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Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dreed.3714


minions are weak – have long time to reuse , dieing very fast, usualy stand behind me and do nothing, ususaly atack no my target and atack all what i left behind me when i runing around ;].

Minions need many AI improvements. In Dungeon minions are useles, died faseter than they do anything good ;] and necro cant summon another one.. like i say long CD.

Look like it works few year ago:

I would have minions what can kill players, what players will not ignore … same like Engi Turrets… when they have more fire power, more HP when players will stop ignore them and when any 1st aoe will kill them all..

Sorry for my english.

I never played GW1 – that video was awesome. Imagine that, being able to build up an army as you go along.

Think it would be too OP for WvW though, but for PvE it would be awesome.

At the beginning necro have no limits for his minnions .. im running around with 30+ minions :P then they change it and set maximum number of pets – if i remeber max was 10 minions. I loved my necro in GW1 – check attachments ;]
But i think in GW1 minions has better AI and bigger firepower.. on PvP when necro set minions all players need to take care of them.. they hits hard but died fast..

Maybe here is a solution.. necro need body to make minions, minions will lose hp every sec but can be healed. Max number of minion will be “x” … but we get more firepower on them and better better AI.. much better. I rly miss many of thinks about necro what i have in GW1 ;]


(edited by Dreed.3714)

Condition Damage, Source of Damage.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dreed.3714


When 2 players deal a condition dmg egz. bleeding in few sec we see 25 stuck.. noone of this players see who stuck it and how many.
Small egzample question:
I and my friend have same characters – necromancer – and both of us are using Condition dmg build… we stuck 25 blidding status very fast. But if I can do it solo on the same time like me and my friend.. so who will deal dmg and how many dmg deal … if both of us using same condition so one deal 12 stuck and one 13 stuck so if any of us can solo make 25stuck very fast is there any sense to make party with the same class and same build persons?

I cannot find any official information about this mechanics. This is not the same situation like with Vulnerability or Weakness status, this two is for all players no metter who increse amount of this conditions stuck. But with dmg condition if 2 players can easly make 25 stuck and max is 25 stuck on mob/boss/player so if 2 player setting his primary dmg on it we lose fire power in team when 2 of it go with us.

Sorry for my english.. and hope someone can help me..

(edited by Dreed.3714)

Elementalist - Support/healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dreed.3714


cane someone help with seeting trait build and what kind of set/stat will be best for this? seems good and i want to try it asap.

Guild Wars 2 Should Have Guild Wars

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreed.3714


ehh another pvp options… to make gvg realy like gvg they need add big area for many ppl i think 100 vs 100 max. When they add custom arena option there will be no problems to make Guild Wars in game.

Preview items from AH

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreed.3714


I realy want to see this option asap. It’s hurts when i try sell some nice looking iteam but i know noone can see it and noone can preview it. Same when i want buy something nice looking… impossible

Let's debug minion AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dreed.3714


minions are weak – have long time to reuse , dieing very fast, usualy stand behind me and do nothing, ususaly atack no my target and atack all what i left behind me when i runing around ;].

Minions need many AI improvements. In Dungeon minions are useles, died faseter than they do anything good ;] and necro cant summon another one.. like i say long CD.

Look like it works few year ago:

I would have minions what can kill players, what players will not ignore … same like Engi Turrets… when they have more fire power, more HP when players will stop ignore them and when any 1st aoe will kill them all..

Sorry for my english.

(edited by Dreed.3714)

Lets see your Cultural asuras

in Asura

Posted by: Dreed.3714


Cultular is still to expensive for me(

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dreed.3714


To be honest… after 11/15 patch i do mostly dugeons and event around dugeons – mostly CoF- in around all days after patch i get 2 exo from CoF – do it almost every day few times.
From event around CoF i sometimes get rare – never egzotic. With full MF set i get worst drop than normal set. All junk bags droped in 90% craft materials rank T5 very very rare is to get T6 mats from bags. TO get some globs i make CoF and buy items from NPC because nothing droped from chest and mobs;/

I stoped farm event in Orr because on 20 mob per wave i get loot from 1-2 mobs die faster than my skills start dealing any dmg.
I start lvl my new char – 51 lvl atm – i droped around 3-5 dyes.. and …. 2 rare. Done alot of events… killed many champions what droped junk and blue…

I dont know what happen with all loot – maybe all because farming bots – but now i dont see any sense for using MF set.

