Showing Posts For Dust Bunny.1652:
No offense, but the German and the French pulled fast ones on others, in RL and in games.
French and German players tend to stick together due to their insane numbers.
Other EU players usually go on an multi server, along with the British.
You can look at it this way, multi servers are the British servers with people from other nation joining in because we like how polite the britts are.
Stacking is not comparable to a Phalanx. If you think otherwise, dream on.
It would be a bit impressive if boons didn’t stack in duration, and you would have to chain boon to keep them up.
Otherwise is like this:
1. Stack up on commander
2. Spam stuff on recharge
3. Move towards the target when commander says so in map chat.
4. Profit
5. Go to forums and start saying: oh we so organized, emagheerd, stackz
PUGs, PUGs everywhere!
Play with friends, decent guild, etc.
The answer is NO. Don’t care to elaborate on it, just NO. Live with it
It’s been on my mind for quite some time.
I know hitbox size and other stuff is the same no matter size, race, etc.
Still, a tiny asura is harder to notice compared to a huge norn in some situations.
And it’s not a l2p issue (like targeting the biggest thing on the map because it’s scarier, etc), it’s just about visuals and visual effects. Sometimes I feel I just need binoculars to see what a really small asura is doing (based on the animation).
It would be good if we had the option to force the game to display characters of same size (even race) on the client side.
I think this would make all those claims about real or imaginary advantages derived from race/size go away.
If he said that, this Sharp guy does not seem to be that sharp.
Let’s just turn the game into a 1shot fest. That will fix.
Ermagerd, my 100B warrior can’t trash bunker… nerf nerf…
Ermagerd, mesmer is our brainchild… how about giving it a non elite Moa utility that lsts 5 seconds with a cooldown of 45 sec….
Ermagerd… that post is complete fail.
Nice one, easy enjoyable read and I agree almost 100%.
The skill tree with the double class model, the hidden mechanics within skills/skill-combos, the steep learning curve of some game modes and the implied strategies made GW1 a really complex game, were achieving balance was impossible.
GW2 got rid of some of those hard to grasp concepts or replaced them with something that is easier to understand.
I’m still not sure how it will play out, we’ll see if whats was gained will compensate for the what was actually lost.
What I see now, is that most people play the game as a collection of “I or self” and do not explore the combos and such. GW2 teamplay now is mostly agreeing upon the split tactics and calling for roamers to help. I rarely see teams that use coordinated attacks with well times chained CC to finish off targets.
Shutdown only goes to the extent of stopping a player from resurrecting their allies. So no pre-burst/spike shutdown of a support class is actually done/needed. This also makes the game much much simpler, and I don’t know if this was a good move. Preparing an attack is just as important as the execution, and in these terms there isn;t much of a requirement in GW2 other than positioning.
(edited by Dust Bunny.1652)
Are there any plans in the mix to accommodate people who can only solo/duo queue who want to play tournaments? Separate queues for pre-mades?
I agree there should be some matching of solo vs solo queue.
But, the catch is, you can solo queue, others can 3 man queue, end up with a 3 man + 1 man + 1 man queue. This would not be fair vs a 1+1+1+1+1 team either.
On the other hand, you would have to wait longer since it probably takes more time to find 8 team of the same level of random queue.
In my past experience, the random solo queue 4v4 arenas in GW1 were really a terrible place in many ways. Don’t want to see that happen. On the other hand you can switch characters during a tourney any time, this might solve some of the issues (like your team not having FOTM class X with build Y).
Your use of the word “effort” is not properly being used. The only “effort” in farming Karma is time spent. So what I am asking is, “Why not allow players the option to use Glory instead of Karma to purchase gear?” Glory is earned through the same “effort” as Karma.
I like to PvP, but I am forced to PvE in order to compete in WvW PvP? I don’t have the patience anymore to repeat the same event/instance 500x for gear. I feel as though I am being held back in WvW because I prefer to PvP and not PvE.
Honestly, farming glory is sPvP is easier than farming Karma, or at least at the same level.
Just go 8v8 zerg mode, use a necro, ele or other good team fighter class, aoe tag everyone. Profit.
Generally rank and glory are not accurate at all when considering the skill level of someone. Glory/rank can be farmed in random even better than in free tourney if you have the right class/build for it.
You can get to rank 40 loosing every 8v8 faster than someone winning all the 5v5 tourneys in the same amount of time.
WvW and PvE are as they should be, messy and unbalanced.
Fear mark on CD. Worm on CD. This is the result of a 5 second fight:
in PvP
Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652
It’s not worth losing time with this.
You had a 2v1 fight, and btw you deed good by downing the thief.
