(edited by Deadplanet.3810)
Showing Posts For Deadplanet.3810:
My problem:
I would like to have autotarget enabled, as I often do something to “lose” my target while playing and autotarget will in many cases reaquire said target. But in certain situations, like when using skills for escaping in pvp/wvw, the autotarget can be very annoying.
My question:
Is there any way do have autotarget enabled, but disable it for as long as I click an assigned button? Or does anyone have a better solution in mind?
Help is much appreciated!
Aah maybe that`s it! Ty very much
Do you know if they have a reason for doing it that way?
Like it says in the title, many of my chars are unable to play as their respective elites. The elite traitline simply does not appear as a selectable option.
Some of my characters are able to choose the Elite specialisation from the traitsmenu. Some of them can choose Elite spec in Pve, but not in Pvp. Some of them are fully trained in the elite spec, but still can`t choose the traits.
Thank you for the great changes.. my alts are very pleased
I tried Wildstar for a total of 10 minutes, never even making it out of the tutorial.
- the steering felt completely wrong
- the graphics felt old and way worse then GW2 or even WoW
- the quests… I don`t think I can ever go back to that
Might be a good game, but not my cup of tea.
About time! No class should be able to heal that well while simultaneously putting out that much pressure.. and yea, they dont have to work very hard to do excactly that.
It could be “account-bound” legendaries…. don’t get hopes up.
My hopes are already up.. it could be both!
Just an FYI:
If you look at the schedule of “Features” that they are going to talk about, next week there is a day reserved for “Account Bound”
I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to remain optimistic. Could this be the date? Does it mean that the account bound rework planned in the feature patch will redo the WXP as well?
I remain optimistic, as should you! Because negativity is just bleh
Great work ANet. If you also add templates/profiles for traits/gear it will be even better!
Yes credit where credit is due. This is a proper QoL improvement for me.. Thank you Anet! You also got me really curious and excited for the rest of the upcoming features.
We want to let you know that the ability to build your precursor will not be in our upcoming Feature Pack. The way progression and rewards work in Guild Wars 2 have changed quite a bit since we initially talked about that feature, and our main horizontal progression systems are about to get some additional updates in the upcoming feature pack. Because of that, we are looking into several ways to integrate building your precursor into our new updated reward and progression systems we’re working on, which is requiring additional development time and iteration. As always, we’ll share details on this system once it’s far enough along in production we’re ready to discuss it.
Thanks for bringing us an update, I really appreciate it. Looking forward to when it arrives
I’ve heard rumors that they have been contending with a rewarding issue which i’ll try to explain with some context:
Say you log onto your main character, and you find TADA! you now have account bound WXP and you’ve jumped from rank 200 to 450. You just got a bunch of Rank up chests! Yay loot! You assign your now reset wvw traits, and go on your merry way.
Now, you log onto your other character, again we have the TADA! moment and you have a bunch of Rank Up chests! Yay Loot! but you already got rewards for these levels.
Rinse and repeat for other toons. much loot. such rank chests. wow. such doge.
now, granted I heard this in my server teamspeak. No way to verify the truth of my description above.
Well if this is the reason, I say let it be so It`s not like WvW has an abundance of loot as it is, it`s the only part of GW2 where you can spend money quicker than you gain it. Joking aside, I hope they manage to add this before or in the beginning of season 2. It`s not like it would drastically alter the balance of the tournament either.
I would like to be sure of something.
with the wvw account bounded, lets say i’am lvl 200 but
- I have 200 to use PER character, so if i have 5 character, for all 5 i’am going to be able to use 200 points ?
- Or i have 200 point in total to use across my 5 characters ? so i can only do like 40 points per characters ?
My main wvw char is level 685; wxp across all other chars equates to 123. These totals will be combined raising my level to 808 across all chars. This is my understanding of how the system will work.
Nope, Immagine it like a pool, all the wxp you made on your chars will be merged togheter, but don’t forget that the first 5 ranks are easier than the rest.
practically you will be between rank 770/790
So, if i have 200points to spend in total, that will not be 200 point per character, but 200points for all character ?
that’s just bad like hell and finaly do not change anything.
