Showing Posts For Danigar.3795:
Yeah, I have to agree that scribe feels really poorly designed. I still can’t wrap my head around how difficult they made it just to get BASIC decorations for the guild hall. Requiring Crystalline Ore for basic decorations seems excessive, not to mention the three hour timer on upgrading a basic decoration to a simple one. I can understand the higher end decorations taking some time and valuable resources, but I feel like they went over board on the time gating for basic decorations.
Bumping this for visibility. With the Night Fury recipe being discovered prices of flax are sky rocketing again.
The F2 should be the smoke field so we have control over it. Random smoke field is useless
After getting a few more hours of PvE in with HaO on my bar I can say that it doesn’t even feel like the skill was buffed. The boons fall off too quickly and 3 stacks of might are barley noticeable. At this point I feel like they should just remove the boon copy effect and try something different. Maybe try it on Strength of the Pack instead? Longer CD would allows for longer boons without the worry of having them last forever.
Playing with HaO in lvl 50 fractals. Honestly feels like it was never even buffed. The might cap is uncalled for. The duration limit was needed, though it was a bit too much.
I can agree that the duration limit was needed. The might stack limit however was completely unnecessary. I mean we have PS warriors stacking 25 might on an entire group, but ranger isn’t allowed to do it just for itself and pet? Seems a bit unfair.
So when is the nerf to PS warrior coming?
Here’s mine
“In an attempt to add more synergy between the ranger and their pet, we have made it so ranger heals only affect the pet by default! We are proud to introduce a new gradmaster nature magic trait that will allow the ranger to heal themselves as well! To allow for counterplay to this powerful new trait, the heals will only work if the pet is alive!”
BG just killed him for 2nd time
Yup, thank god for guesting there. super thumbs up for the commander Amaryllie, she’s absolutely amazing with coordinating everything.
Yup.. that’s me dead in the first one – i was the only defending the turrets at the end while everyone else went off for that extremely close kill. you glorious kittens..
Hey thats me in the background! I think it was just you and I defending at the end :P Great job guys!!!!
I somewhat agree. I think it would be interesting if there was some sort of objective that would cause failure rather than time. Perhaps give the megalaser health and have Tequatl or risen attack it. Once its destroyed then the event fails. Would also be nice if there was a way to repair the laser. Like at 50% Teq flys off and we get a chance to repair. I love that there is a chance for failure now. Makes fighting feel a lot more meaningful.
Is it really “meaningful”? You can easily tell within the first 2-3 minutes if your instance is even capable of completing the event. Five minutes to determine if you’re even going to hit the first chest within 15.
It took Blackgate nearly half the timer to get him to 75% and they completed it with 2 minutes left. Sounds like you are giving up too easily. And yes, its still much more meaningful then standing there auto attacking until you get your free reward.
I somewhat agree. I think it would be interesting if there was some sort of objective that would cause failure rather than time. Perhaps give the megalaser health and have Tequatl or risen attack it. Once its destroyed then the event fails. Would also be nice if there was a way to repair the laser. Like at 50% Teq flys off and we get a chance to repair. I love that there is a chance for failure now. Makes fighting feel a lot more meaningful.
Keep in mind the number 2 skill on turrets has a 12s CD. the Cleanse is 5 seconds.
I would like Connoisseur of Pain to be the title :P
Posted this in another thread:
If the infinite coin is pay to win simply because it allows you to complete content faster, then nearly everything on the gem store can be considered pay to win. Exp, Karma, Crafting, Glory, and WXP boosters all allow people who purchase them to complete content faster. Heck, the swim speed booster allows to complete water based content faster than other. GW2 PvE endgame is largely based around collecting skins. I can buy a number of great looking skins off the gem store, allowing me to get a better appearance faster than other players. The infinite gathering tools allow me to collect all the resources I want without having to buy more tools. Therefore I can do it faster than others. Additional bag slots allow me to keep more items in my inventory and not have to visit a vendor as often, allowing me to complete a wide variety of content faster. Bank/Merchant/TP Express items allow me to quickly access those services anywhere, allowing my to do content faster since I don’t have to go back to a city. Most of these things have been available since launch. Why are you guys just now deciding to cry about pay to win?
The coin is a convenience item. The horse is dead, please stop beating it.
It was too easy! Tribulation Mode complete!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Danigar.3795
If the infinite coin is pay to win simply because it allows you to complete content faster, then nearly everything on the gem store can be considered pay to win. Exp, Karma, Crafting, Glory, and WXP boosters all allow people who purchase them to complete content faster. Heck, the swim speed booster allows to complete water based content faster than other. GW2 PvE endgame is largely based around collecting skins. I can buy a number of great looking skins off the gem store, allowing me to get a better appearance faster than other players. The infinite gathering tools allow me to collect all the resources I want without having to buy more tools. Therefore I can do it faster than others. Additional bag slots allow me to keep more items in my inventory and not have to visit a vendor as often, allowing me to complete a wide variety of content faster. Bank/Merchant/TP Express items allow me to quickly access those services anywhere, allowing my to do content faster since I don’t have to go back to a city. Most of these things have been available since launch. Why are you guys just now deciding to cry about pay to win?