Nothing to see here.
frenzy debuff from quickness elixir. Medium glass canon ranger here never took more than 9k damage, go troll somewhere else.
LOl, why i have to complain about underpowered class, like a thief, maybee they need a buff?
The drawing in you picture looks funny… ya know… rooster
You can party and enter tourneys with people from any EU server, not just Desolation.
The only reason to have players from desolation in your guild if you want to PVE or WvW.
Is there any reason why you want only Desolation players?
Totally agree, hope ANET will too.
In my experience the condition/showrbow ranger and also the death blossom thief works well, even if they work only with bleeds mainly, with occasional weakness/poison/cripple.
If you play condition necro, I think your 3 utility slots are kinda fixed in stone imo: plague signed, corrupt boons, epidemic.
Also, target classes that have it hard removing conditions, like thieves, most mesmers, etc or that have high toughness, thus less HP to start with usually.
With a condition build you should get used to kiting really well. 15 stacks of bleeds, at 100 dmg/tick/bleed will kill a target with 19k hp in around 13 seconds if they do not heal/remove conditions. There is no condition build that does not deal some damage, so it should be even faster in reality.
If someone only played spvp and is rank 80, they still only understand 1/3 of the game.
There is something called a skill-cap, so someone who is only rank 10-15 but has a real lvl 80 and competes in wvwvw has a LOT more experience on what is supposedly unbalanced then someone who is high rank and only played in spvp.
Put this in the OP, right on the top, so people reading your post will know where you come from. Sounds rude, but take a hint hint.
Yes there is a skill cap. And taking part in WvW is a source of experience. But you will still get yourkitten handed to you in tourney nonetheless. There are exceptions to the rule, those being the really skilled players.
Also you can;t tell based on WvW what’s balanced and what’s not since you have so many different external factors (additional jewels, huge diff of gear and weapons, etc).
The only controlled enviroment where people are on the same level, where balance matters the most is sPvP.
GW2 is intended to be an esport, and just because of that, the main/only source of balance will be sPvP for now, case closed.
If you get it, ok, if not, have a happy life. I don’t really care.
(edited by Dust Bunny.1652)
You want the same range for shortbow on thief, as for the ranger.
I just gave an example where the same weapon has different range for different class.
Take a hint hint.
I will say it again, balance considering WvW issues will never happen. Balance in the current system will only happend because of sPvP/tourney.
PVE balance will only be in the form of mobs getting their damage nerfed or buffed.
Just an example, if you had 20 guardians in a keep, spamming SoA and Sancruary at the gate so people would be knocked of rams and kitten, also spamming sanctuary around the keep lord (whatever the npc name is), ANET will not nerf a thing.
Heartseeker was not nerfed because of WvW, nor was tome of courage. Just understand that no balance will take place skillwise, unless unbalanced skills will have a PVE, sPVP and WvW version.
The best solution is to pool all rank points of a PvP roster and distribute them equally at the end of the match.
Meaning that if you have a roster of 3 in tPvP, you 3 will receive the sum of the rank points earned by each, divided into 3
In numbers: if you and your 2 buddies had a score of 100, 150, 200, at the end each of you would receive 150 rank points.
This would prevent people leeching points, or afking. It will still promote aggressive play style, but will be much more rewarding for the whole of the team.
I might have disregarded ground targeted skills, like Null Filed for stripping boons. Any other ones you have in mind? Not so many huh? Only WoC and NF would work to remove stealth as a boon. Great thinking.
And not every class has 1200 ranged options (e.g. Guardian). Shortbow is “short”-bow for a reason.
Stop acting stupid on purpose by bringing WvW into a balance issue. The game will never, hear me ya, never be balanced around WvW.There are more that can strip it, even via talents, but thats the problem. Everyone who complains think it should be handed to them.
Guardian has scepter… while it isn’t the best weapon it is still 1200 range. They also have tons of options for keeping their defending group/attacking group alive. We already know they are strong in spvp and pve.
Again, you are right it IS a shortbow, that is why you can get more range with a Longbow to exceed it. The ranger shortbow (as you said “Short-bow”) has 1200 range. The weapon is not called the “rangers shortbow”, it is a shortbow.
I also never said the game should be balanced around wvwvw, but it has to be balanced around ALL 3. You are just attempting to put words in my mouth.
Balance around WvW will never happen.
Bringing up the worst ranged weapon in the game as example (guardian scepter) is really not funny.
FYI, even if the guardian scepter has 1200 range, ele scepter has 900 range mostly. You should know this right, you play ele in sPvP.
If you have a problem believing I have those 80s, would you like to see a screenshot of my character select?
