Showing Posts For DarkSouled.3854:

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


What does it mean that masteries are not for core game accounts?

It means that you must purchase HoT in order to access the new mastery system.

Lol… masteries are the new weapons and trait lines/specializations available to all classes in the expansion. so if u dont get the expansion u wont have access to the new stuff… but still be able to play the core stuff and masteries are not hugely game breaking so people who dont invest in HoT shudnt have any issue playing against people who bought HoT and have access to the masteries

Uhh, thanks that sounds much better

No worries!

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


What does it mean that masteries are not for core game accounts?

It means that you must purchase HoT in order to access the new mastery system.

Lol… masteries are the new weapons and trait lines/specializations available to all classes in the expansion. so if u dont get the expansion u wont have access to the new stuff… but still be able to play the core stuff and masteries are not hugely game breaking so people who dont invest in HoT shudnt have any issue playing against people who bought HoT and have access to the masteries

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


So I paid for a product.

I received said product.

I have used said product for thousands of hours over the course of three years.

The developer of that product is developing a new product that I can choose to buy, or not.


i upvote and repost ur comment good sir!

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


MODERATOR EDIT: removed extremely offensive post that was quoted here. Leaving the remainder of the post as it remains relevant and is acceptably presented.

although alot of ur rant is… erm.. .ranty… ur saying that anet is making money from us buying stuff from the their cash shop and paying for the expansion? so why shudnt anet make a little money out of our ‘playtime’? the only way the a free to play game is to make money to use in i dunno.. keeping the game going… is through micro transactions etc… atleast these micro transactions arent pay to win like alot of mmo’s out there…. and i understand ur argument, i really do, but u calling all people who buy and play games like this ‘sheep’ is kinda hilarious… people dont pay for things in the game cus they have to… they do it cus they WANT to… big difference there. The expansion for example.. u dont NEED to buy it… u can play the core game in all its glory with ur account as is… its an ADDON which u CHOOSE to buy to play… if u dont wanna give anet ur money…. then thats ur decision just dont thrust ur opinions onto everyone else and in the process indirectly or directly calling us dumb for doing so.

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

(edited by Moderator)

Free Accounts influencing T6 material prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


only way for f2p accounts to get laurels is through achievement chests, so thats 1 laurel every month….. and getting Achievement points takes too long to be of a negative effect on the t6 mat economy

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


And so it begins…despite whatever measures Anet have put in place, yesterday alone I got two goldseller whispers. I don’t mind the f2p players who are on to see whether or not they want to invest in the full game, but if, as it appears, and as was predicted by the community, we now have to put up with a new epidemic of unwanted and annoying spam goldseller whispers it will make the GW2 experience that much less enjoyable.

Erm, everyone gets whisps from gold sellers. These wisps are from people who dont have free to play accounts, as one of the restrictions of free to play accounts is u cant whisper people unless that person is on ur friends list AND that person has reciprocated and added the so called ‘free player’ to their friends list also. basically if i was free to play and i wanted to whisper u i wudnt be able to unless we both added each other to our friends list…

may wanna check the f2p account restrictions before making assumptions.

Heres a handly link for u

Quite wrong. They can whisper anyone once every 30 seconds.

Ok the core game going ‘f2p’ is an absolute joke and I’m fuming right now.

Anet I seriously hope you guys turn back on what you’re doing either partially or fully and if you have any common sense you’ll compensate the veterans.

Who’s paid your wages for a number of years? Who’s given a nice warm welcome to new players all these years? Who’s helped countless players get into the game properly making sure that they had the confidence to carry on playing the game happily without support from someone else? You know who? NOT YOU GUYS ANET!

It’s been the loyal veterans who have kept your game alive, helped it to grow and made sure that you guys had money coming in so that you could pay your bills.

Now all of a sudden you throw it back at every loyal player by making the game f2p opening it up to scum bots, goldsellers, and abusive little kids just like WoW is full of.

The current community are incredible and EVERY person that I’ve met on GW2 since I started playing has been amazing with answering my questions, offering to show me around parts of the map, teach me about crafting etc.

I absolutely love this game because it has a community like no other game that I’ve ever played.

In the last week alone I’ve spent over £200 on the expansion and in-game content with you guys but since finding out about the direction that you’re taking the game…….it’s gutting

You, stop speaking for every veteran. No really. Stop it. You dont speak for all of us at all, you speak for yourself, not me, not my family, not my guild, you speak for you. You dont like it, fine, but dont act like every veteran is taking this like you are.

Yes plz dont lump all vets into the same category. I for one dont care it went free to play. Payed for the game when it was in pre release and i have no regrets for the 3 odd years i spent playing the game. IMO i got my monies worth out of the game.

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


I just came here to rant.

I’m not happy to have payed full price, played for 2 weeks, not fun, returned a few months back did 100% map completion, finished game. And now its f2p ?

Well, I got powned. Next time tell us its a pre-f2p we are paying for.

Just send me a mail when HOT is f2p.

Don’t worry, enough f2p bots will make the economy fun.

HoT only goes free to play when the next expac is released as anet has stated that all new expacs will come free with the previous expacs plus the core game for $50. Hence HoT is $50 with the core game for free cus gw2 has no other expacs yet.

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


And so it begins…despite whatever measures Anet have put in place, yesterday alone I got two goldseller whispers. I don’t mind the f2p players who are on to see whether or not they want to invest in the full game, but if, as it appears, and as was predicted by the community, we now have to put up with a new epidemic of unwanted and annoying spam goldseller whispers it will make the GW2 experience that much less enjoyable.

Erm, everyone gets whisps from gold sellers. These wisps are from people who dont have free to play accounts, as one of the restrictions of free to play accounts is u cant whisper people unless that person is on ur friends list AND that person has reciprocated and added the so called ‘free player’ to their friends list also. basically if i was free to play and i wanted to whisper u i wudnt be able to unless we both added each other to our friends list…

may wanna check the f2p account restrictions before making assumptions.

Heres a handly link for u

Quite wrong. They can whisper anyone once every 30 seconds.

I did see that yes. But being able to whisper a new person every 30 second is hardly and efficient mode of action for gold sellers….

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


Still not buying. Refunded my second account. Would refund 1st account if they allowed it. Doing like 2-3 spvp matches a day. GG

The removed the hotjoin option this weekend… not sure if permanently so, but if it is, that’s the last straw really.

Erm the option to hotjoin is still there the buttons just deactivated for the moment… can join thru the list menu on the pvp tab as usual

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Glamour Girl build, feedback welcome

in Mesmer

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


I think you have a dead link there :/

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

Mesmers and Stealth

in WvW

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


I ran PU mes in wvw for a while and did not enjoy it, mainly because of the lack of mobility after being used to travelers runes for soo long. Stealth DOES get broken if u cast a phantasm within stealth and if u cast your Phantasmal Mage in stealth u will get the revealed debuff. (as long as the Phantasmal Mages attack hits). The difference between Clone and Phantasm is very noticeable, Clones will look exactly like the player and cast the same autoattack skill of the the weapon the mesmer was using when they made the clone. A phantasm will look like the character BUT will be completely pink/purple and translucent and not attack with an autoattack skill but rather a skill only available to the phantasm.

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

(edited by DarkSouled.3854)

12/27/13 DB/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


Some good fights with IoJ and Ebay in eternal today!

Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: DarkSouled.3854


Fully upgraded Hills for our paper Bay… Nice work BP


Dark Souled Mes [TSR]
lvl 80 Mesmer, Ele, Guardian and Engi