Showing Posts For Dewzie.7015:
I could play the beta events fine and the core game was fine on Thursday evening. Now I’m crashing every 10 seconds in Maguuma Wastes maps and major cities like Lion’s Arch. Trying less populated maps reduces the crashing frequency to every 20 minutes. I had to get my friend to complete the first story instance solo while my character stood at the entrance facing a wall just to be able to claim the reward without crashing. I crashed 5 times just running from Camp Resolve to Red Rock Bastion to enter the story instance in the first place.
It is so hurtful to read your “Heads Up” blog post where you state how few major problems there are. I would consider not being able to play the expansion a severe issue, let alone releasing it when it has broken the core game as well. It just sounds like you’re sweeping everybody else in this position under the rug for the sake of some good media coverage. If there are so few major issues, why has this major issue not already been fixed?
I’ve been playing since pre-Factions and never been more disappointed.
Back when the game launched and all we knew of Mordremoth was from the Crucible Of Eternity, I imagined him as the “good” dragon. Not because he behaved any differently from the others but simply because we didn’t perceive his form of corruption as being bad. Trees, flowers, nature itself all being the passive result of him consuming the most magic during the last rise or simply being the last to fall asleep.
I guess all the thorns and vines are a more obvious route to go down but maybe they’re just a more active corruption now that he’s awake?
Anyway the point I was getting to is that if the above were true, Mordremoth would have to win. We’d either realise during the encounter and stop just before delivering the final blow (so he’d be out of action but preserve the world as we know it) or he’d manage to escape and flee west to the “Utopia” islands/south to Cantha, leaving us to have an epiphany about what we could have just caused.
I saw the grunts as a sort of “I’m being dragged back into the world against my will” kinda thing. Imagine you’re just chilling out in The Mists. Maybe catching up with some old friends or using the toilet I dunno. Suddenly some geezer you’ve never even met is ripping holes in the universe and forcing you through them.
I’d like some more voice lines too. The on downed/defeated idea is especially interesting, but they’d need to have a low chance of triggering so that they don’t become annoying. Shiro could scream “NOOOOOoooooo!” like in the Factions trailer. Glint could state that you were not the chosen one or that she didn’t forsee this. Jalis could remark that you didn’t put up much of a fight. Mallyx on the other hand could just laugh at you.
Perhaps some voice lines for rallying too. “All things have a right to grow. Except you!”
All of my yes.
The new weapon is a shield yes, but a Herald has nothing to do with shields either.
Also keep in mind that our future specializations will likely all revolve around other legends, and as such will probably have icons reflecting the characters we end up channeling. Better to keep them all consistent.
(edited by Dewzie.7015)
I’m not overly happy about the Mallyx changes but I’m willing to give them a try. Displacement was a key feature of the original Guild Wars encounter and the condition manipulation offered a fun play style which is now lost. Rather than repeat the many alternatives that have been suggested I’ll instead focus on stuff that hasn’t already been beaten to death.
Pulsating Pestilence
Increasing the trigger chance seems like it will help somewhat to retain what was removed from the Elite. However, have you considered making this copy fewer conditions at a time but with a quicker internal cooldown rather than copy all of your conditions every 15 seconds? I think this would be better as more of a continuous bombardment instead of an occasional burst (admittedly I am biased though).
Proposed Torment Trait
I don’t know if I like this. It sounds like a great idea for PvE, but making it as effective while stationary as it is while moving removes the unique mechanic Torment had going for it. Maybe in the future add a new condition called “Lethargy” that does more damage when stationary and less when mobile (apply it alongside Torment and then watch as the opponent just gives up in despair). If the trait is included though I think it should merge with Yearning Empowerment rather than replace Opportune Extraction.
Unrelenting Assault
I didn’t have much of a problem with it before but if it still receives complaints just have the skill miss and get put on cooldown if the initial hit is dodged. That way, reading and reacting to it quickly shuts it down but if you aren’t paying attention you know what’s coming.
Legendary Centaur Stance
I’m glad this is getting some tweaks. I enjoyed the tablet mechanic but it was frustrating spending energy to move it somewhere and then have people move out of the way before the skills had fired off. The changes should help but a trait that makes the tablet teleport instantly to the location rather than glide would be very welcome.
