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HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Can people not read these days?

$50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.


Where does it say the price of the expansion and core game are $50 ????

Use your f***ing brains, Jesus Christ

50€ for an expension is ALOT, for that amount of money u can get a whole new game, so i expect atleast 1/3 of the content we have now, to be added as expension. Else it won’t be worth that amount of money.

We dont even know how much content we’ll get, it’s like buying a house with only viewing a few photo’s, u dont do that. I wanna know what i’ll get for my money, and Arenanet has been playing us for 3-4 months and we STILL dont know what we’ll get.

Veteran players are getting screwed, doesnt matter how u look at it, thats a fact. To make things worse, if u pre order u get an extra character slot. And what if i dont pre order? I’ll have to buy an extra slot?? 1 extra slot should be standard with an expension this expensive!!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


But… let’s take a moment and assume your fallacy resembles reality just for gits and shiggles. How am I losing anything? I already have the core. I’m paying the set price, that I accept, for the expansion. The only perspective that matters in this is mine. I’m gaining the expansion and losing nothing. What others get or don’t get is irrelevant.

And what do u get for 45€? U should ATLEAST get 6-8 new maps, 3-4 new dungeons, and ALOT of new content. So far we know we are getting:
- The mastery system
- 1 new class
- The heart of Maguuma (how many maps?)
- Specializations (also for people who dont buy HoT?)
- Guild Halls ( should have been here from release, game is called “guild wars” afterall)
- Pvp/WvW Maps

So u think that’s worth 45€? New players are getting a whole game, while i have to pay the same for a few maps? I dont understand why people are saying it’s a fair price.
Content wise u’ll get a few maps, as a pve-player, those have to be huge/special maps to be worth that kind of money, since i payed around the same amount for the whole game when it released.

Simple solution would be:
- Gw2 + HoT expension = 45€
- HoT expension = 25/30€

Or atleast give veteran players a seperate gw2 account WITHOUT HoT expension, so they could give it to a friend or something. Atleast i’ll get value for my money then.
But with these insane prices i aint buying it anytime soon..

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


50€ for an expension is ALOT, for that amount of money u can buy a whole new game. I believe that’s what i paid for the game when it released, so HoT better have atleast 3-4 new dungeons, 6-8 new maps, and alot of new content, or else it aint worth the money.

Old players are getting a slap in the face, if a new players gets a game + update for 50€, and i only get an update, then i want atleast another free account without HoT, and my current account updated, so i could give that “free account without HoT” to a friend or something.

I really dont understand why they didnt create a Game + HoT package, and a seperate HoT package. 50€ for the whole game, and like 25-35€ for HoT would be acceptable.
But ye, i bet they dont earn enough money with the gem store, and wanna leech more from us to keep playing, well i aint buying HoT anytime soon with these prices…

Needs more Instanced PvE Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


I don’t believe that instanced content is really the goal of the company.

I have this feeling to, gw2 started out great tho. Free new dungeon paths, free new fractals, free new maps.
But then everything changed, and they started selling almost everything they created. I stopped playing when living story season 2 was 3/4 done, when i logged in some time later, i noticed that they asked money for season 2 missions, WUT?

Instead of creating maps, where u just have to follow a zerg to achieve something. They better invested in some decent dungeons, where u have to use a brain..

Enough with the Gemstore Skins/Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


there’s little to do besides grind gold.

I dont know about you, but if you really think that grinding gold is the only thing that you can do in the game then you might not be playing the right game :I

Well, what else is there to do? Dungeons dont give any decent rewards to play, once u have all fractal skins, there is no point in doing those either. WvW is boring on a dead server. And 2 years after launch, we still have the same legendary’s, nothing new added to grind for.

The only things worth playing for are some skins, but most get sold in the gem store, so no point in grinding for those.
I stopped playing when they were releasing season 2, and i had 6/8 story’s. I came back only to see that they asked money if i wanted to play the rest of the story oO.