Trading Post Gold Steal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreed.3714


worst eco system that i ever see… time to start selling items only in guild via mail and forgot what AH is.. sorry when i seeling glob or other items payed 2 time fee .. double fee great system.

(edited by Dreed.3714)

Trading Post Gold Steal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreed.3714


Items and gold…

My problem is …

When i selling items directly to buyers for eg. 3g 99s 54c i get only 3g 59s XXc list fee is around 19s XXc, so my ask i where is my 20s?

Other time try selling item for 3g 54s 99c directly to buyer, list fee is for 16s XXc and after sell i recive 3g 00s XXc so my ask is where is my 30s?

Another situation…

I try sell Globs, choose option Match lowest seller 26s 66c, Listing fee: 1s 33c, Projected Profit: 23s 99c.. so where is the rest of money – 1s 34c?

Atm i stoped selling on Auction House… on bigger transaction i lost many coins…
Buyer want 20 globs, price per one 26s 65c = 5g 33s 00c, listen fee is 26s 65c so my profit should be: 5g 06s 35c but on AH i get only 4g 79s 60c, so i lost around 26s 75c.

Can someone explain me WTF?


Grenade damage reduced 30%

in Engineer

Posted by: Dreed.3714


I rly dont know why they reduce dmg from Nades and kits… its sick..

My nades before patch with my build deal around 700 = 2100 but like all now mobs can easly avoid it when running and not every time all nades hit target – small radius.

Anyway… atm with my build air sigil and fire sigil deal aroun 1,2k dmg.

Many other classes have bigger single dmg – check warriors :P – and do if faster – even auto attack – than my nade, when i stand around 1000 from target almost all classes attack 2-3x times faster than me.

So they dmg still the same, now my nades deal around 400 crit dmg … my sigils can’t help me.. event if i stuck 25x power..
but wait.. all other classes can do the same.. but before patch have better aoe skills than engi have from his nads. And still engi lost all weapon stats when using kits so still his dmg sux – PvE.

My #1 skill from nades have 247 dmg with 3008 attack…. ANet u kidding with this 30% nerf for pvp and 40-45% nerf on PvE…. great.. Ty for making engi more useless…

ATM all kits sux for me… time to back on my necro or elem.

(edited by Dreed.3714)

Generell questions about kits, sigils.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dreed.3714


for me egin is now underpower on PvE… less nades fly, no weapons stats when using kist, weapons dmg sux, no sigils on kits, no legends on kits, only one good dps build but even that engi has worst dps than warrior, necro, elem, mess, ranger…

Hope soon they do something with this atm i leave my engi and back to necro till glory engi day will back.

Bots .. why we need to watch while they destroy whole game???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dreed.3714


Im rly tired… for around week i see the same bots online – added to block list and raported every single day, sometime twice or more and every day i see some of new one. Some bots changing place but still are online.

Bots plying .. bot selling … bots destroying whole game.. destroy economy.

I stoped playing atm.. im sad and bored.. when i came and try make some event and see all this botters running around and killing mobs..

Why bots dont get banned faster… why after ban You don’t clean market from bots items…

Who sets Gem prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dreed.3714


Maybe GW2 should have whole market like EVE Online has?
If GW2 will have market like EVE and whole items, mats across all lvls will be needed i think GW2 will be very strong game at the Online Game market. ATM for me there is no economy and no market.. low lvl materials are cheeper than u can sell it to NPC, noone want them and noone need them, there is easier to farm them, players make big money very easy.. bots are banned but all what thye add on AH still stay there.. day after day prices are cheaper and cheaper … soon all players will need to farm events and sell all to NPC to earn any money.

In other hand… why EU game price isn’t the same like US Price… 10$ =/= 10€.. i live in country in europe with own money and system set € for me. € is more expensive for me than $, why i need to pay more than European players who earn € and more than US player who use $ ? Why Russian players pay in $, same players from Ukraine.

I rly whould to choose with currency i want to pay.

(edited by Dreed.3714)