DATE/TIME : December 1 2016 9pm ET / 6pm PT
MAP : BitterFrost Frontrier
Meeting location : Koda’s Welcome Waypoint – [&BIEJAAA=]
Ember Bay
Promontory Waypoint – [&BF8JAAA=]
Lion’s Arch
Bloodcoast Ward Waypoint – [&BA4EAAA=]
We’ll be going over a lot of Lion’s Arch lore and Mad King Lore
Legendary Insights; Amalgamated Gemstones; Reclaimed Metal Plates; Blade Shards.
Maybe Bloodstone Rubies and Petrified Wood too?
Pact Base Camp Waypoint — [&BBAIAAA=]
Wanderer’s Waypoint [&BNYHAAA=]
Camp Resolve Waypoint [&BH8HAAA=]
And we’re back, after a 2 week break.
2016-09-08 Dry Top Entry Waypoint [&BIAHAAA=]
2016-08-16 Pursuit Pass Waypoint [&BBcDAAA=]
2016-08-11 Pagga’s Waypoint [&BKYCAAA=]
Which server are you on? Borlis Pass?
I’m on Sorrow’s Furnace
Hey guys!
This issue is affects multiple areas in the game: such as dolyaks in wvw, raid encounters, and the open world events we’ve been putting out the last few releases (to give a few examples). Any fix that touches so many parts of the game has to be made carefully. (As when we rush fixes we sometimes introduce new issues that make things even worse for you guys.) We are still working on this issue and you’ll be updated when more information is available.
Thank you everyone for your continued reports! And thank you for your continued grace and patience while folks on this side work toward a solution that works and is safe.
But this issue was already an issue a couple of months back… and was fixed already. Now it popped up again
2016-07-28 [&BOwCAAA=] Bramble Pass Waypoint
2016-07-21 [&BNACAAA=] Broken Arrow Waypoint
2016-07-14 [&BBYCAAA=] Sati Waypoint
2016-07-07 [&BMQBAAA=] Orvar’s Glen Waypoint
2016-06-30 [&BFMCAAA=] Iron Veil waypoint
2016-06-23 [&BOIBAAA=] Dewclaw Waypoint
2016-06-16 [&BKMBAAA=] Archen Foreland Waypoint
2016-06-09 [&BPwBAAA=] Twin Sisters Waypoint
2016-06-02 [&BGICAAA=] Graupel Waypoint
2016-05-26 [&BKYAAAA=] Shieldbluff Waypoint
2016-05-19 [&BNMAAAA=] Hawkgates Waypoint
2016-05-12 [&BOwAAAA=] Nentor Waypoint
2016-05-05 [&BOMAAAA=] Cornucopian Fields Waypoint
2016-04-28 [&BLUAAAA=] Highpass Haven Waypoint
2016-04-21 [&BAYAAAA=] Halacon Waypoint
2016-04-14 [&BN4AAAA=] Nolan Waypoint
2016-04-07 [&BHUAAAA=] Mrot Boru Waypoint
(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
2016-03-31 [&BDQBAAA=] Astorea waypoint
2016-03-24 Caledon Forest 1-15
Event cancel, and pushed a week.
2016-03-17 Wayfarer Foothills – [&BHQBAAA=] Horncall Waypoint
Adding a video of our run
(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
I really would love this too
2016-03-10 Metrica Province – [&BEAAAAA=] Soren Draa Waypoint
Adding a video of our run
(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
2016-03-03 Queensdale – [&BO8AAAA=] Shaemoor Waypoint
Adding a video of our run
(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
2016-02-25 Plains of Ashford – [&BIABAAA=] Smokestead Waypoint
Adding the video of our night
(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
We’re back! It’s been over a year now, since we’ve done our exploration event.
And since then, 6 new explorable maps were added.
We’re going to be hosting our exploration event every Thursday at 9PM EST (NA).
A friend and I will be covering lore of the maps as we go through them, so even if you do have full map exploration, you’re welcome to join us for the lore part of our tour.
The schedule is listed below, it might change, but will be announced in advance.
