Showing Posts For Dynamite.6584:

The lack of server community feeling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


This forum is awful.

It’s refusing to display anything after the name of the person I’m quoting. Good work ANet!

That’s not correct quoting code. You need to end quotes with [/quote ] (no spaces).

Where do I go from here?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


It is a commonly held opinion that this game lacks any content after a certain point.

But hey. What can you do? You’re not paying a subscription fee. You can’t threaten them with your wallet anymore.

You’re going to have to wait for them to release content. Because you’re stuck until then.

The lack of server community feeling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Yo. You can’t make a thread titled like that.
You can’t speak for everyone when you say that this game lacks a sense community. I might not think that. Stop putting thoughts in my head.

You need to preface every single thread of this type with the phrase “in my opinion”, because it isn’t obvious to everyone reading that it is an opinion.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


I think the OP ran theu the beautiful content this game has and forgot to enjoy himself. This game isn’t about end-game content, raids, and gear progression. Down-leveling should be all the proof that Anet wants us to experience the whole world of Tyria. They did a masterful job of designing it, it’s gorgeous…explore it. The point of playing GW2 (and Anet did say this) is to have fun. You’re supposed to play this game and enjoy what you do, whatever it is.

I’m pretty sure I enjoyed myself, or else I would have stopped two hours in.
Please stop making the same bad argument everyone else is making.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


You sure are spending a lot of time on a forum to a game you’re never going to play again.

Just sayin’

I only come on this forum when I’m bored senseless in class, and reading and posting on a forum on an Ipad looks like I’m taking notes. I guarantee you that you won’t see me posting after 4 or 5 o’clock. I don’t think I posted anything yesterday because I had interesting classes, lol.

And no, I can’t say that I’m “never going to play again” since I still hope they actually put some endgame content into the game.


Lol nice talking to you too.

I’ve just seen plenty of your type in gaming forums. Just not worth my (or anybody else’s) time.

Like I’ve said before, we get it, you don’t like the game. You’re holding out some sort of hope that there will be raids and carrot-chasing.

It’s not going to happen.

Just move on.

Well one thing I can move on from is replying to your posts. You can’t read, so why bother?

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


You sure are spending a lot of time on a forum to a game you’re never going to play again.

Just sayin’

I only come on this forum when I’m bored senseless in class, and reading and posting on a forum on an Ipad looks like I’m taking notes.

I guarantee you that you won’t see me posting after 4 or 5 o’clock. I don’t think I posted anything yesterday because I had interesting classes, lol. It’s just Mondays and Wednesdays.

And no, I can’t say that I’m “never going to play again” since I still hope they actually put some endgame content into the game.

(edited by Dynamite.6584)

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584



Arenanet has stated that since they do not require a sub fee, they are not bound to provide and endless amount of content. At some point, like all MMOs, you hit a wall and theres nothing to do. It will happen. Expect it.

At least you can put this game down in the middle of the month and not feel like you wasted half a month worth of a sub fee.

So Anet has a fallback in case they get this criticism. It is “you are not paying us more money, so you have no right to more content.” That is a fair point, no sarcasm. I can’t demand more content or threaten them with my patronage since I already paid them for what I got.
So buyer’s remorse for me.

But that just means that I’m not coming back for the expansion.
My prediction: Future GW2 expansions are not even going to get a third of the sales the initial release had unless they add content to keep players continually playing or continually coming back to play.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


I’ve been playing tons every day, since headstart, and not even getting close to bored yet. I think the problem is on your side… not the game’s.
Have been playing a few 100 hours on my Elementalist, getting max gear, completing all dungeons, finishing map completion. Next will be getting level 80’s of the other classes and races and get max gear for them. Then I might consider shooting for a Legendary. By that time an expansion will probably be out giving me even more to do. I’ll be playing this game for a few 1000 hours for sure.

Good example. For my point.

Once you competed all the dungeons and achieved 100% map completion on your Elementalist, are you going to do it another 7 times for the other 7 classes?
Or have any actual interest in doing the story again for them? 7 times, playing the same story. Must be a fun prospect.

