Showing Posts For Danireathorn.2814:

Legendary Dredge Powersuit 20s Kill @ 48

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


My eviscerate is always the last one


Rampaging Ice Elemental 25s Kill at Scale 48

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


The first link at 36 seconds when that war dodges away for no reason, ahahahahahahahahahahhaha

Zerk warrs always have a reason to dodge: stick and move.

Ah, yes


How to not bug Arah Path 2?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Sometimes you have to have whomever is furthest ahead to hold the cut scene to allow everyone else to catch up/get set up placement wise.


Rampaging Ice Elemental 25s Kill at Scale 48

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


The first link at 36 seconds when that war dodges away for no reason, ahahahahahahahahahahhaha


Starting a dungeon guide:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I like the little running man symbol for the running sequences

edit: just realized that it’s not a symbol for all the running sequences…whoops


Arah speed run

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Thanks for forgetting me, i currently have ele, engi, ranger (partial ._.), warrior, guardian and mesmer solos on youtube.

I’m sorry, I haven’t looked through the GW2 part of youtube for a while


Arah speed run

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Well, unless you’re focusing on getting the record on Lupi kills, you should be using the same build you have in other dungeons. I dunno what classes you mean since you didn’t specify a specific class, but a good thing to have in Arah (especially for Lupi) are weapon sets with energy sigils just for the Lupi fight. Strife’s Arah vids are still great for the paths themselves.

Of course, if you’re interested solely on Lupi, there are solo videos from Obal (Guard), Wethospu (War), Sanderinoa (Mes), Random (Thief) and I’m sure there are other vids for the other classes out there on youtube.


Entering Dungeon Issue(s)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Sometimes the problem is on the dungeon opener’s end. It happens to me quite frequently if the person is playing in Europe (but still in an NA server) when they open the instance. When this happens to me, I just reform the party and make sure that I myself open the dungeon.


It's time to punish brute force

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I can’t edit my post, weird.

Yeah, I mean it’s not the berserker players’ fault; the current dungeon boss mechanics just allow for berserker geared players to complete dungeons faster than non-berserker geared players.


It's time to punish brute force

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I thought you were hating against zerk parties, but your argument is about the actual dungeon bosses themselves. I agree with your wanting to have the mechanics changed up. I just don’t want the boss fights to be long/dragged out like how the current Grenth boss is.

It’s going to be a challenge to change the mechanics to something everyone can agree on, no one wants to spend ages doing a boss when there is a more efficient way to defeat it. I hope they get really creative with the changes, because I don’t think dragging out boss fights is the right idea unless you have to do something engaging during the fight.


It's time to punish brute force

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


In my opinion, it isn’t easy until you master what the class does. Speaking from a Zerk Guard standpoint, it takes a bit of time to use that build effectively. Because of the lack of health/heals compared to an AH build, I need to time and chain so many things together with my other party members in order for a dungeon run to be easy. I wouldn’t say the way I play my Zerk Guard is 100% brute force. You have to be knowledgeable of every single boss and mob in every single instance in order to work at your full potential (i.e. knowing when to use a hammer, constantly swapping weapons between bosses/events).

For example, I have to always be aware of using my blinds/vuln from my sword/focus, using aegis to block knockdowns/big attacks so the rest of my party can keep DPSing, cleansing conditions on my party if need be, and so much more all while being aware of my surroundings and my party.

Saying that I always do these things would be an absolute lie, however. If I have an off day, suck, or make one mistake and don’t throw up an aegis or whatever, the party can wipe easily. It’s a lot easier to find out who sucks at Guard/Mes then who sucks at War during a dungeon run.

Again, I’m speaking on behalf of my own Zerk Guard experience and Zerk parties in general. I am not a perfect player or someone who has fully mastered every single encounter, so I can see how people who have mastered encounters would want harder instances. Heck, I’m all for harder dungeons since they’re getting a bit stale for sure.

But yeah, I agree with you on wanting different mechanics in dungeons. I just disagree with you on the fact that Zerk party tactics ignore the mechanics of fights.


Giganticus Lupicus Guardian Melee Video Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Definitely my favorite GL vid/guide. So that’s what you were doing when you were “away” in Arah! Amazing job.


