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Why have healers in game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Espers.7346


Don’t get me wrong. Druid sounds amazing and I love playing a full healer/support in MMOs… but GW2 is not healer friendly at all. I guess maybe in PVP? not everyone is a pvp junkie though. For basic Dungeons and explore modes if you join up as a healer you get yelled at trolled and kicked. “Bro get yo zerker gearz”

So I am curious was the druid made a pure healer for PVP? or hearth of the thorns actually have dungeons and group content (Non-PVP) where a healer is actually useful? I would love to see the game go more towards a team focus and less of a zerker focus.

PvE Wish List + outfit wish list.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


okay, firstly.. because people start trying to hijack and cry “trinity” this again is not about the trinity. my last thread got so bogged down with trinity and negativity. These are just simple wishes. Please feel free add in ideas!

1. Make Healing count for Events/World bosses. Count for your score. I mean we are helping with healing and removing conditions off others. But our reward is bronze..because we cannot dish out the big hits..

2. This one is a multi~ Druid to have a healing skill on staff and access to trident in water… and for Elementalist to get specialization that lets them access Shortbow or Longbow.

3. Queen Jennah’s dress as an outfit. or some kind of simple dress. maybe even a Yukata? or spring dress.
(The current dress is a bit odd.. if you have long hair that high collar in the back clips with just about every animation, while usually clipping is fine. that one just looks odd)

4. this one is huge to me.. the ability to use our transmutation charges to change gear to any armor skin we have unlocked. regardless of class type. Drops are personal so not like anyone will lose gear if it’s like that. Would also increase sales in the gem store for armor sets. Add more variety for roleplayers as well.

I know #1 is going to cause a lot of stir and I am sure there are going to be a ton of negative replies to it…the view I am giving on that is from a Staff using Elementalist in pure healing gear. with some condition damage. But due to the limit of conditions that can be on a boss. Makes it harder. Also some people enjoy seeing the green numbers on people, knowing we helped keep them in the fight longer. Please keep that in mind, not everyone wants to be nuke happy Dps.

Happy Hunting!

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


I actually know VERY few people in game who run full beserker gear. And when ever I do dungeons/world bosses/whatever. We never have any problem doing anything.

In any event. OP, how would you make it so content can be role friendly without making a required trinity? What would need to happen to make it so tank builds are viable, and healing builds are useful? What is it in the current system that is making it so such builds are not useful or used?

you are lucky, about everyone I know or have met are zerkers. Tankers are fine I think actually.. cause even zerker Warrior/Guardians are hard to kill. I guess it comes to healing. give it a slight boost nothing major. Just make regenerate heal more per tick. or reduce the cooldown on healing others skills.

The day I find a group who does dungeons/fractals without wanting to zerg it, is the day I find happiness in GW2. OH! and who do not flip over someone playing supporty. I might just be having bad luck with people o_o

So a buff to healing? And tanks are good where they are at? (just want to clarify)

The problem is if you buff healing, and every profession has self healing, then why would one need to rely on others to heal them? Warrior HS is already considered the best healing in the game. (IIRC it recently recieved a nerf too). All other self healing abilities would just be that much better. So instead of speccing to heal others, why not spec to deal more damage, and get more out of your self heal?

About tanks. In the current comabt mechanics, one player cannot hold aggro for a long time. (which is the original role of the tank. To hold the enemies attention, and asborb a ton of damage.) So if you are speccing to be a tank, you sacrifice your own damage potentional. Yeah you may be harder to kill, but you aren’t doing much else. You can’t focus an enemies attention. So why not spec for damage, and rely more on your own self healing and active defenses (i.e. dodging, moving out of red circles, watching boss tells, etc.) and be more useful?

Also, PvP and WvW are game modes where a tanky/healing build are the most beneficial. Especially in a zerg. PvE however, its almost useless as the combat mechanics allow you to go full damage and be able to completely avoid any and all damage taken.

I cannot seem to get into pvp or WvW as much I do want to do WvW.. when I go always seem lost and alone, then a stampede appears O_O. For healing the buff would be more for those who trait for it. Not the self heals. example give those who trait for healing a better boost to healing. As for doing a damage build, I have one on my ele.. honestly I kinda get bored of just trying to burst things down before they can do any of their skills really..I get people want fast results, that is a me thing not them, I know that. Just a bit tiring seeing that is all people want.

Tanks are godlike, the warriors and guardians I have met whom trait/gear for it.. scares me if I ever met one in pvp. With so many negative replies to the thread, I can see it’s my own fault for wanting to play a healer in PvE explore modes.

I want to ask how to approach WvW if healers are accepted there, but I think that is a different topic~

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


I can handle it trust me, I am used to forum trolls. read up. All anyone has done is try and twist what I said and post well nothing useful just trying to get a reply ^_- so think on that.

