
I do hope that Anet is listening to the players on this. I have seen multiple threads about this since they announced it on the Queen’s Speech release page and they ALL express the same sentiments about the birthday presents. It needs to change Anet!
Ever since you guys turned off culling in PVE I have had a sea of names across my screen at all times. It makes the game run poorly for me and makes it ugly too.
Yes, I have the names turned off in the settings. The names ARE off within roughly a 1200 radius, anything outside that radius still shows names – NPCs, Players, everything is named outside the radius. As I run up to the names they disappear.
So obviously something is not working properly. I do hope you can get this fixed soon as it hurts my gaming experience considerably.
Just wanted to add in as well my husband has the same issue so I know it is not just my PC/game client doing it.
I also wanted to include a screenshot of how I see things in game.
Notice how only my group member’s name shows within a radius of my character (the little Asura with bunny ears on a broom there) and everything in the distance has a name.
Near the bank is horrible =(
Nice thread!
Loving the ideas already listed – especially the light, medium, heavy filter options on the TP… and please add a filter for finding BACK ITEMS (most people don’t know to type in ‘spineguard’ or whatever other keywords make them magically appear).
Also, we need a dungeon token bank where each slot allows up to 500 tokens rather than the usual 250 (legendary gifts require 500 tokens after all). Heck… I would love to see many slots increased to 500 such as globs of ectoplasm (need those for a lot of things in game), mystic coins, obsidian shards….. yeah just make it all allow for 500 to be stored.
While on the topic of bank storage… allow us to purchase more tabs! I have all the tabs I can buy and I am quickly running out of room from all the costumes, skins, tokens, boosts, excess crafting materials, etc. If I want to be a hoarder – let me be one.
Guild bank – allow me to stack items that match without first pulling the item out of the guild bank into my own bag, stacking, then replacing. That is annoying. If the item matches I should be able to double click and have it automatically stack into the item in the bank.
The option to buy multiple (as already mentioned) PLEASE!!!!! Don’t know if you have sat around spending hundreds of thousands of karma on drinks for the thirst slayer achievement there ANet… but carpel tunnel is most certainly your reward. (Let’s not forget all the clicks you then have to continue doing to DRINK it all after you manage to buy it).
Really hate having to un-stack medallions in my bags before I can throw them into the mystic forge too.
That’s all I can think of at this particular point in time, I will return when I think up more ideas. =)
I have mine set on low because it helps my system handle the bigger fights…. but not when you add in the sea of names >.<
My husband has been buying drinks for thirst slayer…. he has been clicking for DAYS and he is still not done. We are talking about over 300k clicks here! It’s ridiculous.
First he has to click to buy. Then he has to double click to drink each drink – and you need to drink 100k drinks!
At least make it so we can BUY in one go and reduce the clicking! >.<
In addition to the Katana… we should get more daggers of Asian style as well! We have a sai as it stands, and I love that, but I want daggers. The ceremonial ones come pretty close too.
No… just NO.
Guardians are not overpowered at all. They are crafted well for both support, dps, and healing – depending on how you spec them out. Yes, even while specced for dps they can still do a bit of the other things as well – but that is how the GUARDIAN was intended to function. They are called a guardian for a reason – they help their party with all of their buffs – invaluable in dungeons – and they also help heal along with others since there are no dedicated healers. Those two things should NOT mean that they cannot kill mobs.
No nerf.
I was totally ‘blah’ about this upcoming update until I looked at the Internet today and saw the poem, wind-up watch, and webpage defacement. It really has me thinking… and that is getting me excited!
Oh please ANet… deliver something Earth-shattering, something amazing and awesome that will change the game forever. Something that will make jaws drop and possibly hearts break. I need a REALLY good story! =)
and to Scarlet…. I’m gonna kick your butt!
HUMAN SUPERIORITY…. Death to the vegetables, kitties, and sentient dolls
rofl “sentient dolls”
I actually want female model armor on female Asura so I can make them look MORE like little dollies! They need adorable lolita clothes for them… that would be so cute!
Long live the dolls! =p
Professions (armor-wise) are not supposed to be equal in defense. Someone wearing a cloth robe should not get the same protection as someone wearing a plate armor set – plain and simple. This is how it is in almost every game out there.
When you choose your profession you also choose how vulnerable you plan to be. If you want to be a necro, mesmer, or elementalist then you should expect to be ‘squishy’ and need to compensate for that. That does not mean your profession should automatically get double the dodge ability. (plenty of stuff can one-shot a plate wearer in this game too when they fail to dodge/run out of endurance and cannot dodge).
Nor should this mean that all professions should get the option to wear all levels of armor. The amount of defense you have from your armor class is part of what makes a profession – it should remain the way it is.
That’s true, I didn’t consider the SAB because it was more of a mini game than actual story content for the Asura.
Flame and Frost definitely gave us some Norn and Charr things to do as well… they just weren’t made into city-hub like stories.
We need more Sylvari stuff and actual story content for Asura! hehe
I recently saw the Phoenix set that is viewable in the PvP lockers. Once again – a beautiful feathered skirt for females…. just not for Asura females because they got stuck in the male model AGAIN.
PLEASE ANet… make some of your new armors both male and female modeled for Asura. This just kills me, the new feathered looking phoenix set is stunning and I cannot put it on my character.