Dungeon Revamp Question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Yeah, apart from AC like you said, I’ve only seen small things (that cliff in CoF 1 for example) being changed, nothing significant. I think that Colin’s recent post that you linked is going to be the next major revamp reward wise.

Dungeon mechanics wise? Maybe that come along with the upcoming completion awards. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Caudecus's Manor Difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Well, kudos for at least finishing CM. When I started running dungeons, I tried to read written guides and maybe watch a video on YouTube or two. I can’t think of a YouTube channel off the top of my head that has Story Modes on it, so maybe Wethospu’s written guides would help better.

All the dungeons get easier after you’ve ran them again and again, and since GW2 dungeons focus more on dodging/knowing the situations and attacks rather than straight up face-taking, it’ll take some getting used to until you’re proficient.


How much should I sell Infinite Light in TP?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Seeing all those harpy warriors using that sword… you have a fine weapon, my friend. Don’t be surprised if someone “buys” it off the TP in the next two days.


Conflicted with how community does dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I suggest finding a Guild of dungeoneers if you will frequent dungeons a lot. If we can get more newbies/LFGers into Guilds that have the time to teach the right mechanics, it might improve the overall player base. I mean, there is no reason why you cannot use Grast’s mechanic in P3 anymore. I know it had some errors when the patch came out, but now his shield bubble is reliable and works fine.

The trash run part, what Broadicea said, I agree with.


Reported cause i left fractals after daily

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I’ve had that happen where someone left after the first just to get the daily without beforehand telling anyone. It didn’t really make me angry; I just had a 5 second “lolwut” moment.


Good music to listen to while playing

in Audio

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I love anything from “Explosions In The Sky”. I used to not be a fan of instrumental music, but man, I connect with their songs on so many levels.


Dungeon playability and strategy

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Here is the debate that I see; If the Devs come out with a dungeon that is deemed too “easy” by the majority of the players, the player base will want the next dungeon that comes out to have more mechanics. If the dungeon is deemed too “hard” by the majority, the players will want the next dungeon to be easier.

Not everyone is going to be happy regardless of how hard the dungeon is. Your opinion is that the dungeon is too mechanics heavy. However, there are topics in the dungeon forum + other forums that praise the Devs for making the dungeon challenging.

It’s fair for you to write out your opinion of why you don’t like the dungeon and I don’t think you should be lambasted because you don’t like it. However, keep in mind that many people have praised the difficulty + mechanics of this dungeon and really like the way the Devs have been going dungeon-wise.

I personally like this dungeon because I needed something to try running. Because the normal permanent dungeons have been well…permanent, it’s easy to master them and then get stuck in a “now what?” phase of dungeon running. Sure, the mechanics took a while to grasp, but that’s what had to happen in every other dungeon. In short, I really like this dungeon and the way they’ve been going with dual boss battles and stuff like that.


Favorite dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I love the look + feel of Honor of the Waves. Looking forward to a possible future revamp for it! The skins for the armors and weapons are my favorites as well.


Dungeon Textual Guides?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Click here and scroll down near the bottom, click a dungeon, and choose “story” or “explorable” and you’ve got a nice little cheat sheet. These guides provide a good overview of what to expect, however, it’s always nice to watch the youtube videos since they tend to be more in depth/updated/helpful.


Don't add AR in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


It would be a new and interesting challenge for sure. I dunno though, time-wise I’m not sure many FOTM speed run groups would like it. I can’t imagine what it would be like if you had bad luck in a PUG group with it as well; it might give you 2x more trouble than dredge (Yeah, I’ve had bad luck doing dredge in PUG groups… ). But time-wise I dunno if it should be in fractals. I mean we all know that time spent in fractals does not equate to the proper rewards.


AC will probably never be good again

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Maybe we just need to push the idea of creating more dungeon guilds (for newcomers and for vets). It just sucks to have to rely on GW2LFG in my opinion.

I personally have had much better luck (and runs) in dungeons when I created a dungeon guild with a solid player base of people with the same mindset as myself. I mean, finding a group of guys to add to your friends list helps a ton when trying to find dungeon groups.