It’s a shame, since gw2 could have become such a good mmorpg, but instead they are milking the cow, while they should have added some kind of endgame..

Anet trying to reduce its player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Reworking dungeons so that we only do one path per day.

Wait what? They even nerfed dungeon rewards? First they nerf leveling (which was fun the old way), and then they nerf dungeon rewards?
I really dont understand how Arenanet thinks, instead of adding new content for players (dungeons, fractals, raids, decent pvp), they nerf everything that was fine to begin with, and give us a living story, spread over 6 months now?

Gw2 has so much potential, it’s a pity Arenanet doesnt see that, and is pushing it in the wrong direction

It's been done now leave thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Seems to me those who want an end game are unhappy and those who don’t want an end game are happy. It’s really fortunate that other MMOs exist with an end game you guys can play. I’m happy to play an MMO that doesn’t have the typical end game. Is it fashion? Is it exploring? Collecting? Achievements? Legendary?

You don’t need any of it. But you can do it all. That’s the kind of game I want.

Who wouldnt want an endgame? The first year u play this game, u can keep yourself busy, but after that, then what?
For a game based on appearence (skins), there aint alot of “endgame” skins. Every gamer needs a "goal’ in a game, once u reached those goals, u set yourself new goals, but if there aint something to go for, people get demotivated, and quit.

And dont tell me making 8+ chars lv 80, soloing a dungeon, or getting 2-3 legendary’s is endgame, those are only things to keep yourself busy. I really liked gw2, i’ve played 1.5 year, but now i check the forums once in a while, hoping that they add something new. But the only things we got were feature packs (which nerfed the fun side of leveling), and 1 map, which isnt enough to keep me busy

Is that it? =/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


oh come on, we JUST had a big feature patch a few months ago that changed a lot in the game, the fact were getting another one this soon was a complete surprise. and the fact that it’s small UI and quality of life improvements is no big deal. honestly I wasn’t expecting anything till maybe the end of season 2 and even then I wasn’t expecting anything big. my time line was every 6 months we get one, a big one then a smaller one like this. no one really has the right to complain about free content in a free to play game. I mean they give us a new toyota but people complain it’ s not a ferrari.

Look at it like this, they give us a ferrari, with 2 years of fuel. After those 2 years, u cant go anywhere, except if u buy ure own fuel. Same with GW2, they gave us a game, but didnt change anything in 2 years. People who play endgame get bored of doing the same things, without any kind of “goal”. And no, soloing dungeons (with no reward), making 8+ characters and creating your own fun, aint endgame.

This game is not for most of you anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Agreed. All of their focuses and big selling points at launch have been abandoned for the living story.

Ehm .. what big selling points ? The biggest selling point has always been the open world
with dynamic events .. and never dungeons and especially not fractals.
And of course no raids / geargrind ..

Euhm, a game like gw2 needs some kind of gear grind to keep players busy. I agree with the OP, the game has been focusing on the living world so much, that they abandoned everything else. I still know we had some kind of event every month/2 months, which could keep me busy. They dropped that, and gave us 1-2 days of content from the LS…

What is there to do at endgame? After 2 years of playing, people get bored of doing the same dungeons/fractals, without any goal to go for. If u dont like legendary’s, what else can u get??

We need more dungeons/fractals/skins/goals with rewards, and before anyone says we have enough skins in the game, for a game based on appearence, there really aint many endgame skins. I still login once in a while, only to see nothing changed, which is sad since gw2 has so much potential

Stop living in your fantasy world!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


No new ingame armor sets you say?

Not to mention the numerous pve LS meta rewards. Scarlet’s headgear, gauntlets, that hideous shoulder thing, etc.

U find ascended armor nice? For people that have been playing 2 years, and only have dungeon/cultural armor to choose from, in a game which is made for the appearence, isnt so great.
U can get dungeon armor in 1 month, maybe less. And if u dont like legendary weapons, what else is there to get at endgame? We simply need something to go for, a goal!

