Showing Posts For ElexOrieN.2130:
Were we lied to about this?
“ArenaNet devs actually telling the truth” do you actually believe that?!
Does ANet even actually care?
ArenaNet only cares about you buying lots of gems with real money.
Your critizism/whining is “Why are you killing players in a pvp zone QQ”
Just know what you are defending before calling others noob or QQer.
It’s WvW not PvP big difference kiddo
The devs believe that the water attunement heals are our “defense mechanism” and that elementalist needs nothing more. We also have invulnerability skills [obsidian flesh, mist form, arcane shield) with high cooldowns who aren’t as effective as a Mesmer’s clones or a Thief’s stealth or a Warrior’s high armor & HP.
Devs don’t care about elementalist and think that everything about the ele is fine and dandy. Also their “hurr durr l2p issue” fanboys are here everywhere giving them back up.
Devs playing elementalist? I highly doubt that. The devs play warrior, mesmer and necro but no ele. And even if they try to “play” it they make mistakes because they can’t understand the class they themselves have created. A dev once admitted in an interview that nobody at arenanet knows how to play the elementalist.
Who said anything about things having to be “possible”?
Wow 10 year old fail troll is fail
I am sure there will be blobs in OS for 9 weeks straight working in shifts to prevent you from getting the reward.
I got the archievment today after 10 hours of fighting against camping thiefs, mesmers and necros. Even now trolls like you are camping the JP’s.
The guy that wants to do all the achievements the first day of season 2
Why not do them on the first day? I have other stuff do to besides this tournament. I wanna get the archievments as fast as possible so i can focus on more important/fun stuff.
cries in a forum
The only one crying here is you. “Muh WvW. Muh badges Muh PvP.” Cry me a river.
So the QQ begins
Critizism is not QQ you are a QQ “muh Wvw”
Precisely what I thought when I saw that title.
Can you even think? I highly doubt that.
Wonder how shiny elex is! Pve noobs love to QQ!
Cry some more! “Muh WvW. Muh badges. Muh PvP” You are a QQ noob
Achievement whiners need to suck it up. This is WvW, sometimes people want to kill you, PvE is that way if you can’t deal with that —-—>
You can’t deal with critizism. “Muh WvW leave muh WvW alone! Or else i’m gonna cry!” QQ some more.
Title says it all.
Vizunah Square and Seafarer’s Rest are camping inside the Obsidian Sanctum with insane huge zergs making it impossible to get the WvW Season 2 archievment.
Now can a dev please explain to me how the kitten i’m suppossed to get through there?!
Also entering any of the other WvW maps is now impossible too due ridicilous Queue’s.
Why does ArenaNet never think these things through?
Don’t know if anyone has already posted this issue but, the skin on the gloves and boots of light cultural T1 and T3 Sylvari armor always mess up as soon as my Sylavri elementalist get’s into the water. I can’t confirm if this also happens to T2 Sylavri light cultural armor or medium and/or heavy Sylvari cultural armor. I used celestial dye to make it better visible and made some screenshots that can be found here :
I wouldn’t mind this happening to any other armor, but to an armor set that costs 119 gold it’s a disgrace and i hope ArenaNet fixes this quickly.
Can I do the Battle on my server please?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ElexOrieN.2130
The overflows I’m getting thrown into are always spammed in German.
I don’t know why.
I’m german and i always end up in overflows with french and spanish players where no one speaks at least english and i don’t understand a single word.
Can I do the Battle on my server please?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ElexOrieN.2130
Seriously. I chose a server when I started playing the game and I expect to play on that server. I’m sick of getting stuck in an overflow with a bunch of people who just don’t give a kitten .
I second that.
Can’t stand this overflow system anymore. it’s just crap. sorry Anet, but it’s just that.
Agreed. I’ve missed alot of archievements because being stuck in overflow all the time or as i like to call it “Overfail”. It’s almost like people in overflows let events fail on purpose so others can’t complete the metas. It’s not good if my success as a player is dependent on others.
