Showing Posts For Edgar Doiron.2804:

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Updated the main post to reflect the change in schedule due to DDOS attacks on the server last week.

This week we’re re-doing Harathi Hinterlands

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Tonight we’re in Harathi Hinterlands. Land of the Centaurs

Shieldbluff Waypoint [&BKYAAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)

The logic of "Defiance"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Defiant doesn’t need any changes if they make use of some of the “newer” mechanics in the game.

1) Have some sort of mechanic in the fight that allows you to interrupt through Defiant. An example of this is the boss at the end of the dredge fractal with the superheated buff. This used to be the case anyway, no idea if it has been stealth patched.
2) Similarly Tootsie is normally immune but you can use CC on it when it is trying to run away.

Number 2 is more interesting than 1 since it would be hard to try to fit that kind of mechanic into every fight. You can make it so it is always possible to interrupt during skill use regardless of Defiant. That would allow interrupting when it matters but still prevent stunlocking. If that is too much then only apply it to the big telegraphed attacks while smaller attacks still require removing Defiant.

Yep #1 still works, we’ve done it this week.

And I do think that it’s one of the good ways to do it. Keep the defiance stack up, so you can CC when there’s no more stack, and time it to get him knocked down under the lava pot. and give him a window to CC skills like his heals.

Other bosses, I’d imagine you could CC one of their big attacks, that If you don’t it basically kills everyone. so oyu need to time it right.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Tonight we’re doing Fields of Ruin

Hawkgates Waypoint [&BNMAAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Is Aerin a Soundless?

in Lore

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

It might be because he’s a sylvari character, but my ranger recognized the note as a common Soundless mantra/meditation device (can’t remember the exact wording).

Will have to confirm this tonight

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Is Aerin a Soundless?

in Lore

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Could it be that he decided to become Soundless after joining the Zephyrites?

That would be the only explanation.

When he enters the Sanctum there’s this here

Trader Aerin: “Hello! I’m Aerin. I’ve been given permission to come aboard for your next voyage. Where should I put my gear?”
Zephyrite: “Welcome, Aerin. It is customary to leave your burdens behind when you take your first journey with us.”
Trader Aerin: “Say no more. My burdens and my gear will stay here on the docks. When do we depart?”
Zephyrite: “As soon as we meet our obligations to Lion’s Arch.”

So maybe over time he decided to cut himself from the Pale Tree/Dream of Dreams.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Is Aerin a Soundless?

in Lore

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

I found this

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Is Aerin a Soundless?

in Lore

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

From the Fallen Hopes instance, Jory points out that the soundless seems to be the one affected by Mordremoth’s power, she says that right after we talk to her about the note signed by Aerin.

But if you followed Trader Aerin in Labyrinthine cliffs, when he ran around the Zephyr Sanctum, he would mention the Pale Tree quite often, kind of going against him being a Soundlesss (cutting all ties from the Pale Tree and the Dream of Dreams).

So is he a Soundless?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Tonight it’s Diessa Plateau

Nolan Waypoint [&BN4AAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Tonight we’re heading into Snowden Drifts

Highpass Haven Waypoint [&BLUAAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Paying for past content?

in Living World

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Looking over the LS season 2 blurb I spotted this “Past episodes will be available for purchase for 200 gems”

Does this mean if we want to reply any LS content we need to pay for it in gems? Is it an unlock a chapter forever fee for every account or is it character bound? If we pay for a chapter can we team with people who haven’t?

Personally, not sure how I feel about this move. To me it seems to step over the ‘morality line’ and move GW2 to a payment model I don’t really like..


If you log in during the release window of an episode (e.g. two weeks) you unlock the episode for your account. You can replay it as many times as you want for free. If you miss the release window and you want to play an episode that you didn’t unlock, you can purchase it.

It’s a lot like watching television in that you can watch (and record) an episode for free when it airs. If you miss it, you can buy the episode off iTunes later. Does that make sense?

Will we be able to buy the “DVD” season at a later date? :P

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Last week I had a little thing that came up before the event and couldn’t make it.

Take 2 is this week

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Tournament Tickets in Wallet?

in WvW

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Will tournament tickets be stored in the Wallet. Because a lot of us will have leftovers.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

living story season 2 needs to be shorter

in Living World

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

@Rincewind, so if everything was permanent, how would you have “destroyed LA” when you’d still be doing the fight?

How would you have Tower of Nightmare content, with also the Tower destroyed?

It’s a living world, like in real life you’ll miss out on events happening around you or far away. Doesn’t mean you won’t hear about what happened.

