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This fear needs nerfed

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


As a decent necromancer anytime I face 3 people I usually bring them all to half health. Then after my short stability is gone I begin to meet the floor with my face until I am dead. OP you might be talking about the hammer warrior class with his fear me abilitiy.

Rate the Necromancer look above you

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


8/10 My first thought was witch doctor or some kind of voodoo which goes really well with the necromancer class and it’s different.

I think my characters outfit is a little ridiculous but I seem to enjoy doing that to all my characters.


Conditions in WvW are OP and out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


Conditions in WvW, That is your big issue and not the crazy amount of CC and stability needed to run in a zerg? Well have you ever rolled with a warrior because I have one that uses 7 condition removal spells and they are all AoE up to 5 players. Alone I can cure most conditions a necro puts out and usually a zerg will have multiple classes with condition curing abilities. I also have an engi which uses elixirs to cure conditions, which gives me 6 Condition cure spells right there. I do agree however that conditions are pretty much the meta game right now but it is easily void if you prepare for it with runes of lyssa and carry proper CC in your build.
I also found it interesting that I read some engineers complaining about our condition removal, makes me wonder what are you doing not building for condition removal and then complaining about it. It’s like having no toughness verse a thief and complaining that thieves do too much damage.
What Arenanet must do it create more builds with useful traits so some classes aren’t left in the dirt. Im tired of looking at half my traits and thinking “I NEED this in my build, to counter blah class.”

Which profession excels in sticky situations?

in WvW

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I have a condition removal shout healing warrior with the warhorn/sword that basically never dies unless an entire zerg is already on top of me. Add in a greatsword for more lulz of watching a zerg turn around and give up the chase instantly. The only other class that can escape as well would probably be perma stealth thieves but I don’t have any experience with a thief in wvw.

Flamethrower and Newbies

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


If I wanted to be a support build I would rather go with bomb kit and get a blast finisher and more combo fields. I just haven’t enjoyed a flamethrower build since they nerfed the kit refinement perk of having it cleanse a condition and spew aoe fire. Now it’s a fire shield which is so cool so now when someone attacks me I should want to pull out my flamethrower! It’s hard for me take the FT or the EG seriously anymore with what they did with kit refinement.

Flamethrower and Newbies

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


Everyone does damage, everyone does support, everyone does healing, why take a kit that does less dmg and only gives you a aoe pushback?

Flamethrower and Newbies

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I completely agree with The Gate Assassin about how to use the flamethrower but still I loved using it while leveling my engineer and even in some spvp builds it works quite well with an aoe knockback. It’s just that some things the flamethrower lacks in. Which is good sustained damage and conditions, Jet flame takes way to long to rely on, both have a good blind, both #2 skills do good dmg but grenade kit also adds great condition dmg and grenade kit has poison vs a line fire combo field. One line of fire or 3 circles of poison, the grenade kit is far superior in conditions and still good with power. Right now grenade kit is the best kit for damage, that is just a fact. So taking anything else for the most damage possible is not worth it.

Still using the flamethrower is not the worst thing you can do at all. The worst thing is relying on your #1 skill to kill your target. I remember fighting an engineer who tried to kill me with flame jet alone with his fire bullet CD. I cleansed the fire conditions and just laughed at the flamejet damage while retaliation and conditions burned down his health and my health stayed 2/3 full. The kit is not made for damage or is elixir kit, you won’t kill things with either.

(edited by Dyeus.6759)

WvW HGH Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


22 stacks of might….not bad. What sigils? I tried HGH build but can only hold about 12-16 stacks of might average considering my might duration is 85% longer. maybe i am just not coordinated enough.

The sigils I am using is superior sigil of battle and superior sigil of corruption. You’re missing 6 stacks of might so you are either missing the sigil of battle or the runes of altruism. Both of those have a chance to give you 3 stacks of might.

I forgot to add sigil of corruption to my other reply. You get 250 condition damage from that which increases my condition damage to 2009.

WvW HGH Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I will have 22 stacks of might that gives you 770 extra condition damage that puts me around 1759 condition damage.

(edited by Dyeus.6759)

WvW HGH Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I decided to make this video awhile ago and I just finished making the video today. Ive seen a lot of questions about the HGH build and I hope this video will answer some of those questions. It is mainly highlights of me playing wvw solo and showing off the ridiculous damage you can achieve, while still barely surviving attacks from multiple enemies. Now I know I made a lot mistakes in the video but I made it mostly for fun. I hope you enjoy it.

