Showing Posts For Darkwolfer.7819:

Disconnected Ally Before Match Starts

in PvP

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


So just played a match 4v5. The problem is the person who dropped was never even in the game… NEVER. From the minute I loaded the person was D/C.

Why can’t ANet have a system to replace that person within the 2 minutes? I think if it is before the match starts and someone d/cs then autoboot them and replace them. The end.

You can still give that original person dishonor or whatever but that is some BS…

Mr. Salty

Payment not accepted

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Is there an issue with the store? The card I always use, I have money, using correct security code. Never had an issue before so just wondering.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


My guild (I don’t know about anyone else) is experiencing problems with characters logged into Verdant Brink. When we try to log in our client wont connect stating connection error. This happened to all of us.

[BUG:] PvP bugged after patch 2/26/2015

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


What: States match is in progress.

Effected Users: At least 10

How: Was in PvP match when patch hit we finished before build required restart

Troubleshooting: Logged out of client and back in, zoned, died, Had someone start match who wasn’t effected (This allowed queue but when it popped up we didn’t get window)

Lion's Shadow Inn bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I was able to get in right before the hour. Maybe fixed now?

Lion's Shadow Inn bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


…alternative ways?

That is what everyone is saying. Check bugs please

Lion's Shadow Inn bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Last few hours the door has not become intractable. Anyone confirm it is bugged?

Karka gun is bugged if underwater with engi

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Take off all kits from both water and land and it wont bug.

Sucks because later you have to put your stuff back but at least weapon wont go away.

Making sense: why the outcry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


If you do not like it, just don’t buy it and SHUT UP

well, that’s a nice attitude you’ve got there, but it’s about as constructive as a lit stick of dynamite.

the way that companies and customers get the best relationship – and the best value – form each other is by communicating. after all, you can spend a million dollars on ten ideas and none sell, or you could ask people what they want, spend a fraction of the money, and have it sell well.

feedback is an important source of information to companies. true, much of the feedback on the forums is excessive, confused and contradictory, but knowing what their fanbase thinks is going to help Anet a lot more than not.

if people just don’t buy it, then Anet sees the low sales, and thinks “what went wrong?”
if people don’t buy it, and explain why (preferably with polite, constructive feedback) then Anet can fix the problem.

I don’t disagree with what you said however public game forums are not the best way. Perhaps a focus group setting would be better. All I am stating is I’m tired of the forums blown up by a bunch of spoiled brats.

Yes spoiled brats who feel THEY know what is best. Ever heard about opinions? Has anyone stopped and asked, hey I wonder what ANet’s overhead is. I mean everyone seems to forget that game companies have bills. Everything is going up including developer costs. If they have a good developer how are they supposed to keep them if they can’t pay competitive wages because the public is irked about the cost of a product.

Ok so it isn’t the price it is the free core tacked on to xpac. You know what… don’t you want more people to play with? That is all they are trying to do is make it easier for people to get into the game not hurt veteran players feelings. The should know that since most players are prepubescent boys that this is how they would react though. That is their folly. People want an extra character slot… well maybe ANet should do it only for current owners of the core game right? I don’t disagree with that but I also ain’t gonna get my undies in a bunch if they don’t. It is not like I’m going to have a heart-to-heart with whomever is in charge of the decision.

You want to state your opinion, feel free but can all the ragers please do it in one post. We don’t need 10 different posts for/against.

Making sense: why the outcry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


People normally go out of their way to complain. People who are satisfied generally do not. Therefore your numbers are skewed thinking that the mass majority of players are upset.

If you do not like it, just don’t buy it and SHUT UP

Wow, telling us to shut up? Who do you think you are? I’m not happy either.

Of course you’re not happy because you not getting what you want. As far as who I think I am… I’m Batman!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Spend more money in GW2 then a subscription game (not much but I do)

Engineer Specialization, signets anyone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Whoever said signets are magical made me laugh since Warrior has signets…

Anyways, I wanted to provide the definition of signet, just so there is no confusion:

a small seal, as on a finger ring.
a small official seal for legal documents, contracts, etc.
an impression made by or as if by a signet.

verb (used with object)
to stamp or mark with a signet.

