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suggestion: upgradeing keeps with badges

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

My english isnt the best so I will keep it short and hope you will understand me.

Anyways, this is only a suggestion, not a wish or anythink.

Would you accept it that you could upgrade keeps with WvW badges?

Ther could be also a limit, that you can upgrade keeps only till T2 or T1.
Or you could only upgrade supply-camps with WvW badages.

new wvw...

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


IMO the “new WvW” is right now a PvE-achivment-grinder-zone.

I hope it changes soon.

afk at WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates…

my english isnt the best, but I hope you will understand me anyways.


I HATE people who staying dumb afk for 30min+ at the WvW spawnpoint (and around) because they start a guildraid in 2h and are afraid of a possible queue later.

Could you please move at laest to some keep / supply camp and scout ther as long you wait for your firends or so?

Ther are even players who have some kind of script/hotkey/childern wich use a skill all 30sec for them so they dont get kicked out.

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


GW2 zapping
Inspired by the “Europsport WATTS ZAP” show.
Including small scene from PvE and WvW (mostly WvW).

GW2 zapping (part1)

GW2 zapping (part2)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


Guys, you really think that’s enough to take Valley, seriously?

It was “just4fun”, but ther is a little diffrence in this picture between Vizunah and SFR. You guys do the same at 6am in the morning where are like nobody is online. We do it at 2pm when ther are some lootbags running around

(edited by Domo.7618)

GW2 zapping (part 2)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Domo.7618


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


Bit disappointing that RG and some other guilds decided to leave after a few defeats on their side, and to make it worse.. they kept changing bl when the IRON BLOB got in.. cmon guys, stop hiding

All in all, great night!

//Tiffin, guardian of the IRON BLOB

Well, I think ther arnt many players who enjoin “lag-fights” :/

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


So the current ranked-list shows wich server have the better tactic? I doubt it

I also said that it would be 1 step in the right direction “IMO”, and I also didnt said to remove the old ranked-list, I said to add a 2nd ranked-list.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


okis. But dont forget your tissue. (why are you even telling it me? pffft)


The Vizunah server appears to me as they only care about points and not fair fights. Its nothing wrong about it, everyone have ther own targets in life and game. But from my point of view the Vizunah server destroy some kind of flare in the WvW wich I like. And I blame for it. Because ther ranked-list is non-sence (right now). The ranked-list shows only wich server got the most players 24/7, but not wich server got the best tactics, guilds, fighters etc.

A step in the right direction would be IMO to put a 2nd offical ranked-list up, wich shows how many kills each server did per week.
Ther is already a Achivment wich shows how many kills everyone done. I am not a computer expert, but it shouldt be hard to make a script wich saves up those kills and count them.

Anyways, gotta go back to work.

smell ya around

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618



- Vizunah send about 5 players on the SFR borderland and let them cap SFR-supply camps.
- Right after they tap it, they started to build a golem in the camp and port it to ther spawn
-about 30min later when they had about 10 golems ready at spawn, they called so many people as possible to the SFR map and started to rush a T3 bay with 10 golems and about 30+ players (couldt count all because of the lag)
- the SFR bay gates melt down like butter, also because we didnt had that large of numbers to defend at this time.
- After they tap the bay, they ported the Golems back and took Hills quick after (well hills was only a T1 keep)

Ive seen this (so called)“tactic” o_O not the first time by Vizunah, and its one of the main ressons why I disrespekt Vizunah. They always go the way with the least resistance and talking about “fair fights”…

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


WvW is getting boring! We need new stuff

I would suggest cannons on the back of dolyaks, and katapults wich you can load up with players to shoot over walls.

And the most importen thing, should make a 2nd ranked list where you see wich server did the most kills over the week!


in Community Creations

Posted by: Domo.7618


Skill lag is gamebreaking.

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618



in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

I wanted ask why ther is no first-person view in GW2?

I realy miss this option while recording videos of the game

(edited by Moderator)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


…VS is still first…

On a list wich only shows wich server have the most players 24/7 online.

Ther should be something like “time-ranked” lists bewteen 6am-12pm, 12pm – 6pm, 6pm – 12am and 12am – 6 am.

on such lists VZ would be only 1st between 12am-6am.

VZ is the most boring server ever. But I like them anyways. I never got so much loot out of the WvW ever before

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


get a job kthxbye


sorry, I couldt resist.

Takeing all keeps during night while most others sleep is not that hard. Its like boxing agenst your own shadow and say later I won. LOL. But it seems its the way how VZ work.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Domo.7618


Dont want to trakittenalk Elona but SFr is in for a fight…
Elona wasnt really tbh.

Elona crushes T2 like SFR did last week and doesn’t need to bring 3 guilds from an opposing server. Show them some respect, they are a T1 server along with SFR Deso and Viz.

The ranked-System in this game means nothing and say absolutly nothing about which server is the best. It only shows wich servers got the most players 24/7.

I´ve seen Vizunah only run with min. 50players+ around.
Yesterday they even formed one big zerg of dont know, 60, 70 80+ lol? and ported from borderland to borderland. But in a 1vs1 they always lost. At laest at those fights wich I saw.

