(edited by Denis.5019)
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An idea occurred to me.
Fractals in its current state are a one big contradiction to the vision of the game.
Here is the issues I see with it:
1. It makes normal zones more empty, as apparently a person can level in fractals throughout his\her whole career, never seeing the rest of the world. And it is much easier to just sit in place and do the same, instead of a normal course that was initially intended.
2. Gear found there now and especially in the future being better when exotics, which could be found elsewhere force those who like WvW grind fractals (even if they don’t want to).
3. It have its own progression in terms of levels and gear (later on) and which is not needed for the rest of the world.
4. Fractal levels are not account wide because they are effectively just a
difficulty levels. So you are stuck with only one character if you wanna play fractals instead of having a free choice of what class do you wanna play.
5. It doesn’t have any connection lore wise to the rest of the personal story, unlike other dungeons are.
So here is what I suggest to alleviate those issues and make a fractal system more easily accessible.
Make a fractals system as a separate game subsystem, like sPVP now.
A. It should have its own icon in top left menu, near the PVP button which we can click to get in and out to the \ from the system.
We should be able to access this system from anywhere in the main world and be able to transport back to where we left off. Fractals dungeon door should be removed from LA because it will no longer be relevant.
B. It should have its own lobby.
This lobby has its own vendors, a separate bank for a fractals gear and items, it’s own Zamoross thing, a practice bots with different amount or levels of agony attacks to check your gear against them. It should also have its own scoreboard where a top 100 players are listed and top 100 teams respectfully.
C. It should have its own gear, much like sPVP now, only you don’t get an end gear like in sPVP but gain it in the manner of normal PVE world. Vendors still can sell a white Fractal gear of different tiers. In normal world you wear your normal gear. when you travel to fractal system, you gear is replaced by a fractal gear you gained this far. Unlike sPVP, a fractal gear can break and needs to be fixed or replaced. It could also have its own skins which can be transferred to a normal PVE gear. Fractal gear cannot be used outside of the Fractals system.
D. It should have its own levels much like now, only you see those in the place of a normal levels in a lower left corner. The “xp bar” is replaced by a fractal progression, every completed map fills up this bar and winning over the final boss “dings” you.
This level is an account wide, so no matter which character are you playing, you should be able to just go there and continue your fractal progression where you had left off.
E. Optional but I feel it is worth discussing:
A two doorways to join a fractal instances: as an individual and as a team. For a team a password option might be handy so only those you want will be able to join you. When you join as an individual, you can choose to join a team in progression or from the start. depends on that you will get a full reward or only a partial one. This should make up for those situations where a team mate boils out, leaving the rest of a team in cold. Joining as a team doesn’t have this option, obviously.
It goes without saying (and apparently will be implemented) that if you get disconnected you can always reconnect to your team no matter the way you choose to take – individual or team.
p.s. Maybe some other changes are in order but this is all I can think of about for now.
(edited by Denis.5019)
Trait “Phantasmal Healing” prevents a fury buff from “Phantasmal Fury” to refresh itself on any phantasms but phantasmal duelist. Same effect has a Phantasmal Heling onto Vengeful Images trait. only iDuelist works fine.
Also trait “phantasmal fury” overrides a buff from trait " Vengeful Images"
(edited by Denis.5019)
I like to use a fast cast target option, where a ground targeted spell goes off in the place of a cursor. however sometimes in the middle of a combat it is hard to tell, where the mouse cursor is and I have to waste a precious time in order to locate it. Can we have a more flashy cursor which is always easy to tell from the rest of what is happening on the screen?
Kinda don’t feels right levelling a character with another character. But they should add something else to get for those points. For example an armour that can only be obtained this way or maybe a special haircuts or social outfits or something else, dunno
I support this idea. We should be able to switch presets around as we need. Maybe deactivate this feature in WvW to prevent an abuse of the system (and maybe in dungeons too for a same reason) but let us switch around in the open PvE zones.
On the other hand your enemies have the same confusion which can buy you some time
Hello, everyone!
Currently the indicator (3 pink dots) shows the amount of illusions that are summoned and ready for shattering. The thing is there are two kinds of illusions: clones and phantasms.
It would be helpful if this indicator could show which types are summoned. For a clones the dots should stay as it is, for a phantasm though add a small black circle (or any other distinguishable symbol) inside the dot. This way we can tell just by looking at indicator what we have and how much.
There shouldn’t be much work adding this implementation, I think.
Seems like Piken Square is a RP EU server. I stumble on RPs all the time
I like the challenge a dungeons gives. The only stopping factor for me is that I have to amass a certain amount of money before doing them, unless I intent to do it naked
I also support the need of preview in a trading post. All reasons was mentioned above me.
Another interesting question regarding Waypoints is what is the mechanics behind our death and ability to “respawn” at any of them and not just anywhere?
I see this bug too. While from the 1st person perspective they see a correct tool usage, but from the 3rd person perspective the tool being used is always incorrect.
I think the same problem does exist on all alternative weapons. If you pick up a wooden bar which gives 2 skills, both of them will not be on auto attack too.
I recall that was not an issue during a beta.
We want an old functionality back!
I also think there should be only one leader and one simply should not be able to make a second leader, third etc…
I had this effect on beta 306 drivers. I downgraded back to 304 and it worked out for me.
Also I suspect (not 100% sure though) a game currently supports only nVidia stereoscopic solution (3D vision), thus other methods might not work.
I can confirm however, that using a 3D vision solution the game works fine with the nVidia glasses and with anaglyph (red\cyan) cardboard glasses.
Provider IP swap causes game to lose connection /disable?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Denis.5019
My ISP also does a 24 forced disconnect. However it can be controlled by manually disconnecting at the hours you don’t usually play or work over Internet. It has to be done at least once per month though. SO once per month I manually turn off my router wait a minute or so and plug it back in. From this point onwards those disconnects happen in this time.
Try the same, maybe it will help you.
Better Framerate when using in-game SuperSampling
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Denis.5019
Also you might wanna do this modification to that game only if others works fine with a High quality. Go to “Program Settings” and in drop down menu find gw2.exe (or should you fail to do so, add it manually). After that switch the aforementioned setting for this game only.
When I launch game in stereoscopic mode, it displays one in-game cursor. However if I alt-tab or win-tab from the game to another application or desktop and then return back to a game I get a second mouse cursor (windows one). Until I completely restart a game I will be having those two cursors – in-game and windows, which is irritating.
config: GeForce 480GTX, drivers 304.79, nVidia 3D Vision kit.