I think many players would benefit from joining a like-minded dungeon guild rather than creating a PUG group. In my opinion, the challenge is finding groups to do dungeons with since many new players (and those who play sporadically) sometimes do not have the time (and maybe patience) to risk joining/creating a random PUG group.

I mean, at least with a guild/big friends list you at least have had some interaction with the players whereas it is sometimes rare to find the same people in GW2LFG.


dungeon professions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


You might have a big debate on your hands if more people see this thread and post. War/Guard/Mes vs bringing other classes is one of the most popular topics to discuss about.

I like Slither’s take on it; I have tons of fun running dungeons with friends even if our party does not consist of a certain kind of class. Along with that note, once you play with that group, you might eventually find the perfect dungeon class set up for your needs (speed run/casual/farming/etc).

“Good” is a very ambiguous term. You are correct in saying that " Every profession can bring something to the party," this is true 100%. The reason why many people run Guards, Warriors, Mesmers, and even Eles in dungeons is that the Guard/War/Mes set up is arguably the closest to a “Trinity (of DPS/Tank/Utility)” that we have in GW2. The general consensus is that:

1. Warriors have the best DPS in the game
2. Having a competent Guardian arguably is the best factor in many runs
3. Mesmers, though in some occasions not necessary, bring an overall finishing touch

Of course, many of the speed runs that have been posted on youtube/forums consist of the War/Guard/Mes or some variation of those classes. Does that mean other classes can’t speed run faster than the War/Guard/Mes? Of course not; But I haven’t had the urge to watch every speed run video and compare the times to War/Guard/Mes times.

War/Guard/Mes is situational. If you’re speed running CoF 1, you probably don’t need to bring a Guard. If you’re doing a LV 48 Fractal, you might ditch the mesmer for another Guard. It really depends on what you’re trying to do.


New zerker build for CoF as a warrior?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I don’t have one overall build that I suggest to you. There’s still a lot of testing/playing around out there, so you might want to try out what fits your play style more. A lot of my guildies are adamant in keeping their GS in their rotation while others run [DnT]’s new warrior build.

Again, there is not one solid 100% correct warrior build out there yet, so don’t feel like you have to run one of these two builds. So yeah, see which build fits your play style the best (It might not even be any of the two build links I posted). Keep your eyes open on the warrior forums and also try things out yourself.

Dungeon/Fractals Axe Build

Axe/Mace + Axe/

Here’s a thread about GS builds post-patch:

GS + Axe/Mace

Edit: You should be fine in CoF with whatever you choose… I personally am still trying to figure out a build that suits me!


(edited by Danireathorn.2814)

Nice TA path3 kitten-up there!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I guess there is a reason why the path is called F/U


PvE: Post patch MH Sword vs Axe

in Warrior

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Yeah, I’m using an axe/mace, sword/axe build right now; It’s working for me so far. Although, in certain areas (Like Arah), I’ll still use the GS for #3 and #5 just for those runs and evades!


AC3 Boss Non-stacking How?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Nope, he (grast) is working for me. I’m pretty sure they fixed it so the moment the howling king does the seismic attack, grast instantly puts the bubble up.

As for actually beating him, just stack near grast. When grast puts up the shield, use any stability skills (stand your ground, hallowed ground, Mantra of Concentration, armor of earth), or if you get knocked out of the bubble, pop any stun breakers while on the ground (shake it off, mist form, Cleansing Fire, ect) and run back into the bubble. Other then that, just dps him down and you’ll be fine…There’s not much else to the fight then staying in the bubble and dpsing him down.

I can confirm that Grast will throw the bubble shield up reliably now. I remember when the changes first came out, he was a bit picky, but I ran it today and had no such trouble.


Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Ello! I dunno if you still need vets/experienced guys to help organize, but if you do, I’d be happy to help.

