Showing Posts For Easterlily.5836:
In the future.. please tell us how extremely low the drop...
in Suggestions
Posted by: Easterlily.5836
rates are for items… offered in the seasonal events.
After spending $50 (at my choice) for gems and using that to purchase BL chest keys.. and I received nothing..
I am greatly disappointed. I understand the business model.. but dont milk me please.
Again… greatly disappointed.
Why do you buy these keys? You often get free keys from drops so why didnt you just check out what was inside your first chest? For me these chest are just worht for the dyes.
@9. Get more magical drop rate.
1. Yes, more dances could be fun, but then they probably would make these dances cost gems. (IRL Money)
2. What do you mean with hobbies and how would you suggest it to work etc..?
3. There is a halloween festival coming. I havn’t read about it yet so im not sure whats coming up.
4. Yes and no. If you think of realism, how could someone possibly bleed that much if he’s really small. But yes, as you say, a condition build might be pointless.
5. Most events are soloable, but the group events. But you can just skip these.
6. No comment
7. Well, a vampire have more life than a guy with heavy armor. Just a thought ^^. But maybe this is something they could change. I hate that my theif have 15k hp and a go against a necro with about 30 k.
Still, those with less hp maybe deals more damage and viceversa?
8. Whats wrong with the waypoints cost? You want it to be free. If so, then no.
9. Why? If you kill someone, how can you be sure that he carries something?? Not all mobs have pockets.
10. Fine.
11. LOL. Well the norns are huge and the humans are small. The shortest humans are almost dwarves and the tallest norns are almost gigants. If you dont want to be a huge norn, then just change your size?
12. YES! I want this, really. I really do. This have annoyed me soooo much.
13. Seriously, how can you get annoyed of this?
14. kitten.
Yay, done!
The “starting” items that you get when you first login to your character have the same model as a lot of other armors in the game. Often the ones you can buy from vendors.
Kind of like a paladin – guardian?
Thats atleast what i think it sounds like.
Fixing all the world's broken events and skillpoints, even if temporary.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Easterlily.5836
Because the whining is huge on the weekly patch reset, imagine how it would be if they’d do it daily.
Yea but the whining about broken events etc. is also huge.
However, I think this aint a good idea, resetting the server every day.
Why? I’d like better animations for crafting but this thing about giving out beers. Wtf, how can that be either used or useful.
If you mean that we celebrate the whole game, then ill say. YEA Thanks for the great game Anet.
And if you talked about something else, then nvm.
Huh? What are you talking about.
It have been so much talking about a duelling system. I think Anet is positive to it but I dont think it’ll be like in WoW.
As soon as I saw the password limit increase in GW1 I updated my password as inspired by xkcd (funny to see the same cartoon in the newspost later) so I completely avoided the whole problem.
Anyways, I suspect a couple of my passwords are hijacked because I have several “insecure” passwords I use virtually everywhere that’s not important. It would be both useful and interesting to see a list of these hijacked passwords on the account page, as in everything that was tried against my account name. Also good to know whether any of my “secure” passwords are in that list.
Lets see if I catch you right. You want a display on the account page of the webpage that shows you all the wrong passwords that have been used with your account name?
I think this might be usefull, aslong as it doesnt show up the right passwords – only if someone did put a wrong one. Or you can check how many times someone attempted to login, but wrote the wrong password.
Why? I like how it is now. It feels more flexible and less restricted. Why would you want PvP abilities?
Boss Fights, No healing class, is there any point to this?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Easterlily.5836
Yes there are no healing class…
Let me tell you how it works.
All classes can play Tank. All can play DPS and all can play support.
What you call “healing” is actually supporting and all classes can heal. Every class have AoE heal that can be used to assist their team and all classes have group boons that also can support the team. Forget the old WoW build. This is Guild Wars!
Its actually not that hard to press a button and then press the key.
Alot of people want this, but I think that Anet wnt to have specific locations for duels. For example in the Heart of the Mists and then you go throught a portal, to a arena where you can duel people.