So what you boiled the game down to is spending several thousand hours getting max gear for 7 characters and crafting a Legendary. That doesn’t sound godawfully boring at all.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


You’ve got to be kidding me. My previous post was deleted because I used “all/alternating caps”? What kind of crap is that?
I can’t put emphasis by capitalizing certain lines? Fine.

Here is my previous post again “fixed” to fit “proper formatting”.

I have no idea why people continuously reply to this thread talking about gear progression and gear treadmills when I didn’t say a thing about that.
I’m not asking for endless gear grinding. I hate grinding of any sort as much as anyone else. I’m barely even asking for gear to contribute that much to the game.
Read my kitten opening post. I have one small section that even talks about gear, and I’m talking about it indirectly just to make a point about WvW.

That’s it.
So stop talking about gear progression.

Again. I am not talking about gear progression. I don’t want endless gear progression. So stop pinning that on me and this thread and making huge posts about them, thinking that is a valid argument.
One more time. I don’t want endless gear progression or anything close to a gear treadmill. If you don’t want to read the entire post, I have a TL;DR section near the bottom.
Oh and I almost forgot. I don’t want endless gear progression or a gear treadmill.

How about that? Good enough? Or is “WvW” also considered “alternate caps”?
Stop making excuses for cutting my posts.

And for my first infraction, for not putting “in my opinion” in the thread title, if this thread was instead titled “this game is the best game ever”, would I also get an infraction for “trying” to speak for everyone else?

Stop making crap excuses for editing and deleting my posts.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


You can’t blame people skipping through lengthy posts and see only the word gear. That is how people read forums, not like a book every word, they read quickly and mainly the title. Make your post short and to the point. In one paragraph what is your point?

If people want to come and discuss only one point I made, then fine. But that wasn’t even a point I made, nor was it even slightly implied at all.

So no, I can’t blame them for not reading all of it. I’m a college kid. I skim all the time. But at least I understand and reply accordingly to the part I actually read.

And again, there is a TL;DR section in my post that summarizes my point in one paragraph.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


The second part is not about gear. The second part is about lacking the motive to be competitive.
PvP is about competition. There needs to be something to compete over. Why do I care if I win 1st place?

lmao. really? are you…. REALLY?

So you only care to compete if there’s a prize involved, huh? That’s dumb. No, really, that’s pretty dumb.

WvW is fun. Winning is its own reward.

Go find another game if you want your never-ending rewards and your gear treadmill so you can constantly find upgrades, and you have fun with your mudflation and ever-increasing imbalances as stat totals reach levels that they were never intended to reach.

I don’t HAVE to do anything in this game, and that means that the only things I do are things that I have fun doing.

You obviously don’t have fun doing anything, but desire things you HAVE to do and you call that fun. Uh, bro, go get a job. Plenty of never-ending kitten you HAVE to do there!

You say nothing distinguishes this game from any other MMO, but you’re pretty much entirely wrong. This game doesn’t have a gear treadmill. That’s significant. That is, in fact, HUGE. It has 3-sided RvR, which no MMO has had since DAoC. That’s significant. It’s the only MMO I’ve played that actually has had content from rolling a character to max level finished on release. NO, WoW did NOT have all content from 1-60 available at launch, don’t even try and pull that lie because I was there — there were MANY zones with no quests or content, just landscape and mobs.

Honestly, you need a prize to compete? You need stat boosts, and to call that progression, to play? Go take a gander at people who ACTUALLY enjoy competition. They do not tend to be in it just for the prize, there’s only 1 winner and if you can’t stand doing something and not winning you will very quickly get mad and quit. The competition, the striving, has value. Nobody plays Chess because if they win enough games they can upgrade their pawns to SuperPawns.

If you need someone to give you cookies for playing, but oh my goodness don’t give out the cookies TOO SOON for there must be GRINDING and TIME SINKS to make it feel fulfilling!.. I suggest you go find yourself a nice asian MMO and knock yourself out. I can’t stand that garbage, and GW2 is a breath of fresh air in the MMO universe. It’s the only MMO that ISN’T trying to emulate the gear-treadmill-PvE-grind paradigm (which isn’t a WoW paradigm, WoW took it from earlier MMOs and improved it but did not invent it, I’m so tired of johnny-come-latelys heaping undue credit on that game).

