Showing Posts For Domely.7405:

The CDI is coming back! Topics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domely.7405


ANet will definitely need to choose. But what they could do is that, every week, they put up a list of the 5 most popular topics and then get the community to vote for what they’d like to see discussed next week. That way players still feel like they get some say in what happens.


I also believe that this is the best solution.

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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The "Show only the English" option...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domely.7405


Hello there,

The “Show only the English” option has been disabled.

Have you given this option on or do you keep posting all the diapers?

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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If you are posting a "Contact Support" message...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Domely.7405



Thanks for the reminder^^

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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cannot buy gems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Domely.7405



Try to remove Local.dat.

C:\Users\Propriétaire\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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Stored Password - how to change it?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Domely.7405



Clear “local.dat”?

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domely.7405


Also there are the french and German players who refuse to speak english and are not helpful at all they need their own servers.

You realize what you write?

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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(edited by Domely.7405)

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domely.7405



World Boss schedule will affect all world bosses at once even though the megaserver will only affect low level zones at first.

Explanation please.

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domely.7405



Afin que les questions que les joueurs Français se posent puissent avoir des réponses je vais donc les incorporer à votre fil.


  • Les Questions que tous le monde se posent
  1. - Que deviennent les pré-évents ?
  2. - Comment se remplissent les “Cartes” au fur et à mesure de l’arrivé des joueurs sur un Boss, la dernière ne risque t-elle pas d’être “vide” ?
  3. - Comment s’organisera un Events comme Tequatl par exemple au sujet du Lead ?
  4. - Pourquoi ne pas avoir laissé les Events comme avant ?
  5. - Avez-vous prévu la diffusion de l’information sur le lancement d’un Event par une Guilde et ce sur toutes les cartes à la fois ?
  6. - Avez-vous prévu la création des Events de Guilde au niveau de la recherche de groupe par exemple ?
  7. - Avez mis en place une sorte de “Cohorte, Légion, etc.” afin que les petites Guildes puissent se rassembler ?
  8. - Pourquoi les Events ne pourraient-ils pas se chevaucher ?
  9. - Les coffres seront-ils revus à la hausse étant donné le nombre de joueurs qu’il va y avoir sur chaque Boss ?
  10. - Si une Guilde lance Tequatl sur une “carte” est ce qu’une autre Guilde peut lancer le même Tequatl sur une autre “carte”.
  11. - Comment et quand disparaît une carte ?
  12. - Vous pensez résoudre le Lag provenant du nb de perso connecté comment ?


So that issues that arise French players can get answers so I’ll incorporate them into yarn.


  • Questions that arise everybody:
  1. - What happens to pre-event ?
  2. - How to meet the “Maps” as and when the players arrived on a Boss, the latter does not risk being “empty” ?
  3. - How to organize a Tequatl Events as eg about Lead ?
  4. - Why not let the Events as before?
  5. - Have you planned dissemination of information on the launch of an Event by Guild and on all cards at once ?
  6. - Have you provided for the creation of Events Guild at the research group for example?
  7. - Have set up a sort of " Cohort , Legion , etc. . " So that small Guilds can gather?
  8. - Events Why do not they may overlap ?
  9. - Chests will they revised upwards since the number of players that will be on every Boss ?
  10. - If a Guild launches Tequatl on a “map” is what another guild can run the same Tequatl another “card”.
  11. - How and when a card disappears ?
  12. - Think resolve the Lag from nb Personalities connected how?
                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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(edited by Domely.7405)

How Strong is Your Password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Domely.7405



Are you hackable or uncrackable?


Test Password

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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(edited by Domely.7405)

Would you pay a subscription to play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domely.7405



Absolutely not, my wife would kill me.

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Domely.7405



Up, info please….

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Domely.7405



No news? Because it does not work in PVE. by that.


                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Domely.7405



The good news?

                 — Dico MMO : Terminologie MMO
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