Showing Posts For Elementdot.6081:

Massive Warrior NERF!!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Forceful Greatsword should increase the damage about 75%!! [dunno the exact number, it’s a sarcastic hyperbole (in which…that should do the job..)]
atleast in pve (fractals and raid) the pPS is a joke right now. The changes don’t make any kind of sence.
look at qt benchmark, pPS isn’t even listed right now

The latest balance patch actually buffed Condi Berserker, so much so that the Phalanx Strength variant is equal to Condi Ranger in DPS and the DPS variant is top tier DPS.

cPS is.. I can’t describe it. I am studying philosphy, all my live I am asking myself about the intentions and arguments for peoples decisions. I just can’t understand what was going on in the head from the responsible balance team developers, I just can’t

oh guys, I would love to write you a wall of text what I am feeling and thinking. And I would argue in a civilized, logical and constructive way against anets decision to nerf pPS in pve, but my english is so bad, it would take hours…

Don’t worry, I’m also on the same boat as well as some others I believe. I’m still waiting for the KEY anet employee who was responsible for the power berserker war nerf to give us a viable clear reason, as the one on the patch notes goes against their reasoning. (Aka doesn’t make any sense)

Atm, stick with core warrior for power builds. I, myself have taken other player’s idea of dual wield axe combined with qT’s mace/shield strategy for break bars, and using peak strength’s trait and bull rush for increase efficiency on breaking cc bar.

Don’t get me wrong… I still miss berserker warrior… i’m currently contemplating to switching over to a condi-war, but I need to see what spellbreaker can do and after it launch… i’m sure that same anet employee will do “balance” to it.

Massive Warrior NERF!!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I can’t believe this is still going and anet hasn’t replied or give their dam reason. Because most of us here aren’t kittening satisfied with their current reasoning behind the nerf. It’s like saying they want to make trains go faster, but instead of expanding the limiter or durability of the rails to support speed and/or the aerodynamics of the train, you nerf the acceleration of the train. You go backwards with no clear good reason except saying that you want to make train go faster.

This isn’t about core warrior so people needs to stop bringing that up. This thread is just about the unnecessary nerf to primal burst being level 1 to berserker’s power and no way to sustain a 3 stacks without alacrity and even then the window for the 3 stacks is too dam small. Core warrior has always been there, and only mentioned because that’s what power warriors can only go for if they want to deal as much damage as possible.

For pve, i mainly open world or fractals, i will never touch raids because i’m too lazy to find a good raid team and commit time but that’s besides the point. I never ran a defense trait line and I relied on my ability to dodge key attacks and the healing signet to sustain while having the kill before you are killed mindset. Because of this, only a few content in open worlds are difficult for me because i can only have so many blocks and so many condi removals. Now the unreasonable nerf to berserker’s primal burst to level 1, I can’t do that anymore. I literally have to ‘almost’ or berserk twice to do something i normally would with going in one berserk mode. Because they nerfed the power damage to high heaven and gave nothing back in return.
Open world I ran str-discipline-berserker, I traded slow movement speed and a bunch of other adrenaline gains and small bleeds/some vulnerable stacks for faster movement speed and fast hands. Go slower, deal more damage, go faster deal less damage but more fluid gameplay.

In wvw I always stuck to core warrior using str-def-discipline. I can see berserker traitline being used. Again I would trade discipline for berserker trait if I opted to go with berserker, but I do not. I mostly play within the zerg. I still use as much sustains as I can but most of the sustains are given by rev’s resistance and guardian’s stabs. Running a PVT armor set as well with berserker’s stat accessories/rings/ammy. It’s not the meta build but all I plan to do for my zerg is to stun and other CCs in the frontline. So that’s where the need for defense comes in.

That’s where I stand as a warrior main. All my gear is either assassin’s or berserker’s in open world. I run as glassy as possible to maintain that mindset. However like I’ve said in my previous post, I had to switch to core warrior just to keep that mindset going. I miss using headbutt to instantly go into berserk. I miss arc divider so bad because its mainly my finisher move. But the amonut of damage I do using berserk’s arc divider and had to “ramp up” … I feels like I have a 24/7 weakness debuff and it always proccs glancing.