You like a type of game that I cannot stand and will not play. I like a type of game you don’t like.
Fair enough.
Except there’s many many options available to you if (gear) progression and (gear) rewards and grindy grind grind timesinks are what you’re looking for.
Me? Yeah, not so much — there hasn’t been a PvP-focused MMO, an MMO lacking the grind and gear treadmill and PvE focus since, well, GW1.

Leave me this one game without trying to turn it into EVERY OTHER PUPPY MMO ON THE MARKET

Wow you’re angry. But hey, since you took the time to type out so much, I’ll humor you.

Again, prize or not, the thing you’re competing with has to be balanced. Take your example of chess. It’s balanced. Every piece is viable, with literally millions of different strategies and routes to victory.

sPvP is Guardians and Mesmers vs other Guardians and Mesmers. Unlike chess, there are optimal routes and strategies.

If sPvP neither is fun, nor is there any prize in competition, then why compete? Why waste my time on an unfun game when you get nothing out of it? Why not play a game that is actually balanced and fun?

Second point. Gear treadmill. Where did I say I wanted one? Try not putting words in my mouth.
If you actually read what I said, I said I wanted my gear to contribute to something. What does it contribute to currently? WvW and dungeons. WvW is a game of what server has more people there. Oh, and night raiding. Forgot about that.
Dungeons are either innovative, but has no replay value, or is just straight boring.

But it’s clear that you didn’t even read the first line of my post, let alone the whole post, since you told me to get a job when I already said “after class and work”. Work=job.

What I want is 1) balance sPvP, 2) better, non-dungeon PvE content, or dungeons that are difficult not because the mobs hit hard 3) dueling/GvG, so the game can even live up to its namesake.

Maybe if you learned how to read instead of making arbitrary straw men for yourself to get angry over, we can talk again.

(edited by Dynamite.6584)

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Oh, and btw, I never said there is nothing good to this game. I did spend three days worth of time on it.

The gear looks great. Flawed as it is, the story is nice. Certain dungeons were fun and innovative. The dragons, especially Claw, is great.

There is just no replay/continuous-play value.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Look, I know that this post was not going to be welcomed with open arms in this forum. You are all a bunch of people that still play this game and want to continue playing this game. Obviously, if I said “I don’t think there is a reason to continue playing this game,” you’d all disagree.
But I’m sure that many of you will come to the same realization soon enough.

That’s it. If you want to keep shouting at me because I express an opinion about a video game, when I’ve never disparaged any of you, then go ahead.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


sPvP? First of all, it’s wholly imbalanced. I come from a long PvP balance. I know imbalance when I see it. There are only
Second of all, the prizes are inconsequential. What do I need with a box with random cosmetic gear? I can get the same gear in PvE.

Righto, so this is where you talk about sPVP in your post. The only bit, in a wall of text…

and… the first bit is unintelligible, and the second bit is about gear.

I stand by my first statement. I’m not insulting you… please don’t think that I’m calling you out. I’m saying that maybe the content you are desiring is not in this game. Perhaps this game is for different people than you, and what you want is a gear treadmill. That’s fine… hell, a whole nation of people game this way (so I hear). Just don’t cast aspersions on the quality of a game that isn’t a game that you like. It would be like a MMO reviewer being asked to review CoD.

I didn’t think I needed to elaborate on the sPvP part.

It is imbalanced because there are two classes that are stronger than all the other classes by far. Mesmers and Guardians.
And there is a class combination that completely dominates everything else pretty much without fail.

The second part is not about gear. The second part is about lacking the motive to be competitive.
PvP is about competition. There needs to be something to compete over. Why do I care if I win 1st place?

Yes, PvP can be fun if you take out competition. Take DotA for example. There are no prizes, yet it is fun. Why? Because its balanced.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584



You talk about ‘lack of content’, but all I see in your posts are comments about gear progression.

Perhaps you just aren’t interested in the other content. If so, farewell, and I hope you find a gear treadmill to your liking.

sPvP is imbalanced, dungeons are grindy, repetitive and boring, and WvW is also boring. And that’s all the endgame content there is.
The gear progress thing was only the middle of my post.

Opinion, opinion, opinion, opinion.

Sometimes you just have to concede that a game isn’t for you.

