Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
Hey SFR, how does it feel being doubled focus ? giggles giggles giggles
Greetings from Jade Sea !
(sorry i couldn’t help ^^)
It feels the same as the first matchup in this league.
It sucks and it is expected.
Pls move along
Ofcourse im still alive :p
You should come visit me sometimes, im usually homeland garrison watergate or in EB sitting in aldon :p
And respect for the penguins Dawdler, dont wanna make those little guys angry!
Troma i would like to make you a offer you cant refuse.
I would like to trade our antartica players who refuse to follow timezones for your canadian players. :p
But for real, this matchup was done before it even started.
Whats happening was all expected, stop whining and let us just have some fun on the battlefield
Nice push you made JS, seems you will be 2nd afterall
Our attempt to make you 3rd in this matchup was not to help ER at all, it was all for our own good
Grats on league victory Viz
Fact is also that SFR is an easy target this match-up, which is why they get targeted most
Reason why most of Piken’s caps are on SFR side?
Cuz Vizunah know how to defend a tower/keep, they have dedicated scouts standing behind doors with trebs at all times
For the last months SFR had the same, dedicated scouts on a treb behind each gate.
But you know were those scouts are now? Yup fighting the queue boss!
Kinda sad if u think about it, people beeing scouting for months for the server only to be stuck in a queue, GG AP
When you’ll stop using your brainlag.
What insane invention will be next?
Do you realize all the things you could do to raise up your server with all the energize you spend finding such excuses?
Hope this wasnt a respond to my post :p
And for the things we can do for our server with all that energy? Well we could stand in queue
Can Vizunah please stop using there Lagbots.
They are starting to effect the queue times on SFR, some how the lag even gets through the queue into Lions Arch.
Was very hard to stand AFK there yesterday
Only place i can fight is here Troma (expect for mondays)
By the time i get back home from my work i will be beaten down by the queue boss
So i will be back tomorrow to fight on the forums while beeing bored @ work :p
We can’t enter borders because vizunah put all their pvers on seafarers rest (this is my new excuse)
This would explain the sudden increase off little baguette shops in Lions Arch , cant turn my head there without seeing one
It is no secret amongst your enemies that you have automatic swiftness zombies.
But for real, can someone post that story about the “lagbot” ?
Must be a good read!
Now now Troma.
Everyone knows you have Canadians from Africa playing in Antartica(time zone much) using these “lagbots” to spy on your opponnents, no need to hide it.
Yes cleary its our lack of motivation, how come we didnt think of that before!
Also in the spirit of this topic: blob blob bloblobloblob blob!
There is no problem, as said before.
Whats happening is normal and we would have done in the same if there was a oppertunity todo so
SFR such bad losers
If we had some sort of alliance…
SFR would be at 50k points right now, ticking 100 all the time
Thanks for the good laugh
You were both attacking us the entire day on EBG yesterday which for me makes perfect sense, we would/should do the same
I dont get it why people complain about it but picking on the weakest target is just common sense.
Was a fun day overall, specially when Viz decided to take their 20-30 omegas for a walk :p
2- Massive useless Achievements Hunters join WvW for the first time beacouse they want their Achie done NOW
You’re stubborn or what ?
We have players that come for the achievements too, but difference is, we try to convince them to fight with us, we don’t say they are useless or even pathetic, we try to play together, we invite them on Teamspeak, we help them if they have questions about WvW.
It’s not Anet fault if you are arrogant, it’s yours.
And you believe we have not done that?
Thankew darkie for pointing out the real problem with SFR atm like I also said in my first post on this thread. You are not what you were before the leagues. now deal with it among yourselves and get back on your feet without pointing out which kid knocked you down.
I dont think we will be able to recover from this one.
We already did that twice, people getting tired of it
Atm there is no SFR on SFR :p
Even now on monday morning there is a queue on our homeland and all we can gather is like 20-25ppl.
Although SFR have a match-winning advantage of being an international server with multiple time zones they are already 12k behind. If you look at the coverage, they should win the league with ease. But it seems they slack when they don’t outnumber the enemy 2:1.
We are able to beat the 2vs1 on our coverage but we got a little problem, every PvE kid is running in WvW atm for AP.