Oh well. smell ya around

missing the classic healer in this game most

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domo.7618


Thank you all for your comments so far on this topic.
I am not saying that the classic-trinity-group-system is the best, but I miss the pure healer class in this game.

Its complety fine that players dont have to look for special classes in gw2 to do a dungeon-run. Ive also didnt made this topic to flame or cry about the gw2 system or anythink. All I am saying is that “I” miss the pure healer class here because I like to play such class/role.

This is just a small feedback, not more.

I would like it to have a healer class in this game but not as a “must have in dungeon”.

Well, sorry about my bad english and thanks a lot to the players who write here guids or even send me links to guides. But I knew that ther are ways to play a “semi-healer” or a supporter, but its not a healer class wich I would like to play.

Even though my english sucks, I think everyone should understand my point of view now.

I doubt will change ther game just because I write a small feedback, but mabye this feedback will help them in the futher.

I miss the Healer class, and I dont want it that way that a healer is needed for a dungeon group. I just miss the pure healer/supporter class because I love it to play such role, thats all.

missing the classic healer in this game most

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domo.7618


Dont get me wrong. I am not crying or want to get it change. Its ok how they they made it. I only wanted to give a small feedback why me (and mabye others?!) dont like it much to go into dungeons.

I just miss those 2 classic roles of an RPG in this game, and mabye will put them into GW3.

This post is meant to be a small feedback about how I fell or why I dont go into dungeons that much.

Ther are sure ways, combinations to do the dungeons in GW2 “easy”, but those are not fun for “me”.

missing the classic healer in this game most

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy the mates.

This post is not meant to be a flame or whatever.

Its only a small feedback.

I like it that trying to find ther own mmorpg way and make something unique. But I realy miss the classic healer and tank class in this game.
I am playing anyways to 95%+ only in the WvW, but that ther arnt any realy tank (taunt) or healer class in this game is the main resson why I dont go on dungeon runs or PvE raids.

just my 2 cents
(sorry about my bad english)

Commander-icon only visible for guildmembers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates,

my english isnt the best, but I hope you understand my suggestion.

Since ther are each day more Commanders in the WvW, I would like to suggestion that a commander have the (optional)option to make his Commander-icon only visible for his guildmembers.

Whispering enemies in WvW has been removed

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


I dislike this change.

How already said, it was nice to chat with the enemy and give/get respect for the fights we had.
It was also fun to have small but funny flame-fights like “your server only wins because you have like 40 players on ech boarderlands during night while we dont”, or “Do you even see your enemy while useing this turtel tactic?”

Oh well, is an american company, so I think its normal that they are a bit conservative prudish

"lets stay all together" a.k.a. "Turtel" tactic

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


Its looks more like this…


Note, ther are like 30, 40+ players on a position wich isnt bigger than 3m²

To see them all, I have to lay ther dead for about 1min till my computer or the server (i dont know) loads them all…

"lets stay all together" a.k.a. "Turtel" tactic

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


It’s not turtle formation fault you’re losing 30k to SR. =)

I repeat, I give a … about the ranking system. You can win 100k or lose 100k ahea, I dont care about the ranking system.

I am one of those players who enjoins nice fights, no matter if we lose or win.

And i never said that SF use “ONLY” this tactic. I said “it seems they use it mainly only”.

This Thread is also not about the SF-Server, its about this (in my eyes) very boring brain-afk tactic.

"lets stay all together" a.k.a. "Turtel" tactic

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


Wonder what Germans say when they meet real turtle.

I know what Seafaras Rest players say…


"lets stay all together" a.k.a. "Turtel" tactic

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


What’s wrong with this kind of tactic? Tactic is tactic, easy deal. QQ more

I assum that you are one of those who use this kind of “tactic” (lol), and is now starting to “QQ” because his best “tactic” (lol) is in target to might get nerved. So who “QQs” now?

However, the thing is that this produce a lot of lag.
When ther are 40+ who all cast an AoE at the same time, at the same place, it starts to sucks.

And with so much lag, its starts to get hard to find ther Mesmer, to run in and fear or to use a Guardian bubbel inside ther zerg to try to split them.

Dont get me wrong, I dont might loseing, I dont care about the ranking-system. I just like to have some nice (when possible) even fights.

And this “Turtel” tactic have at laest in my eyes nothing to do with an “tactic”. I mean, all you do is staying ther dumb and casting all you have. The guys who use such tactics dont even see the enemy because of ther mates staying in them.

They could play agenst bots and not even notice something.

Its totaly boring in my eyes.
Ok, it might be boring for me but not for them. right. But it destroys at laest my fun in WvW, because you see that those guys do it only for points, karma and kills, not for the fights.

"lets stay all together" a.k.a. "Turtel" tactic

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

My Server ( Millers Sound) playing right now agenst the Seafarer´s Rest Server. And it seems that those guys mainly only use the “Turtel” tactic.

Ther are like 30, 40+ of them staying all together in 1 person and casting AoEs, heals, rez like hell.

From time to time ther is a mesmer wich teleport them from point to point.

All you can do about it is try to fear them and try to kill some of them, but this doesnt always work because of the lag this tactic makes.

