Showing Posts For Drakabane.8631:
I think your calculations are a bit off.
You need 2250 orbs and 5 dust for each of them, that makes 2250 × 5 = 11,250 dust (not 22500!). At the current buy price of 3.86s that is a total price of ~434 gold. Adding the roughly 80 gold for crystals you are at 514 gold, which is about 200 gold less than the buy price for 250 gemstones, or 23 gold less than buying 2250 of the currently cheapest doubloon.
I don’t see your point there. Transmuting crystals is a totally viable option and definately saves you some gold.
Edit: To make hings clear, you need 5 dust per orb, not per crystal.
Going back over, you’re right that I was a bit off (I was going 6 per crystal, not per orb…whoops accidental doubling). And while yes, it is the cheapest option, what I’m saying is more that it’s still too dang expensive, and pointlessly so. Furthermore, I also hold that Amalgamated Gemstones are pointlessly expensive; when we think of legendary weapons, again, sure, it’s supposed to be challenging and daunting, but it shouldn’t be only for the wildly rich or lucky. To put it another way, the gemstones BY THEMSELVES are half the current price of Dawn, and that is still assuming I choose this, the cheapest option. With the price of all of the bits and bobs, all of the ascended materials, ignoring Gifts I would have normally needed anyway, I have spent more gold (or used resources I already had) than getting a precursor would have cost.
Probably not the first to complain, but I’m going to anyway. So, this is a rant about how much Amalgamated Gemstones are worth (9 orbs/crests/doubloons for 250 of them is just absurd in price) but in a more specific sense what this post is about is how absurdly expensive incandescent dust is.
As a jeweler, I can often refine two low materials with some dust into one of a higher tier material. pretty basic. However, trying to refine from crystals to orbs costs 5 incandescent dust for each pair of crystals.
What I’m running into here is that in order to make my last 100 Amalgamated Gemstones, I can either spend upwards of 240 gold outright on orbs, or I can buy 1800 crystals for around 33 gold. However, I would need an additional 9000 incandescent dust to refine them, which would cost upwards of 352 gold!
This is insane.
If I’m going to put in the time to refine 1800 crystals, I’m figuring it should be at least equal in price as if I just but the orbs, hopefully a little less. But to be spending 140% more to take more time and less convenience is truly a spit in the face. If refining even cost 4 dust instead of 5 it would drop it to 280 gold for the required dust.
On one side, I certain understand that making a legendary item is supposed to be grueling, but I’ve been playing since launch, I’ve emptied my bank a few times and still couldn’t afford to make this. I thought the whole point of the legendary crafting was to make it both more accessible and more engaging, not worrying about another grind. If an Amalgamated Gemstone only required 3 orbs per gemstone, I actually would have had enough in my own personal vault to make it straight away.
I don’t feel like I’m being unreasonable, or asking too much (as a player who’s never had big windfalls of RNG favor, whose most expensive drop was 80 gold) to just ask that the cost of at least the crystal refinement be lowered to 2 dust per 2 crystals (which is still double the amount of dust other jewel refinements take) to bring it more in line.
(and for those of you wondering, to start from scratch, for just the 250 gemstones, would have required 4500 crystals at ~80 gold and 22.5K incandescent dust at 877 gold by today’s market price).
So I posted my two-cents on berzerker last week, but one idea I’ve had since then:
Berzerk has a fixed duration, but can only be used once you’ve built up enough adrenaline. I’d love to actually see “berzerk” act almost like a life-force pool, where you can extend the duration you are berzerk by building more adrenaline. I just love the idea that I’m berzerk, and the more I attack the more frenzied I become.
~Primal burst skills would instead use 60% of your adrenaline.
~Attacks would give you like 5% of your adrenaline, but berzerk costs 10% of your adrenaline per second.
~Prevents weapon swapping.
I think this would also really increase the reward for PvE warriors into a more risk/reward scenario: sure you’ll be doing more damage, critically hitting more often, and attacking faster, but you’ll also be much more fragile and more limited in your options once you’ve gone full berzerk.