The coin is a convenience item. The horse is dead, please stop beating it.
You can buy them from Moto with Bauble Bubbles in Rata Sum.
It was too easy! Tribulation Mode complete!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Danigar.3795
Just completed 2-2 trib mode. I tried to use the shortcut eagle. The whole time I was telling myself there is no way they are going to let me get away with this. I was right, best laugh I’ve had in TM yet. Well played Josh&team
It was too easy! Tribulation Mode complete!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Danigar.3795
Since this is my favorit update up to now, of course I bought the Infinite Continue Coin to support Arena Net.
Okay, I’m not criticizing you for buying it. But don’t you think it’s a bit odd to make a post saying that the hard mode of SAB was “too easy” and that it needs to be harder after buying a gem store item to make it easier for you?
The coin doesn’t do anything to the difficulty. It doesn’t make you jump better, it doesn’t make the invisible traps visible, it has no effect on difficulty. All it does is saves you time. Its a convenience item no different than exp boosters or the infinite gathering tools.
It was too easy! Tribulation Mode complete!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Danigar.3795
In Tribulation mode, you expect to die a lot and anyone who enjoys TM knows that death in there is not failure, but instead it is seen as progression. So no, high death count does not mean it was difficult. Its all a matter of perspective.
It was too easy! Tribulation Mode complete!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Danigar.3795
Congrats! So far I’ve done world 1 TM twice and am planning to do world 2 over the weekend.
I absolutely love TM mode, thanks for including it, Josh! I’ve learned a lot about my abilities to jump and predict the unpredictable
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Danigar.3795
Hm. Let me specify, lest I be accused of whining. I meant all the EXTRA hours I poured in was wasted. I just put in too much stuff. I’m not crying here. I’m learning a lesson.
I wouldn’t say it was completely wasted, there are still those of us who enjoy it as it currently is! We just aren’t as vocal because we spend most of our time playing it instead of typing about it. In fact, I wouldn’t be typing this right now if I were at home and able to play!
Its possible, but its a pretty tricky jump.
Wish I had to screenshot to upload! I made the hammer this morning, going to make the greatsword as well when I get home from work.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Danigar.3795
Just want to say that so far I have loved world 2 and tribulation mode, but there are parts that I can see being not fun fun for those who don’t enjoy difficulty spike. Namely the gong run in 2-2. I thought of a couple things that might make it a bit smoother (sorry if they’ve already been mentioned). For one, putting a check point at the top of the tower instead of the bottom. The climb to the top is difficult the first time, and just plain tedious after that. Putting the checkpoint at the top would allow people to quickly retry the gong run without the frustration of stepping slightly too far on the climb for the 5th time in a row. Second, you might consider slowing the speed of the gong. As it is right now, its pretty tricky to switch from one side to the other before the gong gets too far. I think that would make a huge difference in the difficulty. I haven’t made it to 2-2 trib mode yet, but as it currently is, the gong run FELT like tribulation. I personally enjoy the difficulty, but I know many others don’t!
Overall, great job on the SAB, can’t wait to see more of it!
I agree, Trib mode is fantastic. I completed world one tribulation and am working on world 2 normal, than I will try trib mode there as well. I loved the rapids level. The frogger-like log jump across the river was the best. Also, the hillbillies were hilarious. 2-2 was great as well, although a bit too long. Haven’t tried 2-3 yet but I’m expecting it to be just as good.
They mentioned in the live stream that there would eventually be different types of gloves. This might be a teaser for that.
Here to report the same issue. Just started for me today. I get stuck on loading screens or have massive lag spikes and then get sent to character screen with the same error shown above. I have already submitted a ticket.
I agree with this guy! If this dosen’t change I’m quitting forever! Don’t try to stop me, I’ll do it!
I see every nerf as a challenge. My current build became less viable because a major skill is nerfed? I take it as a challenge to readjust and rebuild my character. Getting the end-game gears is so bloody easy in this game, I already have a few set of exotic armor just to cater for different builds I am experimenting. Re-distribution of trait points is so easy and inexpensive.
The problem is, a lot of the people who cry about nerfs CAN’T readjust their build because they only use the latest greatest cookie cutter build they found on the forums. So they have to sit and whine about how their class is useless until the next super awesome copy/paste build comes along.
But if they removed stealth, thieves would just be rangers without pets. In other words, still better than ranger.
One thing I learned form the forum is that every class can do everything that every other class can do, except every other class can do it better.
I’m perfectly fine with minor graphic bugs, please bring this feature back!!
Seriously considering joining you. If I can convince my small guild to come a long. Is there a guild set up there for WvW or what is the situation?