Now can Engineers have signets?

Engineer Specialization, signets anyone?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I also thought maybe signets. The drones flying behind could be from popping a signet, much like Ele for elemental.

As an Engineer it would be great to have some signets. The only problem I was having was figuring out what unique abilities they could give them.

One I thought of was:

Signet of the Tinkerer:
Passive – Reduce cool down of gadgets

Activate – Recharge all gadgets, whenever you activate a gadget do a fire blast w/ blast finisher

It isn’t very good (at least in my opinion as I don’t use gadgets) but I thought the flavor is kind of funny.

Conditions Intensified

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Conditions need crits. Took WoW awhile to implament critical DoTs and Heals but they did and it seemed to balance certain aspects out.

No.. they really don’t. Firstly, this is not WoW, so lets get that out of our systems right now. Secondly, conditions already ignore armour so adding crits will just make them more powerful than direct damage builds. The new changes will be more than enough to bring them in line with direct damage builds. If anything I feel they may be stronger in some parts of the game.

Condition damage is supposed to be sustained damage, not spikey burst damage. So to me, it makes no sense to make DoT’s crit.

Not saying this is WoW. In fact I dislike WoW a lot but obviously they have done a few things right considering it leads the industry for all-time largest playerbase… of course that is because grandma’s and 8 yr olds can play together as a fun family activity…

Seriously though don’t blow a gasket because someone makes a suggestion. Conditions will never live up to DD unless they can crit OR the damage done over time is comparable which means % based on total HP somehow since in short fights it will be too slow.

Maybe they could make DoTs do an initial base damage on application, or maybe the changes that are coming will truly fix it, but I am reserved. I am only fighting for build diversity not let’s jump to a new meta of all condi builds.

Items which should get into the Wallet too

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Not sure I agree 100% with all of them.

Besides if everything went into the wallet how would ANet fill your inventory with crap so you need to buy more bank/bag slots?

Permanent Tools from BLTC Procs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


As I was not around in the beginning I do not understand everything. That being said, the Watchwork Pick is the best value by far (not counting aesthetics) as you get added return on your investment. My conundrum is why can they not just have all the other tools return a low level material, such as slivers.

Like Molten would drop destroyer shard slivers as an example.

I mean the code couldn’t be that hard since they use it already for Frostbitten and Watchwork. Honestly if it was a low enough proc rate I don’t think it would ruin the economy and this would just be a QoL bonus for those individuals who do spend money and thus increase ANet’s profits…

This is just a thought, no need to blow out of proportion and it is not like I’m asking for lodestone drops.

Whats going on with tiny snowflakes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


A few days ago i saw that i had sold a few tiny snowflakes at 2c each from when i wanted to make some room in my inventory. Thought that was odd as i had seen that there was 14 million or so tiny snowflakes listed at 2c ahead of my listing. Checked the TP, they where all gone and only 3 million where now listed at 2c. That made me take notice. Though i should by up a few stacks myself and re-list higher. To my surprise they sold at 8c. Any idea whats going on?

The snowflakes come from the tools that you get during wintersday and it did not take long for them to flood the marketplace. I have to keep deleting mine as there are not a lot of uses for them. I would not be surprised if anet just nerfed a couple million in the interest of database efficiency.

This ^.

I’ve often wondered how their DB for the TP holds up with so many entries… They need to put limits to how long something can be put up on the TP like 99.9% of all other games do.

Conditions Intensified

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Conditions need crits. Took WoW awhile to implament critical DoTs and Heals but they did and it seemed to balance certain aspects out.

Damaging Conditions - Chill and Fear?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Hope to hear answer as well.

My educated guess is no… but I might be surprised!

We need more counterplay to Thief Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I hate stealth in most games. The only thing I’d like to stop with stealth is the ability to cap people while stealth
Revamp all down skills to have #2 do an AOE blast

Honestly I’m not really a fan of downed skills anyways. They seem unbalanced.

