Showing Posts For Dan.9801:

1 Hour Left!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I’ll let you in on a little secret, only a minor percentage of users have had their account suspended or hijacked. The majority of us are still online. The ones you see in this forum are people who can’t access the game.

That said if you got banned for inappropriate language then there is one of three scenarios here.

a. You actually did use inappropriate language (swearing excessively, word abuse, name abuse)

Someone hijacked your account and used it for the same thing.

c. Some friends of yours had fun in game trolling people calling them colourful.

Make a support ticket, ask them for a log of what you said that was abusive.

Lol it’s been 5 days since I sent them my ticket asking what i said that was that abusive. They wont answer, so don’t count on it

Language bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


but i said the N word. but with an A on the end. once. and BOOM. 14 DAY BANHAMMER

I said the N word with the A at the end too and i think that’s what i was banned for because i dont remember saying anything else. I agree it’s totally unfair this company sucks

Language bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


i said “kitten” one time. thats it. there is a language filter in the game to prevent people from getting offended. i dont understand why one bad word WHEN THERE IS A FILTER FOR IT got me a full 14 day ban? That is BEYOND stupid. and totally uncalled for.

Completely agreed. Tooooooo bad this comment will get deleted because agreeing with someone isn’t allowed on these forums. Maybe if i say how much i hate arena net some more it wont get deleted because that’s what this threads all about. Hey arena net, i hate you

Language bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Ok. I just woke up this morning and wanted to play Guild Wars, tried to log on to my account and realized i have been given a >2 WEEK< ban for saying a racial slur?? i said ONE offensive word and got banned for 14 days. I think that was extremely ridiculous. i can understand banning people for a few hours. but 2. entire. weeks. i’m pretty sure this game has a language filter? why ban players for swearing if you have a filter to protect people that dont want to hear it.

Same here dude. Only i don’t remember what i said. It’s been about 5 days for me so far and i was even talking to a GM on here and he said “If you tell me your characters names i’ll tell you what you said to get banned” So i told him my character names and guess what… he never answered. Blatantly lying isn’t gunna help anyone. I’m really sad because this game was so good but the company is a piece of poop (wouldn’t want to get banned for saying a “bad” word)

1 Hour Left!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


it was only 3 or 4 I cant remember but it was not an outrageous amount. Pretty sure it was because they have no proof and I kept asking to be sent a screenshot of what I supposedly did.

They can’t give you a screenshot, they don’t see things as you do when playing the game, they have logs etc. Obviously the nature of the logs they can’t give you a screenshot of that either.

Copy/Paste of the log of you saying what got you banned? Every other company with MMO’s out there have made it work so you cant tell me they can’t

Need Clarification on RoC, Re: Bots vs Macros

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


You’ll probably get banned for “Exploits” and then never told what you did and told that you should’ve read the ToS

1 Hour Left!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


it was only 3 or 4 I cant remember but it was not an outrageous amount. Pretty sure it was because they have no proof and I kept asking to be sent a screenshot of what I supposedly did.

I have the same problem, I was banned 14 days for racial slurs and i dont think i ever did anything worth 2 marks on my account instead of 1 (14 days comes after you get a 3 day ban but i never had a 3 day ban) and they just wont answer as to what i said. I even was talking to a GM on these forums and he said exactly “If you tell me your character names i’ll tell you what you said” So i called his bluff and told him my character names and he never answered. Blatantly lying wont help anyone

Suspended 14 days for Racial Slurs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Why are we even talking about the names of your characters? Who cares? What does it have to do with your post?

Sounds like you were temporarily banned for racial slurs and I haven’t heard you once say you didn’t do it. Try not being a racist or a jerk when your ban is up and you won’t end up repeating this event, right?

Unless you want to appeal the ban, I think it’s their discretion set the length to an amount they choose. Welcome to a game where you are actually punished for being immature and damaging the community

If you didn’t actually say anything wrong, then you should make that point clear.