And how exactly is that proof that you have any competence?
If you said that you are rank 40, with 50%/50% play time on mesmer and thief, that would actually mean (beside having no life lol) that you played mesmer and thief enough to know what’s up, what’s balanced and what’s op .
Two lvl 80 toons in PVE mean just that. Nothing more.
I might have disregarded ground targeted skills, like Null Filed for stripping boons. Any other ones you have in mind? Not so many huh? Only WoC and NF would work to remove stealth as a boon. Great thinking.
And not every class has 1200 ranged options (e.g. Guardian). Shortbow is “short”-bow for a reason.
Stop acting stupid on purpose by bringing WvW into a balance issue. The game will never, hear me ya, never be balanced around WvW.
PvP gear in PvE is not an option. It should stay in the mists. I do actually hate the fact that as soon as I go out of the mists my character looks like crap, but hey, that’s how it should be. I accomplished nothing in PVE.
As far as experience goes, I’m 50/50. I would like to have it, so when I need to do PVE stuff with my PvP characters, I would have a lvl 80 PVE character, but I can see how that could be unfair to PVE players.
and Yes I have a lvl 80 Thief and a lvl 80 Mesmer. I mostly play Ele in spvp.
And this made me lol so bad, looks like “My name is John Joe smith, but you can call me Susan”.
Most of your fixes are bullcheat, and show you have no understanding of the game or what balance is.
Just a few off the top of my head:
1. Quickness applied to the next attack renders QZ useless, thus any currently viable ranger builds in sPvP. Actually all utility skills will be nerfed to oblivion with your fix.
2. Stealth a boon? Really? What diff does it make actually, since you can;t strip it with a targeted utility since you loose target when someone is in stealth. So no utility that can steal, strip or convert boons can actually work.
3. Shortbow abilities on on thief should have 1200 range? Like longbow on ranger? Really? Like really really?
I wont even go on. This is more like a troll post than anything else.
Main is guardian. Rest I play mostly in pub to farm glory muhahaha
Mesmahh is so easy, Phanta damage is ridiculous, MOA is well sucks to be you if I use it.
Stealth is fun to troll people .
(edited by Dust Bunny.1652)
1. So players buy more golem bankers
2. So players will not teleport to HotM for banking purposes overloading the server. On the other hand, players already use HotM as a free teleport to Lions Arch.
The OP has some valid points, other parts are bit off.
1. Mesmer
I agree that the mesmer Moa elite needs a change. Not only in duration, but also the way it affects other classes. I don’t think it’s ok that moa insta wipes all necro minions. Agree that the necro should not benefit from the minion healing while in moa form, still minions should be there until they are destroyed by direct attacks. Otherwise 2-3 utility skills are just negated by the moa elite.
I’m not sure how phantasms should be actually balanced.
One thing that needs balance in the portal utility skill. It’s being abused in ways that I’m not sure they were intended (treb repairs, etc).
2. Thief
Despite some odd 14-18k backstab crits, it’s almost where it should be. Hit and run class with insane burst, generally squishy.
Some overall burst dmg might need adjustment (lowered).
3. Warrior
I haven’t played warrior yet, but there are some insane dmg builds using axe and whatnot in offhand. And when I say insane, I mean 1 warrior trahed a bunker guardian and ele in a 1v2 in like 15s total.
I don’t want to see warriors becoming the bunker on wheels version of guardians, but with the dmg burst of thieves.
4. Ele
Needs some love, but I don;t want to see a “frost mage” patch. Ele is not usually a solo fighter, i has good mobility to create superiority in team fights across the map and can dish out serious damage and healing when synchronized with the rest of the team.
It has one of the highest skill cap in the game, right there with the engi and necro in some ways.
5. Guardian
The elite books got nerfed for some time now, and it’s no longer “ermagered leet hilz lulz”.
The only problem I see is with the spirit weapons and that guardians can go almost full bunker while still having really good spirit weapons.
6. Ranger
Spirit builds are no longer viable, or just got phased out.
Shortbow/Axe+Warhorn condition build does really well. It’s one of the classes/builds that can seriously screw a defensive guardian and defensive engi.
Also the axe in mainhand is great vs mesmers (e.g. no 1 axe attack bounces through to the real mesmer). I think that QZ is a must for a ranger. The 4 sec quickness just makes such a big diff IMO.
7. Engi
IMO is a class with high skill cap and needs lots of effort if you want to play it well.
Once mastered, it’s almost a must in tPvP. It’s one of the most versatile classes, really good “side” point defender.
You don’t see people crying that engi is OP, because it takes skill to make use of the force that is the engi.
