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Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


In my opinion 1v1 tournaments are a silly idea because some professions will just win against others regardless of the skill difference, Sure 1v1 battles are a cool recreational thing to do but i don’t think they have any place in the competitive scene.

Maybe bigger deathmatch fights like 2v2 /3v3 could be competitive, but all i ask is for a way to que with one or two friends and fight against 2-3 others, ranking would be awesome, but it isn’t a priority for me.

I just hope that “custom arenas” aren’t just the standard 5v5 maps with a player limit on each side, also a matchmaking system would be nice so it isn’t just, Join a server with your friends and keep killing the opponents until they leave, One small map for these “custom arenas” would be nice

Tpvp and Pugs

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


Have you considered adding Deathmatch Arenas like in WoW?

They are extremely noob friendly but still competitive and you don’t need a lot of organisation to get 1 or two other to play with..

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


Please just add one simple small arena map with maybe 1 or 2 objects to line of sight behind.

And then make a way we can que with a friend or 2 against opponents (or solo que), It doesn’t need rating, It doesn’t need a rewards system. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t a finished feature, (lets be honest GW2 is still in beta) Just give us something to do in terms of pvp which is fun..

Christmas Patch/Update Wishlist

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


All my friends and i want in this game is a way to play 2v2 / 3v3 deathmatches against opponents in a small arena/map. It would be amazing and soo fun to try out all the class combinations

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


? 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch modes in a small arena are :

- Quick (Games will only last for 1-10 minutes)
- Easy to organise (grab a friend or two or solo que)
- Simple to understand (kill the other team)
- Fun to watch (Small map, high action, easily recognisable objective…)
- Competitive (Thousands of profession combo’s for players to invent)

There are a lot of players out there who simply don’t have the time to become competitive in the current 5v5 domination game mode (with various other ways of getting points on different maps…), Not only is it very hard to learn what is best to do, the matches are long and very hard for the average player to practice.

There are already tons of different ways players can play their profession, PvP doesn’t need to be any more complicated.

Short 5 minute deathmatches with 1 or 2 other players will still create an interesting competitive scene with a lot of different proffesion line ups which are specialised differently.

Tournaments will be more viable when you can have best of 3/5/7 matches between teams which will last less than 30mins each, I can easily see 32 teams completing an elimination tournament in less than 3 hours, I’m concerned that not all players have the free time to compete in tournaments which are too time consuming, a game such as SC2 is different because the games last roughly 20 minutes, BUT it is 2 people playing, not 10 people all on at the same time.

Please add a 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch mode in a small arena map/s, The reason my friends and i stopped playing this game was because it was far too hard to participate in end game PvP. You don’t even have to add a rating system if it’s too much effort, just let us players play with our friends in a simple short and fun game mode

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


Stop trying to fix an idea that isn’t broken, How do you expect the competitive scene to grow when new players need to find 4 other players and then endure loss after loss after loss just to enter the competitive scene.

The only reason arenas in WoW aren’t Great is because of the stupid 45min games due to healers, Luckily GW2 have removed healers and 2v2 / 3v3 DM arenas would be absolutely amazing and EASY for new players to try out.

I truly am confused as to why Arena Net refuse to implement the BEST competitive PvP mode into their game, it’s easier and more interesting to watch, it’s easy to learn and anyone can grab a friend or two and start practising.

Please get over your pride or whatever it is which is stopping you implementing 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch arenas, Who cares if it’s in WoW, It is a better idea and a more suitable mode for an mmorpg. You are making it FAR too complicated for GW2 to become an e sport, there are already hundreds of proffesion line ups, don’t make 5v5 domination on a large map and expect it to develop into an e sport, It is WAY to hard for new players to pick up and EXTREMELY hard for a team to master.

TL:DR, GW2 has no hope of becoming a successful e sport if 5v5 domination on various large maps is the only competitive format, Just implement 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch already and watch what happens…

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


I don’t think you guys understand how awesome it is we have automated tournaments on release.

Do you know how cool that is? Its a dream for competitive games.

Sure you can’t host your own games/custom servers, but the game has barely been out so be a bit more patient and enjoy the fact we have automated tournies.

You are acting as if actually having a finished game on release is an amazing accomplishment, Not that this is anywhere near a finished game.

Guild wars makes it impossible to play with friends in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


Hi Arena net,

Out of my friends that play GW2, Only 2 enjoy PvP, So i thought great, let’s all PvP together, so we went to join an 8v8 together and were having difficulties, Then after looking for a couple of minutes we found out you can’t actually join as a group.

We then decided to try 5v5 sPvP because we could actually be on the same team this way, however after finally fining a team of 5 people, We couldn’t enjoy it because after losing to organised teams in the first round, our groups kept disbanding. It is too much hassle having to find random players and get them all on the same 3rd party team speak system just so you can PvP with your friends.

All i ask is for you to add a 2v2 or 3v3 “fun” deathmatch arena system. I don’t care if there is no ranking/rating system. I don’t care if i get absolutely no rewards from it.

All i want is a SIMPLE and fun way to play with my 2 other GW2 friends. At the moment all pvp is for me is grinding ranks, I am rank 12 and i really don’t see any reason to PvP anymore, it isn’t fun when i am not playing with friends.

2v2 3v3 5v5, Deathmatch , CTF, 10 man dungeons, PK system

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


I really hope they add a 2v2 / 3v3 arena style death match that you can enter with friends.

Even if it had no ranking/rating system and even if there was no rewards or honor gain it would still be better than sPvP. All i want is to play some fun small deathmatch games with my friends, It can’t be too hard to implement right?