I think that was implied when I made this post. If you turn your brain off and just mindlessly PvE, then this game is going to last forever. In my opinion, it has gone stale and there is nothing to do.

I’m not passing this off as fact.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Woo, apparently, it’s against the forum rules to post my thoughts without the disclaimer “in my opinion”. Because, obviously, people can’t tell from reading the OP that its an opinion,

I’m not home at the moment, but if you guys want me to take a screenshot of my /age, I can do that when I get a chance.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584



You talk about ‘lack of content’, but all I see in your posts are comments about gear progression.

Perhaps you just aren’t interested in the other content. If so, farewell, and I hope you find a gear treadmill to your liking.

sPvP is imbalanced, dungeons are grindy, repetitive and boring, and WvW is also boring. And that’s all the endgame content there is.
The gear progress thing was only the middle of my post.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Do dungeons for a week. Assuming you play 2 or 3 hours a day, you can get in 4 or 5 runs per day. That’s 240 to 300 tokens a day. In a week, that’s 1680 to 2100 tokens a week. It costs, what, 1400 per set?
Yeah, you can easily get a set with only 14 hours of play. Why can’t I do it with 70.

(edited by Dynamite.6584)

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


I’m a semi-casual player. After class and work, I try to fit in about 2 hours a day of play for this game. And I’ve ran of things to do.

In about 70 hours of actual game time, I have full sets of Exotic gear, all of my Exotic weapons for my Ele, and enough dungeon tokens, karma and money to afford the exact same for two more characters. And with three pieces of cultural armor and a whole host of rare dyes, I’ve made my character look the best I can imagine it looking.

I have all the gear I can ask. But what can I even do with this gear?
Dungeons? I’ve done all the dungeons besides Arah EXP at least once. Other than certain paths, all the others are boring and have zero replay value.
Farm tokens? Already have enough.

WvW? Good gear can keep you alive longer or let you do more damage, but how much does that really contribute to a battle? And how much does that battle contribute to the war? And how much does that war contribute to anything? So how much does your gear contribut to war? Hell, how much do YOU or I contribute to anything?

And how much fun is WvW? Whichever side has more people and whichever side has more people willing to buy siege items win. That applies to battles, and that applies to the war as a whole.
Zerging is no fun. Using siege equipment is no fun. WvW is no fun.
And yes, I have a large group to do WvW with. It doesn’t make much different.

sPvP? First of all, it’s wholly imbalanced. I come from a long PvP balance. I know imbalance when I see it. There are only
Second of all, the prizes are inconsequential. What do I need with a box with random cosmetic gear? I can get the same gear in PvE.

How about rolling another character? There isn’t much point to that. First of all, a character is only as good as the content you use it for.
Second of all, because of Anet trying to take out the holy trinity, all the characters can do essentially the same thing with varying effectiveness. So why roll a Thief when a Ranger can do many of the same things.

Damage, self heal and tanking. If your character can’t tank so well on its own, it has something that can tank in its place, be it pets, illusions, thieves, etc.
The only thing different is the playstyle. But again, I can only do the same content over and over for so long, regardless of what playstyle I use.
Only speaking of PvE in this case, btw.

And the new content in making a new character is essentially nonexistent. There is no excitement from getting new levels and new skills. You cap out at level 30. You get full weapon skills in a matter of minutes.

The story was nice the first time around, but there are no alternative routes.
It’s not like certain choices gives you alteration stories. All choices just give different missions. All the stories are the same path with tiny deviations.
You have zero control over the outcome of the story. For example, if you chose Vigil, there is no way to save Forgal. If you are human and chose the “lost sister” story, you find out that your sister is alive and saves her, then she is NEVER mentioned ever again.
So why play the story again?

This game just lacks content. There is no reason to have good gear since there is literally only two things it matters in. If these two things were incredibly fun and can carry the end game, fine. But they can’t.
There is no dueling. There is no open world PvP (though I don’t really want that). You do essentially the same thing in every dungeon and every PvE map. The three dragons are cool, but they are timed, making them incredibly easy.
And there is no GvG. How does Anet even justify calling it Guild Wars without GvG?

This game lacks end game content. You can do everything the game has to offer after about two weeks of play, and there isn’t even much to do.
Nothing distinguishes this game from any other MMORPGs other than its payment method.

