Showing Posts For DeadReaper.6527:
I looked at my bank inventory the other day and I was astounded as to how many endless transform item I had, I realized that I want to use them but I can never do it because they are always in my bank. I carry some sometime but most of the time they just lay in my bank doing nothing.
I really think that they deserve a place in the hero panel. Like the mini, all transform item could be in the hero panel just under the mini.
Would it be reasonnable ?
What I would really like to have is a build saving system, something that can remember my trait line and could help me change my build quickly. Especially in pvp with the randomness of the map i take some time to change all your gear and your build when you get into courtyard or stronghold if your original build is not especially efficient. Event in PVE it could be someting really usefull even more with HOT coming with the raids and other stuff…
The trait mender’s purity doesn’t show it’s effect in the tooltip, but after testing it, the condition are remove after the healing skill has finished channeling.
I’m trying to find Poyaqui in Gendarran Fields, I know he is supposed to be near the Vigil Keep but I cannot find him. Could somebody explain me where to go to get him?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
At no point did they say not to complain about it, just that, in their opinion, the complaints are somewhat out of hand. Speak out if you feel like it, but it really has gotten to some ridiculous levels (like trying to file a class-action lawsuit? really?). Anet owes us more communication, clarification, and possibly apologies too, but this forum has been almost literally nothing but repeat threads about the expansion price.
For customers that purchased GW2 in the recent months when Anet had been marketing (deceptively) the base game as being required before buying HoT, there is valid reasoning for legal action. That deceptive marketing very likely false under the definitions of US false advertising laws.
You can just ask for a refund / discount in the support area of gw2, they may accord you a way to be discounted for the price of HOT if you pay for the core game now that they give it for free (if you got it in less than a month ago I think)
The only refund offer I’m aware of deletes the existing account, and does not refund any gems/gemstore purchases. So they have to start over, and lose any money spent on gems. That’s a pretty terrible “offer”.
If they were to give these players a voucher/discount code of some sort, I think that would be pretty good.
In that way, I think it is sad, in ANet place I would at least offer a discount on the upgrade if you purchase it less than a month ago. I’m rooting for you to obtain an upgrade for the current price of hot – the price you paid for the core game.
In hope an admin can authorize that kind of thing with is just basic compromise for an advertisement that was misleading in the FAQ.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
How can you say that hot will not be vast? Are you the only one who got secret info on the game? Did you know that maguuma jungle is 3 level for each map? This meens that you tripple the area by scalling up, it may not be as vaste has the core game but it can be a decent area for an expansion.
Maybe, maybe… But I’m not talking just about map size. I’m talking about content as a whole. And if you compare GW2 to HoT I doubt they will have even close to the same amount of content. As you said – it will be a decent area, but not worth the same price as the core game.
I can’t say for sure, but I will wait and see for myself, we can only decide if the content in hot value 50$ when we will have more details about it.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
At no point did they say not to complain about it, just that, in their opinion, the complaints are somewhat out of hand. Speak out if you feel like it, but it really has gotten to some ridiculous levels (like trying to file a class-action lawsuit? really?). Anet owes us more communication, clarification, and possibly apologies too, but this forum has been almost literally nothing but repeat threads about the expansion price.
For customers that purchased GW2 in the recent months when Anet had been marketing (deceptively) the base game as being required before buying HoT, there is valid reasoning for legal action. That deceptive marketing very likely false under the definitions of US false advertising laws.
You can just ask for a refund / discount in the support area of gw2, they may accord you a way to be discounted for the price of HOT if you pay for the core game now that they give it for free (if you got it in less than a month ago I think)
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
My bad, I didn’t know people on here were ignorant on the price ranges of gaming expansions. Is this your first game?
$50 is reasonable because it is within the range of a typical expansion.
$5000000000000000 is unreasonable though.Which other game costs 50$ and then has an expansion or dlc that also costs 50$? Even if there is 1, why should GW2 be the same? GW2 is vast and HoT will be a small part of that. So no… 50$ for an expansion is not reasonable.
How can you say that hot will not be vast? Are you the only one who got secret info on the game? Did you know that maguuma jungle is 3 level for each map? This meens that you tripple the area by scalling up, it may not be as vaste has the core game but it can be a decent area for an expansion.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
At first I was agains that I though it was really a slap in the face, but after a little while, I think it is acceptable. After all they are not the only one to give the game with an expensions or new games depending on how you look at it. For example, Rainbow six siege come with a copy of vegas and vegas 2 on xbox one (announced at E3 2015), would you say it is not right for everyone who already have rainbow six vegas and vegas 2? I don’t think so.
It’s not really the same thing with Rainbow Six. Siege is replacing Vegas 2 as the current/flagship Rainbow Six game, while GW2 is still the current flagship of the Guild Wars series with HoT only expanding it. There is a big difference between sequel and expansion. Vegas 2 is also over twice as old as GW2. I don’t think we’d be making this big a deal if it was GW3 coming out, with GW2 as the bonus.