For example…
Well.. you can go to any main city free by going to the Heart of the Mist and via the Asura Gate to the main city. But if this feature would work, then you would have to pay for changing home point. And I want a real cost, no mini 15 copper cost.
Its one of those small features thats actually very easy for them to do. I think this will be added to the game in the future.
I think that the once per day is a really good idea. Why do you think that this is to often? Atleast I want to play with all my friends, and they’re not only playing on the same realm.
But I mean, how would it be possible. Changing your race. If you are born as something, you are born as it. For example, if you are chinese, you are chinese. Not indian, and you cant change that.
I would not like this feature.
Now I bet someone will say that " its a game " and people will come up with other things that are unrealistic but just think of it. It will feel wierd with people changing races all the time.
Thats actually a kind of great idea but I dont like the thing that you can just speak a sertain number of times.
But buying or earning this item would be great. For example, you get this when you reach lvl 80.
There are far more guilds than castles and if one guild would want to have a castle then there would be “PvP”
I’m not sure how popular is would be in an MMO, but my girlfriend made a good point the other day. Why can’t we wear anything and everything in the game?
If I want to wear chain mail, en the game should let me. If I want to use a rifle, even though its not standard for my profession, then let me. All the game would have to do is reduce the effectiveness of any items I use.
So say I’m a thief and I decide to pick up a huge sword. I should be able to, but I might be slow, and what may have a 200 damage for a warrior, only allows me like 100, or less.
This would allow players to have the choice to use all the gear in the game opposed to just dumping it on the trading post, or selling it for cheap. I like the idea of using Armour that may not be ideal for me, but it may be better than what I can find, or currently make.
Plus, it opens the possibilities for my character to try all the stuff without having to create a bunch of alts that I really have little desire to play.
It would be hard for a thief to be quick and have agility if they would wear a ton weight of armor.
I think there are more players that like the underwater features than those who dislike it.
@ Easterlily, that’s what basically the idea is, a dual spec just for underwater. They don’t have to put in thought in designing new traits or anything, just let us have a spec we can tailor for our underwater needs.
Some classes like the Engineer already have aquatic weapons included in some of their traits.
I think it’s to few underwater events/hearts. They should add more in the future.
First person view of Guild Wars 2 would be wierd. The only RPG that I think have a good 1st person is The Elder Scrolls games.
I understand underwater events but hearts should not MAKE you go underwater.
I personally hate it, I dont like fighting underwater, what baffles me is why you made the skills so underpowered. Fair enough, as a thief I have a huge amount of evasion with the spear but it just doesnt deal enough damage. So it takes me way longer then it should to kill a monster.
I dunno, if you ask me you keep talking about us playing the game however we want to yet I cant complete this quest without going into water.
Maybe other people like to go underwater and they are angry because there are so few hearts thats underwater. Why would they remove it just because some people (like you) dont like it?
Can we get adding permanently auto-attack option to weapon kit's?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Easterlily.5836
I’ve always thought that the nr 1 button should always be auto-attack unless you deactivate it from the options menu or if the nr 1 ability have a cooldown.
A lot of people would like this, including money spammers.
Fully agree, but I dont want them to make new traits just for underwater, but a “dual spec” like thing for underwater and on surface would be great.
1. Why would it be cheaper. The teleporting is far to cheap already IMO.
2. Yea, this would be great. Te radar is far to small.
3. You want Diablo in Guild Wars 2? This idea would be good for example WoW, but In Guild Wars 2, the levels are based on the zones so this would just be wierd and ugly.
4. Why not. But I guess that this isnt something that they would prioritice.
Overall I think some of your suggestions are good in one way or another but some things would ruin the game and change it to much.
This would be really unrealistic. Changing a race would be like changing your life. Barbers would be better.
I dont think this is a problem because I am never max outzoomed, but I see no reason that this can be bad for anyone, so why not.
DO NOT release a halloween event, all your resources should have and should be going to fixing these broken events, skillpoints, orb hackers, speed hackers, botters. IF any one of these events or even the slightest bug still exists, do not do any game changing event for any holiday.