I never said i didn’t say anything that couldn’t be found offensive. I said I honestly dont think i’ve said anything worth a 14 day ban, but i still don’t know what i said. I’m not a racist and anything i could have said wasn’t meant to or at anyone and was in a jokingly manor. Only reason i’m saying this is because i joke around with my friends in real life and maybe i joked in-game. But why is it worth a 14 day ban instead of the usual 3?

Bought this game for my friend, he can't get in for 3 days

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Just charge back and pointlessly wait for the next MMO to come out so it can come out and be terrible just like all new MMOs. Too bad… this game was good but the company wasn’t

Suspended 14 days for Racial Slurs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Im srsly stumped as to why you would even call ur characters that in the first place. Your obviously just testing arenanets patience.

Please reply as to a good reason your characters are called that

How is Cash Money or No Friends an anyway testing anybody’s patients?

Cash Money is obviously going to be related to gold sellers and therefor just stupid to make ur character named that and No friends… some people dont like to hear that in an MMO… hell most people dont like to hear that anywhen.. to put it as ur characters name is just rude

I think you are being RIDICULOUS. CashMoney could be used for someone that really enjoys trading and plays the game to maximize gold rather then progress. No Friends could simply mean a player prefers to play alone. People really need to chill out and not worry so much about other people.

But your in an MMO and whilst i agree with you on the names not being worthy of a ban of any sort i can see where people are coming from. And you have to worry about other people in an MMO.. there are just some easy to offend people out there and Anet caters to them

I think your name is offensive because it has heart in it which reminds me that I’m alone and I’m going to report you so that you get a 3 day ban.

3 day ban clearly isn’t enough. This man deserves a 14 day ban for his insane name that is clearly against the ToS. In the ToS it says not to have offensive names, and your name totally offends me the same way it offends TouchofRed

Suspended 14 days for Racial Slurs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I consider myself to be a fanboy but see nothing with your names that would be offensive. Yes it can ruin someone’s “immersion” but I’d not consider that to be an offense.

My guess is it’s something you said in chat, something you think is fine to say but others don’t think is acceptable.

I just wish A Net would just tell me already. I shouldn’t have to resort to begging and if don’t know what i said that is so offensive how can i not make the same mistake?

Suspended 14 days for Racial Slurs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Since my last comment was deleted for “Bad Nature” or whatever, pretty much you guys are looking into the meaning of my names way to much. They dont really have much meaning i just named them that because i did. Oh, and the ‘fanboys’ are the ones who are saying my names are inappropriate, unless you do some crazy mind gymnastics i cant possibly see these names being offensive. The real problem here is I have no idea what i said that warrents a double suspension and i would really like to know. I really don’t even care if the GM says it publicly, I just really want to know. I’m sure it’s something stupid.

Suspended 14 days for Racial Slurs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


My account was suspended for 14 days for racial slurs and I really would like and appreciate for a GM to tell me what I said that would warrent a 14 day ban instead of a 3 day ban. The only characters that this could have happened on are No Friends or Cash Money . I put a ticket up 2 days ago but haven’t gotten a response (I know people have been waiting around a week for a response) but the suspense is killing me. How hard could it be to tell me what I said in an email while issuing the ban?

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


So Gaile said that he’d say what we said to get us a 3/14 day ban if we told him char names, but hasn’t yet and i really want to sleep but i also really want to know what i did to deserve this. Whatever, this post will probably get deleted for not having enough to do with the thread anyway.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


You took what he said way to literally. What if I’m joking around with my friends in guild chat and mention something about dildo’s and someone finds it offensive and reports me. It sucks to have to be paranoid about stuff like that when we play games to relax, not get taut and stressed. I don’t have to worry about this when I’m hanging out with my friends, nor when I’m playing any other game in the world. I don’t want to play this game if it’s going to be like this, but I really do like this game. So I lose either way. I was never mean to a single person, but if they interpret it that way and report me, I’m going to get banned apparently.

We live in a world where we focus on persecuting the people who bother other people with their words. But what the most profound people have learned, is that anyone can be offended by anything. So instead of working on persecuting people, we need to work on toughening our skin so that if someone says something mean, it doesn’t affect us. Idealistically, one wouldn’t even care if someone walked up to them and cussed them out then walked away. I feel like that’s what we should work towards.