TL;DR Most of us just want anet’s clear explanation, not this stupid quiet they’ve been pulling for warriors. They gave a reasonable explanation for the arc divider (at least more reasonable than this primal burst nerf)
And stop comparing core warriors and berserker warriors. Core warrior has its place but this is ONLY about the changes to primal burst. because that kitten is nerfing our “amount” of adrenaline skills badly when I think its not suppose to.

1st primal burst entering Berserk should..

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


It’s most likely coming from someone who barely played warrior and complained that getting to level 3 is too difficult and there’s no point to using it at level 1 or 2.

Then it makes no sense to nerf those as well because it didn’t feel good before the nerf. Because nerfing makes everything feels good.

Warrior Primal Burst are now Useless

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Yea otherwise I do not see a reason why power berserker is nerfed when they already are barely decent at burst. The level 1 burst changes is too significant of a cost and nothing else to compensate the amount lost.

:| sigh … how to move away from the greatsword meta, you make it bad.

Massive Warrior NERF!!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Is this a joke? Warrior was bottom tier in pvp already, now you can go kill moas with it.

maybe there were a lot of “good” warriors beating up on really bad players and plenty of them complained to anet.

Massive Warrior NERF!!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Yeah warrior is pretty dead now. Primal strikes where almost impossible to land with the cast times and now you only get 1 stack per burst. no point in playing berserker war anymore.

Yea I’m thinking of investing some cash to switch over to a condi warrior. They didn’t change much to it instead encourages condi-type warriors.

Sigh… I’m gonna wait unti lthe PoF expansion then commit. I just need a look at the spellbreaker traits before committing.

Massive Warrior NERF!!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I dunno what anet is doing to the warrior berserker trait… now we can’t reach 3 stacks of berserker’s power without alacrity if using only primal bursts.

That skill isn’t going to be on the spellbreaker warrior… why make it more “inline” with the warrior changes? I have no freaken idea.

“We’ve updated this trait to better scale with the amount of adrenaline you use so that warriors can feel good about using lower-level bursts consecutively rather than always waiting for the level 3. "

Fix the dam tool tip for primal burst anet… it still says 3 berserker’s power stacks but it generates one! >:

(edited by Elementdot.6081)

just Soooo Slow (ruins the gameplay)

in Warrior

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I’m also upset with this “balance” patch too… I feel like the person or people who played in pvp didn’t bother considering OR assumed that this nerf wouldn’t affect pve all to well, when it did. GS and headbutt does feel like a laggy gameplay xD … It’s quite hilarious in a sense that it probably wasn’t made for that kind of “cast”.

On a brighter note… axe is kinda “fast” … in terms of harsh damage output. Though I doubt its useful for anything other than spinning in an aoe field with the trait powerful synergy, I suppose someone can do math on the output. Axes still get buffed … If only dual strike had a slightly more range because I tend to use it prematurely when engaging xD

They really need to get most of these pve and pvp stuff in separate bins. Or they are trying REALLY hard to make warriors to not use berserker spec and consider using the newest upcoming spec on the next expansion. (probably favoring axes and w/e weapon we dual wield it with hint hint)

[NA] LF Dungeon-only guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I had a dungeon guild but they’re barren now, I suppose they are bored with the dungeons. If they still run, I guess they don’t recognized me anymore and try to stick with their more trusted/“I’ve dungeon with this person more than I could count” type.

I can run meta but I don’t run full zerkers gear. I have geared myself catering to my playstyle but it will always derive from DnT’s builds. So you can bet your kitten is as good as a zerker gets. Just bit more survivability. I can’t dps if I’m dead. And I don’t trust pugs to dps before one of us dies.

