Showing Posts For EndlessKnot.8365:

The Source of Orr missing title Champion of Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


Completed the story quest The Source of Orr and King Reza said you shall carry the title “Champion of Orr” but i dont have this title in the drop down list.
I’ve relogged and its still not available.
Whats going on?,yet another bug.Jesus how many bugs do we need to put up with.

BTW the Skill point at Meddlers way is bugged,no NCP on the Blacktide Server

(edited by EndlessKnot.8365)

Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


bugged for me also Beirne didn’t die,and now the mage cant be attacked,i was able to res Beirne in an attempt to get the quest working,no luck.

i knew something was wrong as i had no audio on the cut scene.

yet another bugged quest.are there any that work 100% ?

Tower Down bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


OMG bugged again second try.a mob is stuck under the remains of a tower now /sigh

ok managed to get the mob and quest completed.

lets see how the next quest goes,i have very little faith atm

(edited by EndlessKnot.8365)

Tower Down bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


After finally getting Fordging The Pack to complete after 12 tries due to it buggy the very next quest is also bugged.
i mindlessly followed Tonn around,clearing all the trash,blowing up all 3 towers and no quest advance. Have run around the zone making sure every mob is dead.
After checking youtube Tonn should have the green thing above his head and speak to me,but nothing.

will reset the zone and try again.

Does anything work in this game ?

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


SuperSonic your a star mate
followed your advice and finally i finished it.
as you said ensure any adds are clear from the 2nd group before talking to the team leader and then let Trahearne finish his dialog and then the team leader says something after,then start clearing the cave,then it will work.

i think the problem is the team follows Trahearne and he follows us but entering combat before all the talking is finished breaks the quest.

not bad,12 times to complete one quest,ArenaNet your quest scripting sucks.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


Yup not working for me either,tried 4 times in total.
Was this even tested(i use the term tested loosely lol) ? me thinks not,so much for todays patch that fixed buggy quests. sack em i say

so we getting something for beta testing your game then ? wasted time,waypoint charged etc… :P

Guild is gone... [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


Seems to be a GM issue ? non GM’s are still guilded just the leaders aren’t !

is nice to see the patches tested so diligently

Guild is gone... [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


Have the same issue,just posted about it,glad its not just me.hope they fix it fast making sure all the history is intact


After this mornings restart im no longer in my guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


WTF.yet another restart this morning, i wait – finally log back in and im no longer in my guild.
i am the only guild leader and nobody other than me was online anyhow.

can you please look in to this thanks making sure all the history etc… is intack

Thank you

Client won't patch after latest patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


I get the same error