It would be smart to have the "200"points per character if you not only have “one” favorite class…GW2 will still force us to grind grind grind grind grind the wvw lvl to get all the necessary vwv xp to get all the upgrade you want in wvv for each of them…
Especialy when there is only a very little minority that played that much that they are lvl 1k++ in mcm…
Anet only care about the little korean like grinder minority ?
It will be 200 points per character.
There will be an account wxp pool, where every wxp come in from every char you play. When you use 200 skillpoints out of this pool with 1 char they are gone and you cant use them for others.
I think you`re misunderstanding.
“The sum of those points will determine the world rank and World Ability Points available to each character on the account.”
“With this change, we hope to still see that sense of uniqueness to different characters while providing much more value across all characters on an account.”
that anet logo on posts that they have responded to is getting annoying.
how about a nifty view all anet responses button.
Under the first section of the forum there`s a subforum called “Dev Tracker”. Look there for all the Anet posts.
Great looking skins
i wonder what some of your would hate more: not getting WXP across your account or getting it and realizing a bug in the code caused you to only get about 2/3 of your actual WXP across your account? Seriously, this isn’t something that happens overnight and this isn’t the only thing they are working on coding and trying to implement into a LIVE environment. Seriously, this complaining about WXP across multiple threads is just getting sadder and sadder.
Well if they knew that it was going to take this long to implement it, why the * would they tell us about it that far ahead of time, building up expectations. And why is there no update on this from Anet? Atleast tell us how far they`ve gotten so we have a clearer picture of what to expect.
This. If they would communicate progress with their player-base, it wouldn’t have received anywhere near a reaction like this. But instead, we’ve been left in the dark for months about something so many people want so badly.
Yup. A single post from Anet on this topic earlier could have spared a lot of players a lot of disappointment. I don`t like to complain in the forum, there`s too much of that already. But I really am let down atm, and I fell like it could have been avoided. GW2 is a great game, but a bit more transparency on development would be much appreciated!
We should all get used to it A-net shows little love, or carrying for its WvW player base, whether its simply not the $$$ or because we complain less who knows. Maybe it will be here within the next millennium?
I dont know why people assume Anet doesnt make any money from WvWers. I play the game mostly because of WvW, even though I still do my fair share of PvE. And I buy gems. I`ve decided I won`t anymore, not untill they show an effort to improve WvW.
i wonder what some of your would hate more: not getting WXP across your account or getting it and realizing a bug in the code caused you to only get about 2/3 of your actual WXP across your account? Seriously, this isn’t something that happens overnight and this isn’t the only thing they are working on coding and trying to implement into a LIVE environment. Seriously, this complaining about WXP across multiple threads is just getting sadder and sadder.
Well if they knew that it was going to take this long to implement it, why the * would they tell us about it that far ahead of time, building up expectations. And why is there no update on this from Anet? Atleast tell us how far they`ve gotten so we have a clearer picture of what to expect.
This is really disappointing. It was the right time for account bound wxp before season 2 starts. Now what we’re going to expect is that we won’t have any WvW patch ’til season 2 is over. sigh
That whole “no patch for WvW during a season” is just ridiculous. I mean, honestly, what will accountbound WXP add to a season that makes it unfair or in any way changes the matchup balance?
I would like to be sure of something.
with the wvw account bounded, lets say i’am lvl 200 but
- I have 200 to use PER character, so if i have 5 character, for all 5 i’am going to be able to use 200 points ?
- Or i have 200 point in total to use across my 5 characters ? so i can only do like 40 points per characters ?
My main wvw char is level 685; wxp across all other chars equates to 123. These totals will be combined raising my level to 808 across all chars. This is my understanding of how the system will work.
Nope, Immagine it like a pool, all the wxp you made on your chars will be merged togheter, but don’t forget that the first 5 ranks are easier than the rest.
practically you will be between rank 770/790
So, if i have 200points to spend in total, that will not be 200 point per character, but 200points for all character ?
that’s just bad like hell and finaly do not change anything.
