Showing Posts For Drannon.8254:

Arena Net hate Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Drannon.8254


o.o I don’t think they hate us, the nerf is applied to every one lol. We have so many ways to avoid damage at the moment (given you use the right weapons and utils), I think this change just makes it so we have less chances to make mistakes and still win. Oh, and I’m speaking about roaming, because what else are we really good at :/.

Ascended Celestial Gear - Worth?

in Guardian

Posted by: Drannon.8254


Yeah, I understand that ascended is a large time investment – but if I just go for the exotic celestial gear it’ll take me another 30days to get the ascended version because of the time barrier. Unless.. there’s a way to go from exotic celestial to ascended without having to get all those charged crystals again :/

Guild Warriors 2

in Guardian

Posted by: Drannon.8254


Guardians = Warriors with less stats in every way + fancy burning effects and blue swings.

Ascended Celestial Gear - Worth?

in Guardian

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I’ve just gotten back to the game after a year+, and I’m wondering if Celestial gear would work for a guardian using medi build. I have a set of PVT gear atm, but no matter what I do I feel like I either want a bit more HP, or a bit more Toughness or Power. So with the changes coming to Celestial gear, do you guys think it would be worth having a set on the side to try out?

New 80 figuring out how things work here...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drannon.8254


Hi there, welcome to the game, and welcome to level 80!

The short answer is, for the most part you’re right. The “elitests” of GW2 who run high level fractals are all in full damage gear (berserker gear). They are built as glass cannon as possible to burn the boss down as quick as possible. This is done by combining classes together who can avoid most trash mobs / take advantage of mechanics. How do they avoid direct damage you ask? Mostly through dodges, reflect barriers and other utilities.

But, that’s not to say this is how you MUST play the game. It’s a shame that yes, the current meta really leaves no room for diversity in builds – but hell it’s your game and you can do what you want. You can build a support guardian that throws out tons of boons and heals to your party, while being able to “tank” a good amount of damage.

Just remember this MMO is very different from other MMOs. There are no true tanks / healers. It’s more like support, control and damage. No matter how tanky you are, you still have to dodge in and out, swap weapons and range. Don’t let the meta bog you down, build a character the way you want, and play it the way you want

Getting really bad lag after patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I’m finding the lag really bad after the most recent patch today. My stuns are landing right on them but nothings happening, and I’m seeing my targets rubber band – as well as my skills not popping when I use them. I ran speedtest and everything seems okay on my end. Other players in WvW are saying the same thing, what’s going on and how can I fix it?

Guesting to buy Karma gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drannon.8254


Thank you for the reply

Guesting to buy Karma gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drannon.8254


Just curious if this is an okay thing to do? My server never touches that area of the map so none of the cathedrals are ever open. I was wondering if it’s considered exploitative by Anet to guest to a server with opened cathedrals so I can buy Karma gear. Thanks!

More style choices on Gem Store?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I’m not sure why this hasn’t been done already, but since release we’ve had the same 3 or 4 armor skins under the styles tab. Can we expect more to come, or maybe some weapon skins as well?

Insane enemy AI / Friendly stupid AI?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I have to agree with this ^ :::::SPOILER:::: I forgot to mention the personal story where you have to follow the ancient priestess around. There is one champion abomination that pats around, he literally one shots your friends and then you. I managed to kite him on my warrior for about 5 minutes before taking him to 5% when I made a mistake and got one shotted as well. I think something should be done about this, because up to the Orr point, the personal stories are pretty enjoyable – nothing too out of the ordinary, but still more than I expected from any MMO.

Also I’d like to add – Hero characters, like our Tree friend, should not be extremely week. He literally can’t handle a normal mob by himself. God, if he really led the pact and the player didn’t exist..

(edited by Drannon.8254)

Insane enemy AI / Friendly stupid AI?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I came back to GW2 a few days ago and leveled my way up to 60 or so and began doing all the story missions. For the most part, I was enjoying myself. As soon as I got to the level 77~ story missions, I began wanting to shoot myself in the face.

There’s a few problems I noticed, one being that you are often attacked by 4-6 mobs of your level – and they are capable of killing you easily. This wouldn’t be a problem, if my teammates weren’t potatoes. 99% of the time, your friendly npcs are dead, while you’re left to fight 4 risen at the same time. I ended up hitting 80 in one of the missions where SPOILERS!!!! You had to choose to attack the lighthouse, by ground or rescue some scouts. I chose to play the lighthouse scenario and quickly regretted my choice. The npcs died in the water, before I could even make it to the first checkpoint, where I was then ambushed by 6 risens and a veteran giant. I stayed out of LOS from the giant’s rock toss, but the 6 risens quickly destroyed my face. I spent the next 10 minutes ressing my teammates, only to watch them die again. What can I say? I guess this is a rant, but why are our friendly AI so insanely stupid? Why are we fighting the zhaitan army with 4 potatos carrying foam weapons? As a returning player, this experience strongly discouraged me to continue playing my personal story. At this point I’m just going to grind dungeons for gear, so as a warning, avoid personal stories like a plague once you hit the Orr area.

Low FPS...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drannon.8254


FPS has been improving every update, maybe it’s just my brain playing tricks on me. I get 70-90 fps anywhere in the world. Anytime I go into WvW, I dip down to 25 no matter the settings. Since the past few patches, I’ve gone up to 35! That’s 10 whole frames, hopefully more to come!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I would like to see mounts as well.

1) Mounts could have extra bag spaces on them, more space never hurts

2) Waypoints are amazing, yes they allow me to travel instantly, but I don’t have endless gold, and walking from point A to point B can sometimes literally take an hour :P.

3) Adds another level of immersion to the game. I love how the game looks and feels, while running around is good, I’d love to see other players on horses galloping around.

How about "Underflow" Servers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I think this is a great suggestion. Now that the initial launch has passed, I find myself leveling alts in a desolated world =(. I would love to see some sort of underflow so that the world feels alive again. +1 to this suggestion.

Re-Customize Character

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drannon.8254


I made my character in a semi rushed fashion so I could play the game ASAP. Now that I’m much higher level, I realized I probably should have spent more time on that part of the game. It would be really cool to see some sort of item on the black lion trading post that allowed us to redo our character in terms of hair, body build and face.