Showing Posts For DarkMatter.2861:

Swtiching to Pistol/Shield looking for some advice.

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


This is the build i’ve come up with only been using the pistol/shield combo for a few hours yesterday.;TkAqiMFJKySkjIJRjKOVMDA

I play mostly WvW / solo PvE and was looking for a change from rifle/elixir/bombs. If I were to drop the 10 in Tools for speedy kits and just use the medkit to get around would they be better spent in Firearms for say burn duration or pierce, or in Alchemy for 15% damage on elixir gun and flame thrower. I switch between the kits a lot to use certain abilities when they are needed. Does anyone use Kit refinement in Tools the spell on kit change, Im wondering what the spells are.

Any other tips or tricks id love to hear them only level 60 currently and im sure I still have a lot to learn.

Ring of Fire. Is there any serious WvW guilds?

in Guilds

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


There was as of last night. Give it a shot.

Engineer Looking for WvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Hello fellow forum junkies. Sorry for the long post but want people looking to recruit to know where Im coming from and what Im looking for in a guild so we don’t waist each others time.

I have been playing many games for many years under many names. But my first MMORPG was wow on release like many others. Before that I played RTS/FPS games. Played wow for a few years mostly caring about pvp. Did some 40 man raiding but only for gear to pvp, at the time there was no such thing as pvp armor. After I got sick of wow I bounced around games for a while playing all the Superhero MMOs City of Heros/Champions Online/DC Universe. Was really excited for Warhammer Online but it did not live up to the hype and I lost interest after a few months. Played mostly TF2 and Diablo waiting for the release of GW2.

In GW2 I am currently a level 50 Engineer on Tarnished Coast and Im loving the game and class. I always like to play a game pve for a bit until I get a feel for it so I only recently started playing WvW. Now I don’t want to do anything else. Been mostly joining the zerg as it runs around because I don’t know anyone to play with.

That is how I ended up here. In a guild I’m looking for a group with main focus on WvW but doesn’t care if you want to kitten around in other aspects of the game. Thinking a medium size group that will move around on its own and actually defend when it is necessary. I’m not joining the military here, If you are going to be barking orders at me I will not last long. I’m looking for a fun group of people that like to make jokes and can take a joke. I curse a lot and am not always politically correct this cannot be a problem on voice chat or guild chat. I’m 29 and live in New York, Play after work when I can (6pm EST and on)and on weekends when I’m not watching the Jets or doing yard work. I don’t have much of a social life but I do own a house and have a wife so my playtime is not as much as it use to be(thosekittenresponsibilities). I’m willing to transfer servers but I would rather not transfer to a higher pop one.

I’m bored of typing now so that’s the end. If you want to recruit this Engy and his bag of tricks make a post some info about your guild and we will go from there. Thanks for the time if your still here


The engineer is a half-hearted ranger.

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Sounds like you should just play your Ranger. Most of us have no interest/want for pets. I personally don’t even use turrets. I wouldn’t mind having a melee weapon option, though I wouldn’t use it much unless it was op.

Entrance portals on Forts

in WvW

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


I agree there should be some timer to re-enter but 2.5 min is crazy.

Flame on!

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


When you are strafing or jumping sides, try and keep your enemy at the middle of your screen, rotating your view. You will see you won’t miss it anymore. I noticed that even if the flame is not graphically hitting the enemy, but the enemy being in the middle of the screen it does damage.
On the other side, skill number 2 goes under the terrain way too many times

Thanks this helped a lot. Played last night and it makes a huge difference. Silly me was trying to actually hit my targets with the flames Im shooting at them. Must look funny to the people around us shooting flames everywhere but at the enemies.

List of QoL improvements for engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


The Flamethrower’s main attack also seems to miss a lot when strafing..

This and number 5 are my biggest complaints right now.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


You forgot us norm.. We need um….BIG turrets.

Norn rule!

in Norn

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Id hit that……

Flame on!

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


If you stand in one place the Flamethrower bearly misses but im always strafing and thats when you see miss x10

Grenades only viable option in WvW/PvE?

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Yeah they should bring our main weapons damage closer to nades and bombs. They do so much more damage.

Norn rule!

in Norn

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Must crush the humans. Long live the Centaurs.

Flame on!

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Misses to much. If the fix that it would be my fav.

Norn rule!

in Norn

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


My Norm is the shortest I could make her and is still taller then Humans.

Playable Races Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


I would love to make a Quaggan Elementalist

Norn This Way: A Guild Wars 2 Comic Strip -- UPDATED 9/23!

in Community Creations

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Got a good laugh out of me. Keep it up.

What do I do with Trophies?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


Thanks for the info. I didn’t want to keep playing and find out I need them for turn ins or crafting somewhere down the line.

I love the game, just 2 things i would REALLY like to see implemented ( SIMPLE )

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


I think dueling in this game would be a lot of fun. I would like to see it added also.

What do I do with Trophies?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


I am only level 29 but have still seen over 2 dozen different Trophy items. I have been selling all of them to the vendors. I just recently noticed some of the names are White and some are Grey and some cannot be sold at all. So my question is should I be keeping them for some future use and if so all of them or just certain ones?

For a follow up question if I should be saving them I will need to purchase the Bank upgrade. Does anyone know how many additional slots it gives you?