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Changes in teleporting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dariuszp.8241


people complain about teleports. They say teleporting is too expensive. I don’t know since i can afford it. But I have small suggestions that could change this.

1. Make closest teleports (in every direction) free of charge.
2. Calculate cost of teleport by distance between point of entry and destination. Not by level.

This would change 2 common problems. Broke players could move around just like anybody else. Short travels would be cheap and affordable by everyone. Teleporting would not be a money sink for some people that travel a lot.

So what do you think ?

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dariuszp.8241


You already making OS X client. Linux client would be great. I’m also using Linux in every day life. I’m keeping Windows only for games and it’s pain in the a** switching systems when I want to play GW2 (only game I currently play).
This is why I donated money to kickstarter projects like Wasteland 2 (love first one and fallouts 1 and 2) or Project Eternity (love Obsidian).
I would gladly even donate to see Linux client.

You have lost a Customer and a Player...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dariuszp.8241


As far as I understand, if you enjoy dungeons you can do them over and over again.

If you were doing dungeons just to farm money or something then are you REALLY ENJOYING DUNGEONS ?

People like you are no needed. Short sighted, self centered people that never see bigger picture. Get a life.

Do not appease the whiners.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dariuszp.8241


I agree a little with OP but I understand others.

Game have issues. Like EVERY MMO there is. Things will be fixed, changed, upgraded, adjusted etc. It’s common thing. Everything that look good on paper does not always work in real life.

Whiners are EVERYWHERE. Kids like that come to GW2 or other game… and start complaining that there is no lightsabers, spaceships and dinosaurs.
As example, on MMORPG I saw idiot (I can call that person only an idiot) that was whining that GW2 is “not enough hardcore”. Asking “what would make this game hardcore” didn’t end with answer. SAME PERSON in other thread whined about GW2 being too easy.
Day later he whined that he was killed over and over in some dungeon and that dungeons should been easier.
After someone said to him that this mentioned dungeon is OK and group of organized players can clear it without big problems – he said that "he is not professional gamer (?) and dungeons are too hard.
I even found a person that was complaining that there is no grind in MMO but 2 days later in another thread he was complaining that in GW2 you must grind dungeons or something.

I saw truth. There is “whiners community” on the internet. It’s a community full with NEVER HAPPY PEOPLE who will complain about EVERYTHING and their whining change by wind, time of day or weather… or something like that.
Those people will be never happy because if you make them happy doing what they want, they will just whine about something else. Or they will whine about changes because “you made game casual” or something. Make game harder and whining will start again.
We also had whiner that complained he was hacked. I linked him 2 dictionaries with internet passwords (something that crackers use for fastest – dictionary attack). He found his password (common words) there.
Then he complained that those are stolen password from ANet while I told him that this is just list of popular or leaked passwords and this is how he was hacked.
OR he gave his password registering on some fansite owned by scammer.
Seriously, no cure for stupidity.

It’s simple. Do your job, don’t even try to “appeal to the community” EVER. Most of us play the game. We don’t spend whole day on forum whining about stuff. We care mostly about bug report and suggestion box.

Items from trading post in vendors ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dariuszp.8241


small suggestion. We have vendors all over the map. We also have trading post. How about adding items from trading post to vendor list ?

1. It could be done directly. You must go to vendor, pay some “tax” and your items will be on his list. ONLY stuff vendor really sell and only around level of his items.

2. It could be done by TP. Simply another tab. Same as before, you only see type of items vendor selling by himself. So if he have only sword and bows (like some Karma vendors), only this 2 types of weapon (and nothing else) can be sold there.

This kind of trading would be easier for players and better for crafters since people could buy all kinds of swords and other stuff. And there would be no need going to
trading post for them to pick up.

Sorry for my bad English. I hope you like the idea.

Garden of eden - for crafters by crafters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dariuszp.8241


is it possible to make gathering mats for crafting more fun ? I remember from Voyage Century Online time when I was planting seeds that became plants. Then I was harvesting them. That gave me more seeds and plants (rate around 90% for plants and more than 100% for seeds (more seeds than before)).

This kind of activity was fun (at least for me), people were socializing a lot doing this and we were gathering stuff for crafting clothes (uniforms), alchemy etc.

It’s still time consuming but you can become a farmer. Market is not only full of plants but also full of seeds. Something similar COULD be used for wood and stones.
Some dedicated crafters don’t like running around for hours and hours trying to find something.
Basic ingredients could be gathered this way. We should have only problem with additional ingredients that mobs are dropping.
And it’s really rewarding only for people that actually spend time doing this and gathering more seeds.

Mobs that just spawn freeze under certain conditions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dariuszp.8241


I believe this is kind of new. I triggered spawn of 3 spiders on the map by destroying their eggs.
Each spawn have small animation. I’m not a patient person so I used Vista next to them and I ended up that Vista with ESCAPE button.
This is the location:

Spider were idle. They were not aggressive despite being “red”. Happens ONLY when I trigger spawn of more than one of them (by destroying egg).

They were just sitting there for few seconds until veteran spider appeared and they started to attack me all at once.

It’s small thing but I believe it’s a bug. Maybe it can be exploited in other places. I successfully recreated this. First 2 screenshots (location) were taken after I saw this bug and last one when I recreated it few minutes later when people move away and eggs reappear.