I already contacted ArenaNet’s customer “support” and they refused to restore my characters because “we have no indication your account was hacked” excuse. A transmutationsplitter should be able to split everything no matter from bank/inventory and no matter to who it is soulbound if not it’s an item without a purpose and a waste of gems.
I have the Holographic Shattererwings from the Dragon Bash Festival transmutated on to a backpiece that is soulbound to a character that was deleted when my account got hacked. A Transmutationcrystal and/or Transmutationsplitter can’t undo the soulbound because i can’t even remove the backpiece from my bank. I can only preview it or destroy it, but i don’t wanna lose the shattererwings skin. I think the Transmutationsplitter is a big failure in this issue.
We will become “good” when the perma aggro issue the elementalist has is fixed.
Ele’s damage is the highest in the game, the HP and armour are low which wouldn’t be much of a problem if not every mob decided to attack the ele’s only. Fix the aggro issue make mobs/bosses focus on the other classes more and i’m not complaining anymore.
If they fixed the kittened aggro system it wouldn’t be that much of a deal since if you use staff, you can stay at 1200 range. But the way it is now is totally ridiculous, my ele gets focused by almost every aimed attack from bosses, doesn’t matter if it’s open world fights or dungeons.
That’s exactly what i was trying to tell everyone, but these ignorant ele fanboys just don’t want to understand. Ele IS an aggro magnet, but these liars will always say hurr durr “l2p issue git gud”. Ele draws insane aggro whether these liars like it or not. Anet should make Warriors & Guardians draw all the aggro, but no! Mobs/bosses go straight for the ele.
And PLEASE don’t listen to these fanboys here in this forum, you are NOT a bad player, it’s NOT a learn to play issue on your part, it’s a badly broken bugged aggro mechanic that picks the weakest (ele) as the main target.
In cof, when I run it with my s/f build and lightning hammer, bosses focus the kitten out of me while there are 3 warriors standing next to them being ignored. The elementalist is already the weakest class and in addition to that, it’s the primary target for mobs. I could live with that if my damage was by far the highest in the game, but as we all know the best you can achieve is to be at the same level with the warrior class.
Just play something else. I’m leveling a Mesmer right now, and it’s much more fun to play than the elementalist because the Mesmer NEVER get’s focused. Make yourself a Warrior, Guardian or Mesmer and enjoy playing GW2 without the aggro issue that elementalist has at the moment.
Rarely do you quit a game that you really like because the guys responsible for the balance do such a poor job, but I’m getting closer and closer to leaving GW2 because of that particular reason.
Don’t leave GW2! It’s fun if you don’t play an elementalist. As already mentioned try rolling a different class and things will be much better. And don’t listen to the fanboys here trying to tell you that “it’s all your fault”. This “l2p issue” is their excuse for everything, they refuse to acknowledge facts and lie like there’s no tomorrow.
Okay, it’s just l2p issues on the part of OP, who continues to just really want to get annoyed at people for not hating on their class.
L2p has nothing to do with broken game mechanics. Typical ele fanboy ignoring facts.
If you’re struggling in dungeons, you’re not playing builds right or you’re not stacking well, so it’s l2p.
Spiderqueen and Kohler kill ele’s when they stack because don’t have the health or armor to survive stacking. Once again you completely missed the topic.
If you’re struggling in open-world PvE events, or zerg-tastic content like LA right now, you’re either: running builds that are far too glassy for the content; not fighting at an appropriate range; or not backing off when you should and are just trying to facetank. Also l2p.
Vitality and toughness don’t help. I sad that many times before but you don’t listen.
dungeons: stacking. If you run away from the stack and pull all the aggro, it’s your fault if you die and it’s your fault if your group kicks you for messing things up. For certain foes, mostly bosses, their aggro isn’t really understood and they may pick folks at random or due to dps ability or due to vit or toughness. Do you know what else your group is running and exactly how the boss decides who to attack?