But I guess it makes sense. If you bought WoW or whatever, you get the first month free, but have to pay to play more per month. In this game, you get the first month free too. Except you can’t pay for more months of gaming since you run out of kitten to do.
If everyone quits tomorrow, they would still have sold 2 million copies. That’s 120+ million dollars, with the collectors additions and stuff. That’s probably much more than the development and distribution costs of this game. So why wouldn’t they want a short game…

(edited by Dynamite.6584)

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


My Elementalist.


Post your Human!

in Human

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


My Elementalist.


In place of the Commander Book

in WvW

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Not too fond of this, but to go along with it. When would ranks be reset? Else everyone would end up as commander.

Also this would be quite a bit of a setback for beginners. Its already hard as a level 10 to fight a level 80 with exotics in WVW, wouldnt this just broaden the gap?

Well, no. Following the math, it’ll take 500 kills, 20 camps, 15 towers, and about 10 keeps and castles to get to Sergeant. After playing five weeks, I barely have enough to get there, and I go to wars rather frequently.
But someone that is a more hardcore WvW player could get to sergeant maybe in a week.
And since each rank takes progressively more points to achieve, no, not everyone would end up commanders. Again, these numbers are all used as examples, but the basic idea is that high ranks are not easily obtained.

As for your second point, I have no qualms with setting back beginners.
It’s hard for a level 10 to fight a level 80. Sounds right to me.
What’s the point of getting gear and such if a level 10 is on the same footing as me?

In place of the Commander Book

in WvW

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


In place of the book, there should be a merit system instead.

Each objective you do gives you a certain amount of points.
A kill gives 1, taking a camp gives 5, a tower gives 10, etc.
Setting up a Flame Ram gives 1, a Treb gives 3, etc.
Essentially, everything you do that furthers the war effort gives you a certain amount of points.

With these points, you gain staff positions. Upon gaining 500 points, you are a Corporal (named differently in GWs to fit the world). At 1000, you’re a Sergeant. At 5000, Lieutenant. 10,000, Captain. 20,000 Major. Up until General/Commander/Admiral/Whatever.

Each position gives a different and stacking benefit to your character.
A Corporal has 1% more movement speed. A Sergeant has 1% more damage along with the 1% speed. A Captain has 3% more damage, 2% more speed and 1% reduced damage taken.
These are just sample numbers, of course. But the general idea is that the benefits are present but not overbearing. I don’t want a Commander to be able to go 3v1 people. But he should have something like 10% increased damage, 5% damage reduction and 10% increased movement speed.

Maybe, and just maybe, give certain ranks a certain WvW-only skill. For example, at Captain, you can double his WvW rank bonuses for 10 seconds.
And a Commander can see the number of enemies 3000 ranges ahead of him in a certain direction. Of course, there will be only one slot for this skill. Maybe have it replace the elite skill, or have it be an F5 skill.

And lastly, at a certain rank, like Sergeant, you can make squads, starting at 10 max capacity, 50 at Captain and unlimited at Commander. Each person in a squad is given half of the leader’s bonuses.


Fort Aspenwood vs DragonBrand vs Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


I’m from DB, and I pretty much know for certain that DB is going to lose.

Why? Because DB does not have organized night raiders.
This happens literally every single war in which we aren’t completely dominating. We’ll take a rather healthy lead for a day or two, go to bed, then wake up with one server with literally all the objectives.

And due to the huge defender’s advantage in this game, its nigh impossible to take back a large enough lead without having a night raiding force twice as large as BG’s.

An oddity that should be discussed...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Why are you comparing a particular game to other “traditional” games?

Each game has their own system. Don’t expect something in a certain class just because they are similar in name or function to another class in another game.

“A class has something in one game. Why doesn’t another class have the same thing in another game?” Because it’s not the same game.

CoF Maggs bomb planting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


It is probably the worst part of any dungeon in the game. Not because it is hard. But because it is so mind-numbingly stupid.

Take turns running around in circles and try to survive as long as possible and inevitably die. Even if done correctly, everyone has to have died once, with the people that started earlier dying at least twice.

There is not a lot of coordination involved. There is no strategy either. And you are essentially required to die.