Very well said. I’m on a 3 day suspension that ends tomorrow, and first of all I dont even know what I said, and secondly if anything I said was THAT offensive to someone then I don’t know if I’m going to be able to play. I play games to relax with friends and have fun. As soon as I log on tomorrow till I dont play anymore, Im going to be paranoid about getting banned for anything I say, nobody should have to feel like that.

The problem with what Gaile said is that anyone can find anything offensive, even if you don’t find any possible way that something could be offensive, and that’s not in the ToS because it’s not like you’re directly attacking someone like it says they’re against

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


If you guys give me the character name, I’ll post what you said.

Happen to find anything? I’m really curious, sorry

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


If I get banned again, I will be permanently banned, seems legit.

Is that really how it works? 3 strikes and you’re out? Now i’ll be super paranoid that if i say Hi to someone while they’re having a bad day i’ll lose all my characters FOREVER. It should be based on the severity of the actions that you did, not how many times you did stupid things that barely deserve a ban

Oh and yeah i would really like to know what i said that got me 14 days away from gw2

Don’t repeat your mistakes? Clearly saying “Hi” to someone won’t ever result in you being suspended, where just being mean will.

If i’m joking and call someone an idiot and someone else doesn’t like me or finds it offensive they can just report me and i’ll probably get banned for offending that person

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


If I get banned again, I will be permanently banned, seems legit.

Is that really how it works? 3 strikes and you’re out? Now i’ll be super paranoid that if i say Hi to someone while they’re having a bad day i’ll lose all my characters FOREVER. It should be based on the severity of the actions that you did, not how many times you did stupid things that barely deserve a ban

Oh and yeah i would really like to know what i said that got me 14 days away from gw2

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


If you guys give me the character name, I’ll post what you said.

I believe it was Cash Money, and if it wasn’t that, then No Friends

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


So? We dont get any warning for getting a first mark? Just a 14 day ban suddenly? why not a 3 day ban.. :S Im pretty sure it was once or twice I said the n word with my friends and in unharmful way but why the 14 days seriously its SO harsh :/
Ticket number : 120904005098

I believe you misunderstood. The first mark is 3 days. The second mark can be 14 days. If you have the first mark and get another in a relatively short period of time, the system automatically increases the suspension to 14 days.

If this happened to me would it mention the first mark and the second mark or just the second mark? I dont think i ever got a first mark just a 14 day ban for racial slurs

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Got banned myself for racial slurs, 3 days. I was messing around not actually using “ni**a” in a derogatory manner, just jokes. I completely understand the wrong in using racial slurs and understand why it would be offensive to some. Regardless I’d rather be warned or hour bans rather than 3 days for a joke that was obviously taken the wrong way….

Same thing happened to me but i wonder why for me it’s a 14 day ban instead of 3. Alot of people have been getting 3 day bans and mine was a 14 and i got no explanation.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


So? We dont get any warning for getting a first mark? Just a 14 day ban suddenly? why not a 3 day ban.. :S Im pretty sure it was once or twice I said the n word with my friends and in unharmful way but why the 14 days seriously its SO harsh :/
Ticket number : 120904005098

Same here dude. It’s lame

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I’m kind of disappointed with the GW2 community and the terms of service to be honest. I just got a 3 day ban for inappropriate language. Not even anything racial or particularly offensive. I would say stuff in chat like “This ****** is tough as nails” or “Holy **** I just got hit for like 2k”. I didn’t really think that would warrant me a ban, but low and behold, it’s in the terms of service that I cannot swear and will be banned for it if I’m reported. And it sucks, because it’s completely my fault for swearing when I agreed not to, and they have every right to ban me, and the players have every right to report me. But if I can’t say stuff like that in chat without being scared of receiving another ban, I’ll be extremely disappointed that that is the reason why I’ll have to leave the game. I play a game to have fun, and relax. And apparently this community doesn’t approve of that, and the games creators don’t approve of it. It’s just a sucky reason to have to leave a game. I’ve never encountered problems like this with the terms of service or the game community ever before, and I’m not going to put up with it, so more than likely I’m going to have to stop playing.