The other day I was helping a new member through Kessex Hills, and he’s like What happened here? So i started to tell him the story of the alliances, the kraits and their prophet, Scarlet.

I do find the temporary nature of some content to be pretty cool, people can say “I was there when LA was under attacked, I helped those survivors, and I killed Scarlet.”

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Chaos of Lyssa Backpiece Recipe

in Living World

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

I think it gives people who really wants it an objective to work on.

I hope there’s more items like this in future patch.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Tonight we’re heading into Kessex Hills (Fort Salma Waypoint [&BAMAAAA=])

  • Relive the story of the Tower of Nightmares, learn about how it affected Tyria.
  • We’ll talk about Uzolan, his creations and ties to Minister Caudecus, and his attempt to kidnap Queen Jennah.
  • The Consortium backstory, and their sudden interest in the Tower of Nightmares Debris.
  • The Kraits, their ties to the Tower, the alliance with the Nightmare Court and their religion.
  • The Wizard Tower
  • The Tengu and Destroyers

And more.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

This week we’re exploring the Brisban Wildlands
Meeting spot is here
Mrot Boru Waypoint [&BHUAAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Choach's Commissions

in Community Creations

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

I too would like to be added to the wait list. I don’t think I added that into my original post! :P I sent you a PM/Email about it. Thanks!

I submitted my interest for a guild picture and more.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

This week we’re doing Plains of Ashford
Meeting spot is here
Smokestead Waypoint [&BIABAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Transparency!? It was here - now its gone!

in PvP

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Call me crazy, but I do believe some info about the next update, even if it’s just “hey, we’ll give you a potato in 4 weeks” would calm down the people impatience… such is the gw2 community hunger.

While we’d love to give you a time and date of when we’re sending out the potato, remember that during the development process we may discover that a baked potato would be even better. So instead of getting the potato of your dreams you end up with something completely unexpected.

It often happens that a mashed potato with gravy is even better still, unfortunately gravy requires more dev time. So we end up shipping a mashed potato without gravy to meet our promise of ship time or we push back the time and date of when we are shipping again and again. You get your mashed potato with gravy but it is delivered much later than it was expected.

Worst of all that is when we realize that potatoes are way too mainstream and that yams are where it’s at now. And I think we all know how reactions seem to go when we ship yams instead of potatoes.

So in a lot of cases the best we can do is tell you that we are still in the kitchen cooking things up, we’re reading your feedback, and that we’re excited to get the meal out to you soon™.

Where is my poutine in all of this?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

This week we’re doing Wayfarer Foothills
Meeting spot is here
Horncall Waypoint [&BHQBAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

This week we’re doing Queensdale.
Meeting spot is here
Shaemoor Waypoint [&BO8AAAA=]

We don’t need to guest anymore, send me a whisper in-game and i’ll ferry to our map

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

My gf and I are LFG large-sized, laidback PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

We want a big guild where we will actually meet fellow guild members. I personally wouldn’t mind giving WvW a try but my girlfriend is ONLY interested in PvE. We don’t want a strict guild that forces us to exclusively participate with them and threatens to terminate our membership if we don’t want to voice chat with them. As far as voice chat goes, she isn’t a big fan but I’m willing to on occasion. I’d prefer TeamSpeak or Mumble but I guess I’d install Ventrilo if I really had to.

Our current primary characters are a Ranger and a Necro. We each also have secondary Guardian characters.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, we’re in the NA and we’d also strongly prefer the guild to be based in Sorrow’s Furnace. If our options are slim we’ll definitely consider a guild in another home world.

Hi Helifano,
My name is Edgar, leader of the Forgeman Destroyers [FORD], we’re a smallish guild on Sorrow’s Embrace of about 50 members, with around 12 active on a daily basis.

Most of us are adults with kids, so with our limited game time, we’re usually on from 9pm EST till midnight on Weekdays. We have a guild website , that’s updated on a regular basis, with access to a guild calendar for events, that is also shared with our guild alliance (2 other guilds). We have scheduled WvW every friday night, and Guild missions on Sunday night with our Allies.

The guild calendar is open to every member to post their own events. We also have a weekly lottery.

The main focus of the guild is PVE, but we do love our WvW with a side of PVP. Our voice comm is mumble, and joining us on there is probably the best way to know us and “fit” in.

I’ll send you a message in game tonight, I’m running an event , so I’ll try to reach you beforehand

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

This week we’re doing Caledon forest.

Meeting spot is here

Astorea Waypoint [&BDQBAAA=]

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Season 2 – Exploration Event
I’m going through every map with my newly created guardian, going over map exploration and Lore every week.

