Showing Posts For Esperette.3784:

an observation on champion farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esperette.3784


Ok so first of all MMORPG’s are based around farming…so saying farmers ruin the game and such is just stupid. Not to mention that people who enjoy farming are already being shafted from every angle possible. Diminishing returns, thanks to all the bots. People complain about champ farming, instant nerf to champ drops. Guild wars has become the only MMORPG where farming is simply not as fun, fluid, profitable, and can’t be done for extended periods of time. Making money and getting rare items is the name of the game…..if you don’t like that you may need to find a new game genre, and if you really want someone to be mad at…lets rage at the bots who are destroying the economy and making the game less enjoyable for everyone! This is my take on it..with all this going on i really haven’t touched the game in over a week…to much complaining and griping everywhere you go. Anet cant satisfy everyone!

Also KyreneZA made the best point, fixing bugs and issues in content that is already available would be preferable for everyone and may encourage some of the farmers to stray from their daily routine. Ive had the same routine for almost 6 months and still run into the same bugs now i did when i started, so why not go farm where i wont have to deal with these issues?

so much lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esperette.3784


i tried turning the setting all the way down to see if that would fix it…didn’t help at all

I feel your pain Bam..playing a Mesmer with teleport and alot of ground targeting skills…by the time they actually activate they are no longer useful….

so much lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esperette.3784


The last couple days lag has been so horrible its not even enjoyable to play/sometimes not even possible…don’t know if its related to events, recent maintenance, or what, but Ive never experienced this in my year of playing. Hopefully this will be taken care of soon!

Immobilize should be broken by stun break

in PvP

Posted by: Esperette.3784


This is the most stupid aspect of the game…if immobilize is a condition it is the same as fear which my stun breaks work on! This needs to to be make breakable by stun break…it is still OP and all these warriors popping up in PvP and WvW is breaking the game and making it much less enjoyable! Immobilize for 5 seconds 3 hits and dead….how is this balanced in any world? Mesmer which is my main class has no effective condition removal without taking terrible trait lines..especially for me as a condition mesmer! feel as though im being punished for taking the road less traveled…..

Guardian healing bug etc.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esperette.3784


I now have been in fractals 4 times and had occasions where my guardian heals do not work. In these cases the whole team usually goes down and I lose so much money from having to repair my armor. Also in some of the maps my weapons disappear. The trading post is also bugged and has been for as long as I can remember. I have to log in and out 5-6 times per play time in order to reset the TP. Also in the fractal containing old Tom there is a glitch that causes you to instantly die when you fall, requiring repairs, this is also costly. The old tom boss itself is also bugged when charging the panels. Sometimes the fan still will not work causing the whole team to die. These are costly bugs and ruin the game experience and usually lead to rage quits by people in the party.

What's the buzz on new professions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esperette.3784


I think there should most certainly be new professions of some kind. This would be a much better alternative to raising the level cap, which many have already displayed their dislike of on the forums. New classes mean new chances to level and everyone wins. Personally I love leveling, so i think new classes would be the best way to make everyone happy. The best part is leveling characters and unlocking the unique weapon skills, slot skills, and creating new unique builds. It would be a shame if they never released new classes! I have already leveled each of the classes and found a total of 4 that i enjoy enough to keep playing…..without new classes there is no sense of exploration left for people who feel the same as i do.
Also I have heard nothing from Anet on this topic but I hope they go with this over the alternative of raising the level cap.

Level cap: if increased, what are the impacts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esperette.3784


Using the argument that you wont spend money on the game is childish and you are trying to put Anet in a tight situation and force their hand. They truly cannot satisfy everyone. For every one person saying they wont play the game or they wont spend money on the game if the level cap is increased, there is one person who will. I am also a GW1 player and i appreciate both methods of making an MMO. The best solution is add a variety of new classes! New classes mean new chances at leveling which will satisfy the people who enjoy leveling as i do, and will not bother those who don’t. It will not make us have to Grind for new gear and everyone wins. Throw in a few new maps spanning levels1-80 so leveling/map completion does not become repetitive (completing the same maps 6 times as i have done) and everyone wins.

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esperette.3784


i second the vote to move us all to one of the other options for a story quest!

The hatchery bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esperette.3784


same problem here i just tried it again after over 2 weeks of waiting…please fix this its ruining the game for me. I’m level 80 and stuck at a level 45 story mission! P.S. i don’t think it matters which order you rescue the skritt in, it wont progress the story either way…i’ve tried every order.