Showing Posts For Detcelfer.9736:

More than 4000 armor defence for nothing

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Do what I did, switch classes and let someone else suffer the grief. I got so tired for taking the blunt for the team all the time with little to show for it. I switched classes and all of a sudden I’m a pro.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Dear god is it getting old to see people in RvR thinking they’re hardcore without doing tournys to prove their point. Most people in RvR dont bring CC breaks so stupid crap like this actually works. Most burst builds work in RvR for this very simple reason alone. Doesnt mean Warriors are in a good place. Show me 5v5 against a solid team, before you present this crap.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


I dont even need my mesmer or ele or guardian… hell, my dagger necro alone would self-corrected IN YOUR MOUTH! Get real, before you post. Warrior’s are so bad it’s completely laughable atm. Anyone who thinks otherwise has NO IDEA what they’re talking about.

Either 1) play a different class than the only warrior class you’ve ever played.
2) play against GOOD teams with good team mates and watch how you bring nothing viable to the table.
3) L2P


The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Personally I think the forum warriors are really freaking out and making a big show of QQ acting all uppity… But mostly because they will not attempt to evolve their gameplay to compensate.

I’ve played many styles in all aspect of play on my warrior, and yeah I even played fullon zerk too ! But having perspective helps : the one thing they are MOSTLY complaining about is not being able to do a bull’s rush—>frenzy—->Endure pain—->fullon zerky 100b to win in 2.1 seconds ( Which tbh is a cheap shot, like small punch—>grab in street fighter).

I don’t think there is a need for a damage control-style post.

That’s not the main thing people are complaining about. You’ve got it all wrong. The general complaint is now that we dont have a viable frenzy what are our serious competitive options in pvp? Please make any build you want and I promise you my Ele, Mesmer or Guardian will stomp you into the ground. Hell I’m almost 100% positive my engineer or thief would also.

Edit: The more I think about it, my necro would handle my best warrior builds with ease. EVEN my dagger dagger necro build would laugh at my warrior 1v1.

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Mr. Sharp – your replies have gone a LONG way in easing my anxiety for the warrior class. However, as I’m sure you’re aware, words are not enough. People who want to stick it out with their class of choice will have to deal with 1-2months of pain while we wait for any balancing. That is a fairly long time when you consider what it might do to our positions in pvp or group love or whatever.
A warrior defines me, I’m not interested in playing the flavor of Anet class choices (Ele or Mesmer or Guardian) – they dont speak to me on a personal level. Warrior all the way, and in the mean time my experience in GW2 became not enjoyable. For the first time in awhile, I’m looking at other options out there.
My advice, if you’re going to nurf a class, you need to give us other options out there that are SUBSTANTIAL to making us look at builds we may have not considered before.

Y'know, I actually kind of like Kick now...

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


It may be “fun” but it’s worthless in PvP.
Everyone slots stability and stunbreakers, pure CC builds are pretty much fail.

Exactly right.

Endure Pain stealth-change

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


The 60 second cooldown was to deter us from using the skill and consider others. Funny enough people still use it, what does that say about our other skill options?
THAT my friends is exactly the current state of Warrior. It truly is that bad.

Challenge: Viable PVP Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Oh and I’d still like to point out that I have yet to see someone or a dev for that matter point me towards a build without frenzy that’s going to beat a pro ele, mesmer, engineer or guardian.

Banner of Tactics neglected?

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


I could be wrong but I’m fairly certain crit damage on precision was already 15%. They only changed the core attributes by almost double.

Challenge: Viable PVP Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Those who think Warriors are fine either don’t pvp competitively or they simply don’t play a warrior. Switched over to my necro and now I just LOL when I get to go toe to toe with warriors. They don’t have a chance in hell of beating me.

BUT BUT you have mobile strikes. PLEASE folks… our movement skills range get effectively cut in half if we’re chilled or crippled so it makes little difference. The whole time you have 2-3 people AT RANGE poking at you. You drop conditions with mending or whatever and that crap is RIGHT BACK ON YOU in seconds. Give me a break.
The only reason warriors were EVER feared was because of frenzy and you know it! Now they’re a kitten joke. Dont give me the “other viable builds” crap. They dont exists because whatever you’re trying to accomplish, I promise you another class can do it twice as good in pvp.

Warrior guide

in PvP

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


This video made me laugh the whole time listening to this guy and its timing… oh gawd… its amazing timing of release.

Challenge: Viable PVP Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


I think u guys (the dedicated warriors) should come up with some good ideas of how to improve the current state of warrior, who knows maybe they actually like some ideas and implement them.