Week | Date | Map | Level |
1 | 2016-02-25 | Plains of Ashford | 1-15 |
2 | 2016-03-03 | Queensdale | 1-17 |
3 | 2016-03-10 | Metrica Province | 1-15 |
4 | 2016-03-17 | Wayfarer Foothills | 1-15 |
5 | |
1-15 |
5 | 2016-03-31 | Caledon Forest | 1-15 |
6 | 2016-04-07 | Brisban Wildland | 15-25 |
7 | 2016-04-14 | Diessa Plateau | 15-25 |
8 | 2016-04-21 | Kessex Hills | 15-25 |
9 | 2016-04-28 | Snowden Drifts | 15-25 |
10 | 2016-05-05 | Gendarran Fields | 25-35 |
11 | 2016-05-12 | Lornar’s Pass | 25-40 |
12 | 2016-05-19 | Fields of Ruin | 30-40 |
13 | 2016-05-26 | Harathi Hinterlands | 35-45 |
14 | 2016-06-02 | Dredgehaunt Cliffs | 40-50 |
15 | 2016-06-09 | Blazeridge Steppes | 40-50 |
16 | 2016-06-16 | Bloodtide Coast | kitten |
17 | 2016-06-23 | Iron Marches | 50-60 |
18 | 2016-06-30 | Timberline Falls | 50-60 |
19 | 2016-07-07 | Sparkfly Fen | 55-65 |
20 | 2016-07-14 | Fireheart Rise | 60-70 |
21 | 2016-07-21 | Mount Maelstrom | 60-70 |
22 | 2016-07-28 | Straits of Devestation | 70-75 |
23 | 2016-08-04 | Frostgorge Sound | 70-80 |
24 | 2016-08-11 | Malchor’s Leap | 75-80 |
25 | 2016-08-18 | Cursed Shore | 80 |
2 weeks vacation
Week | Date | Map | Level |
26 | 2016-09-08 | Dry Top | 80 |
27 | 2016-09-15 | Silverwaste | 80 |
29 | 2016-09-22 | Verdant Brink | 80 |
30 | 2016-09-29 | Auric Basin | 80 |
31 | 2016-10-06 | Tangled Depth | 80 |
32 | 2016-10-13 | Tangled Depth | 80 |
33 | 2016-10-20 | Dragon Stand | 80 |
Week | Date | Map | Level |
34 | 2016-10-27 | Lion’s Arch | 80 |
35 | 2016-11-03 | Bloodstone Fen | 80 |
36 | 2016-11-10 | Ember Bay | 80 |
Small 2 weeks Break
Week | Date | Map | Level |
37 | 2016-12-01 | BitterFrost Frontier | 80 |
38 | 2016-12-08 | Divinity’s Reach | 80 |
39 | 2016-12-15 | Hoelbrak | 80 |
Holiday Break
Week | Date | Map | Level |
37 | 2017-01-12 | Black Citadel | 80 |
38 | 2017-01-19 | The Grove | 80 |
39 | 2016-12-15 | Rata Sum | 80 |
We will do all the POI, Waypoints, Vista, Skill points. We will stop to do hearts if there’s an event to make it go faster, if not they will be skip (they add too much time).
Meeting location: Will be posted in this thread each week
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EST), 1:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9pm(EST), 2:00am(server time)
We have a Discord Server , we will be using it to talk about the lore and story of the area, and organizing the event
Look for Edgar Tamer, you can join my squad by typing /squadjoin Edgar Tamer
I’ll have my commander tag up, so if you don’t see me, send me a whisper. That way, I can ferry you to my map instance.
(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
We ran Raid this week, and there was this weird bug, we haven’t tested it elsewhere though, but you can see it happening at 3 spots in this video
Our mesmer knockbacks the red orb with GS#5, and it ports back to the point it was before the kockback
Before there was a ready check there wasn’t a problem because you’d just hop into the match once you finished loading. Of course this meant more AFK players.
The servers were completely rewritten at the end of 2014, and now there more sophisticated requirements to getting the PvP servers in sync with the game servers wanting to pause/destroy your roster when you hit load screens. The more people queuing outside the mists without fixing this, the more likely people will start seeing problems like ‘random’ dishonor.
That makes more sense to me.
So what about what another said just adding more to HotM. It would be nice to have a mystic forge back, maybe some crafting stations, or what about putting in some HoT type challenges.
I’m just a programmer :P I can’t speak to that unfortunately. But I would totally enjoy a jumping puzzle in HotM
There is one… you can go in the water and there’s a little cave you can go up into.
As you can see in that picture, we won that game in points, but still got us a lost.
We were a party of 5, got one D/C mid-game for about 2 minutes.
We really did good on the match, and then at the end, some of us lost pips, other stayed the same, but none of us won any Pips.
Is it possible to push a new MOTD to the server?
Is there a way to get the current donations needed/donated for guild halls.
