Showing Posts For Durante.7913:
It sounds like what you want is very similar to the build I currently play in WvW.
It’s a power/toughness wellomancer with axe/warhorn and staff. Utility skills are spectral walk, well of suffering and well of corruption. You get perma (or 98%) swiftness between spectral walk and locust swarm, and 4 ground-targeted marks and 2 fast wells for pretty good disruption.
Build sucks at 1v1 and single target DPS though. And as pointed out above, you really can’t disengage well with a Necro, regardless of build.
40+ necros 80+ pets, enough to wipe 10 guys
40 necros sounds about right for the start of the event, but 80 pets? Please don’t insult us, were probably at least 150 :P
FWIW, I’ve found the discussion in this thread very interesting so far, keep it coming.
I’m thinking about trying a wells build in WvW, and this is really helpful.
I have no idea why this isn’t resolved yet. It gimps (yes, only to a small degree, but still) build choices that weren’t fantastically popular in the first place, and for no reason I can discern.