Spiderqueen and Kohler down/kill me because i stack with others. Ele does not have the health and armor that is needed to survive stacking. Seriously everyone of your posts is worthless, all you do is post random stuff that has nothing to do with topic. Get yourself a working brain and stop trolling kid.
Then how do you know that they really are focusing you? Like I said, there will be lots of players in there. You can’t really know if monsters really are focusing you or you were just having a bad RNG day or you have l2p positioning issues. It’s not like you are the only single person who downs in the event, is it?
I can see when lots of trash mobs are chasing after me ignoring the warriors etc. standing much closer to the mobs than me. The mobs run past other classes even when those other classes are attacking those mobs. Warriors can spam hundred blades on an elite molten dredge without being attacked by that dredge, instead that dredge goes right after me if i just hit him with a fireball at 1200 range. That how every mob in this game reacts, they always go for the elementalist first ignoring other classes completely.
Everybody DOES want eles.
Nope warrior, guardian and mesmer are the most wanted classes in dungeons.
Go check speedclear vids, they’re all eles.
There are also speed clear videos of all the other classes, so what’s your point? Your just another deluded ele fanboy.
The ele is the straight DPS class, they hit absurdly hard but also go down very quickly.
And that is the elementalists biggest design mistake.
As for warriors? That HB number you’re so proud of? Lava Font outdamages it.
Nope once again. Hundred blades ticks HP down faster. Also elementalists problem isn’t the damage, but that the class has no survivability. You have just like the others before you completely missed the topic.
Okay so you just cherry pick things you feel you can directly argue against
You ripped my previous posts completely out of context. You have have never seen me play my characters. So what gives you the right to judge me and my skill? Here let me judge you too : “You are the typical elementalist fanboy. You are a liar, you are stubborn, you are ignorant and have no viable arguments. You are just a deluded ele fanboy who forces his views and opinions unto others.”
Against world bosses like teq, your ‘meta builds’ are actually pointless – you can’t crit against such things, so you’re wasting your two minor stats by running zerk.
I have different armor sets not just zerker, again you judge something you have no idea of. Tequatl, Jormags Claw, The Shatterer, Shadow Behemoth, Inquest Golem Mark II, Fire Elemental and the Great Jungle Wurm are the only bosses that can not be crited, these bosses are only a very small part of pve so your statement is once again totally out of context.
The ‘meta builds’ that you’re running are the dungeon meta, not open-world PvE – and if you can’t survive while in an organised group in dungeons (which is what such builds are designed for), then it’s you that’s playing badly, not the class that’s inherently flawed.
Learn to read. This is once again out of context because i’ve already stated several times that i do dungeon & fractals with this build but you don’t seem to understand that. Must be a “my brain only operates on stand by mode” issue on your part.
use pvt (or something else with any survival stats) for open world, zerg-based PvE, learn the content that meta builds are designed for, and apply them there instead of just thinking that they’ll work well in every situation.
No matter how much you stuff yourself with toughness and vitality an ele will never be as tanky as a warrior or a guardian and even with over 20k HP and over 2k toughness that ele can still go down pretty quickly. But arguing with a ele fanboy is a lost cause because your stubborn and ignorant and a part of the problem. It’s people like you that are the reason why the elementalist is so weak right now, because you deny the truth and facts.
My warrior and guardian get 1 hit out of no where as well, it’s just the nature of the content. Stop QQing and accept that you’re going to go down in content like this. If you can’t handle playing a glassy ele, reroll.
If you’re warrior and guardian go down in one hit than you, your build, your gear are bad, really BAD. Stop QQing and trying to pretend that elementalist is in a good state right now. If you can’t play ele, warrior and guardian right, then you should stop playing gw2.
Looks like this is a l2p issue everyone, nothing to see here. Either that, or troll bait. 2/10
Over 3000 hours. Done high level fractals and dungeons. L2p issue. Yeah right why don’t you get back trolling on 4chan.
If you buff ele survivability you have to reduce their damage.