Example; ascended dungeon armors: 1000-2000 dungeon tokens/fractal relics for 1 piece (which looks unique), it may be a grind to get, but atleast it’s something. And u get something nice, from doing dungeons, after doing them so many times (like AP; 3k-6k,…)

I’m just giving an example, but stuff like this is needed to keep players here. When i login i only see 1/4th of my friends online, compared to 6 months ago. People want rewards for effort, which is lacking atm.

2 feature packs and 1/2 season, not enough

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


How do you know that it’s not enough to keep people playing, or come back?

Do you have a pie-chart where you asked every person that has bought the game, or is this a case of “I don’t like this, therefore no one does”?

I am perfectly happy with the current quantity and quality of the content they produce.
And it’s getting better and better.

I dont know how long u have been playing, but if u dont like pvp, and wvw on your server is dead, then there aint much more to do.
Having 5k+ tokens from every dungeon, and 10k+ fractal relics. And not being able to do anything with it, is a let down.

Simply put, there are no real achievements to go for in pve. I could go for a legendary, but i dont like the way they look, greatswords have 2 skins to choose from, all the others 1. Why not add more legendary skins to choose from?
Dungeon armors, are so easy to get, that u’ll probly have a full set 1 or 2 months after u hit 80. For a game which is based on appearence, there aint much “endgame” skins.

The feature packs dont really bring “content”, to keep players here. LS2 is nice, but after 1-2 days u’ve seen most of it. We used to get real events, with goals/skins to go for. Those have been pushed aside, to give us LS2.

When i login, i only see a small portion of my friends still playing, which is kinda sad, since gw2 has a good concept, but i have a feeling they are pushing it in the wrong direction

Why are we still here? (or not)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


I agree with the OP, 2 rl friends of mine, got burned out, since we’ve done every dungeon/fractal countless times. There hasnt been anything new to go for.
I’m feeling the same, having 5000+ tokens from every dungeon, and 10k+ fractal relics, and nothing to spend it on, only doing dungeons to earn quick money, doesnt give me a reason to stay.
The living story is nice, but after playing for 1-2 days, and then standing there wondering what to do, simply to log out again. It hurts to see a “good” game, without end game content…

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Oh dear these threads. People have really never played the average MMO, both lately or beforehand. I swear you folk really have no idea how much variety you have, and how much of an amusing complaint Guild Wars 2 “lacking” in skins of all things is.
There is a myriad of things you can complain about, but this is the least one you could possibly bring up as an issue. Seriously. I am not even exaggerating. You folk need to educate yourselves in how the average MMORPG works in these terms so you can realize how much of a boon Guild Wars 2 is when it comes to customization. It’ll be good for -you-, not anyone else.

The only thing u can do at endgame, is getting ascended armor and legendary weapons, u would think those should look better then the more “average” gear, but they dont.
Ascended weapons/armors are just plain simple designs, and almost everybody puts a skin over it. Some legendary weapons can be called “legendary” by the looks, but others are a joke (ex. Shortbow/Longbow).

I’ve played Cabal, Aion and Tera before Gw2, so i might not be such a pro as u. But i do know, that when u get to endgame, u should get some armor that sets u appart from the “noobs”. If i walk into a town, i can see lower levels, with the same kind of looks as someone who got full ascended gear, and just skinned it.

Maybe it’s just my taste as someone mentioned, but i kinda like the glow on some parts :/

Where are the good looking weapons/armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


I’ve been wondering this for a while now, gw2 is based on the appearence/looks of armors and weapons. But why arent there any armors/weapons worth grinding for?

We have got dungeon armors/weapons, most of them look awfull (ac, cm, se, coe), i almost NEVER see people walking around with those armors/weapons.
Cof, TA, and Arah armors look decent, but i’m still missing something.
Cultural armors are nice, but some tier 3 look worse then the cheaper tiers.
Even the armors in gem store (where they can earn alot of money with) arent worth buying.
We can combine armor pieces, but then u probly have colour difference in certain pieces (example TA armor).