It would be smart to have the "200"points per character if you not only have “one” favorite class…GW2 will still force us to grind grind grind grind grind the wvw lvl to get all the necessary vwv xp to get all the upgrade you want in wvv for each of them…
Especialy when there is only a very little minority that played that much that they are lvl 1k++ in mcm…
Anet only care about the little korean like grinder minority ?
I`m pretty sure you get 200 points per character, as the point of all this is to make WvW more alt-friendly.. pooling WXP doesnt make any sense if you can still only spend each point once.
There are much more important stuff to do then making account wxp.
I have to disagree. The bugs I can live with, the lack of new content for the PPT part of WvW I can live with (although it would be nice if they added new vendors for ascended and stuff). I actually enjoy playing as it is.
But once they said accountbound WXP would be implemented, it allowed me to play my other toons in WvW. It made WvW a lot more fun and satisfying, and I was dead certain I could continue playing my alts at season 2. I still can ofc but they will be “underpowered” compared to what they would have been. If they were gonna take so long to implement this, then they should have waited with announcing it. Just my opinion.
Well this is… disappointing and I struggle to understand it. This would be the perfect time to introduce this feature and it is sooo needed. Certainly lowered my excitement for Season 2 drastically
I have the same issue with the “belt” part of the tier 2 pants. Really annoying that it cant be dyed it seems.
This is how its going to play out...
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Deadplanet.3810
This… is making a lot of sense to me. Lets hope for a good execution
Okay, I have no idea how or why this works but playing through VPN fixes the lag for me. I am playing from Norway and without VPN on the game is unplayable. When I start up the VPN through a server in Sweden the game is nearly lag-free (the VPN isnt that fast so some lag still remains, but at least the game is playable)
Anyone has any thoughts on this, perhaps someone a bit more knowledgable than me?
Maybe a Norway thing? That’s where we are too. :/ Also CanalDigital
Seems like it. Canal Digital here too, which Im guessing uses the same net as Telenor. They are owned by them anyhow. So will this be up to us to fix or will Anet do something? Telenor accounts for quite a few of norwegian players, and the issue seems to be limited to only GW2.
Same here, from Norway & Gunnars Hold
EDIT: Should mention its fine from about midnight and untill morning. Maybe because of less players online at those hours?
Same problem here, started yesterday. Huge lag makes the game unplayable right from the start untill it finally disconnects.
EDIT: Seems like the lag is worst during primetime and nearly gone during the night. I mostly play WvW, but it doesnt matter which map im on or if I am pvping or pveing.
(edited by Deadplanet.3810)
I have not read through this thread, just wanted to give my point of view.
We have had enough of progression. An increase of the levelcap would only, and I say only, be okay if the current gear/weapons got an increase aswell so that you could keep them. And then, honestly, what is the point? Only one I can think of is to give us more trait-points.
As for gear, I have a lvl 80 char of every class and getting ascended gear is just tedious to me. It would have been slightly better if it wasnt timegated, I`m stuck due to laurels btw, but what I enjoy is this game`s diversity in builds and classes. Getting gear for all my alts and builds would take years, even if playing the game non-stop. Adding a cheap and easy way to give asceded gear the ability to change stats like legendary weapons would be the only progression I will endorse. It will take us back to where we started off with exotic gear, only with more bagspace and easier PvE-content.
Edit: And yea, a way of buying ascended gear with WvW-badges, dungeon-tokens or karma would be very appreciated. In my opinion, stuff like laurels should be an added bonus for regular players, not the chokepoint ogf progression.
(edited by Deadplanet.3810)
Yea it was a nice change but sp is weaker post patch due to the infiltrators return nerf.
That`s true, but I mainly used sword #2 as a gapcloser and immobilize anyway so I havent noticed it that much so far.
I still hate how it roots you in place when you’re swinging. >.< We’re supposed to be a fast~mobile class.
This is fair, but at least we auto-evade during the slashing animation.
Yea it is a tradeoff, but I personally love the evade. I can see why people dont though. [Edit: As pointed out right above me hehe]
With all the nerfs and stuff, I just wanted to focus on the good and say thanks for this buff to S/P, it was much needed and much appreciated. I have played S/P for a long time now in WvW primarily, and I notice a huge difference. Now I don`t have to either be facing bad players or depend on other peoples stuns when I go roaming, I can actually get off some dmg with PW solo!