You know, for someone so high and mighty, you sure are posting a lot on a thread you weren’t going to check on in the first place. But, yes, you sure handled the responses well. Flame-baiting the community and then calling everyone trolls since you didn’t agree with their responses.

Quite classy, really.

proof right there, you are just stalking the thread waiting for something~ I don’t expect everyone to agree, but slinging insults about learning to play and such is a form of trolling. You are one of the ones who was trying to insist I want the trinity, when that is not the case. I rather not sit waiting for an hour for a tank. Now I am replying because I am bored~ don’t feel like putting on my zerk gear, and can’t find a team who will accept a support.

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


Request a moderator delete it then and stop wasting the community’s time since you opened a can of worms you couldn’t deal with.

Nothing useful . . . you get what you give.

I can handle it trust me, I am used to forum trolls. read up. All anyone has done is try and twist what I said and post well nothing useful just trying to get a reply ^_- so think on that.

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


I actually know VERY few people in game who run full beserker gear. And when ever I do dungeons/world bosses/whatever. We never have any problem doing anything.

In any event. OP, how would you make it so content can be role friendly without making a required trinity? What would need to happen to make it so tank builds are viable, and healing builds are useful? What is it in the current system that is making it so such builds are not useful or used?

you are lucky, about everyone I know or have met are zerkers. Tankers are fine I think actually.. cause even zerker Warrior/Guardians are hard to kill. I guess it comes to healing. give it a slight boost nothing major. Just make regenerate heal more per tick. or reduce the cooldown on healing others skills.

The day I find a group who does dungeons/fractals without wanting to zerg it, is the day I find happiness in GW2. OH! and who do not flip over someone playing supporty. I might just be having bad luck with people o_o

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


Now I do dungeons when I can find a team, I personally have no issue staying alive.. my issue is the randoms I go with, makes me sad watching them die and I couldn’t heal them enough to keep them in the fight…so for the people whom think I need to learn to play l2p as it’s called~ I do just fine. Just would like to be able to help others more.

Let me let you in on a little secret: you can’t cure stupid.

Certain players are going to die no matter how much you help them. It’s up to them to learn how to play their chosen class. At no point, should the success of the group depend on your ability keep them alive.

That’s not Guild Wars 2. That’s another game completely. And yes, you are asking for the trinity.

Trying to disguise what you’re asking for isn’t fooling anyone either.

actually I stated multiple times that the game is based on free form characters.. for the most part. While you say there is no cure for stupid, does it really hurt everyone if one player wants to be a healer?.. what I am reading in this post is.. stack all few second long cooldown invul abilities.. zerk through to boss. stack kill boss. wait for cooldowns. Run through. stack next boss. Kill leave… I am currently playing a zerker elementalist and honestly it’s reminding me why I quit before. Any game that focuses on spray and pray is not skill based at all..

When I join a team even a non zerg team and they see I am a support. I wanna say 50ish% of the time. someone complains that I am holding the team back making the run longer. Most of the people replying here are just trying to troll, or think I am after the trinity… when really.. I just want all trait paths to be workable.. but I guess it’s a player issue and not a game issue.

Zerg on I guess ~ I do hope someone can just delete this entire thread, nothing useful came from any of it.

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


BINGO! Err. So you want to be tanky but be able to clear content as fast as berserkers… Guessing you were the sort of person that used the game genie to get invincibility and infinite lives? And skip to the end world?

BINGO? I said above I dont care if a fight is slower, if the ability of a healer matters enough to keep people alive longer =p so.. uhm BINGO to you? I guess O____O

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


“Most barrier/self protection abilities then have long cooldowns. There is one I use on my elementalist that is a 75 second cooldown.”

Utility skills:
Mist form
arcane shield

Earth 5
air 4 (sort of, destroys projectiles)

earth 2 (can block some projectiles)

I mean and then there’s all the ones I missed. I’m not an expert but I don’t think you’ve explored your ele as much as you could have.

I play a staff user..Elementalist cannot weapon swap. now if you are going to tell me I cannot use a staff.. well then why did they even make it an option. If the case is the Staff is a horrible weapon, then the game really is not as free form as they make it seem.

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


this is not a discussion is the thing, its the “you suck” type of replies. Not every single class has a ton of CC skills. Most barrier/self protection abilities then have long cooldowns. There is one I use on my elementalist that is a 75 second cooldown.

Most the replies are based on Guardian/Warrior gameplay. I also don’t care how much mobs for hit for right now.. what I am saying is.. someone who traits/gears for healing should be able to heal for more, also give a strong enough regeneration so that when people are dodging and popping their self defense skills (on any class, not just the two plate wearing ones) they can regenerate enough to take more hits while waiting for 45-75 second cooldowns.