Also put down your kitten cupcakes, you have not earned them yet!
I’ve always loved events in World of Warcraft and this must be better, so Yes we want these events!
I dont want it to be like the D3 AH but I’d like a huge improvement to Guild Wars 2 TP!
Mhm, that might be usefull.
I agree with that the game needs more things to do, for example the flag capture that you said. But however, I see no reason of making it 80 only.
Integrate VOICE-Communication " in game" for party's and more?!
in Suggestions
Posted by: Easterlily.5836
Good idea, aslong as it gets better than the WoW voice system = not working.
The delete question is required, as else you may accidently drop an item that you didnt want to drop.
And as you say, not being able to drop anything at all would be stupied, I prefer to drop an item instead of rightclick – delete – yes
And, when you want to equip an item. Press H and see the items in the upper right of the character info screen.
I actually thought about this yesterday.
I was about to travel up on a mountain and didnt want to attack any hostiles, cause then I get this movement speed decreese. And if the pet attack, I get it aswell. So I attempt to stow my pet but it comes back when I aggro a hostile.
Its something thats really annoying and disturbing.
Well… try to attack with a bow in real life, while in air. I’d really be impressed if you made it.
To your question. Casting/Attacking in air would not be something good.
A WoW like bard would fix this issue.
But as Guild Wars want to be as far from usual as possible they could make a “relife well” or something which you enter and then you get to choose how you look.
Just an example.
Well.. I don’t really agree with you.
Well.. I don’t really agree with you.You are not forced to use waypoints and if you like to have a look around in the world, why use them? Just walk around. Of course it takes a bit longer but you’ll have to like with that.
#1. The great features of this game when it comes to leveling are two things. The non-grinding and the “takes equal time to level up from 31-32 and 56-57” are really great and are features that makes this game better (in my opinion) compared with other games. Maybe it goes quite fast but its not far from perfect.
#1a. The reason you party in other games (not talking about pvp and dungeons now) is to kill stuff faster or do group events. Its same with this game, just that you don’t have to make a formal group, but you still work with the players around.
#2. Same as nachtnebel
#3. Also same as nachtnebel. And another feature that I would like is to see the targets health in numbers. For example 2598/5300 hp. I want to see how much hp my pet have!
#5. From the beginning, I didnt like fast travel at all. I never did, not in Skyrim and not in Guild Wars. But when I understood that it costs money, I thought that it might be a fair feature anyway. I’ve always been a fan of mounts and alike, and would rather prefer the old “WoW” style with flight paths and mounts, but I guess Guild Wars want to be special in all ways. I dont say that I want them to make it like this but still I dont like how they made it.
#6. Above + same as nachtnebel. It needs to be stricted and again, NO FLYING!!
#7. Another thing that makes Guild Wars 2 not like other games. Instead of having 255 spells you have 5 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 1.
I like this system but I would not like more abilities per weapon. 5 or 6 is good. And as nachtnebel, more weapons would also be great.
I also get annoyed on this, so I guess the two keys would be a good idea.
One word – NO
Not going to happen.
I thought that the multiclass system from Guild Wars 1 was the thing that made the game kinda boring.
Hard question for those who havnt played any of them. Personally I think they are equal when it comes to survivability. I mean, necromancer have their life steals and drains but the mesmer can trick and evade a lot of damage.
Generally I would say that the Necro is easier to play but personally I think the Mesmer are more fun.
I hate people saying there is no end game. This game, unlike WoW, has an equal gameplay at all levels. You can play PvP from level 2, you dont have to level to 80 for the max PvP. You can play the dungeons from under 30. etc You know what I mean
I like the WvW. It feels abit like ARMA.
Thought, it could have huge improvement, but im sure that ArenaNET and NCSoft are planning to do this in the future!
From what I’ve seen, comparing criticalls with and without Critical Damage boost makes difference. It should boost your criticalls with 50% (if you have +50 crit dmg)
Thought, when you say it, im not sure how it works.