Everything about it is not fun.

Seriously, who the hell designed that? Its wrong in every single way.

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


In WvW, Eles just stand on top of towers and nuke below.
And farming Orr is easy if you’re built right.

The main problems are sPvP and dungeons.

Elem design flaw

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


The only way I can think of that would actually make this work is if Eles are also forced to swap attunements when they swap weapons. Being able to chain spells of the same attunement together from different weapon sets just gives too much of that utility.

Elem design flaw

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


If such a feature were to be implemented, it’d be much better if it couldn’t be activated in combat. That would make it easier to switch roles in let’s say dungeons, but would still block the Elementalist from being able to acces 40 skills in combat.

Except that already exists…
Press H. Double click. Bam, swapped out of combat…

The more I WvW as a thief, the less I like it.

in Thief

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Certain classes do certain things better.

Eles are gods of defending on walls, but, arguably, suck at smaller skirmishes on even grounds.
Guardians are fantastic in even-ground fights but suck at taking down walls.
Thieves are good at picking people off and small fights but is lacking in larger fights.
Etc etc.

Anet marketed the game as taking out the holy trinity, but didn’t introduce all too many new professions that could make that notion completely true.

Warriors are medium-high damage, medium mobility, semi-tanks.
Guardians are low mobility support tanks.
Rangers are medium-high mobility, single-target ranged high damage dealers.
Thieves are high mobility, high damage assassins.
Elementalists are medium-low mobility AoE damage casters.
Necros are DoT and CC-based casters/summoners.

You see all those classes in pretty much every single MMORPG. The only two classes that are different are Engineers and Mesmers, and the only class taken out of the equation is the straight healer/buffer, with it’s role distributed thinly throughout the other classes.

Of the six classes left, they are bottlenecked in their effectiveness. Yeah, you can gear a thief to be tankier, but will they ever tank as well as a Guardian can? No.
Will a Warrior ever deal more single-target ranged damage than a ranger? No.
Can a ranger deal more AoE damage than an Elementalist? No.
Even the names for the classes define their roles. Do you ever see “Ranger” and think “he’s going to be great at melee range”?

That is just how MMO class systems work. Unless they were to subtract many class-defining factors, like weapon limitations and range limitations, all classes cannot ever do everything with the same effectiveness.
Every class has their limitations.

Elem design flaw

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Well, I do see why they would want to disallow Eles from swapping weapons.

Take this scenario in sPvP.
I have dual dagger primary and a scepter on secondary.

I use earth 3, 4. Swap to lightning to use 5 and 3. Swap to fire 3, 4, 5, Arcane Wave. Swap to scepter. Use Signet of Earth. Use fire 2, 3.
And most those skills are AoE.
Yeah, I would demolish everyone.

Being able to use up to 40 skills in pretty much succession is way too much utility.
If the cooldowns carried over on swap, then maybe. But there is no way the normal weapon swap system can be given to Eles and not have them be overpowered.

Elementalist downed skills...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


So you’re saying you have it easy as a thief…

Great to know.

Elementalist downed skills...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Mesmers…are Mesmers. They can summon a clone that does a lot of damage, and they can replace himself with a downed clone. But you will never know if it is the clone until you finish him and you don’t get any points for it.

You can know it before you stomp it. I don’t know what you are talking about.

What kind of crappy Mesmers do you play against that uses it before you start stomping?

Elementalist downed skills...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


…really sucks in sPvP.

The Elementalist is one of the only classes that an enemy doesn’t have to take any precautions when trying to finish them off.

Six of the eight classes have something they can do to interrupt a finisher, requiring special precautions.

Against Guardians, one person needs to go up to him to finish him. Once he pushes back, you need to either run back to him or have someone there immediately to follow up to save time.

Warriors need to be double-finished since he can only knock one person down, and quickly or else you give him the chance to use Vengeance.

Thieves can teleport away from any number of the first group of finishers, regardless of how many there are. Unless there is someone close to the area the thief teleported to that was not part of the group trying to finish him the first time, he will use smoke, forcing you to either wait it out, or swing him to death.

Mesmers…are Mesmers. They can summon a clone that does a lot of damage, and they can replace himself with a downed clone. But you will never know if it is the clone until you finish him and you don’t get any points for it.