So I wanted ask if ther is a better way to split/kill them ?

And does Anet support this kind of tactic?

Remove Orange Swords and Other Propositions

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


I support the Idea of removeing the orange swords.

is "Baruch-Bay" a south-american server?

in WvW

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

Sorry about my bad english, but I was wondering if the Baruch-Bay Server might be more a south-american and not a spain server?!?

I mean they have like 80+ players on each borderlands during 9pm and 7am europen time…

Does anyone else made similar experiance with this server?

WvW- Repair Golem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

I will try to keep it short, but before I start I would like to warn you about my bad english, sorry about that.

Well, I would like to suggest a repair-golem for WvW.

something like an Alpha-Golem, but this repair-Golem cant do damage, but collect up to 100, or 200(?) supplys, move and repair a bit faster, mabye be even able to repair other golems(?) and also immun to stuns.

I dont have much clue about the balancing so it might be a bad idea, but its just a suggestion I would like to share with you

thanks for reading

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


If they put mounts into the game, everyone will except that you can move faster with them. When you can move faster,…
- you can farm faster, and the price for ore etc. will drop.
- the world will apper smaller.
- less people will ressurect other players, because nobody likes to get of his mount – rez – and get on the mount again

… and be able to fight,
- than you will see players kite Champions solo
- rush in WvsWvsW from point to point
- be able to dodge most atacks by out-ranging the atacker
- make most speed up buffs from other classes useless


ther are quit few points why ther should´t be mounts in the game.

Personaly I dont realy care if ther are mounts or not, just like it that ther arnt.

(sorry about my bad english)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


I still think that mounts would make this game “smaller”…but if they put one day mounts into the game, I like to have one of those!

WvsWvsW servers should be sorted by playtime, not by ranking

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

My english isnt the best, but I will try my best.

Right now my Server Millers Sound (German) fight against Drakkar-Lake (German) and Piken-Square (EU).

The Problem is that right now mostly Drakkar-Lake fights only against Millers Sound, and Piken-Square takes all at night. Ive heard rumours that ther are a lot of french-speaking Canadians or something. However, Piken-Square have an easy game right now because at Europen-night time they are like alone at WvsWvsW and can take everythink.

So mabye Anet could mix the server-fights by ther playtime, and not by ther Server-ranking-points.

Hope you understand my suggestion even though my english isnt the best. If not let me know and I will try to explain it a bit better.

Thanks for reading

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


I think ther is a good resson why ther are no mounts in the game.

With mounts the whole World of Tyria would apper smaller, because you can travel faster.

WvsWvsW map suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

My english isnt the best, so I will try to keep it short.

For a better communication between Players in the WvsWvsW, I would like to suggest a optional option for the maps at WvsWvsW.

Here a pic I made with my even worse painting skills for a better understanding ;

With such a map option, it would be easyer for group/raid leaders to tell ther mates where to move/wait etc.

example: “wait at B5, and than we move togther to E7” etc.

Its not a wish, just a suggestion for a better communication at the battlefield.

Thank you for your time

smell joo around

Domó – Miller Sound

GW2: my personal opinion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domo.7618


I am also dissapointed bout this game.

Ther are so many beautiful zones, and all seems to have no more use because this game is made for “WvsWvsW”…

Yeah, I didnt know that this game wont have a Class-trinity…but always said “you can be anythink you want in this game”…well it seems you can be only a DamageDealer who can support a bit more or less.

I had my fun till lvl 80 no doubt and it might be even worth the 50€. But I see no futher for me at keep playing this game.

I will move on like many others.

Why I do post this? Well, even though this game got boring for me, I still think its a great game and I hope that my and others feedback will change something in the futher…or in GW3.

ther is no Class-trinity, no progress on my Charakter (group, dungeon equipment), not a game for me.

It was short but nice. To the rest who stays, good luck and have fun. Smell you in the next game

(sorry about my bad english)

What to do about farming bots and goldsellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domo.7618



You really are delusional. It is very much common sense that they are using hacked accounts for this.

You got a point, but I doubt that they use ONLY hacked accounts.

And even though this is the internet, you could have said it nicer.

What to do about farming bots and goldsellers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domo.7618


Goldsellers and bots arnt realy bad for the game(-business).

Each time a Goldseller or bot get banned, they most likey buy a new account and makes few more coins.

And while ther are many goldsellers/bots, its a good sign that the game is good/ have many players.

So if you like GW2, than be happy that ther are Goldsellers wich you can report, and make earn a bit more money while you dont have to pay a monthly fee.
On this way you can support this game without investing own money

Just try to look it from this side, and you will report futher Goldsellers with a smile in the face

Although I wont be suppriced if ther arnt few MMO-companys who work with Goldsellers together (not saying does). But ther is a lot of money to earn with Gold selling it seems, else ther wont be that many.

(sorry about my bad english)

no "/map" for Players under lvl 10 in Citys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Domo.7618


Ahoy da mates.

I would like to suggest that Players below lvl 10 cant use the /map command in citys, so Gold-sellers wont have it to easy to spam.

This suggestion wont stop the Gold-sellers, but it would make it a bit harder for them.