Week       Date               Map                   Level             
----------    ----------     ----------------------     --------------
1       2014-04-16     Metrica Province            1-15           
2       2014-04-23     Caledon Forest               1-15           
3       2014-04-30     Queensdale                    1-17           
4       2014-05-07     Wayfarer Foothills          1-15           
5       2014-05-14     Plains of Ashford            1-15           
6       2014-05-21     Brisban Wildland            15-25           
7       2014-06-04     Kessex Hills                   15-25           
8       2014-06-11     Snowden Drifts             15-25           
9       2014-06-18     Diessa Plateau             15-25           
10      2014-06-25     Gendarran Fields           25-35           
11      2014-07-02     Lornar's Pass              25-40           
12      2014-07-09     Fields of Ruins            30-40           
13      2014-07-16     Harathi Hinterlands        35-45 [canceled]
13      2014-07-23     Harathi Hinterlands        35-45           
14      2014-07-30     Dredgehaunt Cliffs         40-50           
15      2014-08-06     Blazeridge Steppes         40-50           
16      2014-08-13     Bloodtide Coast            kitten           
17      2014-08-20     Iron Marches               50-60 [canceled]
17      2014-08-27     Iron Marches               50-60           
18      2014-09-03     Timberline Falls           50-60           
19      2014-09-10     Sparkfly Fen               55-65 [canceled]
19      2014-09-17     Sparkfly Fen               55-65           
20      2014-09-24     Fireheart Rise             60-70           
21      2014-10-01     Mount Maelstrom            60-70           
22      2014-10-08     Straits of Devestation     70-75           
23      2014-10-15     Frostgorge Sound           70-80           
24      2014-10-22     Malchor's Leap             75-80           
25      2014-10-29     Cursed Shore                  80           

Meeting location: Will be in comments every week
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EDT), 12:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9pm(EDT), 1am(server time)
Server: Sorrow’s Furnace (NA)

Look for Edgar Guard, I’ll have my commander tag up.
You can join squad by typing /squadjoin Edgar Guard
All the lore will be told through squad chat.

If you don’t see me around, send me a whisper, you might be on a different map instance.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)

MegaServers and hosted events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804


Thank you very much!

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

MegaServers and hosted events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

I just recently finished hosting my weekly exploration events, after 25 weeks of running them on Sorrow’s Furnace.

People from all servers would join in every week to take part of it.

I’m planning on starting to run them again on April 16th, starting with the 1-15 zones. Will I need to do something special so I have everyone on the same map?

Like create parties in Vigil Keep, with the leader of each party being someone from my guild, so that when we get in the map of the event, the algorithm sees that those party leaders have guildies (me) in the map, and it brings them and their party over to our shard of the map?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Looking for active PvX [Sorrows Furnace]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

I’ll try to catch you in game tonight, so we can talk.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

forum topics

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Are the Actual time of last post coming in with the April 15th Last Logged in in guild menu patch?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Any release on April 1st?

in Living World

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Dolyak Express - March 28, 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Q Out of all the Feature Pack features, which one have you been working the longest on?

Q There’s a LOT of QOL features in this patch that the community have been asking since launch cough cough Last logged in cough cough . What took so long to get these thing out?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Looking for active Sorrows Furnance guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Last couple of guilds I’ve joined have become inactive or no longer have any active members. Am hoping to find one.
I have 17 80s, 12K AP and main a Guardian or Engineer.
Am mostly a PvEr and WvWer. I don’t find much enjoyment in SPvP, but Ill do it occasionally.

If you need to know more, tell me.

Hi Skoll,

My Name is Edgar, leader of Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] , we’re a small-ish(50), but active(around 10 nightly) guild on Sorrow’s Furnace. Most of us have families so we start popping up online around 9pm EST and play till around midnight on most night.

Our Focus is PVE , but we do have weekly scheduled WvW nights every week. But since the WvW Spring tournament is now on-going, we’re a lot more active in WvW now. There’s also a couple of us who do enjoy PVP from time to time.

We used Mumble for voice comm, and I would recommend getting it, it’s the best way to get to know us.

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

[Sorrows Furnace] LF PvE Guild, Group Content

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Greetings, I’m getting back into the game (80 Ele) and I’m looking for a guild that I can be useful in. I’m tired of solo grinding and I really want/need to get into group content, in order to keep my interest with Guild Wars 2 this time around.