Rangers can daze and Necros can fear.

The only one I can’t say for certain is Engineer since I’ve neither played one nor played against them often.

For the other six classes, they can all interrupt an opponent’s first finisher, and many times long enough to either get help or use their 3.

What can Eles do to stop a finisher? Literally nothing. The immobilize does not last long enough to keep an enemy away for enough time for your 3 to come up.
In a 1v1 situation, an opponent will ALWAYS pull off their first finisher against an Elementalist.
You are reliant on others to interrupt the first finisher and buy enough time for you to use Vapor.

Killing someone quickly is a gigantic advantage. If you need more time to take someone out, it will 1) take longer until you can cap the point 2) take longer for you to go to another objective.
Elementalists have the weakest downed state in sPvP, with no anti-finisher.
Pretty big problem to me.


Mist Form - exploit or intended?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584



its diffinately an exploit. your not able to do any action while in mistform, the only way you can do this is if you use mistform while performing the action becouse it doesnt break it (bad programming), if it was intended you would be able to start the action while you where in mistform

Who says you can’t “do any action while in most form”?
The only thing you can’t do is use your weapon skills and take direct damage. You can do literally everything else.

Tips for leveling an elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Dual dagger is not really meant for early level PvE. You need a bit of defense in your skills, traits or gear to make that work.

It doesn’t have enough CC and you can’t kite with them all too well. In a1v1 situation, it is manageable, but anything more than that will be trouble.

If you want to level without a hitch, I would recommend staff or scepter/dagger. If you really want to do dual daggers, then you need skills like Arcane Shield, Mist Form and Arcane Wave to make fights as short and safe as possible.

Bust Size

in Human

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


It’s a fantasy game.
In my fantasies, my chicks are busty as kitten.

The majority of guys like them big. Therefore, you’ll see it more in a game where you can make your own character.

CoF first route...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Is just beyond hard.

There are four mini-bosses. Fine. The room with the fireballs rolling. Fine. Staying in the fire cages with constantly spawning creeps. Fine.

Final boss. Not fine. Ungodly freaking difficult.

I get the concept. And I get that its beatable. But it is just way too much to warrant the amount of time it takes.

If you want to put something into the game that is just the most difficult thing you could fathom, then fine. Give it a better reward.

Am I the only one that hates the Ele elites?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Fire elemental hits for huge damage? What?

I do more damage just auto attacking with fireball, and staff auto attacks a pretty weak. The elemental does decent damage, but most definitely not huge, especially not coming from an elite with a decently long cooldown. It also dies in just a few hits from almost anything (unless it’s in the middle of the swoop where it evades).

I mostly use ice. It’s fairly durable, it still does decent damage, and it heals/chills. It’s still nothing great really, but at least that one usually survives to actually contribute some to the fight.

My Lesser fire can auto for more than me per hit. DPS wise, it probably does maybe 65% of my auto damage since it hits less quickly.
My Greater fire can auto for about 80% of my damage and his swoop attack can crit for about 3k damage. I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty huge in my book.

Two major problems with Elementalists

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


First problem.
We’re way too squishy for how immobile we are.
At max level, every class has the same amont of base vitality, toughness, precision and power.
But they don’t all have the same amount of base health for some reason.
There are three amounts of base health: 10k, 15k, and 18k.
Guardians, Thieves and Elementalists have 10k. Rangers, Mesmers and Engineers have 15k. And Necros and Warriors have 18k.

Which class has the worst situations? If you say anything but Ele, you are delusional.
Eles have the weakest armor. And unlike Guardians, who have heavy armor and a ton of defensive options, and unlike Thieves, who have medium armor, stealth, traps, and other evasive abilities, Eles have pretty much no defensive capabilities in comparison.

But they have their range, right? Yeah, and so do Mesmers, Engineers, Ranger sand Necros. Even the other three classes have some sort of ranged weapons.
On top of that, Mesmers have clones and blinks, Engineers have turrets, Rangers are mobile as hell and have permanent pets, and Necros have tons of summons, a life shield and lifesteal.

Pretty unjustified.