I havent really reserached this, but I saw that Givers armor are now craftable. That`s the equipment that increases condition duration right? How will Givers stats on weapons + armor affect us thieves if we`re unable to clear conditions without for example Lyssa runes?
(edited by Deadplanet.3810)
The same happens to me with the Dire Insignia, the description is in Chinese, although I can see it in chat (can not sell it on the TP).
Longtime WvWer here, and thouh I´m not excactly surprised by the reward chest, I am a bit disappointed. WvW has always been outshined by PvE in the item-department. We did get a mini, which is nice for the players that enjoy them, but I dont see how hard it could be to give a backskin or any other skin to players from every server. The living story seems to reward skins all the time, and those achievements are certainly not as timeconsuming.
(I play mostly WvW so I didnt find it hard the achievement to be a “grind”, but I can see that some have put more than their usual effort into doing this)
Just wanted to say TY!
I cannot find any of them either.
Got the bug in Frostgorge, tried 5 times.
Human – Female – Thief
Sylvari – Female – Elementalist
Norn – Female – Guardian
The other gifts aren’t that hard so this holds little weight IMO. Anet needs to tread carefully dealing with this. They make them a hand out and all the people who got one prior will feel cheated, if it stays as it is people will continue to rage quit. I think everyone needs to remember that it is MEANT to be exclusive
Regarding your “hand out” comment, my problem with this is that the wrong people have already got the legendaries. They are demeaned. Okay, now that might seem a little inflammatory, but frankly, it’s the truth. Get over it.
just because you throw some swords in the forge doesn’t mean you are entitled.
Exactly! Why should you be able to acquire something by flushing all that you’ve achieved down the Mystic Toilet when others are incidentally deigned worthy (“entitled”, as you put it) by the RNG? But enough about the randomness! Onward, to the positive conclusion!
I’m going over old ground now, but here it is anyway:
Legendaries should have been tied to the Achievement system (even if it means “grinding” of a sorts), not market speculation and grinding for gold. Fix this, and you can stick a fork in it!
So what’s the logic behind the roughly 150g increase in price for Zap? Did it get a visual update or did the prices for mats change? And how come, if this increase is due to price fluctuation, the price and amount of available Zap have been stable before and after the price-increase?
What you’re saying is probably true for most cases, I just dont see how it’s true for this particular incident.Zap is “merely” 419g atm.
It stands nearly at same level as the 2h weapons rarity, yet still cheaper than them.It is a reasonable price to pay considering how much its brothers cost and how popular bolt is.
Well yea, I never claimed otherwise. And it was not ever something I discussed.
Just saying, there was a huge price spike on the precursor for visually unchanged Bolt, and it happened at a suspiciously fast pace in a fairly “stagnant” market. Maybe 7-10 people managed to save up enough to buy out the TP’s supply of Zaps in one evening, but my bet would be on one or two manipulators. Kudos to them anyway.
So what’s the logic behind the roughly 150g increase in price for Zap? Did it get a visual update or did the prices for mats change? And how come, if this increase is due to price fluctuation, the price and amount of available Zap have been stable before and after the price-increase?
What you’re saying is probably true for most cases, I just dont see how it’s true for this particular incident.
Seriously, just save your gold and buy one. It really isn’t that hard. I just farmed 60 gold in a week. It’s an MMO. Take your time and if you want it then work for it and stop complaining. You can farm 500 gold in Orr in 2 months with ease.
Ye, in 2 months someone will have 500 gold, but by then – precursors will be 2000 gold… Prices are going high every day…
False. The only precursors that have gone up in price the past month are those that got updated. Everything else has been relatively stable.
Actually what you’re saying is false. Unless Bolt has gotten some update I’m not aware of, it’s precursor Zap went up from costing 290ish gold (been a stable price for a long time) to 430ish gold just a few days ago. And the thing is there were about 13 available Zaps on the market before the price went up —> then most of them were bought out within hours --> then they were put back up again within a day of each other at a higher price
If that’s not the market being manipulated by one or a few people, at least those random people buying and selling precursors sure are coordinating well with each other.