Showing Posts For Devard.9315:
Well i am on Vabbi now, since the alternative is a very low tier server or a “empty” server who gets re-linkt all the time. and i rather fight for MY server then to fight for another and rotate every 2 months.
first , thanks to all for your feedback.
second , you have no idea how it feels to drop from 250 ms to 40 ms average. its a blast
Hello People.
I am looking for 10 days now to Transfer to Piken Square which is after reading up on servers populations being halved probably not going to happen any time soon.
looking around for other servers the only High-pop servers available not being French or German are Vabbi and Ring of Fire ..RoF being down on rank 14 ain’t looking that stellar for WvW.
so hows Vabbi ? any nice WvW Guilds ? general good community ? worth to Transfer ?
Yes it’s a very stupid system.
They link servers together and often those servers go up in tier. And when the server is high enough in rank it gets unlinked and drop like a stone.
It’s a lazy lack of imagination solution.
the thing is i have to wait 1 week for the next shuffle , go then to one of the 3 empty servers , be stuck there for 2 months and have to pray it still sticks with PS or PS opens up for transfer >-<
The server linking changes every two months. The next one should be this coming Friday 25th August. So if you are going to change, wait until then as the server you want maybe come open again or you can join the one they are linked with.
thanks for the fast response , kitten thats a stupid system.
Hello People.
I am trying to get my Claws into “Piken Square” for 10 Days now but the server is constantly full.
Reason for this is that i want to Play WvW with friends already on the server PS.
Now i noticed that Piken Square has the server Whiteside Ridge attached in the WvW Matchup.
this gives me some question..
-is the Server Pairing permanent between PS and WR ? or does it change with every matchup ?
-if permanent will i be fully able to play with my PS friends in WvW ?
-will i be able to join guilds based on Piken Square so i stay up to date in WvW matters ?
(i am so out of the loop in terms of guild and server mechanics >-<)
any information’s highly appreciated.
(right now im on Tarnished Coast US and are stuck with no friends and 250 ms latency #nofun)
If a server is listed as Full, then it’s very unlikely that it will not be Full anytime soon. Server populations are determined by the number of wvw players on that server. So, unless a mass exodus (such as a large wvw guild leaving Piken Square for a lower population server) happens, the Full status isn’t likely to change. And yeah, support won’t put you on a full server just because you want to be on it.
So, you’d be better off just transferring to a non-full EU server. You’d be able to play with your EU friends that way. And, after the 7 day lock out, you can resume your wait for Piken Square to open up.
well thats the thing , i cant play with my friends , cause i want to do WvW the only bloody reason to even transfer to a specific server.
Watching the serverlist for 10 days now the same 6NA and 9EU realms are full. as far as i can tell not a single server has changed his population.
Cant play with my friends cause im stuck on NA, cant transfer to a lower EU server cause Piken Square could open up in my 7 day transfer block
Support wont help me to get on the right server.
as this point im seriously questioning if i should buy the addon at all if i have to play it alone with 250ms lag
10/10 do want, if they can make stuff actually fit on the new faces. most of the helmets dont fit properly(eye slits above the eyes, floating helmets etc) whee…
ah the joys of maining a charr…
a charr ? all my classes are charr ! i play nothing else, helmets are a luxury i cant afford..
Ascalon Pants… the only light armor pants i found so far without dangly bits.
What world are you trying to join?
Not trying to dash your hopes, but realistically some servers are effectively impossible to join. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but in the last 2-3 years, the consistently good T1 servers are always “full”… e.g. Blackgate (Only know NA servers… I’m not familiar enough with EU to comment)
trying to get my claws into “Piken Square” EU (tier 2 now , was tier 3 a few days ago)
I would be happy getting my proper Male Charr voice back. instead i sound like i ate a Hylek.
as for Faces/Hair , after the first 2 Batches everything else became just silly …and not “Ha Ha” silly but just “WTF you doing Anet” silly. you guys wanna sell Makeover Kits ? then bloody add stuff thats not ripped out a Anime, or Looks ok but slams its face through 90% of all Headware
Trying to get on the same Server as my Friend.
Server is Full.
The same 6 NA and 9 EU servers are full for 4 days now (im checking 15~ times a day even in the night)
Costumer Service wont help me even if i toss 2000+ gems in their face for a Transfer.
any idea when those servers update their Status ? im slowly tired and depressed being every odd our on my PC checking for server that wont change.
i played 4 classes up to 80 before sticking with the necromancer (now i got them all to 80 , thats really quick to do once you have a few rolling) hell i even deleted my first necro and made him new for all the Personal Story Choices to be “right”
as for yourself i would recommend kicking of with a ranger, they are great in range and up close , get a amazing support build at 80 and are generally welcome in all game aspects (wvw, conquest, fractals, raids) from there you can always go for something else.
Will we get back our old well known Growly Male Charr voice ?
No offense to Lex Lang and his “new” voice , but he just doesn’t sound right after hearing Ron Yuan for so long, and he probably never will , even after a year not playing GW2 it still sounds off.
and the fact the voice actor changed from something simple as a “scheduling reasons” makes accepting the change even harder, hell i would even get behind a Kickstarter to pay Ron Yuan redoing the lines for Heart of Thorns.
Cultured, smooth, like a merchant or Whispers operative. It’s definitely not the same Pact commander for me anymore. Especially since he seems adamant on immitating Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin and keeps swapping voices around between lines. It’s nothing against Lex Lang, but I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting Ron Yuan back.