One thing that did cross my mind while using it, why is Natural Harmony separate from Ventari’s Will when it’s basically just a heal skill? They could easily be merged by having the Natural Harmony effect trigger as soon as the tablet has finished being willed into position. This would free up a utility slot for a water field based area denial skill. I’m also surprised that Vigor isn’t more of a thing for someone who is trying to avoid damage. Maybe it works too well with stability/condition removal on dodge?
Mending Oasis – Summon an oasis around Ventari’s tablet that applies regeneration and vigor to allies. Foes cannot enter the area. (Duration 5 seconds)
Forceful Displacement
If Unyielding Anguish is effectively gone and our downed skill is getting changed anyway, can we get something more unique to replace it completely? Forceful Displacement doesn’t really resemble any skill the Revenant has now. When you have to condense every profession into 3 skills it’s important to retain the individuality of them. Mesmers make a downed clone of themselves, Thieves teleport away, Rangers pets even help revive them. Maybe we could hide in The Mists to evade attacks and then return to where we were? Like a stationary Unrelenting Assault but without the jumping around and damage.
Phase Retreat – Temporarily hide in The Mists to evade all attacks. (Duration 2 seconds)
Overall though, I’m excited to try out the new changes and especially pleased that Crystal Hibernation still roots you. It’s called hibernation for a reason.
I want to point out that I really like the idea of Mordremoth attacking the non-expansion part of Tyria. It’s a nice event to help ease the wait while simultaneously promoting it to all the new players. I also missed out on the rewards offered the first time around and while I was never desperate for them it’s nice to be able to work towards something I thought was long gone.
If a similar thing is done in the future, the one thing I’d change is making each event within the zone only happen once and add a final “boss” type one at the end to add a sense of progression. Scrap the scaling reward buff for the total number of events you do and instead just restrict it to the bronze/silver/gold per event like the rest of the game. This way disconnecting isn’t as big of an issue and you’re rewarded more for sticking around and finishing an event rather than just tagging to get bronze. If you want more blooms just go and complete some other events. I don’t understand why this mindset was changed to allow tag and run to exist.
My biggest problem with this is it brought out the worst of the community. Mere weeks ago you were promoting how nice everyone is, but in game they couldn’t act more different. As long as they all have their “Selfless Potions” and just look like they’re friendly though, that’s all that matters to them.
tl;dr – I don’t like scaling reward buffs. I do like gold reward = more X, bronze reward = less X. Also, event chains that have sense of progression are better than random spawns.
A couple notes on Dragonhunter. We went with this name because we felt it was evocative of the medieval witch hunters. Guardians consider themselves protectors of the innocent. Followers of their faith be it in honor, valor, etc. The origin of the dragonhunter is a more subtle nuanced version of this. Guardians fight for justice and the dragonhunter faction believes justice is the eradication of dragons and their minions. I understand this is a lot more high concept than Mesmer but at the end of the day we felt like we wanted to try and push a more mature theme here. I hope this helps explain our thinking. We had other generic names in mind but felt like it was important to have a mix of spec names that are generic fantasy, more Tyrian fantasy, and more high concept. This one falls more in the third category.
Thank you for the clarification but did I miss something? I’ve always considered witch hunting to be one of the most unjust activities in human history. How is the slaughtering of innocents in any way something that should be idolized or considered heroic?
Even if this is alluding to the dragons being “good” and we’re wrongfully trying to stop them, I still don’t like the idea of my character being branded a religious extremist or big game poacher. I took down Zhaitan to protect the only world I had left. I didn’t do it because I’m some nutter who wants to commit genocide.
The main problem I have with the name is the story being forced into it. When the dragons are all dead what happens to Dragonhunters? Chronomancers can still Chronomance. What do Dragonhunters do? If they can still use their skills to go after other “prey” then why can’t they have a less specific name to begin with?
Just based on the skills we’ve been shown I think Warden would make the most sense.
- A person responsible for the supervision of a particular place (traps) and enforcing the regulations associated with it (justice etc).
Yes, it’s likely nothing will change but at least the feedback from the Dragonhunter can be taken into account when it comes to future specialisations. Unless you’re content with sitting back and letting Warrior become Drakeslayer and Thief become Harpyslapper.