You know what, I just don’t like stealth. Oh well.

I think someone may die...[Spoiler]

in Living World

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Foreshadowing… is it really a thing with ANet? Do we have any examples of previous/good foreshadowing in GW2?

Get Rid of Stacking.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


In most cases stacking is not about “using an enemies strengths and weaknesses against it.” In most cases is about a dps race with minimal down time between dps skills.

For example:
When players start playing more “dynamically” with content that stacking is the normal method of operation, skills such as the warrior great sword’s hundred blades starts missing, because the enemy moves out of range. In this case, not only is there a loss of pure dps, but also from potential might stacking from phalanx strength.

Similarly, any smaller aoe fields, attacks, etc. can miss by having an enemy move out of range of the attack and fixed position skills.

While there are plenty of skills that have leaps, sprints, etc. (to the point that it makes ranged weapons almost pointless… gg anet), they usually aren’t designed to be used as a primary method of dps (lower damage compared to other skills, cool downs, etc.).

Players stack because they don’t have to think and can just “dps, dps, dps, dps.”

The problem comes partly from just poor design on the devs side of things, but also just because players are going to always try and find the most mind numbing ways to do things (because “efficiency” lol). The latter can be reasonably remedied by decent content design.

I can understand pulling a phalanx tactic here and there, stacking for a few seconds to stack buffs, etc. but the way things are now (especially in dungeons) is just broken.

Ideas they need to use more:

  • make more use of some boss mechanics already in the game that require players to move enemies into an aoe field to weaken/stun/etc. enemies (ex. the dredge fractal bosses).
  • Spawn unique items integral to specific battles that one player in the party picks up, gives them some aoe invuln skill that they have to use after certain boss indicators (certain charge animations, etc.) that the party has to stack in to survive. This item could also be used in other ways too depending on the battle (stuns that correlate to certain boss skills; red stun used for red charge skill, blue stun used for blue charge skill, etc.) Kind of like Grast’s guardian barrier thing in AC I guess (but more player interaction, less npc).

Open world content should have more coordinated events like Tequatl, but with more variation in size (not requiring nearly a full map pf players). Make some small sized versions (3-5 player for the core event group, scaling the event by adding mini events around the main one or something), and mid sized events (10-15), etc.

Unfortunately, Anet will probably not update anything in the currently accessible areas. Any improvements on content will most likely only be seen in the expac; the current areas will probably be left to become obsolete and pretty much barren of players for the most part.

You brought up some good points. Particularly about the missing abilities. This goes back to the trinity though. No tank means no mob holding position. Players can play tanky but mobs hit so hard that being tanky really doesn’t matter. It is a viscous circle of unhappiness.

Make bag slot upgrades account wide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


400 gems is the cost of a SINGLE unlock today.
Suddenly unlocking three times as much for the same price will not happen.

That is a single-minded thought. I know plenty of people who have 10+ characters who do not buy them now because of how narrow they are.

I myself accidentally bought one thinking it was account-wide (apparently I didn’t read) but got very disappointed and will NEVER buy another.

If they made it unlock the three additional slots for 400 gems I would be more apt to consider it at least on 2-3 toons that I play the most. Some people I know who mule might be more apt to do it as well…

THUS 3x as many for same price > no sells at all.

Though you might be right, there is probably enough ignorant consumers out there who are buying them because they have nothing better to do with their money then spend it on unlocking tons of bags at a steep price. So yeah ANet probably wont change it… consumer power is dead because people don’t know how to use purchasing power.

New spec system coming next update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I’m glad they announced this. I feel this may restore some faith… but I think they need a date. Likely at E3 announcement.

Make bag slot upgrades account wide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I didn’t read every single post, but what if 400 gems opened all bag slots for 1 character. That would be a good compromise.

Nobody liked my idea?