Second problem.
Attunements take too long to cool down after swapping out of it.
I think ANets mindset was that since we have so many Attunements instead of just two weapon sets to swap between, a higher cool down to swap is justified. But it doesn’t work that way in practice.

Let’s face it. Fire does the most damage of any attunement on any weapon combination.
It’s not a case of build or anything either. Fire will ALWAYS do the most damage.
The other ones are essentially used for utility. Of course, they have one or two token damage abilities (like Staff Earth, Water and Air 2), but they will never even come close to the damage capabilities of fire.
In most cases, you want to be in fire attunement at least 70% of the time.

Here is the problem. Elementalists are hesitant to switch out of fire becasuse it takes so long to switch back. And it’s for good reason.
If we switch to another element for utility, we can’t seriously punch back for 15 seconds.
What is the point of holding a guy still if we can’t follow up with anything anytime soon?

And yes, I know that I have Arcana. But in order to lower the cool down by 5 seconds tops, I have to sacrifice a lot of damage and tankiness.

Solutions to these problems.
First, do away with the tiered HP thing. Why the hell do we have eight classes but three HP tiers?
Second of all, if we keep the tiered system, either bump Eles up a tier or let us wear medium armor.
Eles have the lowest defense capabilities and the least evasive manuvers, yet we have the lowest tier armor and health.

Third, lower the attunement swap cool down to at least 12 seconds, if not 10.
If not that, buff the damage capabilities of the other three Attunements. Because currently, they are capable of barely even half the damage fire is.

Lightning Flash ...biggest waste of 6 skill points XD

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Yes, it is a complete waste.

It can’t hop over gaps. Can’t jump up on areas that I can actually access with a jump. It can’t even go very far.

Comapare it to a thief’s Shadowstep. If you jump down a high cliff with it, one that would usually chunk half your life, you can avoid fall damage with it.
You have an option of returning to his original position. And in doing so, he cures three conditions.

Lightning Flash has half the range and can barely do anything better other than do pitiful damage with it.

But since I’m 80, I got it anyways since I have nothing else better to spend it on.

Am I the only one that hates the Ele elites?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


Btw, the sentiment that only Earth is useful is because it is true….at low levels. And it stuck with most people since they don’t give the other ones a chance.
But at level 80, there are loads of situations in which the other three are just as useful.

For example, if I’m getting chased by a group of Risen, which one do I summon? Water.
If I want to take something out quickly, Fire.
If I want to do damage to a boss and there I as Guardian tanking, Air.
The only situations in which I would summon Earth is
1) If I am planning to fight a whole bunch of high damage enemies, or
2) I’m planning to fight a boss and there are no Guardians or tanky Warrior around.

Next time you need to tank something, use Water. Or if you want to take something out quickly, use FIre. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Oh, and btw, Earth is probably the least useful in sPvP.

Am I the only one that hates the Ele elites?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

First of all, Hounds suck. They die faster than any of your Elementals do.
Fire can evade attacks.. Water can heal itself. Air is ranged. And Earth is a rock..
Hounds are made of squish, and they are melee with no heals, evasive maneuvers, or whatnot.
On top of that, they only lady 30 seconds. Yes, there are two of them, but they don’t tank twice as much as the one would in 60.
On top of that, they have a four minute cool down after dying with nothing to reduce it.
With the lightning Glyph reduction trait, they respawn in a little over a minute and a half.

The only time I would use Hounds is if I’m not tanking and I need to dispatch one thing in 10 seconds. And they are only reliable for 10 seconds since they’ll most likely die soon after. And one more requirement is that there is absolutely nothing else to fight afterwards.

In any other situation, like if there are more than one enemy or you/your summon has a chance of tanking, Elementals are WORLDS better.
One is ranged and stuns. One is rather tanky with AoE slows and heals. One is immensely tanks, provides protection and deals AoE damage. And the last one does huge damage, both single target and even more AoE.

If you want to call them boring, then fine. But they are FAR from useless and MUCH better than Hounds.

If we had Elite Elementals out at all times, it would be overly powerful.
Of course, Eles are lacking overall, but buffing one aspect tremendously is not the solution to that.
I would agree with having the Lesser versions out at all times and only going on cool down when they died.

And I do agree that our other two Elites are crap. But the Elementals are far from it.