I’ll add my feedback here: I really love the reaper, it’s a great option for necromancer, and the only thing I would change is skill layout: I’m not sure why, but both Reaper shroud and Greatsword feel like they have a really backwards layout. I think the problem is I’m so used to normal Death Shroud (Auto #1, Gap-closer #2, Fear #4, Life -Steal #4, Condis #5) that switching to GS (AA#1, Life-Steal #2, Damage #3, Condis #4, Gap-closer #5) and RS (AA#1, Gap closer #2, Fear #3, Damage #4, Single Control #5) feel weird. It might be better if just the greatsword skills were reorganized, putting Grasping Darkness as skill 2 and Gravedigger as Skill 5, and MAYBE switching #3 with #4.
I’ve been playing all the specializations this weekend, and I wanted to say that what I’ve seen already posted in this thread I agree with:
1) Pretty much all of the longbow abilities, even auto-attacking, don’t actually track the target and I’ve gotten a lot of “No Line of Sight” issues.
2) The modified virtues are pretty, though I rarely use them because they don’t feel very impactful.
3) I don’t know whether it’s me or not, but I’ve noticed that Dragonhunter especially has issues attacking a new target: there’s a delay (of several attacks) before it starts attacking the new target. Might be tied to the LoS issues.
4) Many of the traits don’t seem like they’re actually proccing off of attacks (Spear of Justice primarily).
So I wanted to preface that my main is NOT elementalist, but I’ve been trying to play all of the specializations and strength test them (almsost exclusively in PvE); here’s some things I’ve noticed for Tempest:
1) I’ve been running an aura build, using water, arcane, and tempest; while it offers great support, amazing cooldown and healing, and there’s some great use of auras now (and so many ways to make them procc) I will say that it’s often hard to tell if you’ve actually made an aura procc properly (magnetic aura in particular is hard to see).
2) I’ve seen people complain on here that there’s no reason to use the overloads: while I think the main problem is people are expecting to do massive damage I don’t think the tempest currently does that. I primarily use the Overload to procc another round of auras, though the Air overload can actually be really useful if I have people with me.
3) The Overloads do seem a little weak, but I think that could be fixed if they could grant boons when they are fully overloaded. It could be an effect added by a trait, or a static boon added to the overload, or (one I think is more rewarding) making it so that when you start an overload it makes the appropriate field, and then once it’s complete it executes a blast finisher.
4) I kind of wish there were more runes that had synergy with auras or boon duration.
LFGuild on Jade Quarry (PvE/WvW, Semi-hardore, NA WC)
I’m trying to finally find a larger active guild to be a part of. I’ve been playing since the second beta before launch, I have several characters on one account, I haven’t actually been in a real guild this entire time (just some friends who were VERY casual players). 100% rep easily complied with. These days I primarily do PvE, but I really enjoy WvW when I am given the opportunity (TS, headset, the whole works).
In terms of guild experience, I was a high level officer in a WAR (Warhammer: Age of Reckoning) Guild, and I was one of 3 regular battle commanders in the RvR (Realm vs Realm, essentially WvW) combats for the guild and lead several massive (500+) RvR battles.
Mostly I’m just trying to find friends, a home, a guild to be a part of again.
All of my Pristine Fractal Relics are gone. Now admittedly, I probably only had somewhere between 3-6 of them because I REALLY hate doing fractals, but I’m trying to build Mawdrey (I&II). All I can tell is that when checking to see how many more I needed I came into the Observatory to see I had none. I do not remember converting any (since I have no reason to convert any because I don’t care about agony) and I KNOW I had at least 3 in just yesterday. Is there anything that can be done? I really don’t want all that work to be for nothing, especially with how stupid hard the Reactor Fractal is.
I have run the Ruined City of Arah (Story mode) before, to help other people finish their personal stories. I finally ran it today for mine and encountered an annoying bug.
Before, at the end after defeating Zhaitan, I got the big reward chest that had the final item and some money in it (this was probably over a year ago). Today, I complete it, and I get the “bonus” chest, which had a few silver in it, but nothing else; the big chest still on the deck yields nothing else, no Shards of Zhaitan, and even the Gilded Chests collected throughout the dungeon only yielded masterwork level items (with an MF of 118%).
The question I have is: is this intentional? I know I’ve run the mode before (for someone else) but it was a REALLY lackluster reward, and even the “Victory or Death” reward is fairly lackluster.