However, the one unacceptable thing that has been done, is that I try to log in and it’s just like “You’re banned for inappropriate language for 72 hours.” Honestly? No e-mail on my e-mail account, no e-mail on here. No explanation. No easy way to try and fight it. I don’t even get a chat log showing what it was I got banned for. Nothing in existence has ever worked that way before because it’s unfair. We don’t throw people in prison without explaining what they did wrong, you don’t just punish people without ever explaining why. I’d never tell my kids that they can’t hang out with their friends and not explain why. It’s unjust.

Completely agreed! Usually when I leave a game around release it’s because it’s a bad game, not because i’m afraid i’ll say “Oh Poop” and get banned for it even when there is a profanity filter

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I got banned for 2 weeks also for racial slurs that even if I said (don’t remember saying them) I really doubt they were worth 2 weeks of ban

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


So don’t use that term? Why would you even say that in the first place? What’s wrong with just “hello”? Why would you feel a need to point out someone’s race? Just say hello. Simple as that. Same goes for in-game chat.

Implying I ever said that in-game. I don’t recall saying anything about anyone’s race that is the problem. Either way, pointing out someones race isn’t an excuse for a 2 week ban.

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


What I do not understand is that GW2 and ANET incorporated a “Language Filter” to filter out the “cussing”, and yet they still ban for cussing or “racial slurs”.

People can walk down the street with their hands over their hears so they filter out offensive language. Does that mean it’s ok for someone to walk up to them and use racial slurs? of course not.

If you don’t want to be suspended for using racial slurs, don’t use racial slurs. It really can’t get any easier than that.

The problem is, it’s like if i walked up to someone with hand over their ears and said “Hello, African American” and they secretly went to the police and said i committed a hate crime and wanted me arrested and then i was arrested without them telling me what i did wrong and then people going around and saying “You did the crime, now you pay the time, that simple” while i’m like “What just happened.”

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I vaguely remember you trolling in Heart of the Mists and being rude to someone. Running to the forums to claim you’re innocent won’t really help you.

Where’s the Heart of Mists?

Nice try.

Seriously. And what server are you from?

Oh and, the issue is racial slurs, not trolling

(edited by Dan.9801)

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I know how you feel bro. Luckily my “racial slur” suspension is only 3 days when i can’t even remember saying anything as well, if I got an email Id at least be able to say “oh yeah oops” then laugh it off and wait but I got nothing so I’m still paranoid as to what happened. With the way things have been going lately I’m honestly afraid that when i try to log in tomorrow, when the suspension ends, that Ill be banned for even longer possibly for something that I don’t know about. My brother got permanently banned yesterday for RMT when he was gone all weekend with school stuff, and they didn’t email him or anything either. Its so unfortunate cause i love this game to death but if these things keep happening to myself or close ones I don’t know if I’ll be able to play in fear of it happening again. Customers shouldn’t have to play a game being paranoid or in fear of getting banned constantly.

This is exactly how i feel. Sorry for double post

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


You guys are saying yeah it totally must have been something serious this man is a bad person but i’m not racist in any way and the reason i made this post is because i have never said anything that serious. “You did the crime now you serve the time” But what crime?! Maybe they could atleast tell me and i could own up to it. If i called out a man for his skin color i think i’d be able to remember it and say “Oh, yeah, i’m an idiot” but i’ve never done anything like that because it’s just not me. It would just make everything easier for them to tell me what i said

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


Swag Master, Cash Money, Make Money are my character names. I used the term Crakka once or twice from a quote from youtube. Maybe that was it? How is a quote that is mispelled and not directed towards someone else offensive enough for a 14 day ban?

It just annoys me how they don’t bother to send an email or anything with a reason except for saying you used a racial slur when you go to log in

2 Week suspension for racial slurs I dont remember saying

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.9801


I was banned for 2 weeks for “racial slurs” but i got no email or anything with a copy/paste of the chatlog and i don’t know what i said. I don’t remember saying anything that could seriously offend anyone. Also i thought that suspension for chat issues was only 3 days. I submitted a ticket ( 120904-009996 ) but haven’t gotten a reply