Our regular WvW players/guilds just can get in, even on non-prime..
But we all knew this would happen, its just a shame that the first matchup is the best matchup we will ever get and our WvW players cant play.
In a week or 2 most Pve scrubs will be gone(i hope)
Piken plays for the fights not the ppt. Always has. It’s never been a priority to do the ppt grind. Keeps the game fun.
Just stop this propaganda mate, I love Piken server but the old one, not this PPT beast it became with 2h+ queues. Hope more pugs will leave so old guilds can come back and enjoy the game as it once was.
Just came to see how it’s like there, 3pm, queues + really crazy skill delays even tho fights aren’t THAT big(40vs40 or so), kinda feel sorry for you there,
cheers from lovely silver! yyym… “have fun”?
This just says it all.
So piken is screwed by the league, so is SFR but we already were screwed, how is Viz holding up?
It’s kinda sad how bad the state of SFR is at the moment, but at the same time it makes me even more sad that the SFR community isn’t willing to embrace and teach these new people how we do things.
We tried that, multiple times over the last months with pug and commander training/build advice/team speak info/scouting advice/ tactics…
They just wont listen and only want to sit on the karma train.
SFR: 24/7 100+ players
SFR, the melting pot of winning team joiners.
Respect for getting to the first place in the ranking but what happend since then is just ridiculous.
Well said.
This only happend because all these winning team joiners were allowed to come to our server tbh(more money!),
Ruined the fun for allot of us.
I din’t know Radafity, but he as done a excelente work a few nights a go in EB, in a few words, a guy that knows watt he is doing, some old shcool siege placement attacking SM, very nice.
You sure that was Rida from CoN?
Because noone in CoN knows how and were to place siege, we actually had a practice for this oncec which turned out to be a big fail
Think thats why we stopped assaulting towers, we just suck at it :p
I agree with Vin.
blob blob blobblobblob!
XRKUN must be a clone of that Beatrix clown that kept building a zillion flamerams in our keep to drain supply.
A bandwagonner and a troll.
I hate clowns…
I like oranges and apples.
Sometimes i load them into a catapult and shoot them into the open field, hoping that a thief will show up….but that usually fails
talk talk talk milton. Too chicken to come at the windmill.
Piken is second place yeah sure but we have less guilds compared to SFR and we don’t have a army of unemployed people playing 24/7 to watch all borderlands.
Please dont insult our african players that live in Canada.
I highly prefer Vizunah`s style, they at least are classy about it.
This is a insult to Kingface.
Please dont insult people!
(edited by DarkieDuck.9521)
I shall quote someone aswell to help you dominik.
I see. You seem to be hurt about forum trolling that happened 2 moth ago.
You must be new to this internet thing, huh?
SFR doesnt blob, everyone knows this.
But no really, can we stop the you blob/no blob /blob blob talk?
Its been going on for months we should fight over something new.
Penguins perhaps?
No I play at Kodasch and Iam always in Kodasch Ts when I dont roam alone.
Ah you dont press only Skill 1. You run the paintrain and spam also f1 erathshaker. Gz thats aewsome individual skill.
Somebody got hurt…
Come now, everything will be fine
At this moment Vizunah is a lovelier oppenent who spent more time in fighting in smaller groups than SFR.
Did you enjoy the dream?
I hate it when my alarm wakes me up
Blobbing in VS bl today was insane, I’ve got like 1k+ kills and 230 bags in no time. Thank you WL and VSS blobbers, sometimes you weren’t blob at all, and I appreciate that, but most of the time your maneuvers were so funny and so blobby. Like 30 zbs + 5-10 randoms are not good enough against your 2 raids 1v1, in equal numbers, no, you have to blob us and then run away diyng.
Thank you unnamed Kodash blob, you was awful in quality and fuken amazing in quantity. Really, so many people in 1 place, even Vizunah today have had 2 separete groups.As every time we raid, we recorded everything, and you can watch it here :
As anybody can see, you mainly have a full map raid rolling faces on keyboards for more awesomeness.
Im sorry but i dont see any blobbing.
Tho i must say the advertisements on are getting better
Whats this talk about this “stacking” anyway?