Danireathorn – Guardian
Dan Smithson – Warrior
Jean Daljean – Mesmer

Guard – AH (0/0/30/30/10) and DPS (0/30/20/20/0)
Warrior – DPS (30/25/0/0/15)
Mesmer – (20/20/0/20/10)

Guard – Knights, Soldiers, Ascended for AH; Zerk, Ruby Orbs, Ascended for DPS
Warrior- Zerk, Ruby Orbs, Ascended
Mesmer- Zerk, Ruby Orbs, Ascended

Frequenter of all paths; 1-3 daily, P4 whenever the occasion calls (Guild, Friends, etc)

(Central Standard Time)
All day Sunday, every weekday after 7PM CST to 11/12Pm CST, I’ll be busy Saturday

I lead a dungeon guild, so I’ll be busy during the morning/afternoons on the weekdays and all day Saturday (that’s why I’ll only be available on Sundays and weekday nights). Pretty laid back, I have Raidcall but can install mumble/vent/TS/etc. I have no problem going in depth and spending time in the different paths; hopefully I’ll be able to help out!



(edited by Danireathorn.2814)

ascended rings from FOTM chest?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


It’s just like Las Vegas. Like said above, luck is luck.


Dungeons, not as important as you think?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I really liked the boss mechanic for the Molten Facility + the P2 AC Ghost Eater fight

I like the boss mechanics (The idea of having to use the traps for something) and dislike the bugs.


Dungeons, not as important as you think?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I’ve always had the notion that GW2 endgame revolved around skins + WvW/PvP and that’s where the main focus is. I also have the same feelings as you; I’d love it if a new dungeon came out or some revamps made to the existing ones were made by the end of this year! Also, I’m looking forward to the in game LFG tool that will be released sometime this year as well.

In my opinion, the Devs seem to be going the right way in regards to the boss fights in dungeons, so we might just have to hold out and see which dungeon bosses they revamp. I really liked the boss mechanic for the Molten Facility + the P2 AC Ghost Eater fight which were the most recent updates along with the other AC paths as you said.

I’d venture a guess that ArenaNet is working on the dungeon aspect as we speak and I hope something amazing will be sent out… Maybe a dungeon that requires more than 5 people? Who knows? I, myself will keep waiting to see what they come up with, but I feel your pain about the staleness of dungeons after countless runs.

Quite possibly, though, it’s just our want to always have something new to play/try. Everything gets stale after a while if you think about it. I still have hope that the Devs will keep churning out great ideas and revamps that will keep us interested until the next batch rolls around.


few Fotm Question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Merlot’s link is extremely helpful with knowing how much AR you need for the different levels.

1. Yes. You can run any number (not just evens) your level or higher in order for you to up your personal reward level.

2. Versatile Simple Infusions will only go in Infusion Slots.


few Fotm Question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814



1. If your personal level is 6, you need to finish a LV 6 fractal or higher in order for your personal reward level to increase. Yes, you can level up if someone opens a 9. You will not level up if someone starts a lower level fractal.

2. Yes. A good rule of thumb for surviving AR is take the fractal level and subtract 5 from it. If you want to do a LV 10 Fractal, having 5 AR will help you survive AR and the Jade Maw.

3. For 20, try to get 15 AR.


It's may 2013 and still no lfg system ingame?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Sometime in 2013 so… they still have 7 months theoretically


Any word on an ingame LFG yet?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Like Isaac said, is what most people use.

However, there will be an in-game LFG released sometime in 2013 (hopefully), although the actual date is not yet known.


FOTM personal reward levels.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I’m pretty sure that your reward level just effects the relics you get and the chance you’ll get a ring/fractal weapon. I mean, from 20 on, you have the chance to get an infused ring or fractal weapon, so I guess they have better luck with the RNG. Like you said, Magic Find doesn’t affect chest loot.

I get what you mean though… I’ve only gotten 1 fractal skin so far in my FoTM experiences


My Guild- Help With a Few Aspects Please

in Guilds

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Great questions!

1. Depending on your focus (I take it WvW?) You want to either post a thread here making it as appealing to that crowd focus or try to recruit in-game during WvW. I personally do not like spamming map chat/area chat. Also, I feel like a personal PM chat in-game is a great tactic to use. You don’t want to use a copy and paste template when responding on the forums about recruiting people.

2. Again, depends on the guild focus! A good template can be found Here

3. Just try and make everyone feel welcome and have a personal connection with your guildies. They are taking time out of their day to play GW2 and interact in your guild, so you should always feel honored to use their time efficiently.


Looking for a Dungeon Guild (or group) [NA]

in Guilds

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I sent you a PM


~ Recruitment Closed ~

in Guilds

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Recruitment closed for now, thanks everyone.


