Showing Posts For Doctor.3462:

Suggestion for Raids - Difficulty Levels [merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doctor.3462


Basicly raids are kitten easy. My suggestion is Anet makes them harder

Any ideas,yes/no?

Anet please return dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doctor.3462


Just did AC story. The part where you need to keep two champions separated, guess what, you cant anymore because new defiance bar!!! This game is turning into huge joke. Seriously Anet, seriously..

Post-dungeon nerf blues

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doctor.3462


I dont think raids will be the same, they said to be lot harder and need 10 organized ppl, when in any dungeon (mb except Aetherpath) you could throw out lfg and isntantly get party. I really dont know what to do now on GW2 now so Ill just go play other games atleast I got for my 43€ back then almost 3 years of fun but id still like to enjoy the game, it has awesome people init and I like it otherwise. Except Anet kittenty moves like these, I wonder what will be next one they decide to remove..

It's ridiculous to not support your dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doctor.3462


So many posts about dungeons and has Anet even responded to us? I really hope they read these posts and realize people loved dungeons and still want to do them!!

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doctor.3462


Its sad so sad its a sad sad situation, and its getting more and more absurd Anet really please think again your dungeon remove, it was really big part of this game for soo many players

Anet please return dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doctor.3462


Hello people. First I want to say I have enjoyed Guild Wars 2 a lot during these 3 years almost 8 thousand game hours and 13 characters, some dublicates because I really love certain classes. My number one favourite thing in game was running dungeons and I met so many great players via dungeons, had tons of fun there battling against time trying to clear AC as fast or possible or just goofing with friends and various solo or duo attempts (Arah P4 took us 6 hours). I think dungeons took easily 50-60% of my whole GW2 time, and it was best way to farm gold for me.
Now with latest update I just don’t enjoy the game anymore, I have nothing to do.No one goes dungeons because rewards are horrible, only 76 silver from ac? New fractals I don’t like, its very unstabile income and rng what you get from locked chests, also the fact that they are only 1 fractal map means that it takes longer to get full party for it than completing it. Now I don’t understand much about economics and im really bad with numbers in general but I don’t know how the dungeons ruined something? Items are still super expensive, gems and precursors for example. And why did experience nerf for dungeons, was it so people would not farm masteries with it? Because look cof p1 everyone has maxed Tyria masteries already.
It feels like you are forcing everyone to stop playing old GW2 content and go to jungle maps to do stuff but I never enjoyed open world as much as I liked dungeons. I think people who like hot content would do it and those who don’t like it would do something else instead. Seeing empty lfg for everyone dungeon except cof p1 really saddens me. And yes they were sometimes broken and anet didn’t really pay attention to them which is argument I hear often but community made own fixes for it, Magg bugs in cof p2? everyone else log out and he teleport to you. or Detha bug in ac p2? Get her killed and its fixed. We have seen Anet great reactions to elite spec 400 hero point problem and mastery problems, maybe they will realize there are lots of people who loved dungeons.

Un-nerf dungeon rewards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Doctor.3462


I agree with OP, dungeons are dead now Should just bring them back, atleast the gold reward!!