Ran many dungeons but still do not have my dungeon master title. Lazy to find a group for Arah.
I usually do AC P1-3/CM p1-3 (if there’s a thief in the party)/TA Up and forward/SoE P1 and 3/Cof p1-2/HoW P1 and sometimes p2/CoE P1-3. Daily.

Dungeon guild that does NOT require repping (Will rep if running in dungeon together with FULL of guild member if needed)
Doesn’t have world-based requirements (yes there are guilds that’s biased like that)
No other outer PvE such as must do Tequatl every Thursday with guild. Yea… no.
A guild that was established for dungeon-only.
Most of all… not super elite speed run mode because our lives depends on a few seconds to 3 minutes.

I can dps and I’ve been with elite parties before, but I just want to do dungeons with a bit more casual and more experience group without trying to pug with strangers that really doesn’t know what they hell they’re doing.
(No I cannot join DnT because I do not have dungeon master title nor am I up to always meet their expectations)

(edited by Elementdot.6081)

Do people really get kicked for their builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Hmm.. I sometimes kick people out of dungeon. Most of it is at the beginning like many people here posts, when they join and not meet requirements like they would assume you carry. And then there are the bads that does nothing but spam 1 and “contribute”.

When you have played most, if not many classes by now… learned their builds and playstyle, learn what abilities they have, and understand their meta builds require what skills and what skills work in what way for that meta… you can tell so much so fast when the first boss fights come.
Say all aren’t zerkers, one is a warrior, one is a guardian, one is a engie, one is a necro, and one is a mesmer. Warrior is a zerker and mesmer is a zerker and guardian is a zerker. Necro and engie is a random wtf builds they came up with. Everyone has experience with dungeon. Everything should go smoothly. If players are stacking and getting hit with condi and range. Necro should have wells to remove them, mesmer or guardian should have reflect for incoming range. Boss should melt at a decent rate. Adds should melt at a decent rate. Nobody should be down or dead. Guardian/engie dropping utility when needed… warrior dropping banner for anyone That’s a good party all around.

Now if any of them were inexperience with their class… engie would spam flamethrower because that player thinks hitting fast amount = high dmg. Utility is not used, forget function key skills… Same with guardian who uses just staff, thinks spam 1 is nice and occasionally empower. No greatsword for retaliation or some dmg. No utility from function key skills. … Can say more about mesmer/warrior/necro but losing and derailing topic…

I haven’t been playing guild wars 2 but just recently came back when the specialization patch came out. I can tell you, I was an elitists too but not the ones like the well-known guys who has a rep for speed-clears. Just going to kick people for lack of AP/zerker gears. Then once dungeon gets started and I noticed dps is severely slow for a “zerker” team, I look at the way people play and confronted them or just kick them. (Usually have friends in party for party control)

But now, I’m fairly meh… I don’t care for the low amount of AP because a lot of players lately have been playing very well with low AP. Gear wise, I don’t give two kittens about it now as long as everyone just do what they do. But I still kick or attempt to kick if the player lacks dungeon knowledge and try to “sneak in” as someone who does. I REALLY REALLY hate players who do not tell the party that they are new. I WILL GLADLY TELL THEM HOW TO PLAY. But if you’re new but lack basics… nope.

TL:DR I kick people who doesn’t know their basic mechanics of their class. kitten those players and they deserve a kick. Spam 1 for your friends but not for people who wants to get by the dungeon as timely as possible. (No not the speed-clear way)

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


228 for me please
IGN: Element Tormenta

If you could add one elite to each class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Played as elementalist on gw1. What elite skill I missed so much is the skill, Searing Flames.
I was hoping Guild Wars 2 would bring this skill over… but they didn’t. That skill, I love spamming it, or burn the target first then use it for that direct damage.

Content, specifically dragons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Honestly they really need to focus on the actual game instead of expansions. They have a huge load to do and they should really lay off of doing new content/maps every month.

PvP is no where near where it should be. Patch comes and theres a large increase and players, then it just falls off.