But eh, who cares, we’re just charr. They never fix our tails or legendaries, why would anyone care when we protest what we now sound like.
Soundmixing absolutely needs to get better with the voice though. Throughout just the first instance, the voice mutated through about four different versions and it was horrible to listen to – sometimes it was fine, but holy maccarones, sometimes my main sounded like a kitten Nuhoch because the sound editing leaned a bit too far on the “deep and bubbly”.
But yeah, it makes me fondly remember the days of former Living Stories, where all your dialogue was text. -.-
i know right ? , it feels like he Bounces all over the Place , it lacks consistency..
as for fixing stuff , dont get me started … My teeth hang 45° Pointing down mid air under my upper lip, just floating around… , my Chest armor creates texture less blank sleeves on my forearms. my pants open up wide enough to pull my butt through said hole..
anyway !… someone Grab Yon and tie him onto a Sound both , the Legions Need him !
Not to Slander Lex Lang, but it is Just not the Same, and every time my Charr opens his Mouth now i don’t feel like “Me” Anymore.
as a “I have only male Charr” kind of player the voice change hits me like a mist-cooled tripartate thautmatium energy weapon with a lead tracer array set for draconic energy.
and the fact that Emotes are still Voiced by Ron Yuan triggers a small Bloodstone OCD Explosion every time i start Season 3 Now :I
Front/midline auramancer (tempest ele)
that sounds fun , thanks !
came back and Bought HoT a few weeks ago , tackling fractals and solo Content with my necro .. now im looking towards WvW again but my necro build is all out melee for Solo Content, and i got a full trinket set of celestial flying around unused.
So any fun/useful class in WvW that could make use of Celestial stats ?
i was thinking about Playing an Engineer , but the Skill “Bunker Down” with his Passive “Drop bandage” makes me mental , every 2 Second this Sharp BEEP.. joining together like a 40 ton Truck backs up in my face Rapidly.
Lowering the sound does not help since the sound itself is twice the volume of other effects.
after just 30 minutes of Play i am at a Point where id be ready to drop the Whole Character from this skill-sound alone, and sadly the other 2 selectable Skills just don’t cut the Mustard.
So if there is any way to edit game files , use a 3rd party program , anything to suppress this sound im all ears.
any Help is Welcome.
To make it short , is there a way to turn off the Sounds Bunker down makes ? a mod , rewriting a sound file , i don’t know.
every 2 second i get this SHARP ping then a Healpack drops , its like a bloody truck Backs up in my Face, but the trait is too good to drop.
im getting Mental after just 15 Minutes of open world Play to a point where i really consider not playing engineer.
Bugreport for the Chestpiece “Forgeman Raiment”, the armor slaps 2 Flat Textureless “bracers” on my Charr … who adapt the coloring of the armor ..couldnt find something simmilar on my Human… so i guess its not on all races.
PvP Loby…. guy Named something Like Ciiiiiiiiiiiiiii …all letters in special code with 2 dots…so i cant even beginn to write it down propperly…
Spamming the chat with “Dance” emotes until every single player has to turn emotes off….
cant even report him cause nobody could find him aside the guildmate who had a simmilar name to confuse everybody.
So just make emotes clickable so we can Block/Report this clowns right away…thanks.
The New Wardrobe , a Large Blessing and a Curse at the same time … now you can Mix and Match Armor just Standing at your Bank finding out what Pieces go Together and how you want to Look …..but wait…..that Boots are a Little off…..and that pants are a Crime against Fashion ….and there is no alternative what so ever… at least in your Armor Class.
That’s why i Suggest the Ability to Cross Transmute Armor Pieces… lets say give a Medium Chest piece the Skin of a Heavy/Light Armor. so if you want to be the Mesmer in heavy Plate ? you can be it…or Found a Light Armor Helm you want to have badly with your Warrior ? go for it.
But as it is in a F2P Game new Content/Functions needs to Generate Money and as it is right now i can Throw Transmutation charges around me until you Cry Stop. so i Suggest for this Cross armor changes you don’t need 1 Charge but somewhat around 5~, juicing up this Transmutation Charge Sells and the Interest for ANet to make this Idea an Reality.
Benefits to Cross Transmutations
+"Easy" to Create since Wardrobe and Armors already exists.
+ Nice Dressed Happy Costumers.
+ Higher demand on transmutation Charges thus more Money for Anet to keep our game Running !
+ No game Balance Change, everything is strictly Cosmetic.
Downside to Cross Transmutations
- Some Poor guys have to sit in a Gloomy room and Write code.
So gather up and Tell us all if you Like the Idea in General …… or even if you don’t like it and most important why !
PS: Unsure if this was the Right Forum, but i hope so.
(edited by Devard.9315)
or set PC time to 3rd April or later..
Yeah, nah bro. No worky.
you did …turn off the client … set the pc time , then restart the game right ? ..its works like a charm on my end i teleport around from zone to zone just testing it , no complications..
Work Partially around the bobble head like….
Go to Zone you want to play. turn off client and log back into the game = Normal Heads
you can teleport within the zone around all you like.
then you switch the zone completely you will have big heads again until relog.
not perfect but better than not playing for 24 hour because someone was thinking this cra…stuff is fun …
or set PC time to 3rd April or later..
(edited by Devard.9315)