(edited by Danireathorn.2814)

Guardian Speed Clear for CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I absolutely agree with you. In my opinion, as long as the end result is 5 tokens, then I could care less what the group set up is. A Guild friend of mine can burn down the gate controller extremely fast with his necro, and It’s always fun to see the words, “I’ve never seen a necro kill the gate so fast” pop up in the chat box.

Everyone has their right to run whatever group they desire, however. I won’t agrue against the standard 4 War/1 Mes group since that’s your prerogative to do whatever you want. But I appreciate other group set ups (Like your 3 War/1 Mes/1 Guard) that are able to clear P1 efficiently and fast.


Guardian Speed Clear for CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Thanks for the vid! We do a 3 War/1 Mes/1 Guard set up quite frequently in P1 for fun, and it’s always been at the 6 min or under mark. In my opinion, other set ups can be faster, but it’s easier to manage condi removals/stability/might stacks/etc. I mean, if you got a really good group that doesn’t need that stuff, then 4 War/ 1 Mes or other set ups can be faster.


I want to teach people Twilight Arbor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Hey guys!

Just want to throw my experiences out there. We ran with Tony tonight and it was GREAT. Amazing communication and he really knows his stuff. I have only good things to say about him.


dungeon finder?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


They’re actually working on a project like that as we speak.

Edit: I apologize if I didn’t correctly understand your suggestion. I thought you meant a dungeon group finder.


How Is AC Path 2 So hard for some people

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I’d like to throw in my thoughts.

Before the patch, many of the speed run/experienced players ran all three paths. After the patch, those people usually only run paths 1 or 3. You might want to consider that the reason that you’re having trouble PUGing path 2 is because there simply are less experienced people willing do to path 2 because path 1 is less buggy and path 3 has a few safe spots from the rock falls.

edit: What Swiftpaw said makes sense. I run into the same problem (of people telling me it takes too long) if I decide to try and PUG path 2.

Not sure if it’s just my server, but I find the exact opposite to be true: pugs generally want to do path 2 or only have experience doing path 2. This is of course only since the changes. I just assumed it was because path 2 doesn’t have the DPS requirements that Hodgins and Lovers requires.

I wish I was able to have as much luck finding P2 groups as you! Whenever I look on LFG for groups, the P1/P3 groups far outnumber the P2 ones.


How Is AC Path 2 So hard for some people

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I’d like to throw in my thoughts.

Before the patch, many of the speed run/experienced players ran all three paths. After the patch, those people usually only run paths 1 or 3. You might want to consider that the reason that you’re having trouble PUGing path 2 is because there simply are less experienced people willing do to path 2 because path 1 is less buggy and path 3 has a few safe spots from the rock falls.

edit: What Swiftpaw said makes sense. I run into the same problem (of people telling me it takes too long) if I decide to try and PUG path 2.


New to the dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


Hi Kirsty,

Heres a link that might help!

The earliest level you can do a dungeon is Lv 30, which is the Story mode of the Ascalonian Catacombs. Basically, you do story mode (Kind of like normal mode) in order to unlock the other explorable modes (Hard mode).

I’m not going to lie, they’re going to be pretty challenging and take some getting used to. It may be hard to find a group, but a great website to do so is here.

If you need help doing any dungeons or want a more detailed response, feel free to add me in-game.


How much extra time Quickness nerf COF 1?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


I’m still able to run it in 6 minutes or under with a great group. Heck, I ran it with 3 war 1 mes 1 guard with a PUG group and still got the 5 Tokens 6.5 Silver reward!


CoF P1 and dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


once you’ve done 1k+ runs of full berserker you know exactly how fast slaver/effigy should take

Exactly. In most (if not all) dungeons, having your group members traited for DPS rather than survival is more beneficial than vice versa. If you want to run CoF in a non-speed run way that’s totally your perogative. However, experienced CoF runners wear Berserker/DPS gear because they don’t have to rely on survivability stats and instead know when to dodge and how to evade.


(edited by Danireathorn.2814)

Super adventure bosses > dungeon bosses

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Danireathorn.2814


It was awesome to be able to experience a different kind of boss. It really was a breath of fresh air!

Super Adventure Box!!! Yaaaah!