I’m looking for a guild that has an active player base, that groups together and is looking for more to join their ranks, not just sit on the bench or be an “extra number” on their roster. I hate spamming /Map and after doing so over the course of a few hours, in search of groups, guilds and even basic “catch up” questions, with no replies, I realized this would probably be the best hope I have for finding what I’m looking for.

I’m not big on WvW, but I’m always willing to go with the flow of what’s needed around me.

Please comment here, if you think your guild is looking for new or returning players for PvE group content.

A bit of personal info:
I’m in my 30’s, I’ve been playing MMORPGs for close to15 years now. I’m casual to heavy playtime, depending on the work week and amount of group content I have access to.


Hi Z,
I’m Edgar Doiron, Leader of Forgeman Destroyers[FORD] , We’re a small-ish guild, under 50 players, but where everyone counts and we mostly know everyone by name within the first few weeks. We use Mumble for voice Comm, which makes asking questions, or just talking about anything and everything much easier.

Most of our player base are adults in their mid-twenties or older, and a lot of us do have families. We’re usually on between 9pm EST and midnight on weekdays.

The guild focuses a lot more on PVE than the rest, meaning we run dungeons, fractals, Living story, help each other out in their story instances. We do have a weekly scheduled WvW event on friday night and Guild misisons on Saturday night, with our allied guilds. There’s also a couple of us who enjoy PVP from time to time.

If it’s something that might interest you, you can apply on the guild website, and I’ll take care of adding you in guild that same night.

I hope you find the guild you’re looking for, and one that will make you want to stay in the game for a long time

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

At this rate Anet might delete PvP......

in PvP

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Typically, there is a somewhat useful Blog Post before a huge change is rolled out, and the playerbase is free to discuss how that will affect the game for them! An example is the mention that ranks are intended to be removed when the new PvP progression system rolls out. This was super useful to mention – and the feedback given made this decision pull a complete 180’.

Currently, with this (hopefully) imminent PvP progression overhaul, things are locked up SO tight behind closed doors. I can only imagine one outcome, really.

We’ll have a lot to talk about, so be sure to catch the Ready Up this Friday.

Less talk, more action. Justin, when the patch rolls out, you get on your Mesmer and I will get on my lolwarrior and meet me on a 1v1 server. Then we will see how well this game was balanced over the past 5 months.


A good shatter mesmer should beat a good warrior in a 1v1 arena. :/

I’m not a good shatter mesmer!

Alas, the gauntlet has been thrown, honor demands I rise to the challenge.

Can we have this 1v1 broadcasted during Friday’s ready up?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

LF Guild to Break Tedium

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

are you looking for a US or EU guild?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Proposal Overview
Changing the way we score in WvW, following the scoring method in EOTM

Goal of Proposal
Lack of scoring diversity, and not much incentive on defending a point

Proposal Functionality
In EOTM we get an amount of points for flipping an objective, and there’s no objective upgrades like WVW.

Here’s what I propose:
Objectives will automatically upgrade the longer you have them (you can make it as a cap point, the size of the objective, so that people needs to be inside to make the progress go up). Objectives keep their current upgrade system, and the upgrades are automatically done in a way that most player upgrade said objectives.

The more upgraded an objective is, the more ppt it generates. Also, the more points it gives to the enemy who flips it.

Associated Risks
Camping the objective for “event” farming

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Looking for a guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

What server are you on?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Thanks for all the Dialogue

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

The Fancy Cat Competition stuff is one of many bits that didn’t get used. The performances from Yuri Lowenthal, Kirk Thornton, Kari Wahlgren, Sam Riegel were spot on. Maybe we’ll get to it one day….

Well, it’s a yearly cat competition, no? That’s coming up soon-ish

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Would it make Stonemist feel too difficult to capture if the assaulting team had to capture and hold 3 capture points? Here are some of the problems I see with it.

1) It would encourage everyone defending to just blob up on one point and hold out as a group.

What if you only needed to own 2 out of the 3 spots (like the Ruins where we own 3 out of the 5)

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

MAP Exploration Wed 9pmEST/6pm Server[SF/NA]

in In-game Events

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

For a couple of months now, My friend and I have been adding lore/story of the area we’re exploring during these event. People seem to enjoy it, so if it’s something that interest you, and you already have completion, you’re welcome to join us too.

I’ve been hosting Map completion every Wednesday at 9PM EST on Sorrow’s Furnace (NA).

Tonight we’re doing Mount Maelstrom

I will do all the POI, Waypoints, Vista, Skill points. I will be skipping Hearts, it adds too much to the lenght it takes to clear the map. We usually do events near Hearts though, to give you a boost for their completion.