The Build I am using:
(Copy and paste the url)

and I am sorry about some footage being low quality. I will definitely fix this if I make another video.
The runes and sigils I am using it’s
4x Altruism (Not in spvp)
2x Lyssa
Superior Sigil of Battle
Superior Sigil of Corruption

(edited by Dyeus.6759)

Help me to create the best 1v1 engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


The only thing I don’t see in your build is how you are going to do enough damage. I would say if you are tanky enough try using 2x lyssa and 4x nightmare runes for better bleed damage and for sigils. Use sigil of battle and corruption if you don’t get downed alot.

The new kit refinment internal cooldown.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I think the only thing it was suppose to change was the condition removal on the elixir gun and the flamethrower not sharing any cooldown. They should really explain the patch notes more clearly.

Instead I think they could of just removed condition removal from the elixir gun and it would still have condition removal from #3 skill and still be a good build for wvw with the buff to super elixir. It’s a build I would like to look into but if I am choosing fire aoe or healing aoe it just seems like a waste of time and a staff Elementalist could do a better job.

Your Perfect 20 Man Team

in WvW

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


With 20 Tankcatz (turtle build) engineers my team would be unstoppable force that would wander around aimlessly and not be able to kill anything. It would be top notch trolling and my team would complain about their wrist pains from all the toolkit swapping and rolling.

Rate the Human's Face /10 above you

in Human

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


8/10 Overall a very attractive woman and I like the outfit being from different sets.

This is my main lustwaffle, one thing that erks me about her is I think the head is too small for the body. I am curious what you guys think.


A Challenge to all

in WvW

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


Being in tier 1 and getting 5v1 constantly, your offer is tempting. Most tier 1 players look like heavily geared pve players swinging legionaries and it makes me rage.

Engineer Redesign Idea - Contribute!

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


Get rid of bomb kit because who throws a bomb right next to their feet? It makes no sense at all, engineers are losing limbs everywhere. Instead replace it with Rocket kit! A rocket launcher with the same skills as the bomb kit. It would actually make sense and be pretty awesome.

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I am going to post 2 builds that I just feel comfortable playing for awhile now.
The first one being a wvw 100nades build. Stacking 3300k attack with 77%crit dmg and 2200 armor and 21k hp you will kill most thieves faster then they can kill you. Of course thieves can always reset and stay farther from you then usual which makes the fight last 5 minutes but its epic nonetheless.

Sadly this build used to eat up camp supervisors with the vuln and condition dmg it did but nowadays I am rethinking about this build.

Also I found a tpvp build that uses the engineers aoe fire damage.
Now this build is fun to play around with. Make sure to have 4x runes of nightmare and 2x runes of lyssa. Basically open with the Incendiary ammo and your pistol skills. Once those are on CD swap to the flamethrower for more aoe fire conditions. From there have fun. The FT is also great for pushbacks when a teammate is getting stomped and how much I love doing damage while in elixir s form.

new meta ENGI build i promise

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


This is probably the best engineer build yet. Not only does it include slick shoes…but I think an improvement would be to add rocket boots in there in case you need to fly to the moon. While throwing turrets onto your enemies as an unstoppable juggernaut with a shield and pistol.They will be struck with fear and jealous of how awesome an engineer is when played correctly.

Kit Refinement Cd NOT working as intended.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


If this is true this might of nerfed a build I haven’t even tried yet. Which stacks might in the flamethrower and then use the double grenade barrage. Im sad I never got to testing that build now.

I think this game's population became offending

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


As an engineer I have never been kicked out of a group because of my class. I ran cof, ac, cm and Fractals up to lvl 10 with no problems about my class or dmg. I think the reason you were kicked was not because of your class but probably something else instead. Like maybe they wanted a guildy to join instead, which has happened to me before the dungeon even started. If it is happening make your own group instead.

_Drop Antidote_ stealth nerf?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I want to say this was changed at launch but I can’t really say for sure since my first character was a warrior. It has been like that for awhile and that is one reason I am running with the healing turret now.

Skill "delay"

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


This has happened to me all the time in wvw. I would switch to my medkit to heal conditions and would switch back to my rifle but instead of doing damage. Im spamming medkits and running around like a fool. I also noticed when I use throw wrench there is a longer delay until you can throw grenade barrage. So you do need to slow down a little or press the key twice. I tend to look at my skillbars more now which can be bad thing to do in a fight.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dyeus.6759


I had this issue in wvw all the time enough to make me quit the game for a week. I found out that lowering the sound quality in the options menu almost fixed the issue completely. It has happened once but for the most part the game feels playable again.