Why? By that logic warriors should do the lowest damage in the game. Where is it writen as a rule that ele’s should not have good survivability and do high damage? Isn’t elementalist “jack of all trades”?! Survivability is also a trait. Which means low hp and armor is NOT jack of all trades. Warrior have good support via banners, have high hp and armor and do high damage. So warrior is jack of all trades, not elementalist. And now, bring up one good solid reason why ele’s shouldn’t get better survivability. And “because their damage would have to be reduced if” is not a valid argument.
Then they lose their biggest sell and end up being inferior engineers.
Have you ever looked at the LFG Tool? It’s warrior, guardian and mesmer only. Now if ele’s were that good wouldn’t everyone want ele’s in their groups? Why are there no “lfg cof p1 ele only” searches? if ele is that kitten good? Why do we need a guardian beside us to stay alive if ele is that good of a class?
This basically just biased fanboys trying to delude themselves and others that they are playing something that’s good in every aspect of the game. Stop lying and accept the bitter truth : “Ele NEEDS a buff”
(edited by ElexOrieN.2130)
Okay just sayin friend … after reading all the comments i think you should delete your ele already .. just sayin … im not pro but good enough to survive .
“I run zerker and i’m glassy as can be” ….
Delete my 3000 hour ele that i’ve invested so much time and gold into? Nope! I never hab problems surviving being squishy, Escape from Lion’s Arch is the first time ever that i have real problems surviving because of the aggro problem that elementalist has.
you’re too busy checking to see if anyone else is getting damaged, and not paying attention to the AoE you’re standing right in the middle of.
Etherblades and Molten Alliance are the ones that one-hit me out of nowhere and they do that without AOE. And i do pay attention to my character and my skills etc. but i also see the others around me. It’s called “paying attention” surely you heard of that before.
srsly, just get an exotic pvt set for such events, and hit as many enemies as possible
And hit like a wet noodle. Don’t you read the guides? Glassy zerker is how the elementalist is played in pve if you don’t run full DPS you’re playing the elementalist wrong. Toughness and Vitality does not kill enemies faster.
Have you ever considered you are down all the time because you are playing gulp a ‘meta’ build? Play what gives decent damage and comfortable surviability.
Play a non zerker/pve build and do almost no damage, as mentioned toughness and vitality does not make you kill mobs faster. Also non of you read my previous posts. I never had problems with running a squishy full glass build in pve before. I already did high fractals and dungeons with it without any problems. I’m not some noob who doesn’t know how to play.
I though u talking about Pvp or 1v1 or something like that .Ele is fine in Pve ,friend , running with zerg ,dodge ,heal ,bla bla ,i can survive well with my ele .My current pve build is 0/30/0/20/20 s/d ,zerg trinket and knight armor (expect head is zerk ) rune is scholar ,sigil is 5% crit and bloodlust . try to kite 1 or 2 or 3 at the same time if u full glass
Welp here come the “my ele is fine” fanboys again… -_-
Ele is a bad joke in PVE right now, unable to survive due to the combination of having low hp/armor and being a massive aggro-magnet. No other class draws that much aggro. Those mobs always go straight for the ele’s and ignore every other class. I’ve seen it happen to other ele players far too often and experienced it on my own ele. Dodges don’t help much when 7 or more veterans and/or elites are after you. Even if i use the staff and stand as far away from the mobs as possible, they go straight for the elementalists and chase them until they are dead.Are you running with 3000 armour, maybe, in an attempt to mitigate damage? A lot of foes seem to aggro on those with higher armour levels, so it’s counterintuitive to build for toughness when trying to survive aggro.
In zerg-based content like LA, though – as said above, that’s not a benchmark for viability in any way, and those foes will often 3-shot a high hp/armour warrior with protection on. It’s really not just you that’s getting downed, or getting hit by attacks – a great many of them are AoE and hit stupidly hard when upscaled.
I run zerker and i’m glassy as can be, so no i’m not tanky it can not be be my armor rating. Warriors and Guardians are being completely ignored by the trash mobs.