We made suggestions.

They were ignored.

No one asked for a kick buff. No one asked for passive stat boosts on banners to be increased.

People have made a lot of good suggestions, but we are being ignored right now.

I’ve always been a major defender of the game because it just plays so kitten well and looks great.

But right now, I am very disappointed with the s/tPVP outlook, the laziness of actual implementation, and the downright incompetent class balancing.

Exactly. Luckily I’m not paying a monthly so I guess I’ll just check back in a month or two to see if things got any better for the only class I really care to play.

Don't worry: boon hate is coming for warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


It should have been provided at the same time. We’re literally going to have to wait a month minimum for the next change. A month of being quite possibly the worst class in the game.

Banner sugestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


In the structured pvp forum I posted something similar. They should function like a backpack and follow you around with the unique skill that they have slotting in where your banner skill was after the summon. Then it WOULD be viable. Not a hard thing to fix either.

So... Boon hate?

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Kick would need its damage tripled in order for it to be remotely viable and that goes for pretty much all the physical skills except bullcharge.

Challenge: Viable PVP Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


I’m not asking for Warriors or Rangers to have god mode. I’m asking to be viable.

1) Kick’s damage could be tripled and only then would I actually seriously consider it. Or instead of triple make it a knockback knockdown so it actually does something other than keep our target out of arms reach. All the physical skills besides bullcharge could use triple damage or a better CC alternative. It would make better use of our physical trait damage bonus which no one uses currently.

2) Why not make banners function as a backpack while you keep your regular skills so it follows around with you, removing the horrid cast time and keeping the banner’s unique skill slotted where you had your banner skill after use. I might seriously consider it then. You no longer have to worry about your target kiting you around outside its range. You dont have to worry about the cast time.

3) Gap closing. CC removal is fairly horrid on our class considering that we can only remove 1 or 2 at a time and it’s on a long cool down yet classes can eaisly stack 3-6 conditions in a matter of seconds depending on the class. So either we need a better method on removing chill and cripple, OR we need better options to close the gap that are not hampered by all the CC constantly used against us.

4) What are warriors the best at? Thats the real problem. Necro’s are condition gods. Guardians are gods of bunkering along with Engineers. You get the picture. What is warrior any good at besides pve (which is now called into question IMO). That will go a long ways in helping ANET solve this problem. 15% extra resistance to armor does not mean we survive better than other classes BTW. We dont have smoke bombs to pop out of battle. We cant create illusions to help us. We dont have skills that are nearly as neat as many of the other classes either. We’re decent at everything and masters of nothing. But only being decent isnt enough to get by.

(edited by Detcelfer.9736)

Challenge: Viable PVP Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Why make a class that is primarily designed to be a front line offense so squishy by maintaining a 50% damage nurf. Unlike so many other classes we have very few “get out of jail free” cards at our disposal.

Challenge: Viable PVP Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


ANET – I challenge you to show me a viable pvp warrior against a pro Ele, Mes or Guard.

Please, show me.

Now that Frenzy still keeps us with a 50% damage received debuff. I’d love to know how you think we have any viable option against the above 3 classes. What is our solution against a bunkering guardian? Do you expect me to banner them to death?

I challenge ANET to play a warrior for a month under these conditions. Your shout heal build will get laughed at.

BTW – I agree that quickness needed to be nurfed, but banner buffing was NOT the solution to offset our problems.

Were you surprised quickness was nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


If you want to nurf quickness fine. It needed it. But KEEPING 50% damage is quite frankly stupid. 25% would have been acceptable.

Let's get it together

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


The warrior is a joke class. So are the devs understanding of the current state of pvp. Unless they play a warrior themselves, they have no c;ue.

Did devs know about haste nerf at the SotG?

in PvP

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Bottom line = warriors got shafted hard.
Mesmers = still laugh at most classes.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Quickness was broken, but theres a reason why warriors used it – because we have very little else that was viable. Warriors will continue to plummet in ladders because of this. I didnt use 100b personally, but I still used frenzy. Now I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Probably condition Flurry builds.

The reasons why SPvP is bad and feels awful to me

in PvP

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


I’ll sum it up for everyone here what the kitten problem is. Ready?

CC is out of control. Get it? Crowd control out of control? CC should be, like many MMO’s out there today locked on a character after they’ve taken 3 within I dunno, maybe a 10 second period then it refreshes.

The problem I see is certain classes dont have “get out of jail” free cards and others do who can simply back out of a fight whenever they want to. This SHOULD NOT be possible under any circumstance without a major trade-off.