Meeting location: [&BI8DAAA=] Peeta’s Waypoint (Hoelbrak)
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EST), 5:55pm (Server time)
Event Start: 9pm(EST), 6pm(server time)

Look for Edgar Doiron, i’ll have my commander tag up. You can type /squadjoin Edgar Doiron to join my squad, that’s where we usually talk about the story and lore.

I also have a mumble server (1.2.4/1.2.5), so if you have mumble and want to join us in voice chat, I’ll give that info before we start.

My Reddit post for the rest of the schedule

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Proposal Overview
Eliminate ‘server vs server vs server’ and replace it with Green vs Blue vs Red, the same way EOTM works.

Goal of Proposal
Standardize coverage overall, allowing lower-tier and higher-tier servers to enjoy WvW combat, but on the borderlands as opposed to EOTM. Make WvW less about coverage winning overall, and more about teamwork and skill. At this point, I don’t see a way out of the constant arms race at the top as long as coverage determines a win. Making it not matter at all would help, at least in my opinion.

Proposal Functionality
Well, that’s just the thing. I don’t know how to get around the problem where EOTM is all overflows so can just reproduce itself infinitely to get everyone to play. This would essentially mean that all borderlands maps would have to act the same way — as an overflow with no ‘main’ instance. As a bonus, this would eliminate queue times. You would, as a player, just select green/blue/red/EB as an option, and go play.

Associated Risks
Eliminates the community feeling of fighting for your server. Also, I’m not sure this is a risk, but it sort of really devalues the upgrading of keeps/towers. Perhaps those could act the same as EOTM in that you’d only ever be able to use your home garrison WP — if you had it — and spawn, and could never put your own waypoint on Hills/Bay/EB keeps, unless that was your spawn side.

I like this. I’ve been enjoying the feeling of “fuller” maps in EOTM, being in a Lower Tier server, once the point gap gets two huge, the other teams quit, making wvw boring except on reset weekend.

in EOTM, the match is always fresh

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

LA NPC M.I.A. List

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Wasn’t there a grawl camp too where the refugees used to be?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

3 experienced players in sf

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Hi Andrew,

I’m Edgar Doiron, Leader of Forgeman Destroyers [FORD]

Our guild is based on the Sorrow’s Furnace server, we’re around 50 players in guild with about 10-15 active on primetime pretty much every night.

Most of us are in the EST timezone, and we’re mostly all online at around 9PM. We’re mainly focused on PVE, living story, Dungeons, Fractals.

We’re part of a bigger alliance of 3 guilds, which we do guild missions weekly (on Saturday night) and scheduled WvW/EOTM on Friday.

We use Mumble for our Voice Comm, and I would really recommend joining us on it. That’s the best way to “fit in”.

Our guild website is linked above and in my signature. Hope to see you in game tonight.

~Edgar Doiron

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Heal-o-tron is great!

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Where is he now?

He’s at the camp in Gendarran Fields, with the medics.
If you wait around a bit, Seraph soldiers come looking for him, which then Heal-o-tron runs away inside the keep, to Evon, which he has a pretty good discussion with him.

Check it out, it’s worth it

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Is there any lore in this patch?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Lornar’s Pass Camp

  • Marjory and Kasmeer idle chatter + dialog when you speak to them
  • The Priory are talking near Marjory and Kasmeer, after a bit of idle chatter, one walks away, you can follow her for more story.
  • Almost everyone in camp has dialog when you talk to them, but don’t really say much, just that LA is lost.

Vigil Keep camp

  • Taimi walks around camp looking for someone who saw Scarlet
  • Bloomanoo and Peneloope are standing there, they have idle chatter and when you talk to them, they talk about there seems to be no safe place for Quaggans in Tyria.
  • Heal-o-tron is aiding in the medic tent. Seraph come to look for him, he runs away to the Vigil Keep, goes to Evon to order some defensive armor.
  • There’s the little army/group on the road, I know they have idle chatter, but I missed it
  • Evon gets deputize from an Asura working with Ellen Kiel

BloodTide Coast camp

  • This one felt pretty empty, not much going on here that I could see
Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Looking for a PvE Guild thats active

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

which server are you in?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Dev livestream: Ready Up: Feb 14 @ 2pm – Scrims & more!

in PvP

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

Do I smell a PVP weekend?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

Dolyak Express Feb 10, 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

You already have the personality system built into the game, with 10 different personalities available.

We can see the impact of those in a few dialogues already, but are you planning of making a bigger use of it?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace

New Player looking for casual guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Edgar Doiron.2804

Edgar Doiron.2804

What server are you on?

Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] – Sorrows furnace