Class balancing. The amount of certain classes really makes for boring gameplay. WvW has little to no engineers and necromanceres. sPvP has a ton of Mesmers/thiefs (though the other classes are a lot more prevalent than in WvW).

Improving zones. Southsun Cove is still empty though its a really cool zone, this can be said for a good portion of the zones in game.

WvW- More rewards for doing support objectives (escorting doyaks, defense, etc) and rewards for actually winning. This is supposed to be a fight to the death between three servers, but it doesn’t feel like the servers are fighting at all. I still feel like I’m just in a less complex/fun AB that never ends and doesn’t give me any rewards for the outcome.

Love to see some more guild support. GvG and Guildhalls were two huge aspects. Capes should also be added back. People actually wore those, the backpacks are as rare as seeing an engineer in WvW.

More Guild mission types. Love to see more of this. I was really expecting Guild missions to last…longer in terms of the length I can play them and be rewarded with them in a week. Now we do them mostly on the weekends and the Bounties have mostly proved to be quite boring except for a few fights

Wouldn’t mind seeing a rework of the Orr environment. It doesn’t feel like this place was once a very powerful civilization. I see a few spotted ruins, a ton of rocks and mountains and risen with the occasional random huge stone circle (or part of).

I think the hardest thing will be balancing the classes in all aspects, including PvE, WvW, and PvP. With no holy trinity Anet is going to have a very hard work load ahead of them.

Hmmm… yea those issues needs to be fixed first I guess. I just want more things to do because I am simply bored out of my mind. I remember playing Guild Wars 1’s story over and over again with several different character because of lore. Eventually understood many things about Abbadon (Nightfall was the first campaign I’ve played), Shiro and what’s his face for the last boss in Proph, and how they were related to the events of Abbadon, it was flawless and enjoyable, like I was reading a book. Then EotN, Gwen… just awesome.

I’m hoping Guild Wars 2 will be like this in the future, say a couple of years. Lore-ful and contents like living story playing a big part in expansions like Nightfall did for Guild Wars.
Dragons, I want more word on them so I feel like we aren’t just ignoring them. Fighting the Elder’s lieutenants is fun and all but I feel like they are ignoring us and allow us to, I don’t know, fight amongst ourselves? Fighting Flame Legions, Nightmares, Centaurs, Inquest, Dredges?

For the balancing, Anet was suppose to add separate skill, one for pvp and one for pve so it wouldn’t affect balance as much. Not sure why they haven’t when they mentioned they will if the changes were drastic. I guess changes weren’t so drastic… not yet.

Content, specifically dragons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I’m wondering when Anet will start adding content that further progress the story of Guild Wars 2’s dragons. I’m anxious to fight the other dragons and since there has been no other words about the dragons and their events I feel like ANET is avoiding those content.
Is Anet waiting for the next expansion to be ready before building up to that specific content? I mean, I still don’t know how the Living Story content is a step forward to the game, other than adding more things to do. Of course Living Story content atm is still a tease…

Yea… I’m not patient at all lol.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


This is where some of my fears of dungeon-ing with pugs come in. No defense and no punishment for those who did it that way. Only defense you got is to party up with players you recognize or be the instance owner.
Would be super funny if they kick themselves out and you to be surprised everyone suddenly disappear :P

ANET really needs to find a way to prevent it or something. I can’t think of a simpler method for this issue other than to revise the party/dungeon system completely. Since there are some players doing these “exploit”, (letting another player take the victim’s reward, its an exploit) anet should just reinforce the rules and punish them. 3 days – 1 week of temp ban? Perma-ban if continuously doing it after 5+ temp-bans?

Arah Vet here to help you with Arah runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I’ve been trying to look a group for Arah dungeon but only seen many elitists. I hate elitist, but I’m probably a hypocrite. I’ve done CoF and AC and you could probably say I’m an elitist, but only hate players who can’t dodge for crap or can’t spec for anything (using the wrong weapon in the wrong time/spec) and those who are blind when there’s a downed party member(s) next to them.