And that applies to other pve content as well. Tequatl’s fingers throw their poison puddles at elementalists only. The embers from the Fire Elemental world boss attack and go after elementalists only. The shadows at the Risen Priest of Grenth boss attack elementalists only. The Spider Queen and Kohler in Ascalon Catacombs also attack elementalists only ignoring every other class around. The aggro mechanic needs to focus on heavy armor classes and not on squishy elementalists. ArenaNet needs to make ele’s either tanky enough to survive or make us immune to aggro. I’m getting sick and tired of being the one who every mob/boss attacks first.
I don’t think that it’s only elementalists who’s having problems surviving in LA. Of course, you can’t L2P RNG issues. LA events are too messy for everyone to notice the red aoe circles 100%.
It’s not the AOE’s that kill me constantly, it’s for example those Etherblade veterans & elites/champions who all focus in on me and attack no one else but me and the other elementalists.
I though u talking about Pvp or 1v1 or something like that .Ele is fine in Pve ,friend , running with zerg ,dodge ,heal ,bla bla ,i can survive well with my ele .My current pve build is 0/30/0/20/20 s/d ,zerg trinket and knight armor (expect head is zerk ) rune is scholar ,sigil is 5% crit and bloodlust . try to kite 1 or 2 or 3 at the same time if u full glass
Welp here come the “my ele is fine” fanboys again… -_-
Ele is a bad joke in PVE right now, unable to survive due to the combination of having low hp/armor and being a massive aggro-magnet. No other class draws that much aggro. Those mobs always go straight for the ele’s and ignore every other class. I’ve seen it happen to other ele players far too often and experienced it on my own ele. Dodges don’t help much when 7 or more veterans and/or elites are after you. Even if i use the staff and stand as far away from the mobs as possible, they go straight for the elementalists and chase them until they are dead.
Never before has my elementalist been downed or killed so many times before.
Lion’s Arch has become a nightmare for elementalists.
Every veteran or elite one-hits me, and i also draw all the aggro while the other classes get totally ignored by the trash mobs and bosses.
This meta clearly shows more than anything ever before that the elementalist needs a massive armor & HP buff. Elementalists are simply TOO fragile to survive in Lion’s Arch right now. Those veterans and elites just hit way to hard for the elementalists low HP and armor. Every downed/dead player is an elementalist. And no, it’s not a “learn to play issue” i run the PVE meta build and i never had problems with it, even in previous hard fights my ele managed to stay alive. I already spoke to other (experienced and skilled) ele players and they have the same problems. Never before has the elementalist needed the developers help more urgent than with “Escape from Lion’s Arch”.
Pay 800 gems to look like a smurf.
Also, the light and medium armor skins should be swapped.
My client started crashing ever since the “Tequatl Rising” patch went online. Before i could play gw2 for hours and not get one single crash, now it happens randomly many times. I’ve reported this issue more times than i can count to ArenaNet and never gotten any response. The stability of the client needs to be enhanced.
I have client crashes happening at random times ever since the “Tequatl Rising” patch, before the game ran without any crashes at all.
It happens in dungeons or if i’m doing a world boss/waiting for a boss to spawn.
I have reported this issue several times to ArenaNet but never gotten any response.
Hope this will soon be fixed.
It’s useless, they are all voting for Ranger.
Who has advantages the ele doesn’t have.
1. Elementalist
2. Necromancer
3. Ranger
Ele do little to no reall damage in staff, and if you ask me a robed caster isnt supposed to be wearing duel dagger, so no…
It definatly isnt the definition of a robe MMO caster.
At this moment in time i feel elementalist is a medium damage, low armor, high cooldown ‘Boon-kitten’
You forgot aggro-magnet
1. High AE damage (if not the highest in the game) and
2. Horrible ability to survive given such high damage.
Perfect description of the elementalist.
Can hit hard but is weak in terms of self defense and basically a one hit victim.