None DPS credit

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


FFXIV ARR does what you are asking OP. Except a lot of it can be cheated by spamming heals etc… it is hard to make a perfect system for recognizing ALL contributions. Instead of DPS maybe they mark # of abilities going off (weather successful or not)

One step closer to holy trinity with Ventari

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


i see it diffrent. i like play heals so i never had problems finding group in trinty

if u have bad time finding group as dps make a tank/heal alt. wanna play dps too bad

ok ok i dont mean that im just makin a point

bc thats what im told here when i try to heal:: switch to dps wanna play heal too bad

there is no play how i want when no one needs the toon i wanna play

I like to play heals too but because the way the game is designed it is far inferior. There is not enough dungeons / challenging content.

I’ve said many times I don’t care if they want people to be able to play without the holy trinity but they should also make it viable for those who want it.

I’ve made a couple of “to-the-point” suggestions.

1. Make it so we can have alt builds, so when I am solo in PvE I can switch to DPS spec but in group content can switch to healing spec. This is also a potential $$$ for them as they could sell build slots.

2. Make heals and toughness mean more. (Which I feel they are doing with the trait line changes but we will see)

I who have played MMORPGs since MUDs were a thing and I enjoy the trinity. Perhaps I feel safe in it… or perhaps everyone can do everything feels like it takes no skill or coordination.

They just need content for everyone. I still don’t play the meta. I run full Soldier’s on my Engineer and run a tanky/Flamethrower build. I’ve never had anyone complain about my DPS. It has been sited though that I tend to get aggro which helps others DPS since the mob isn’t on them.

So it is possible. You just have to find other players with like-minded ideas. Is every combination going to work? Probably not but it depends on you and as long as you are having fun.

GW2 = Stagnent

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Three types of players currently exist. Hardcore players who log in and play everyday because GW2 is their game of choice… but as time goes this may change. The second kind of player is the returning player. They heard there is an expansion and so they came back to check it out. Things have changed, got to do living story… but then what… they will leave again. last but not least, the new player. The world is new to them and they do not yet realize the lack of content.

If they want to keep players they need to do something. My poor guild is barren when it was once filled with active players. No amount of “hey let’s do the same old content together” is going to keep them coming back.

Trolled by the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Who hasn’t been trolled when doing Pacman in SW. Wolf gets you into downed state but runs off. You are almost healed to rally when another wolf pops up and kills you. Trolololol you thought you were going to get up!

Make bag slot upgrades account wide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I didn’t read every single post, but what if 400 gems opened all bag slots for 1 character. That would be a good compromise.

No Trinity and Maybe Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


First off I know this is a dead horse that I want to beat. 2nd, I don’t care.

I read many posts and it seems the community is split on the holy trinity idea. I like GW2, thus why I play it. It is much better than WoW, more relaxing than FFXIV (not that I disliked it but my girlfriend didn’t ), and generally better performing than any F2P crap-shoot out there. My biggest issue is I do like playing a piece of the trinity. My favorite thing to do in MMORPGs is heal. A lot of the complaints people voice is because of the “no trinity” weather they talking about dungeon running, PvP, gear stats not used. The issue really comes down to the fact that the trinity exists is most other games for a reason. The meta in GW2 is straight up boring. If ever they want to make other gear stats important then they need to make roles more important so NEVER count on this unless ANet decides to back up on the “no roles” concept.

In order to make toughness matter more they would need to make its efficiency go up. Same with healing. If they did this though they would make the trinity happen because suddenly all zerker might not be the fastest way to run a dungeon.

Example: If a mob (dungeon or world) hits for 3000 with a skill pre toughness modifier. Let’s just say (I don’t feel like doing the math right now) that currently running full zerker you only mitigate 1500 of it. Let’s say running full soldiers you mitigate 2200. If they increased the efficiency so toughness matters more then now full zerker mitigates 1500 and full soldier might mitigate 2800.

Pretty much same concept with healing.

However now soldier becomes the new meta (maybe because dodging and mitigation effects are OP) and dungeon running becomes easier so now they have to adjust the dungeon mobs.

Next thing you know the trinity is born. I personally don’t feel this is a bad thing but many do because they are jaded because they ALWAYS play DPS and could never find groups.

