Showing Posts For Dead matrix.2670:

Armor Bound to Another Player

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

unless you happen to put some of them in your bank then they get stuck

soulbound armor and weapons ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

any ideas how to get them out of the bank vault?

soulbound armor and weapons ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670


…. but you can still equip it ….

Ok, you have to go into your inventory and switch them out from that panel. Double clicking or right clicking to equip doesn’t allow them to be swapped out. Thanks for that info!

ok this works thx

soulbound armor and weapons ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

i’m pretty sure that you can’t equip them if they’re soulbound to someone else : (

soulbound armor and weapons ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

does anyone know why my armor and weapons for all 9 of my characters are now soulbound to someone else

Cant update Game :(

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

would it be bad if I tried going back to dial up.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

One of the things that has haunted me sense the betas is the fact that minion AI for the necromancers melee pets stalls or stops attacking. Or never attacks at all.
As far as I know this is a well documented bug. Developers have even acknowledged it but there’s been no news on this at all.
My Question is to ANY person that can enlighten me and others I assume as to were they might be in fixing this very annoying bug. (please say this upcoming feature patch). Thanks.

Can minions finally be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

I love the necromancer class in every game I play. that being said I’m only trying for constructive criticism here. to the OP it’s more like 10 months if you count the betas that the AI on all pets have been fairly unresponsive .but especially noticeable on the necromancer . I have to say that I disagree with any such talk about delays, and any talk about minions working after you use their utility skill. even though it seems that is the case. I believe it’s a pathing issue, and this is some thing you can check for yourself. if you pay close attention you will see that the Melee minions will fall behind while running unlike other pets that will stay up next to or even in front of your character as you move. because of this if your character starts an attack while this is happening the minions never engage. now to test my theory all you have to do is click on the ground to disengage your target, and then re engage the target. you will notice that the minions have caught up to you and now will instantly attack the target .this can only be a pathing issue. and I wish they would fix it after 10 months :-(

(edited by Dead matrix.2670)

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

No, you don’t get it from the bone minions, but you do get it with a jagged horror. Watch the green bubbles. Also, stand near a guard being attacked by a mob. It’s buggy, but most of the time you get lifeforce from the friendly guard dying.

Again i have tested this 3 times now to make sure, no minions give you life froce when thay die. Not even jagged horrors. I’ll have to test the guard thing later.

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

@skliros. If that was true when i make 2 bone minions with 0% life force, and blow them up, you would get some % of life force !!! you dont . Try it for your self .

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

@ Elethor. As soon as you attack that critter he becomes a foe. i have never seen in 200+ hours of play 1 green bubble come from a allie. And GW2 wiki defines life force as (Life force is gained when foes die nearby ) .

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dead matrix.2670

Dead matrix.2670

I beleave you only get life force from enemies not allies.