I am not being arrogant. I am stating a fact. I am awesome.
Yeah your puny 978 account points are really awesome Wilkiler Cyrus haging around in caledon forest. [Sarcasm off] You’re a noob, kid. you don’t even know what you’re talking about.
I am awesome and that makes all the difference.
Pffft… Bwahahahahahaha!
Arrogance comes before the fall.
You’re not awesome your own delusion just tells you that.
You’re a bad joke.
No u
Ele’s are awesome
Having low hp is NOT awesome
Having low armor is NOT awesome
Having long cooldowns is NOT awesome
Being focused and killed by everything is NOT awesome
Drawing all the aggro is NOT awesome
Having useless skills and traits is NOT awesome
>I can’t play anything else but warrior, because i’m really bad at this game and overpowered noob class warrior gives me the feeling that i’m actually a good player.
Cry me river you metal diapers are overpowered in any sense of the word.
You’re just afraid that Arenanet might actually listen and nerf the warrior so that this class actually would require a skilled player.
How are the in PvE?
Overpowered overpowered and oh did i mention overpowered yet?
nothing you said made any sense and I read it. warriors are tanky because they are heavy armor warriors and they do good melee damage because they are the purest melee DPS class in the game. This is a profession that is meant to facetank and do high melee DPS because it is a warrior. Look up warrior in the dictionary and that is the definition of a warrior. There is nothing wrong with warriors they are exactly how they should be there is a bunch of problems with the other professions ranger is one of them. How about you guys accept the fact that warriors are warriors and ask ANET to fix your other classes. And stop making useless threads asking for anet to nerf warriors because your class is broken and is underpowered.
Warrior needs a big nerf, the class is way too much overpowered in PVE
Warrior needs following nerfs :
Hundred blades needs way longer cooldown and do less damage
Force warriors to use their other skills instead of just greatsword skill #1 and #2
Make zerker warriors as squishy as zerker elementalists
Make pure zerker warrior groups fail in dungeons/fractals
I’m sick of all the negativity here, so here’s something every ele can agree upon.
It is something no other class can parallel! We are the most fun class to play looks wise!
From lightning whip, meteor shower to churning earth and swirling winds, we have the most epic skills in this game.
I always thought this dude was bad as heck, and no wonder I picked ele. I basically am him!
Feel free to post pictures of your favorite skills and animations..
All those neat animations won’t help us be more viable. Our hp and armor are a bad joke, ele is the biggest aggro magnet in the game etc. etc. Cool looking animations won’t fix those issues.
I recently started playing GW2 over the last week from a break of over a year, and I do admit I was surprised when I saw that there were still no mounts in this game.
I know that some people will argue that there is no need for mounts when you can port from place to place.
But I think the developers are missing out big time, on a huge potential for profits for themselves. Great new content for the players, and overall a great new incentive that will increase the sales of the game.
I am certain that selling unique mounts for gems would be the #1 best seller in the gem store.
The ideas below are just a few off the top of my head that would make mounts fun & useful for both the player and developer.
-Pay gems to buy the rarest.
-When you ride them for a few seconds have them buff you.
-Make some of them fly. That’s right, make them fly.
-Customize your mounts with Dye, Armor, and a New craft Breeding.
-New Mount related Craftsmanship.
-End Game Achievements to earn them. (Dungeons, Raids or Crafting)
-More incentives for players to keep playing.
-Aesthetically more pleasing to the eye than just running on two legs.There are a lot more reasons for mounts to be implemented, but those were just a few.
Now hear me out on this, because I haven’t seen this next part done in an MMO before.
Breeding for Mounts
What if having two of one species of mount could unlock a Breeding craft that anyone could take up in addition to their current crafts.
Then with enough time and skill, breeders could create unique mini’s and unique colored mounts they could keep for themselves or sell to other players.
They would use dye and food crafted in cooking to influence the color of their mounts in the breeding craft. Being able to customize mounts with armor, and breeding would would add a unique feature to Guild Wars 2 that would pull in more players.