But again, I’m not one to say for Arah. I don’t know what I’m up against, only the rumors of this dungeon being hard/time consuming/brings out the rage of a player. I’d like to do it, get some armor pieces from Arah. If anyone is willing to help a player out, I’d love that.

Obal, I’m in the process of getting exotic accessories, I’ve only got 3 that aren’t exotic. I’m a poor player as I don’t farm for gold. I do plan on gearing out my warrior. :/

Share Your Arah Love Here!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I wished I could do some Arah exploration. But so far, I’ve only seen, not met, seen elitist/“experienced” players in Arah. They don’t like when they got newbies. I’ll be honest, I’m kind of an elitist myself for CoF and AC but not much, just when they don’t dodge when needed and when they aggro something we are trying to avoid. In other words rage.
Regardless, I don’t have anything to say about Arah because I’ve never done it. Played since launch and never touched Arah exploration even with all previous “speed-runs” and skip to final boss runs with no DR.
I’ve been looking for a well-mannered group to do Arah with, to teach players who’s new to Arah exploration. Tough luck going on though and it seems like you guys are enjoying it… like really enjoying it… care to assist and show me what you see in Arah exploration?

TL;DR Show me why Arah makes you all warm and fuzzy.

Add me in game and the next time that we get a group together I’ll invite you! We do not exploit and we skip only a bare minimum of trash mobs. You are welcome to come and find out first hand what all the hype is about!

I could tear up just reading this. I just need enough tokens for some Arah pieces
Thx in advance.

Share Your Arah Love Here!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I wished I could do some Arah exploration. But so far, I’ve only seen, not met, seen elitist/“experienced” players in Arah. They don’t like when they got newbies. I’ll be honest, I’m kind of an elitist myself for CoF and AC but not much, just when they don’t dodge when needed and when they aggro something we are trying to avoid. In other words rage.
Regardless, I don’t have anything to say about Arah because I’ve never done it. Played since launch and never touched Arah exploration even with all previous “speed-runs” and skip to final boss runs with no DR.
I’ve been looking for a well-mannered group to do Arah with, to teach players who’s new to Arah exploration. Tough luck going on though and it seems like you guys are enjoying it… like really enjoying it… care to assist and show me what you see in Arah exploration?

TL;DR Show me why Arah makes you all warm and fuzzy.

Missing GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


The only thing I wish that they got from GW1 when GW2 just launch is the title progression system. I know they are now achievements in GW2 but these achievement points are kind of worthless. I want titles that bare meaning, that you’ve achieved something.
Vanq all campaign maps. Completed all campaigns on HM + bonuses. ETC ETC. (I really hope they have something for HM on GW2 lol)
They all give titles and it showed other players that you did it. GW2, I only have the halloween title and few HoM titles. Dungeon titles i’m planning to get, but what’s next?
I hope the GW2 expansions will somehow expand the end-game. GW1 end-game grew ten-fold with HM and the special dungeons like mallyx.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Title. It happened 2 days ago when I entered blackgate’s keep’s JP portal, the screen just load and load. Knew there was something wrong because map rarely loads for over 10 seconds unless it was a first time loading that map or WvW kicks everyone out. I left it alone and went to youtube to pass the time. After a 2 minutes video, went back and the loading screen is still loading. ALT-F4 and went back in, was fine so I thought it was just a coincidence

Today, it happened again, this time in Fort Aspenwood’s portal. Infinite loading screen, did the same thing, waited 2 minutes nothing changed.
This is really annoying especially with WvW’s queue time.

YES the circle thing in the loading screen was still in-motion, so the game DID NOT freeze. Just letting Anet know about this, if this issue have not been reported.

Please Don't Be Ridiculous

in Guardian

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I love how Guild Wars 2 is pretty much the only MMO that doesn’t allow you to reorder your skill bars completely, (even its predecessor allowed this), changes everything your muscle memory knew about playing the class with a particular (some would vouch for the most effective) weapon for a class…

… and the fanboys and interweb “hardcores” come out of the woodwork and tell you to get over it.

