Showing Posts For DarkPrayer.3148:

What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


New profession, the Revenant.
Guild Halls
Stronghold (since you mention you do pvp)
New Legendaries

I think that covers most of what you’d really miss out on. For you to decide how much each of those is worth to you.

I’m in the same boat as you, and i don’t see myself missing out much of anything if i don’t spend 60$ on HoT.

Ahh, I thought specialization and stronghold would be part of the core update,
Don’t care much for legendries, I got me hammer already and with my game time I don’t see me working towards another, as for the guildhalls, will be interesting to see how they will split guilds between HoT and Non-HoT.

What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148



I tried to find a post where this has been answered but I’m probably not seeing it, due to old age and such.

But as I spent 85% of my game time in WvW,10% In PvP and the rest in Trade-post, very bad at the latter (broke most of the time). What will I be missing out on if I don’t buy HoT, apart from not being able to play the revenant?

Daft Question I know and I’m probably not seeing all there is, but at the moment it sounds to be that we will get most of the update anyway and that the whole HoT thing is more PvE based with all the added benefits, don’t see WvW players gliding anyway, the ones who want to fly are doing it already.


Gunnar's Hold [MoSu]

in Looking for...

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


Just bumping this for bumping sake ;D

A Painful reminder of gw1

in Warrior

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


Now before I start this I just need to clarify a few points.
#1. My main is a warrior
#2. Roamed in wvw with no problems before and after patch.
#3. I don’t really do much pve any more
#4. I am a big guild wars fan
#5. I don’t zerg

Now in guild wars 1 I detested the warrior, couldn’t get use to it, played gw1 for 5 yrs
Rolled a derv and absolutely loved every moment of it.
But friends of mine played warriors ND well , yeah that’s where the anet warrior hate started. Nerf after Nerf hit the warrior ND when I quit playing gw1 about 7 months before gw2 was released there was no point in warrior. Try to get a party.(pve).

Dnt get me wrong, warrior still works fine in gw2. Atleast it does for me. But then I play my warrior ND I know what class’ I’m going to have trouble facing. I can’t spec for every encounter I get. But I, after reading through quite a few of the pages, am starting to get a feeling that anet wants ppl to rather role guardians if they want to play melee….. Well no chance of that for me personality. Was the longest 80lvls of my life leveling that thing.

But here is the question, am I the only feeling that they are trying to make the class more “look, a pve noob, cause he/she roles a warrior”?


Gunnar's Hold [MoSu]

in Looking for...

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148



We are a newly reformed Gunnar’s Hold based guild currently looking to recruit new and veteran players for WvW and Pve aspects of the game, we will likely venture more into PvP as time goes on but our main focus at the moment is as stated above.

If your new to the game or a veteran player that thinks they can assist in making us a grand guild and a fun place to be, please send me a mail nd i will get back to you with everything you need to know.


5 man team

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


Thank you very much folks, every1. I atleast now have a starting point

5 man team

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


We play the late night rounds, which mean we usually end up fighting guild groups with roughly the same numbers (7-12) with maybe 1-3 randoms tagging along with them.

To be 100% honest, we win about half the fights against even numbers. We still have alot to get use too, but wvw is where our interest lies.

i am was basically wondering, could a “havock” tipe group work nd what tipe of number you would start looking into zerg breakers.

any chance off any1 knowing of a guide of some sort that could be viable in assisting us?


5 man team

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


I’m hoping that this is the correct place to ask this, but i would like to see the wvw veteran players opinions and suggestions.

we are bout 5-8 players in our guild who frequently play wvw, but roaming is starting to take its toll and i am looking to run more effective organized groups. But here is the Q.

Where do you start, is running 2 warrior, a d/d ele nd a thief a good place to start or would you suggest we start over with different classes?

we are a small group, but we are working on getting bigger\better

If there is a post to this please direct me to it nd thank you.


(edited by DarkPrayer.3148)

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148



Gunnars’ Hold
same as the rest a little less animosity but just as much anticipation as the rest for problem to be resolved.
hero panels said we placed 4th nd we placed 2nd.

thank you