Showing Posts For Darren.3427:

disabling gems -> gold conversion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darren.3427


I love when people say that cosmetic items and bank tabs being bought with money via gems is P2W, Its pay to convenience. You aren’t buying bank slots and equipping them to go kill another players with ubber leet stat differences like in some other games.

Any who I like the gem to gold and gold to gem portion it allows those who don’t want to spend money to be able to get the cash shop items by just playing. If you don’t really have the time to be farming all the time like I do then I can just plunk down a few dollars for an outfit that has no stats which that money then supports more stuff for everyone yay.

(edited by Darren.3427)

Hide option for pauldrons, please ? [Outfits]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darren.3427


Pretty sure you guys can hide outfit shoulders. All you have to do is go into your normal equipment page and uncheck the shoulders and it should hide the outfit shoulders. Reason I say this is because I use the cooks outfit for my charr engi and I can hid the helm and gloves on the outfit.

Open/Cosume all button?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darren.3427


Heh yeah I wish there was a right click consume all option. Opening 13 thousand jade dragon coffers was quite the hurt to my wrist/fingers during the Dragon Bash event xD

Aetherized Sword :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darren.3427


I was going to farm a lot for that rapier as well. I was also bummed out when I saw that huge cannon for a rifle and it didn’t get added either, and that current rifle is just meh to me :/

So about that ticket....2100 later..

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Darren.3427


Throwing my numbers in and yes I spent gold on these. I’m up to 6,000 coffers regular ones and have 6 skins. ugh so much clicking x.x

more I say more skins more!!!!!

Color blind gamer: Issues seeing red circles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darren.3427


I’m still crossing my fingers for a color blind mode aswell as I’m red/green color blind. Makes things quite difficult sometimes. Thankfuly though people that I group up with understand and aren’t jerks about it when I go down from not seeing those blasted circles that seem to hide from me from time to time. xD

Give people PvE CONTENT.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darren.3427


Turial that last bit made me lol so hard xD but its funny though how when someone dissagrees with another its an instant FANBOY!!!!!@!

On a side note it does need a few more things like more dungeons and bigger dungeons, but I know they’ll come with time. Right now I’m taking a break and playing a few other games then I’ll be back.

Idea: weekends

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darren.3427


Sign me up I loved the weekend events for Guild Wars 1

Cool Medium Armor Charr with no skirt!

in Charr

Posted by: Darren.3427


I love having no skirt on my engi now. So glad I found the t3 chest, and it was totaly worth the 30g. Basicly its full cof armor with the t3 cultural chest.