There are really so many ideas that can be implemented to a system that uses mounts.I think it’s about time for ArenaNet to consider it.
I think you should go back to playing WoW and stay there.
Not sure what everyone was expecting for the reskin but they obviously wasn’t going to make a whole new skin since people who bought the med or heavy would complain how they got reskins and light got a new one.
I also want to throw it out there that imo they choose a good skin for it. Since it has a lot of similar qualities to the Human T3 sure taste-wise not everyone will like it but that’s life.
I was so hoping for the Orr karma skin to become the new Flamekissed skin. Adding flame effects to it would’ve looked really nice, but no ArenaNet just had to make it look bad again. Anyway 800 Gems saved.
i thought they removed it because of the fact that players didnt want other races to be able to wear “THEIR” armor (that stupid logic… as if the races were enemies …. most players have chars of all races…)
Humans can’t wear Asura, Charr, Sylvari or Norn cultural armor, so why should the others races be able to wear human cultural armor?
(edited by ElexOrieN.2130)
Why do pay gold for some dungeon tokens in the first place?!
I ignore/report those “sell boss @ 1%” Thiefs on LFG tool.
So I don’t get the complaint.
The “complaint” is people wanna do these bosses on their home servers where there is actual cordination. In overflows it’s random people standing around AFK or running around like a bunch of crazy chickens causing the event to fail. Which makes me wonder why players have to choose a homeserver in the first place if they gonna end up in overflows anyway.
Im my opinion : “Overflow has got to go!”
It’s funny to see how many here come up with the “git gud” argument.
You can be the worst player with no skill at all and still complete a dungeon very easy if you know the content and are in a good/decent group. On the other hand you can be a skilled newbie and still go down and fail several times if you don’t know the content. Duneons require knowledge not skill. Many here think they are so good because their gigantic egos tell them that but the truth is you aren’t as “good” as you think you are you just know the dungeon mechanics that’s all. All those “Boss at 1%” sellers aren’t skilled they’re just Thiefs wo skip everything because of their insanely overpowered stealth. They really should add a solo mode for each dungeon where the trash mobs and bosses are easier and 4 NPC’s accompany you, that way new players can get to know the dungeon mechanics without bothering the wannabe “elite”.
This games core combat system itself is flawed. So me being able to “stack” in every possible dungeon encounter in the game is not broken? I have stacked on lupicus and killed him in less than 2 minutes just by stacking on him and rezzing someone when they drop because “everyone can heal” … … … ok
Guardian/Warriors being walking walls is not overpowered?
Ranger just sends his pet (bear) to face tank everything is not overpowered?
Thief being able to stealth basically all the time is not overpowered?
Mesmers hiding behind infinite clones is not overpowered?
Elementalist being a weak one hit victim is not a joke and a disgrace to class balancing?
The problem is not “everybody can heal” the problem is “some classes are way stronger than others”.
LFG – Zerker gear only… oh and while you’re at it, only come with a warrior, guardian or mesmer
As i stated GW2 does have a trinity, a “Warrior, Guardian and Mesmer only” trinity.
This games combat system is severely broken
Class balance is broken. All classes should be different but equal at the same time, which just isn’t the case.
What does everyone think of the new world bosses?
Bloodtide Coast Overflow
Lonar’s Pass Overflow
Also, a second worm? Seriously?!
I once put over 100g in the mystic trashcan and got nothing of value out of it. Most exotics have better skins/effects anyway and with ascended weapons having the same stats as Legendaries, there is no need for throwing tons of gold into the mystic forge for nothing.
How to make clearing dungeons more rewarding
By making other classes than warrior more viable in dungeons.
By adding dungeon backpieces.
(Basically backpieces with the same effect as the weapons/armors you can buy with dungeon tokens.)
That would make me do dungeons more often.
But as long as “Zerk warrior only 10k account points or kick” is everywhere in the LFG Tool i’ll stay out of dungeons for the most time.