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Fields of Ruins event still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Well THAT’s frustrating… A zerg of about 20 people actually took down these 81 level harpies, only to have the last rescuee get stuck and refuse to move. She’s still there, cowering, 2 hours later.

Ogre Wars

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


The IP is in a similar state. I think it’s been this way for a couple of days.

Did a dumb thing with my precursor recipe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Oh, whew, yes you can buy the Chests of Whatever from the legendary collections vendor once you unlock it. It’s like the 5th tab down or so. Totally missed it the first time.

Also, I think the tooltip for this recipe is incorrect. I’m pretty sure it said huntsman, weaponsmith, artificer, but it’s only usable by huntsman.

Did a dumb thing with my precursor recipe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


This morning I decided to finish up the first collections for Frenzy and Kamohoali’i Kotaki, which was actually a lot of fun. Then promptly used both recipes on my toon that is a weaponsmith and artificer. Which is fine for KK, but Frenzy needs 450 huntsman. D’oh. Am I totally screwed?

I would be fine with just starting the collection over from scratch, but you can’t do that. There literally is no other way to get another copy of this recipe as far as I can tell.

The only option I see at this point is to buy another crafting slot and level this toon up to 450 huntsman, which seems expensive and wasteful.

Silverwastes bag strategy

in Living World

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


So from the Silverwastes, I’ve probably gotten several thousands of bags over the past couple of months. I’ve sort of settled on the following strategy for dealing with them. Not sure if it’s optimal, though, and would like some second opinions.

It’s the Bags of Gear I’m not entirely sure what to do with. Generally, they give two Fine and 1 Masterwork piece of gear, at your characters level. No fine or rare crafting mats. Right now, I’m opening them on a level 55 toon and salvaging everything for linen, iron, etc. This seems to be much better than opening them on an 80 and getting nearly worthless mithril and elder wood. 50 bags gives me 6-8 g worth of mats, it seems.

Problem is, this leaves me with a toon I don’t want to play. If he levels up any more, I’ll stop getting the gear that makes this worthwhile. This gives me a disincentive to play my character. :-/

Balance between male and female.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Don’t forget Bloomanoo and Peneloopee! There’s also an unnamed newlywed couple in Ascalon Settlement that can’t stop gettin’ it on.

“I would hate to see social engineering/agenda be the motivator of any relationship in a game.”

Avoiding legitimate, interesting storylines because a romantic interest was something other than hetero (or any number of factors) is an agenda. I suspect you just don’t see it as one because it’s what you’re used to and what you expect to see.

Patch: Connection Errors Detected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


I’m having the same problem and that solution doesn’t work for me. The last couple of patches, this seemed to be a regional issue. Comcast internet in central IL here.

Start up Client stuck at 0kb /s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Log files sent.

Cant update Game :(

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Also in Champaign IL (Hi, npbrady!). Also using Comcast. Also having the same problem.

Verata's Armor Book with Sinister weapons?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


I just had my first Verata’s Armor Recipe Book drop. It seems to contain both the ascended armor recipes, but also the exotic Sinister weapon recipes. I guess I could see the ascended recipe book also containing the exotic recipe, but it’s odd that an armor book would contain the weapon recipes. My Verata’s Weapon Recipe Book also contains the exotic weapon recipes.

Epic Emotion in Lions Arc

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Crude scrawls fill the paper. “I can’t find my mommy or daddy.”


Yes, this. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a piece of debris in my eye…

Can't start A Splinter In The Flesh

in Personal Story

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Yeah, that was it. I feel like an idiot. Even though the instructions say to meet Caithe inside the Chamber, the exit is actually on the top level of the grove outside the chamber, and some distance from the entrance.

Can't start A Splinter In The Flesh

in Personal Story

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


I feel stupid for having to ask this, but I’m trying to start the Sylvari personal story instance A Splinter In The Flesh, where you go to the Omphalos Chamber in the Grove to talk to Caithe. Every time I approach the green swirly target, I get asked if I want to leave and return to the Grove, not enter the story instance. Am I missing something?


Confusing exit in ToN story instance

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: EricTheViking.2968


Just a brief bit of feedback, there is an exit back to Kessex Hills in the story instance, right after you cross the bridge and subdue the hallucinating Seargent Whatshername. I saw that appear and figured I was supposed to return to Kessex and find Marjorie. It wasn’t until I got to the camp that the dialog didn’t really make any sense and I realized I hadn’t finished the story instance. I had to go back in and start over. I just found that a bit confusing.