Legendary weapons, are nice, but they dont look “legendary”. Some dont even have a glow :o. How come greatswords have 2 options to make, and all the rest only one?
I dont wanna shoot flowers or pony’s with bows xD, or get a discoball that glows.
Why not give players 2 options, at every legendary? so they have a choice which one to make.

For a game based on looks, there really isnt much choice

At this rate...a big let down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Its a nice thing, that they continue with the living story. Especially for people that dont play so long (6 months – a year). But if u’ve seen everything, done 1000+ fractals and every dungeon path 100+ times, there aint much more to do. Waiting 2 weeks for a bit of map and a few quests, which u have seen in 1 day, doesnt keep players here.

They are so focused on the living story, that they forget the rest. We used to get monthly events, with rare skins and achievements. Atleast we had something new to go for.

A new map is nice…. but a new dungeon, new fractals, or some new exciting content would be better. I really like gw2, but i dont like the slow small updates we are getting atm.

GW2 needs to gain new features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


I’d personally much prefer an expansion over LS updates. I’m not a fan of this current update but if i grit my teeth and bare it, I’d probably have the achievements finished up in less than a week.

From there, what else is there to do? Nothing has happened in any of the current maps, and WvW is being completely neglected.

Once u’ve grinded for a legendary weapon en got ascended gear, done fractals 1000+ times, and done every dungeon countless times, there isnt much to go for.

WvW could be fun, but it aint keeping me here, since i’m on whiteside ridge, and WvW is kinda dead there. It’s a shame, since GW2 has so much potential.

I’ve been looking forward to season 2, but i’m dissapointed. I hoped for something new and exciting, and we simply got a new map, with not much to do

Liadri: The L2P Issue

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Liadri allows you to make loads of mistakes, it’s nowhere near for you to make it a perfect fight.

Everything spawns exactly the same way, the same pattern, all the time. you just have to remember where the kitten is placed, really.

Making loads of mistakes on Liadri will result in a painfull death. I agree with the OP, Liadri is hard, and u’ll learn ure class even better then before. I had to try her 20+ times, and i thought it was impossible to kill. But the moment u kill her, u feel so good about yourself.
The gauntlet has been 1 of the most fun event “parts” i’ve seen so far in gw2.

Earning Queen's gauntlet tickets fast

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


I dont know if this was asked already, but i’ve made it to liadri, and only got 2 tickets left. I’m probly gonna need ALOT more :p.
What is the easyest/fastest way to earn alot of tickets?

Ascended or Legendary?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


2 weeks of casual play=ascended.
2 weeks of hardcore farming=legendary.

The above numbers are VERY misleading. More reasonable time frames would depend greatly on what you do. If you do things I consider fun (like sPvP & dungeons), you earn maybe 5g a day.

Sure if you’re doing only one or two dungeon paths a day.

The daily bonus on a dungeon path is 1g5s add in the loot drops and all the easy dungeons and you’re far closer to 15-25g a day just from doing AC1/3, TAU, CoF1/3, SoE1/3, HotW1 and CoE1

People who say they got their legendary in 2 weeks, are either lying, bought it with real money, or have no life.
Doing all those dungeons u just said, would take u atleast 2 hours, with pug groups 2-4 hours, if u count in the time u are looking for a group.
Casual players can get a legendary in like 2-4 months, maybe even more. But i dont see a hardcore gamer earning enough for a legendary in 2 weeks :P.

For the OP, i would make ascended weapons, it doesnt cost SO much, and u’ll probly earn most of the mats, by simply playing the game how u want.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Doing Guildmissions is now a horror! You run up to the missions only to find 3 other guilds there aswell, And if its one of the ones were only one guild can take credit for it at the time, It causes alot of waiting around. Which scales up the event for the guild doing it and incase the other guilds dont feel like helping out the guild thats doing it is screwed. And imagine waiting for a mission for 30minutes only to have another guild run up and press F first. Forcing you to wait another 30 minutes. This is not “Facillitating friendly play” As Anet wanted to call it. Please do something about this, I really enjoy the game, but this (Being a person that leads missions everyweek) is killing me.