These are what I feel like they should be:
Elementalist = Strength: Boon application and versatility, team survival. Weakness: personal survival.
Engineer = Strength: Direct damage and utility with turrets, best at long ranges. Weakness = poor close range strength.
Guardian = Strength: Damage Mitigation and Burst heals with virtues. Weakness: condition damage application, poor long-range effectiveness.
Mesmer = Strength; burst damage and group confusion (misdirection and evasion). Weakness: Close-range survivability and condition cleansing.
Necromancer= Strength: AoE Condition application and spread, with Life leeching. Weakness: Direct and burst damage.
Ranger = Strength: Effective at both close and distant range, pet utility. Weakness: burst healing.
Thief = Strength: stealth and burst damage. Weakness: condition cleansing and poor direct-damage survivability.
Warrior = Strength: Burst damage at Close range and utility through shouts and banners. Weakness: condition cleansing and ranged combat.
The ones I think currently do their job the best are Elementalist (though they can be surprisingly tough to kill in the right scenarios), Guardian, Mesmer (too tough to kill in WvW), Thief (WAY too tough to kill in many scenarios, regardless of build), and Warrior.
Ranger and Necromancer really need to have their trait-trees reorganized and a skill revamp. I recommend looking at the Squig Herder and Magus from WAR, Warhammer: Age of Reckonning, for good ways to theme/skill those classes.
Personally, I’d love to see a “Sniper Kit”
The Kit slows you, and full on immobilizes you for particular abilities, but:
#1: “No Scope” Slow auto-attack that has a longer range than the base rifle and deals 50% more damage.
#2: “Super Shot”: Channeled ability that has 3 stages. Stage 1 deals 200% Auto-attack damage, Stage 2 deals 250% Auto-attack damage and has an increased 10% chance to critically hit, Stage 3 deals 300% auto-attack damage and has a total 20% increase chance to critically hit. Range equals to twice that of the base rifle.
#3: “Kneecap”: Attack deals auto-attack damage, cripples target for 4 seconds and causes 4 stacks of bleeding for 2 seconds per stack.
#4: “See the Wind”: reveals stealth’d stargets in front of the character within a certain range.
#5: “Unload”: Fires a barrage of bullets for 4 seconds in a line directly in front of the character, dealing auto-attack damage, to a distance twice that of the base rifle auto-attack range. Fires 3 bullets per second.
Tool Kit ability: Hip Shot: Fires a single bullet equal to 150% rifle range, deals auto-attack damage, with an increased 15% chance to critically hit.
So after about 10 minutes of gameplay (once again just crafting with a human in Divinity’s Reach) the game crashed on me. I did note that this time there was no “blue screen of memory dump”, just straight to off. The computer was able to turn on just fine post-crash after waiting merely 2 minutes while off. While I didn’t directly see any Sylvarri, I was facing towards the ground level waypoint in front of the Tailor workbench, so many could have been passing in front of me.
It seems repairing the client did nothing.
So I’ve been having an interesting issue starting after the 5pm (Pacific Time) patch on Friday 9/6/13: it seems that whenever a Sylvarri is on my screen for a variable amount of time, my game crashes.
1) What I mean by crash: my entire computer goes dark and then gives me the “blue screen of memory dump in progress”. Trying and immediately restarting my computer makes it cycle restarts and crashes, but if i leave it alone for at least 5 minutes before restarting it my computer (a 2007 desktop) works just fine.
2) My computer ONLY crashes when it becomes over heated, but this recent crash type isn’t making my computer overheat or any peculiar noises: the game stutters and then the computer dies. No other programs are causing this crash, and it wasn’t happening even 12 hours before this daily reset.
3) I have several characters, of varying types: when I was trying to make a sylvarri character, this crash occurred repeatedly, but when I was on a human character it only happened when a sylvarri came onto my screen and was present for more than 5 seconds (I was crafting in Divinity’s Reach, so there were never many Sylvarri near me very often). I was able to use the trading post and other services just fine, and my other characters seemed immune, but anything to do with the plant people seemed too much for my computer.
I suspect this is either a server (Jade Quarry) or a client issue: I am currently running the repair client in an attempt to fix (3:30 AM 9/7/13) and will post an update pending the repair and further investigation if necessary.