Maybe your right, we would not be make a big fuss about it but that is just an example, many other game include the core game with their expansion too, that doesn’t depreciate the value of the expansion. Of course it doesn’t benefit that much to the gamer currently playing the game, all everyone is asking is the same thing as if you buy something new and decide to not buy it after all because they don’t give you a pen as gift because you already have a pen… Really, you don’t give a kitten about the core game you already have it, it you want to benefit from their offer simply start a new account, of course you will loose all your legendaries and account bond stuff but you will get 5 char slot + hot, twice the daily, simply convert your benefit to your old account or something like that and boom you get yourself the same thing as the new player!
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
ANET deliver new content every 2 week or so, with HOT you will simply get the core update + the hot update, that make it 2 free content update.
I personnally bough the ultimate pack, until now ANET delivered great content continuously
No they don’t and they haven’t done that for over a year. In the 15 or so months since LS1 ended we’ve had 8 LS2 episodes, 2 feature packs and some holiday events with long, long breaks between them. There has been no new content release in just over 5 months (no release at all since January 18th) and it’s unlikely there will be one between now and the expansion pack’s release (whenever that is). The update tomorrow is unlikely to bring new content. The systems they’re adding or changing tomorrow aren’t content: content is things you do in the game. For example, the camera changes were very, very welcome but you don’t “play” the camera.
Your totally right about that, but that doesn’t change the fact that they delivered content for 2 and a half year for free. I don’t remove the right to express your opinion and ask for a better offer. I simply wanted to say that the package they offer seem reasonable to me, I think that a lot of people simply try to greed for something they justify not fair but in reality the package are fair at least in my point of view.
Your right about the fact that I will benefit from an update on the package offer if Anet decide to change it.
I simply think that all the people complaining are doing so without thinking first, I did so too though, at first I was insulted, I though I invested 3 years of my life in that game and they don’t give back anything for those who supported the game, but in fact the price of the expansion is their to decide and the fact that the give the core game to whoever buy the expansion doesn’t depreciate the value. The only mistake they are doing is to not let the new people buy only the core game for something like 20$ or 10$ independantly
20 $→ core game only
50 $ → hot expension + core game (for free)
75 $ → hot deluxe + core (for free)
100$ → ultimate + core (for free)
because now all the new player can’t buy the core for a low price and are forced to buy the expansion with the core game…
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
At first I was agains that I though it was really a slap in the face, but after a little while, I think it is acceptable. After all they are not the only one to give the game with an expensions or new games depending on how you look at it. For example, Rainbow six siege come with a copy of vegas and vegas 2 on xbox one (announced at E3 2015), would you say it is not right for everyone who already have rainbow six vegas and vegas 2? I don’t think so.
ANET deliver new content every 2 week or so, with HOT you will simply get the core update + the hot update, that make it 2 free content update.
Think of it for a little while you don’t lose anything, yes you made the game alive for 3 years, so what? You got a 3 years advance on every new players, an advance in money and experience. If there are 1 millions new players, the price in game will sky rock and you will simply become richer! All the grinding time you’ve done during those 3 years you played so far will simply become even more valuable. isn’t it worth the 20$ you all want to save on this expansion?
If you want a new character slot simply buy the deluxe edition OR simply buy an expansion slot (10$ AKA 60$) or you can simply delete an older character you know the one you played for like 30 hours and never played with after that! Most of us only play with 2 classes, I know few who play with all the classes.
I personnally bough the ultimate pack, until now ANET delivered great content continuously and everything I saw in the expansion + the change that are coming (this week that should fix the condition build problem) simply make me want to play even more. If most of you guys simply stop playing than I simply hope a lot of new player will come.
I just hope everyone realize how much childish this is, if you don’t want the game simply because they GIVE the core game with all the expension simply wait for the price to go down, you can ether stop playing or simply continu to enjoy the core game.
How greedy can this community become, I played about 1k hours in this game, it was worth the 70$ I paid for the deluxe game when it came out (about 0.07 cent / hours) and I think the hot expansion will be worth as much. Weither you realize it or not that is up to you.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
First, I think it is absurd that the expansions “include the core game” in it price. 50$ is a high price for only an expansions, I was hoping to have a discount for owning the core game.
I was hoping for something like :
25$ -> hot upgrade
50$ -> + char slot + title + glider + finisher + mini + guild hall
75$ – > + 4000 gem
and for people who doesn’t own the core game —-—-
50$ -> core game + hot
75$ -> + char slot + title + glider + finisher + mini + guild hall
100$ -> + 4000 gem
It is highly absurd to pay for an expansion that include the core game if you have it. Think of our felling, give some real compensation, I you don’t own the core game and you buy it now, you get 5 char slot and all the content from bot the hot and core game, while you only get hot content if you already have the core game. That doesn’t make any sense. Give some chest slot or bag slot or gem compensation, give us 2000 gem for the purchase of the expansion if we own the core game… at least something to compensate for all the people who made the game live until now.
There are a lot of issue currently in the way the content of the game is broken, not so fun because of game mechanics that make it viable (or more optimal) for only some classes, the berserker meta is making the core game fall with time, hot is supposed to correct that and now your saying pay it all again without any compensation? What is the point?
Out of the 3.5 Million game you sold, only 460K still play weekly… that meen 3 Millions people won’t come back to the game if they don’t find it appealing. And if you continue this way, you may lose a lot of the current player that were playing while waiting only for the expansion!
I really hope that we will get news update about the price soon!
(edited by DeadReaper.6527)