Now I do dungeons when I can find a team, I personally have no issue staying alive.. my issue is the randoms I go with, makes me sad watching them die and I couldn’t heal them enough to keep them in the fight…so for the people whom think I need to learn to play l2p as it’s called~ I do just fine. Just would like to be able to help others more.

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


figured I would come back and just as I expected… negative replies. Zerkers are all anyone does. when I ask in map chat for advice on a class I get the same thing…“Zerker” for end game…. I never once said enforce the role system.. to those whom felt that is what this post was about. I enjoy Guild Wars 2 for it’s build system.

I understand some of it can be confusing, what I mean by non zerg teams struggle is.. mobs hit for thousands per hit. a healer can only heal maybe 2k every 16 seconds. (going by what my water ele can do) then the rest is Regeneration which does not heal to much. I will admit, I have no issues when I get a team with a warrior or guardian whom builds some toughness.

I cannot stress it enough, this post was not to enforce the trinity, but to allow others whom wish to play non zerker roles. the chance to enjoy content also. Not everyone should be forced to be pure damage builds in order to burn down mobs before they can kill you. Also not saying make it fast, but make healing builds matter and do enough healing to last a longer battle.

Please make content role friendly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Espers.7346


So I have been playing off and on since launch. Recently came back due to friends getting it during the sale. What I am noticing is..nothing is changing..the punishes anyone who does not want to stack precision and ferocity. Looking for group is just a headache “oh not a zerker?” kick..

So any player who wishes to try a build outside of glass cannon might as well sit and do nothing? even if you do get a team of non zerkers the fights then take to long and the mobs/bosses dish out so much damage you can’t really heal anyone. can only dodge twice.. touching on that before someone posts “learn to dodge” then you have to regenerate endurance.

I will not be checking back on this post, as I know it’s going to get flamed pretty hard. I just hope in the future there might be room in teams for Tanks/Healers or just anyone who doesn’t want to zerk everything.

Druids! Skills/utilities you'd like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Espers.7346


I would love to see some healing and boon giving powers for team play. I know guild wars 2 player hate healers… everything should be zerker..(based on thats all I see people wanting in the group finder) but I love supporting others. Above a healing spring was mentioned. I would love that and perhaps a condition over time aoe bee attack. Like summoning a hive or something. Anything with flowers and I am happy too.

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


ahh thank you Saturn. Will looking all the runes and see what I can afford and what works

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


Jurica, are you sure traveler runes are still in game? I searched the market and nothing came up.

Wait! it did come up.. but they are 6g55s each. I am a broke player =p

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


Going to try Kaorul’s 6 centaur runes with mantra of recovery I just hope those runes won’t make my mantra heals super weak. Just have to get to 80 =p

and I do know support types are not needed, but that is the type I enjoy playing

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


I am talking about open world pve and keeping up in dungeons. I am with people who have speed signets, so they cannot share speed buff sadly.

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


Stormbolt you are talking about certain builds only. what about a mesmer who is going on supportive side? who does not use all the teleport skills and even so they have quite long cooldowns. Once that cooldown is done even in PVP any other class can just run along side you and chop ya to bits.

My main concern is keeping up with event trains in zones and friends for doing hearts. it’s a real nightmare and I feel bad logging in and they take off their speed signets..

another idea. add a trait in Inspiration that gives 25% move speed. and requires 4 points into Inspiration. That way it keeps it balanced since they are more of a support, so most likely will not be using much of the combat teleport abilities.

(edited by Espers.7346)

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


oh oh Kaorul that is neat! but kinda sucks it takes 6 rune slots for Mesmer to get some speed. I do hope they look into changing something, or letting the wall stack in duration as people stand on it.

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


actually Necro have speed signet and Guardians circle of speed stacks in duration if you stand on it. and can be recast while speed is still active.. our wall does not stack in duration.

Lack of Speed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Espers.7346


so I am curious.. as a mesmer I cannot keep up with any of my friends whom have a passive speed signet… Carrying a focus off hand only gives 12 secs of speed, with a 25 second cooldown. Kind off silly.

Spec into pure Chaos kind of limits what else you can do. (Choas gives + 30% boon duration) even then you cannot keep your speed buff from the wall on. Then you have to go 4 points into Inspiration for the focus cooldown.. THEN that won’t even let you keep the speed on to keep up with others.

the only way I was able to keep the speed buff on is also putting on Water runes an then plat doubloons.

Is there any chance Mesmer will ever get a speed increase signet like so many have? I mean even Eng an Warrior can spec into 25% move speed. and Guardians can just drop a circle stand in it for a few seconds and keep up a buff to move around.

Suggestion I have not really seen anyone using “Signet of Midnight” Any chance that could be changed to 25% increased speed?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, not a rant. just a question. So keep the trolling to a minimum please.