It better not be recycled content…
This sooo much!
I was so sad to have recycled content last year. I don’t care if we get recycled mini games that’s fine. But there’s this whole story around Mad King Thorn that they could harvest, like all his wives and such.
I’ve been enjoying the Tempest quite a lot.
But there’s one skill that bothered me and that was Lightning Orb, It’s way too slow, and doesn’t do enough damage.
I was coming here to suggest that it moves faster, but I do like this idea a bit more
Lightning Orb: Make the orb follows the Ele instead of moving in a line. Reduce cast time to 1/4s
Heat Sync: Give stacks of might to yourself, then spread burning from your target to nearby foes.
I would like that :-).
Ikr haha kinda troll, like a tempest version of Epidemic. Much evil in sPvP aswell, can’t imagine the rage. xD
The burning rage
Heat Sync I do think that blacklisting every boon EXCEPT might is the wrong way to tackle this. Either blacklist what you think is OP (quickness, resistance). or Whitelist only boons that Ele can generate himself.
- Regen
- Swiftness
- Might
- Vigor
- Fury
- Protection
- Stability
- Retaliation
Kind of sucks that this event was directed at the new players, probably to show what they can do with events a as live content. And it went live so broken.
Let’s hope it’s going to be extended by a day or so to compensate the broken event rewards.
I had plan a server gathering for the events tonight with our wvw guild, so let’s hope it’s fixed by then.
I had a question about this trait. I was running with it on my Staff ele in wvw, and was trying to figure out how much damage I was doing with it.
Except it didn’t seem to trigger that often, or not every instance of it is shown in the combat log.
Correct me if i’m running, but Static Field, Unsteady Ground and Gust should all trigger this when you hit people right? So If i put Static Field in an enemy zerg, and 3 people get caught in it, it should trigger 3 times. Right?
Is there an ICD that I don’t know about?
Alright, I only had time to play Tempest during reset night in WvW. From all the negative stuff I had read during BWE1, I was scared to go into my first BWE with tempest, elementalist being my main. So here are my thoughts
I decided to try the most out of the class, so I went with Scepter / Warhorn and Shouts (Flash-Freeze, Eye of the Storm, Shock and Aftershock)with the Rebound elite and Wash the Pain Away! for the heal.
I usually main Scepter / Focus, cause I love the survivability of the focus. And was really scared of losing that.
So on to the Warhorn, I was pleasantly surprise by the skills. The warhorn felt more supportive in it’s type of play, with AOE heals on the 2 water skills, a fire field with a blast for might stacking, some crowd control and a bit of damage skills. They felt pretty good imo.
Shouts made it fun in WvW, especially in smaller group skirmishes. I could give us some AOE superspeed, I could cripple and immob the enemies, and chill them, making it really easy for us to nuke them down.
Rebound How the hell are you suppose to make use of this, even with all my group on voice comm, if you call it, that means everyone needs to stop their rotation so they can trigger the proper skill… hoping it works. Instead of “for 8sec your next skill CD is lowered by 25%” Why not make it for 2sec, all your skills CD are lowered by 25%
Overloads, I really haven’t had a good use for them, cause I would start them, and then dodge an attack, or switch attunement to heal up or protect myself, and they would cancel out. Fire was good for stacking might pre-fight, and water was good when needed, but in most cases, in a fight they would get canceled out…by me dodging or switching attunement.
All in all though, I miss playing tempest now.
I almost forgot, Traits
So the tempest trait line, if I compare it to other classes, where if you choose to go all top, or mid, or bottom, they have a theme within that line, which the tempest has, but it would require changes to fix it
Top – Defensive line – Gale Song, Earthen Proxy, Element Bastion This one is OK
Mid – New Skill line? – Latent Stamina (attunements), Harmonious Conduit (Overloading), Imbued Melodies (Warhorn) This line doesn’t have a theme to it
Bottom – Overloading line – Unstable conduit (Overloading), Tempestuous Aria (Shouts), Lucid Singularity (overloading) Still not following an overloading theme
So here’s the changes I would make
TOP is fine
Mid Latent Stamina (attunements),Tempestuous Aria (Shouts), Imbued Melodies (Warhorn)
Bottom Unstable conduit (Overloading),Harmonious Conduit (Overloading), Lucid Singularity (overloading)
This gives all three lines a better feel. You’ll say it doesn’t really matter the order they’re in since you chose them from the list. But it does matter when build switching and you can easily remember that the bottom line is overloading, mid is about the new skills and the top is defensive.