The only ones who could actually say if engi is OP or UP, are the engies themselves, most of who play it as an exclusive main right now.
And since you don’t see them crying on the forums, it means engi is not UP. Even if there is something OP about engi, I don’t expect engies coming on forums and bragging about it anytime soon.
8. Necro
Like ele, needs some love in certain areas.
The condition-mancer brings great support into team fights. I would say that is one of the top team fight builds out there.
What’s sad is that the utility skills are almost cast in stone: plague signet, corrupt boon, epidemic and plague form as elite. There is no much place left for anything else.
(edited by Dust Bunny.1652)
Drop rate on slivers and crystals is very low, and I think ANET lowered it without mentioning it.
I bought like 20 copper, 10 silver, 10 gold dolyak chests, salvaged everything, and got not 1 crystal or sliver.
Bunker engi or guardian.
Guardian is good for mid point defense, clocktower cap, and stuff like that.
Engi is good for holding the far point, and has great mobility to jump in and help mid point, or in other places. No really ideal for Khylo mid point hold/cap.
Engi is more demanding because all of the kits. It’s right up there with elementalist as far as learning curve considered.
Guardian might suit your needs better for its capability to deal with mid point cap on last map.
You might try engi on first 2 maps and bunker on wheels guardian for last.
Run a toughness/condition necro. A well timed epidemic/plague can send the mesmer to oblivion.
I’ve started playing mesmer yesterday as my 5th PvP class, well 6th if I consider the 2 days playing ele in beta. I have to day that after like 1-2 hours you can get a hang of it, and it’s fun city. Easy to play.
You can get over 230 points in pubs easily, depending on map (forest of npc pawnage seem to be the best map for quick rank farm),
People farm the 8v8 for points, many do it with gimmick builds.
There is no pistol whip, 100b, etc underwater. I just laugh how thieves/hb_warriors chase you underwater,with sharks being (neutral/friendly/hostile) and have no idea what to do since the push 2 keys for win does not work.
The cannon is not even used by anyone in 99% of the matches, except me, muhahahaha. It screws the ping-pong zerg over so bad. and it’s worse than the sharks.
Just that sharks trigger if they are hostile without player input, cannons need to be manned.
Furthermore, 8v8 is not about winning (see auto-balance).
I think ANET should make a map that is 1v8, where the 8 man team is perma rooted/stunned the whole match, so that the enemy 1 man team could just faceroll them like the dummies in the Hearts of the Mists.
That map would probably be voted the best by prolly most of the crybabies hating Capricorn right now.
People farm the 8v8 for points, many do it with gimmick builds.
There is no pistol whip, 100b, etc underwater. I just laugh how thieves/hb_warriors chase you underwater,with sharks being (neutral/friendly/hostile) and have no idea what to do since the push 2 keys for win does not work.
The cannon is not even used by anyone in 99% of the matches, except me, muhahahaha. It screws the ping-pong zerg over so bad. and it’s worse than the sharks.
Just that sharks trigger if they are hostile without player input, cannons need to be manned.
Furthermore, 8v8 is not about winning (see auto-balance).
I think ANET should make a map that is 1v8, where the 8 man team is perma rooted/stunned the whole match, so that the enemy 1 man team could just faceroll them like the dummies in the Hearts of the Mists.
That map would probably be voted the best by prolly most of the crybabies hating Capricorn right now.
People farm the 8v8 for points, many do it with gimmick builds.
There is no pistol whip, 100b, etc underwater. I just laugh how thieves/hb_warriors chase you underwater,with sharks being (neutral/friendly/hostile) and have no idea what to do since the push 2 keys for win does not work.
The cannon is not even used by anyone in 99% of the matches, except me, muhahahaha. It screws the ping-pong zerg over so bad. and it’s worse than the sharks.
Just that sharks trigger if they are hostile without player input, cannons need to be manned.
Furthermore, 8v8 is not about winning (see auto-balance).
I think ANET should make a map that is 1v8, where the 8 man team is perma rooted/stunned the whole match, so that the enemy 1 man team could just faceroll them like the dummies in the Hearts of the Mists.
That map would probably be voted the best by prolly most of the crybabies hating Capricorn right now.
I suggest just giving 100k rank points and 100k glory for every random sPvP win.
Actually you get so much glory that you wont be able to spend it after a while.
You mean rank points? Well you can play tourneys, and get 300 glory/rank points if you win the tourney. If you play some DPs class, you can get anywhere between 700-1000 rank/glory per tourney.
What about getting 50% more glory and 50% less rank points for “farming” the pubs? That would motivate people to play tourneys and rank would be more meaningful.