Ok so this sounds like a problem. What I want is for both ways of play to be viable. They should make dungeons have a solo version (Instanced) and a group version. Solo version for those who don’t want/need trinity and a group version for those who do. Make most the drops the same but since the group dungeon is harder maybe give a chance for ascended stuff like fractals for completion where solo might only get exotic. Yeah seems unfair but hey you can solo right?

I feel this would be a great compromise to please everyone if more content was made with both types in mind and then everyone could get along.

TLDR – Should have game play for both solo and trinity (but they wont)

New: Ok how about it put it this way. Get rid of gear and give everybody the same stats because then they have the game the way they want it. People who don’t play zerker get ridiculed anyways. So why bother having other gear if it isn’t meant to be utilized somewhere.

They just need to make content that allows for something other than DPS to shine.

(edited by Darkwolfer.7819)

Charr need a rework !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I’m a fan of the Charr. All the people who dislike them are likely prepubescent teenagers who want more human-esk females to gawk at while they running around. The Charr are awesome and my favorite race. I like the running on all 4 as it is unique and more bestial, which is what they are.

The class getting Shouts is the Necromancer

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


So Caladbolg is a living sword. The sword in the picture has eyeballs which suggest it is living. And well Jory’s sword is infused with her sister’s spirit (kind of like living?). Maybe this is some clue-in to what the abilities will be?

Shouts seem likely but I’m thinking of something more inline with what a living sword would do… I just can’t think of that now.

I fully support the specialization system

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I like the changes. Just sayin’

Two-handed Axe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Adding new weapon type opens up new skills / ways to play (which means a ton more work for devs)

This would also allow with the elite specializations more diversity. My one fear is they eventually will run out of elite specializations. You know eventually everyone will be able to equip everything…

Same with the staleness that each expansion will just be a new dragon because that seems pretty boring…

Recap: They need more weapons to create more diversity in game play. Suggestions 2-handed axe, fist weapons, scythe, bola, etc

Multiple Spec Slots = $$$

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Some will disagree with me, but some will not…

What GW2 needs is the ability to allow for multiple specs. With the new changes this seems even more perfect. Many other MMORPGs offer this feature. Adding this feature would allow for a more diverse group when running dungeons/fractals.

ANet could even make money off this by giving each account 2 specs to start with. They would be able to allow players to buy additional spec slots from the gem store (Though it better be account wide and not character like bag slots… f-that!)

What does the community think?

(edited by Darkwolfer.7819)

Dont make Dungeons Harder-More builds Viable

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


Nope. I could care less about the title of the armor. It is the stat combination. I main Engineer and use Soldiers and tank like a boss. I still do decent damage because power is main stat but toughness/vitality allow me to stay alive and support/tank for my fellow players. The only time this is a problem is if more than one person is doing this then we don’t have enough DPS.

I think the problem is with the min/max people not even allowing for traditional roles even though the roles work just as well. I mean heaven forbid a fight should take 20 more seconds. I find it very beneficial when I get a healing ele that knows what they doing. There are tons of fights that actually cater to this concept where the natural regen of water stance comes in handy.

Because of GW2 system with the no roles ideology people who actually enjoy playing these roles get shunned when they ought to be rewarded. So if ANet doesn’t want to require roles that is fine but make them still viable.

The only problem is the relaxed dungeon queue system that allows for bad experience when players want to play those roles. nothing worse than entering a dungeon and seeinf 2-3 people state “I’m heals”. It isn’t because they are wrong but they know nobody will queue up with them if they state it in the dungeon find.

Some solutions is to NEVER pug, be a jerk and say zerg only post your armor (I should carry armor on me so I can link it just to anger people), play with friends who share same ideas, or give into the meta even if you don’t want to play DPS

None of these solutions are very appetizing huh?

Specialization won't Duplicate weapons ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Darkwolfer.7819


I want a Skald profession (Bard) and a Focus main hand could work! Of course which class because it isn’t happening now… Maybe Mesmer since they already have little music notes under water with one of their weapons.