Yup, i’ve stopped doing them, i dont need the commendations, but i just used to do them for fun. Well it aint fun anymore :P.
Not only is the whole guild scattered, i never see them, since even divinity’s reach/grove/rata sum/etc, got megaservered. The unique feel of being on “my” server is gone..

Temples got screwed to. Bosses are killed the moment they spawn, so finding a temple that is up, is a pain.
Most people tell me, well go do wvw, u’ll get plenty of dragonite from keeps. Lucky me, i’m stuck on whiteside ridge, we rarely take keeps. I’m more of a pve gamer, so having to do wvw to get some dragonite, aint fun, and feels like a grind.
World bosses often only give 5 dragonite, jormag/shatterer etc spawn a few times a day now, which destroyed the pve grind for dragonite.

I really like gw2, and never had the feeling i had to grind for something. But megaserver changed my mind. Dragonite is just a pain to get now, if u are a pve gamer like me.

Zerker + Survivability (PvE)

in Warrior

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Hey, i’m planning on crafting my ascended armor, but i’m wondering which to craft, zerk or pvt.
Now i’m running around with zerk trinkets/traits/weapons but pvt armor, i find it easyer to survive in high level fractals/arah. I still swap the pvt armor in easyer dungeons for zerk.

What kind of ascended armor did u guys craft? And can u still do the harder dungeons with full zerk gear?

Dragonite became a grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


But, I think the OP does not understand the term “grind”…..that means representative over and over (which is what you were doing when you could hit the Temple events via guesting) and what we have now just takes longer (World Bosses) and you can’t “predict” the higher Dragonite events. Not saying it’s not a problem, but I don’t see where “grind” has in any way increased since MS being put in place.

I’ve played a few korean mmorpg’s, so i know what “grind” is. I didnt mind checking temple times, and doing them over and over again. It didnt feel like a grind.

Now, i’m checking world boss timers, and earning 1/3 or half the dragonite i used to get. I’ve played Eotm, but i’m on whiteside ridge, and there arent always zergs walking around like in busy servers. I guess wvw is fun if u have a busy server.

I’m still trying to find a way to earn dragonite, Eotm aint an option on my server, since they dont take keeps that much…
So ye, getting 20 dragonite in an hour in wvw, feels like a grind

Dragonite became a grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


Dragonite ore wasn’t a grind?

Before, we could simply check a temple timer, and each server had other times they spawnd. Now each megaserver spawns them on the same time, if u missed it, u can wait a long time again.

I could do world bosses, but earning 5 dragonite ore, from every boss isnt much. Larger bosses like shatterer, jormag, etc, spawn every 2-3 hours now.
Before the update, i simply checked a site, and i could earn 90-120 dragonite, in like 1-2h from temples. And do it again with another character.

I’m more of a pve gamer, so having to join wvw to gather dragonite, simply sucks :/

Dragonite became a grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


So i guess pve dragonite farming died with the megaserver update. Guess i’ll have to try wvw then, but i have no id what to do there :d.

Dragonite became a grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dustbite.3670


I’m new on this forum, so dont flame on me if this topic was already created.

I’m a casual gamer, so in the week i play around 1-2h/day, in the weekends a little more. Before the megaserver update, dragonite was already harder to get then empyreal fragments en bloodstone dust.
But it simply became a pain to gather now, i’m camping temple maps in the hope one activates, and using the boss timer for world bosses. But earning 10-20 dragonite in an hour aint fun anymore. I wanna start crafting asc armor, but i dont wanna camp boss locations for 15 min, then kill it, and wait again for one to spawn…

Whats the best way to gain dragonite now? Ankittenhe only one that thinks this way?