Pretty sure we had more active guilds on the old SFR before it almost got killed by free transfer.
Only thing that changed is our coverage,
We will never give up , we will “destroy” your server for the … fourth ? time. :p
For the record, you havent destroyed our server once..
All credits go to ANET for destroying our server
Maybe Vizunah will fall. But as long i will live on this server, as long as the Grand Cross alliance will work on this server, as long the Vizunians won’t give up we will NOT let you beat us like this ! we will NOT surrender ! we will NOT fall like a dead leaf on the floor !
With your posts you are just giving me fuel for my wrath ! Hear me, Seafarer’s rest, we will fight like LIONS even if it’s look over ! Heya Vizunah ! read thoses guys, already thinking we are finished. This is only the beginning !
Prepare yourself for the greatest VS resistance you ever seen.
\o/ \o/ \o/
About time.
So? Ze Germans colonized the Moon and teh Poles in 1945. They have no timezone at all!
Oh no…what have you done! you have discovered and published our secret.
Soon our GW2 base on antartica will be invaded by the US!
I better start packing right away
Please, dont think you can get away so easily with this.
We know you have many african players that live in canada, so your timezone argument is invalid
We have russians??
kitten ….i always thought it were canadians speaking in a funny accent!
yey and my bay is still alive!
Such slack…
You forgot your food buff(s)
Dont forget kingface!
Should I report you for insult?
You could try that
But i thought sfr forum warriors could change, a year after. The Junkpile, Hebril, and others, will never change i admit now.
Dont forget kingface!
But ya, good matchup i am really suprised by the force RS has.
And for the love of good can this dragon event be over already, everytime its dragontime we loose ever keep/tower we got in borderlands, there are more people on teamspeak when its dragon time then when we raid in prime…^_^
So after all the twisting the topic and blatant nonsense from randoms, we are agreed that contrary to the claim of Hebril Amolebin CoN and Zds are most definitely beatable in a fair fight? Infact, they don’t even really want a fair fight.
Looks to me like someone got outzerged and cried on a forum.
Just give it up man, give it up
Claims made by Hebril Amolebin have nothing todo with what CoN thinks about all this, cant speak for ZDs
Also someone is gonna lose his thumb!
Oh and blob!
Let me just make it clear… there is no guild on Deso or Kodash that can kill CoN or Zbs in fair fights this is why you blob us… But we like it keep it coming with the bloodlust even more fun…
As for deso drama. SFR does not really give a kitten bad guild leave to join the new FOTM server ok bring it on. We want to fight everyone..
What is pitty that people are whining on forums instead of fighthing …Seya on battlefields…. And if you claim something prove it there..
And bloodlust patch is pathetic shadowsteping broken mechanics and …etc… but we have to live with it… I expect to see more small scale roaming even some spvp builds now on the capture points seems like it maybe have potential for fun time will tell though…
As for gvg I wont say they are dead but half dead maybe.Clearly you are dumb enough to see that SFR is the one that blobs everyone and everything its impossible to play WvW during prime time because the bandwagon blob train is running everywhere WITH 150 points to all stat, stop thinking that you are actualy good at WvW. We can only be able to enjoy WvW after midnight+ because all the bandwagon kiddies went to sleep. Get out of the forum your post gave me cancer.
Come out of EB for once and join the borderlands.
We try to run without tag there and you will only see guild grps, but ya if you attack something ofcourse the entire zone will come.
As with CoN we usually run around 20-25 ppl then.
On a side note, best patch ever ANET, just when i thought you reached the limit in screwing things up you outclass yourselfs yet again
Romek, you must be a good EB player..
So you don’t like queue sand refuse to move. No sympathy.
You kittening kidding?
Some of us refuse to move because a server has been choose as our home from the start.
We didnt ask for bandwagons and free transfers.
The fact that there isnt even a proper queue system yet is a joke.
I dont think you can even call it a queue system, more a system that randomly decides who gets in.
Okey i am making fast progress this way
Once again thank you
Ah okey, i was on infantile mode
The dig sites are still on the same places as in most guides? if not how do i regonize them?
And thank you for the help
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