This was a bad business execution. Sure we could adapt, but for how long? Do we have to relearn every time they nerf us? (which for this class is every single patch, trending.)

It’s already built in to be able to drop skills where you want (as with utility slots) why can we NOT have that flexibility with our weapon skills? Please answer me that mr. fanboy. I’m a developer, this is not a hard thing to implement. Why would it be making an exception in “their” coding? We can rebind the keys anyways, our client UI setup has almost nothing to do with how it’s interpreted on the server side.

Get over your own ego and start playing like a paying customer, like the rest of us who are disappointed.

Well said. TBH, if anyone is really tired of people QQ-ing, just don’t bother posting. We do it to ask ANET for changes. We do it because ANET wants a satisfied community. If we all stop whining and let ANET do their thing, how will ANET know if something has gone wrong or something went too far?
ANET encourages feedback, we deliver.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I also agree that retaliation lasted a long time with ways to increase boon duration and it felt like the symbol spell was too spammy if one also considers the trait to decrease the cooldown of 2-handed weapons.

Hammer drops a symbol every 4 seconds. That isn’t too spammy at all? Boon duration increase barely affect that 1 second of retaliation. 30% of boon duration? 1.3 seconds.

Ahh well, I am still anxiously waiting for Anet’s response. This patch that just appeared to screw something up, especially the skill order kind of made the impression that Anet is jumping to conclusions rather than work something out. Feels like Guild Wars 1 all over again… >_<

Feedback: Guardian Greatsword change, 10/7

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


After the patch, I could barely play the way I was playing in WvW. I mean, I jump in, pull them in, drop symbol of wrath, then spin to win. I can do it every 10 seconds (without the 5 skill key*) Pretty fun, but MANY MANY players escape, like guardians have any viable skill to chase down someone. Leap? LEAP*, “oh we are both running at the same speed.” Judge’s Intervention*, yes few hits on him, OMG he’s running away again, can’t hit him anymore… CD on leap ends*, LEAP*… and repeat the greatsword swing.
TLDR: I don’t feel OP, I don’t feel like there’s something where when I see a guardian, I know I’m going to die. I don’t see any of that. It’s not like a stupid thief, runs up to us, dagger storm a group of us, down 1-3 of us, and stealth to execute them. Or the warrior where they bull-rush and then hundred blades us to pieces. Where in our greatsword build caused us to go nuts like that and guarantee us a kill when we do something like that? Retaliation should’ve just stayed as a utility, not in any of the greatsword skill.

Don’t get me started in PvE with this changes too. Multi-hits? Walks around in Orr, crap there’s 4 risen behind me already… Another story for another time.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Well, these changes will have to get use to. I’m not sure how I would fair with the greatsword now. We still down pretty fast against a well-built thief, we still get kited against a well-played ranger, we kinda were even with the warriors. With this, its tough to say now.
Surely it’s nothing, just a larger cooldown.

The key changes though, was really uncalled for.

World First Solo Explorable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Wow, some people explore every way possible to get to the end regardless of how they do it.
It’s a creative run, ill give you that. :P

Skritts or Grawl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


Just wondering… which of the two are the stupidest? Grawl or the Skritts? Why?

Just something fun to discuss with the community.

Halloween Update Anticipation [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I forgot.. costumes events.
I hope they bring back Mad King… or maybe The Dark One… OH OR DHUUM.

NSFW bug? Naked female bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


I spotted someone exactly like that in Lion’s Arch Blackgate server. I used the /bug command. Though Guild Wars 2 is aimed towards a teenage audience, it doesn’t show those kind of nude-ish model, even though.. Jeez I don’t know how society determine what’s nude and what isn’t.

Still the players who does it know they are doing it and ANET should address this issue, in my opinion*. Punish? I’m somewhat.. : |
just the “Really?!” thing.